Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba’s Miraculous Experiences

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba’s Never Failing Udi: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. Hetal ji tons of thanks to you and your team. This is indeed modern Satcharitra and you are our Hemadpant. We all get such bliss and positivity, reading Baba’s miracles and our faith increases multiple times. I am 28 years female from India. I have been a regular reader of this blog, I came across many experiences about Udi curing peoples’ mental health, physical health, gadgets and what not. I always wanted Baba’s Udi from Shirdi, I did not know how to get it, because I was unable to go Shirdi personally. I am waiting for Baba’s call. I did online donations (Just a small amount, because I read from devotees experiences they got Udi through donations made to the trust). It’s seven months I am waiting for Udi. I was little disappointed thinking Baba doesn’t like me or may be I am a sinner. I also registered on a site, which promised Baba’s Udi to home, but in vain.

Somewhere I forgot about Udi, and continued my daily life. In my hometown, there is a small Baba’s Mandir, me and my friend went there, my friend asked Poojari ji to give Udi to both of us, I was happy that I got Udi. I came home and kept it in my Pooja room. I started having water by mixing pinch of Udi in it every day.I felt very positive. One day I got mouth ulcer, by third day, it increased both in size and pain. I could neither talk nor eat anything. I started applying gel, but it was short lasting, somehow the pain increased and I stopped eating. I lost 2 kgs weight in four days.

Every night I go to Pooja room, applisd Udi to my forehead before sleeping. Suddenly I remembered various devotees experiences of Udi miracles. I immediately took a pinch of Udi and applied on my mouth ulcer and prayed Baba to relieve me of this pain. Immediately the pain increased so much, I started weeping. I drank water. In two minutes pain reduced and I went to sleep. Next morning I saw that the ulcer was healing, and devotees I had no pain at all. I could talk as well as eat. That’s why I called my experience as never failing Udi. Baba increased my pain for two minutes and after that it never occurred. After five days I could eat food. I want to thank You Baba. I love You so much. I can never imagine my day without You. Keep me and everyone else very close to You Baba. Bless all of us Deva. Sorry for the long post and thank you for reading. Om Sai Ram.

Once I had to do Pooja to a banyan tree on a Sunday morning before 6 am. I stepped out with my cousin brother around 5:30 am to the banyan tree. To our surprise the tree was cut down. I could see Neem tree, Peepal tree many other trees, but not banyan tree. We both searched half the city but in vain. it was 6:30 am, we gave up because I had to do Pooja before 6 am. From that day wherever I went, I kept searching for banyan tree. Most of you might find it weird as there are so many banyan trees in our country, but really I could not trace any banyan tree, One day Baba showed me in dream a road and banyan tree. I woke up and thought where this road could be, but I was unable to get it right. Almost forty days passed, I was upset. One day I saw this road, from far and was thrilled to see the exact banyan tree. I thanked Deva.

Next Sunday me and my cousin brother started from home at 5:30 am. It was still dark, I was a bit scared, it was winter and hardly we could see people, I was also scared about the snakes and scorpions that could be present, or what if that area was unsafe, all possible negative thoughts I was getting. I prayed to my Sai, to come with me as my companion. We reached the tree, and I was surprised to see this tree was present in the police quarters. I felt so safe and that no robbers would be present here and the place was so clean, no weeds nothing. So I felt very safe with my cousin brother and my Sai Baba. I performed Pooja and returned home safely. I could hear Baba telling, why fear, when I am here. I thanked Baba. I then realised Karthik month had begun, may be that’s why Baba did not want me to do Pooja the first time, He made sure I did Pooja at the right time that is Karthik month which is very auspicious. This again proves Baba’s timing is perfect. Thank You Baba. Thanks for reading my experience. Om Sai Ram. God bless all of us.

My father’s elder brother expired, and my father was in depression as he was very much attached to him. Ten days after his demise, I was in my home seated on bed, my dad was standing, I was discussing about my job, though I was selected I was not getting appointment order, due to politics. Suddenly my dad had giddiness and fell on bed (luckily Baba saved him, if he fell on floor, he would sustain head injury). I got panicked. I rushed to get water, I did not call my mother or brother. I called out Sai Baba for help. My dad said to give him ten minutes and that he wanted to lie down but I was insisting to go to hospital. I was very scared something bad might happen. After two hours we took him to hospital, he was little okay, but doctor told few tests to be done next day, as the cause for his giddiness was not found. That night I thanked and prayed Deva that I would donate food in Sai name and to make my dad healthy. I did not sleep that night, I was afraid something might happen to him. I was under so much stress. I did not sleep that entire week and I forgot about the promise I made to Baba.

