I Felt Sai Baba’s Presence In My Life

Sai Sister Mira from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Mira Nathan doing my under graduation, i have strong belief in Sai Baba, but for past one week i get to know that Sai Paa is always with me and He starting pulling me towards Him through His miracles. Here i am narrating my experience with Sai Paa. Om Sai Ram

My father is undergoing lots of financial problems in his business and i never left single day without chanting Sai Paa’s name. On April 12th 2014 night, me and my brother were watching TV in hall, as Sai Baba’s statue in our Pooja room is visible from hall, i suddenly saw Sai Paa statue turned towards left, and i asked all my family members whether they had made any adjustment in the position of the Statue and it was really surprising and i was shocked as my mum told that “just before ten minutes i saw Sai Paa statue on its usual straight position” Goosebumps aroused for all. The next day at night Sai Baba came in my dream in the form of Statue and Baba asked me to serve Him with offerings and as i went near Baba Statue His eyes was open. The very next day i planned to go to Baba temple and also it was on April 14th (Tamil new year- chithrakani) morning around 10. Me and my brother reached Baba Temple. We prayed Baba and were sitting.

Since it was Tamil new year day (chithrakani), in temple they have organised for Vilaku Pooja and for per head to participate in that it would cost some amount also, and i was not aware of that and not interested too, but to my surprise one strange lady from temple asked me to do Vilaku Pooja and i said “i don’t have Vilaku and other Pooja materials to do” and that lady replied “i will provide you everything from temple belongings” i was stunned to hear those words and i just saw Baba and smiled and asked Him ” Sai Paa it is all Your play to do this Pooja for You by me” and tears rolled out and with Sai Paa’s blessings i completed my Pooja and i strongly believe that Sai Paa is always with me and before i go to Sai Paa Temple or after coming from Sai Paa temple somehow or other i see a fakir wearing saffron colour Dhothi with big white beards and stick and begging. I consider them as Baba showing His presence to me in their form and two days before i was reading this blog and wished that if i get Sai Satcharitra book to read and told my brother about getting that book but to the height of my surprise i found Sai Satcharitra in our Pooja room and when i asked my mother about this she said that it was presented to her by my uncle couple of months back. Om Sai Ram

Many Sai Baba Miracles In My Life

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Hello. Please don’t disclose my name. Currently i am in US. I can’t imagine my life without Sai Ram. He has blessed me a Lot. There are loads of miracles in my life, but i will share the recent one. My husband and I wanted to plan for second baby after coming to US but were little confused and scared. I just prayed to Baba if You wish us to have second child, we will plan and i want baby girl. I thought i will write in a chit and picked it up in front of Baba, but i didn’t do it. The very next month I conceived and definitely it was Baba’s answer and now i wanted a baby girl as i have 1st boy who was also born by Baba’s blessing. I was so tensed and was praying for a girl. Here in US we can know the gender in the fifth month, and when i got confirmed that it’s girl, we were very happy, and since we were alone far from family nobody was there for help.

My pregnancy was normal, next is my delivery tension, nobody was coming for post delivery assistance, i was very much worried, my due date was 21, we planned for delivery on 14th November on Thursday Baba’s day, and I was reading Sai Satcharitra which I was not able to complete by 14th. I wanted to complete Sai Satcharitra by delivery date, but I could not, so I thought i will complete when i will get admitted in hospital. I got admitted in morning 7 am. l was so tensed since nobody was there except my husband. They induced the pain for normal delivery. I started reading Sai Satcharitra still 10 chapters were left. I finished it by 11.30, and by 2.15 I delivered a cute baby girl without any problem. It was such a big miracle. I didn’t have even little bit of problem. Without any family support we have took care of baby. With Baba’s grace she is healthy. Sai ram bless everybody on this earth, without You we are nothing. Please bless us the same and take care of all Your devotees, Love You a Lot. Om Sai Ram Shri Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram

Getting A Job With The Help Of My Sai Baba

Sai brother Manjunath from India says: I m a very small devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. As i promised to my Sai Baba that i will share my experience, today i got that opportunity. My Sai Maa is always with me in all my difficulties of life. After completion of my MSc i was in big problem that i wanted one good job and i applied for bank exams and Baba helped me to clear both written exam as well as interview. With this job the problems of our family have solved within few days. I also started reading Sai Satchitra and started doing Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat and doing now also. Baba i don’t have words to explain all the happiness. Recently i visited Shirdi with my dad and with one of my friend as i am selected in union bank of India. Baba please bless us all. I have full faith on my Baba that He will be always with us, if we have faith on Him. Love You Baba. Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Very nice experiences.

    O Sai, bless us so we make the people that we love laugh and be happy 🙂

    Jai Sairam


    Blessed experiences:)

    Love to ALL, I am praying for weill -being of everybody:)

    May baba Bless us all:)


  3. Upto September 1987 I used to be a non-believer, altho­ugh my parents, brothers and sisters are devoted bhaktas of Sai Baba of' Shirdi. During September 1987, Sai Baba took a hand to transform my life. We live in Secunderabad and on that day one of my friends wanted me to take him on cycle to the Sai Temple in Picket to have Sai Baba's darshan. Having arrived at the temple I let him go inside and myself remained aloof waiting for him nearly. There is an old devotee of Sai (age about 75 years.) at the temple who is affectionately known as 'Govind Baba'. Standing yonder I noticed the devotees bowing before him touching his feet. In me, an atheist, .this spectacle only aroused scorn. Seeing me, with a smile Sri Govind Baba called me to him and said "Son, why do you laugh? Within two weeks from now, a snake will bite you and also you'll have to undergo an accident, so be careful"

    I heard these words from Sri Govind Baba, only laughed at him and left the place with my friend.