Exactly after ten days suddenly Baba reminded my promise (I remembered Satcharitra one story, when Baba reminds a boy of the forgotten Peda). I felt so guilty and apologised to God. The very next day I prepared Khichdi and distributed to people. I also started Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat for my parents’ health. I completed three weeks successfully, and I also read Lalita Sahasranamam and Vishnusahasranama. I can see positive changes in my father’s health. Though I get bad dreams about his health. I know Baba will take care of it, as I have come under His shelter. Thank You Baba for saving my father. Please bless my parents with good health. Deva please bless all the beings. Om Sai Ram. Thank you for reading my post.

Sai Reiterated His Presence In My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetal ji for maintaining this wonderful website. I am a Sai Devotee from Chennai, India. I have felt Sai’s presence numerous times in my life, but being human, sometimes in difficult times I question Him if He is really there. Sorry Sai Ram, please forgive me for this. Today I would like to share my experience here. Sai is always with His devotees, no matter how much we question.

On 28th October 2017, I had to go to the office Deputy Superintendent of Police to file a complaint. I did not know where the office was, and I also did not want to take my husband along. This problem was due to my doing, so I wanted to go by myself to file the complaint. I knew that Sai was with me and He would take me safely. After arranging the complaint letter and the proofs required, I took a local train at around 2:00 pm and once at the destination I was trying to navigate using Google maps. Here was my first experience. I took the wrong direction out of the station. As I went out and inquired for an auto, the auto man said it would cost Rs.150/. I did not feel like haggling with him, and I politely declined and walked away. He, however informed me, that I had come in the wrong direction and to go into the station and go the opposite way and take an auto. He said, it would cost only about Rs. 50/. After thanking him, I went the other way. This, I felt was Sai in his form guiding me in the right direction. Had he not directed me, it would have taken me a long time to reach my destination. Once out of the station, Google maps showed me the destination was 15 minutes away by walk. I decided to walk and not take an auto. By Baba’s grace, I reached the office by around 2:45 pm.

Since it was a Saturday, the office closed at around 1:00 pm itself. There were some staff present there. I inquired with the receptionist and she asked me to come on Monday (30/10). I requested her if she could take my complaint as I could not come on Monday since it was a working day. She said it was not in her authority to take the complaint. Then she asked to check in the next room, where there were some officers present. One kind officer (again I feel it was due to Sai’s presence), seeing my tired face, agreed to take the complaint although it was past time. He asked to fill up some additional details and hand it over to him. After I added the necessary details to the complaint, a lady officer there, spoke very rudely and was literally pushing me out since it was past time and complaint could not be taken. The kind officer, however came to my rescue and requested her to take the complaint since I had come from a distance. She then agreed. This was again Sai’s doing. This lady, then asked me to go downstairs and fill up a form and submit it to the officer there. The form was in Tamil, and I cannot read Tamil properly, I was wondering how to fill it up. Here, again Sai came to my rescue. One elderly person was filling up the same form, and he guided me in completing it. I then filled up all the details and was able to successfully submit the complaint. Thank You Sai, I was very upset, that I could not have Sai’s Darshan on my way to file the complaint, but the above experiences made me realise, He was with me throughout.

In order to thank Sai, I decided to go to the Sai temple in the evening for the Aarti! After Aarti was over, I offered the garland and lotus I had bought to Him. I was also praying in my mind to Sai, to give me some flowers before I got out of the temple. Since it was very crowded, I could not get any flowers from the Pujari there. I was a little upset. As I was finishing my round of the temple, one lady was distributing flowers collected from Sai’s Holy Feet and I too got some. I was super thrilled and happy and again Sai reiterated His presence in my life. Thank You Sai for always being there in spite of doubts in my mind. I know You know our problems and the best way to solve them as well. I place all the difficulties at Your divine feet, please be there with us always and guide us and give us strength to tide through all the difficult times in our life. Om Sai Ram.

Baba’s Presence In Every Part Of My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram Everyone. I’m a devotee of Baba since my childhood. Currently I’m working for a Software firm in Chennai. I’m desperate to get a location change due to health problems I’m facing in Chennai. In this post I’ll write about how Baba has come to take my interview and how Baba has fixed my marriage.

Baba’s presence in Interview: I’m having lot of work pressure in my current role. Apart from that I had lot of health issues which arise due to my work, climate and food over here. So I’ve decided to go for a location change and looking for opportunities. I kept attending interviews but I was not able to perform well. During that same time I’ve got a very good opportunity and interview was scheduled. Interview was at 3 ‘o’clock and it was 30 Kms away from my office. As I had lot of work that day till 2 o’clock, I was sitting in office and then without having lunch I started to interview place. I was called inside and there were two persons sitting in front of me. One was an old man with a smiling face having Udi all over his forehead and another lady with around 30 years. Both of them invited me with a heartfelt smile. I felt a sense of peace inside. The first question that man asked me was “did you have your lunch na?” I heard his voice and was about to cry as I felt it was Baba only asking me. I said no and the reason why I couldn’t. They immediately ordered to bring snacks and tea. After taking it they started the interview. As long as the interview was going on that man was smiling with his body movements same as Baba. That feel I cannot forget till now. I don’t know how the interview result would be but I will not forget that incident in my entire life.

Baba fixed a good match for me: Since 2016 May I’m facing worst situations in my life. I’m having serious health issues, all my friends betrayal, job tensions and the ultimate one is my marriage. My parents were looking for alliances since 2016. Not even 1 was good and the one that was good was not matching the horoscope. It was hell for me and my parents. And the 2017 January onwards hell of the hell completely my health was spoiled. I took 1 month of rest meanwhile our relatives brought me an alliance. We all planned to meet at a place in my native. While starting to that place we met with an accident. By Baba’s grace nothing happened to anyone. We met them and Within 1 week everything got set, guy saw me and we spoke and match got fixed. Although I know that I was not ready for marriage due to my health I still accepted. It was 1 week before engagement we got to know that the guy’s job was fake. His father was having a second family also. So it got cancelled at the last moment. My parents were badly upset on this. Things were still like the same. Finally Baba have fixed a match now in my place itself with a decent guy. He is a Baba devotee and all the qualities I liked in him. On the day we met I wore a blue colour Saree and for Baba also in my place was wearing same colour as me. I felt it as an indication from Him. Pray for my engagement that is happening this November 27th. Only this is the sole reason for a little happiness for me as my job is in danger. My health is still getting down. I’m in hell only. I have hope on Baba that one day he’ll give me back everything I lost for which people are laughing at me. Please Don’t take away my belief Baba. Love You Baba. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Helped In Form Of Old Aged Person

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Akansha from India says: Hello I’m a Sai devotee since 8 years. I’m in the Bangalore doing job in Accenture, Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you Hetal ji for creating such a platform, I am struggling in each and every phase of my life, but Sai Baba helped me in all the situation. I have experienced many Sai miracles past 8 years. My first experience I have shared on this blog before as Sai Baba came in my dreams as old aged person and told me don’t worry everything will be fine. I want to share few more experiences which shows Baba is always there with us in times of trouble.

I had many problems past 4 years, so I started doing 9 Thursday Sai Vrat and also read Sai Satcharitra daily one chapter. Slowly I felt after some days my issueswere getting resolved, every Thursday I was giving food (Rice & curry) to beggars or poor people, but one Thursday I didn’t get any beggars on road. I was very sad that may be Sai is angry on me, or I did any mistake? I was emotional, till I reached my office gate I searched for a poor person to give rice but I didn’t get and after some times I forgot. Once I reached my office gate entrance I found one old aged person standing in front of me and asking me for food, I was surprised and happy. I felt like Baba came in form of that old person and I gave rice to the person and felt peaceful, really it was a Baba’s miracle for me, love You Sai Baba.

I wanted to share my personal life experience to Sai devotees, I was very innocent, I didn’t fight much or hurt anyone. I loved and believed my mother a lot. I passed in 2008 but no job till 2011. Since 7 years in 2011, I got married ( arrange marriage) to a guy from Karnataka, but may be my bad luck and I didn’t get a good guy. I faced a very big tragedy in my life, that I never thought in my life. My Husband and mother-in- law cheated me and torchured me a lot for dowry, mental torcher, never understand & loved me, treated me worse than animals, hitting me etc. Still I stayed with patience that he will be alright and love me one day. Finally they were about to kill me, later I called my parents and told everything. My parents and relatives came to take me back to home after 2 months. After one month I went to Bangalore for job, I didn’t think about divorce as I lost my trust and was totally broken from inside and never thought of remarriage. After 4 years I applied for divorce, every month for 1 year I was going to my native in court, but my husband didn’t accept for divorce. After such pain I lost my trust on him. Later I prayed a lot to Sai Baba that my husband must give me divorce and I don’t need a single rupee from him for my maintenance. I will do job and take care of myself. Finally after 1 year I got divorce with the help of Sai Baba. Again one old aged man with white dress (dhoti) same as photo, came in court and sat beside me, but I didn’t feel or recognize him, later I felt that may be he was Baba only, and on same day my husband told me that I will give you divorce but not a single amount. I said yes that’s OK fine, and I was very happy that Baba helped me and heard my prayers so soon. Love You Sai Baba forever, now I am doing job taking care of my parents, younger brother, feeling alive, strong, happy and peaceful today because of Sai.

Miracle of Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Brother Karthik from USA says: I am an IT professional living in USA now. Everyone has a dream in their life. What to study, what to become, where to live? Even I have the same wish. When I finished my school, I thought I will pursue my degree in Computers, but it didn’t go through and I landed up in Mechanical Engineering. Even I took the mechanical engineering seriously and landed up in a good job after the course. But my dream of becoming a computer professional was still running on my mind. While on the job, I took some computer course and practicing that technology and finally after 5 years I transitioned my role to a computer professional. I was happy and continue doing my job in the computer field and few months I realized most of the computer professionals were aiming for a job in USA. Even I was thinking whether can I take the same route? Then lot of thoughts were running in the mind saying only very less experience in the field and how I am going to survive all those. Then my normal computer life continued. I travelled to many countries, experience grown, but still USA dream were coming then and there.

First time in 2007 one of my friends came forward and helped in filing the USA visa, but it didn’t go through. I was following with him for that year and next year so on. Years were rolled but no result. Then after few years I was approached by a employer on filing the USA visa, but my colleagues were cautioned me that they might cheat. So I dropped the plan too. And I continued my travel to some other country. Till this time I never worshiped Baba. But my wife was a devotee from her childhood. Once she took me to Sai temple and asked me to worship Him without any expectation. But I worshiped Him with a condition on my travel expectation to USA. It was happening for couple of months. And even that year the filing was almost about to over. On that fine morning, I was searching for a job through job portal and simply applied. But on the other day I see a response from that employer. I really didn’t think it was going to happen, but still without losing hope I sent message to one of my school friend to check the employer and other details, normally he doesn’t reply to my messages, but this time he responded and spoke to the employer and made some feasible condition. I saw some positive sign and proceeded further. On the other week the employer filed my petition. Over the other month I got the message that my petition was approved. I never believe myself. It is all Baba’s miracles. These things have taught me so many things, never lose hope, continue your prayer and today or tomorrow you will definitely get the answer. Om Sai Ram.

Baba’s Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Lakshmipriya from India says: Thanks for creating this blog. This is a very big chance for me to share my experiences through this blog. Thanks to Hetal ji. I am very happy to share my experience. I was doing my special education in a deemed University. Due to some personal reason, I had to discontinue the course. I faced lot of financial problem in my family. I couldn’t do anything. When I applied to discontinue in University they said that registrar may ask you to pay the whole course fee so you keep the amount with you. I was shocked. Then I applied and I came home. I was so upset. Then I prayed to Baba that I am not able to pay even 1 Paisa. I am not able to arrange the money, please help me Baba. 1 month, I was totally upset. I had submitted my original certificates in the University. If I paid the amount then only I would get my certificates. In my working place they started to ask my certificates for inspection, what would I do? Then after one month I went to the University to know the status of my application. They said you can get your certificates and no need to pay any amount. I did not pay any single Paisa. Baba helped me in the critical situation. Thanks Baba, thanks a lot.

Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Mere Armaan Dil Ke – Sai Maa 2
Hanuman Chalisa – The Longest Garland
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. Om sai ram. Baba I have faith in you only. My problems are in your feet now.. I know we should keep patience but at times I run out of that because of the current situation. Baba please fulfill my wish, I don't want to cry for the same things again n again. Please make it soon. And give me strength to face it and make me always pray you no matter what coz you are everything to me. Please make everything alright at his home and bless his sister. I am waiting for your miracle to happen. Bless me with his love. Bless my family with happiness n good health and heal those who are in misery and bless them with their wishes too. Please forgive me for all my misdeeds knowingly or unknowingly.Om sai ram

  2. Omsairam….thankyou so much for whatever you have given of dad and i had a very good dinner which i enjoyed very much i remembered you very much baba .. you have blessed me with loving dad and bro tc of them bless them forgive their sins…pmsairam

  3. Aum Sri Sai Ram.
    Baba please bless, protect my parents and family and shower your grace and blessings on us every second Sai. Pranams. Aum Sri Sai Ram.

  4. Om Sai Ram,
    Baba please keep my parents healthy and safe. Please keep us close under your shelter always, sai. Om sri sai ram.

  5. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  6. Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.

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