    Although I had laughed off this incident, I found myself involved in a web of such circumstances that I am now forced to revise my old atheistic attitude.

    Exactly two weeks after this, one morning, my father happened to send me to the servant's quarters, which is across a spread of grassy ground from our main buildings. I went out and while walking through the grass, I was suddenly bit by a snake, which I saw was no less than a cobra. Our servant also happened to notice this and he ran into my father, calling "serpent bite I serpent bite I". My father, who is an Air Force Officer, immediately made a cut on the bitten portion, sucked out the poison and also tied my thigh with a rope very tightly. Then I was rushed to the Hospital and after proper treatment was cured.

    Not only that, I was surprised at the turn of events but my atheistic friend-circle was also intrigued because I had already told them about Sri Govind Baba's forecast on the same day.

    Some days after this, I happened to be quite contrived at a birthday party of one of my friends at a Posh Hotel. We got a bit intoxicated. The party being over, we left the place by car. .We all were quite drunk excepting the driver friend. Just as we neared the near our house, our car sudd­enly swerved to one side and in seconds we met with a sev­ere accident, with a motor cycle. All others excepting me got serious injuries on head, fractures in hands etc. I found my­self safe, wonderfully, I could not at once make out what really had happened. When the car stopped, I came out and saw my injured friends. I took the wheel and drove them all to the Hospital. Then we were given fine treatment as my father belongs to Air Force. As my friends lay in their beds, they said, "Oh, Vijay I see the force of Govind Baba's words".

  4. Yes, I too, was forced to think more seriously about the sequence of events after Sri Govind Baba's prophecies. 'There is really something extraordinary about it' I thought.

    Then I happened to go to the same Temple. But now I did not want to go to Govinda Baba directly. I just went to the statue of Sai Baba and bowed before the idol. I was trying to hide myself from Govind Baba, out of a feeling of shame But the wonderful Govind Baba noticed me and called me to him. Involuntarily my hands rose in Namaskar. Govind Baba asked me, 'So saved. Aren't you? Saved two times I 'By this old man (Sai Baba)' I was speechless with wonder. How would Govind Baba know what had happened with me? '-Nobody, not even I had told him I Then Govind Baba said, 'Proceed to Shirdi".

    I could not but comply with this command and visited Shirdi on 4-11-87. I hope and pray that I shall be given fur­ther guidance by Sai Baba. I believe Baba wants to confirm our family faith in Him since my parents are His old devotees.




    DECEMBER 1987

  5. 1devotee i also got same experience..baba picture turned left to straight in my pooja room..om sai ram 🙂

  6. Om sai Ram
    heart – touching experiences.
    Can anybody give a solution for this?
    I have done sai nav guruvar vrat and i would like to continue this on all Thursdays without being specific about the no. of Thursdays. I also would be doing charity every now and then. But distributing the vrat katha book is not possible as i am staying abroad and my friends circle is very limited. Is there anyone who takes guruvar vrat like this? Pls let me know

    • hello
      I am baba's devotee and I m also doing nav guruvar vrat. and m also staying in abroad so same situation like you that I m unable to distribute books and serve food to needy people. but like you I am donating stuff now and then by baba's grace. and my family lives in india so everytime at the end of the nav guruvar vrat my mother or my sister in law distribute books on behalf of me overthere in temple and also donate some money to temple authorities to use it in any free food distribution programme .so If anybody can do that behalf of you that will be good or not then I believe one thing that baba just want our faith in him and as we are his children he want from us to do some good things like donating and instead of distribute books you can do is spread his leela or stories to anybody in your circle. and baba is watching us everytime so he will manage everything for you. Thanks

    • i think its better to perform for 9 weeks and then start the next vrat from 1st.it is not necessary to donate books.just donate food to atlest 9 poor.thats enough

    • Sai Maa Ki Jai, even i use to do sai vrath i was told by one of my sai devotees who is having sai temple in there house premises that we need not distribute books because many people are not using it in proper way and they are throwing the books in the premisses hence she told us to do anadanam to the needy people. with our baba's blessings we will have eternal life. Jai Sai Ram

  7. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  8. Third devotee, you are very lucky. I also wrote exams a few times and asked baba to help me to clear them. I even tried keeping baba's key chain while writing exam so that he would bless me to pass. But he didn't bless me. In fact, I feel far away from baba now. I am not in a situation to pray him like I did before. I feel I don't worth baba's love and care. Baba is the only one who can make me happy in this world, and he has chosen not to do that. Till now you didn't give me what I want most in my life baba. If you don't llike me, why you gave birth to me? Please take away this life. You may see me crying and sit simply with a smile doing noting. But I can't see my family struggle. If you don't bless me, at least take away my life. I lost hope in you.

    īśānaḥ prāṇadaḥ prāṇō jyeṣṭhaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ prajāpatiḥ |
    hiraṇyagarbhō bhūgarbhō mādhavō madhusūdanaḥ || 8 ||
    64. Īśānaḥ: He who controls and regulates everything.
    65. Prāṇadaḥ: One who bestows or activates the Prana, the vital
    66. Prāṇaḥ: The Supreme Being.
    67. Jyeṣṭhaḥ: The eldest of all; for there is nothing before Him.
    68. Śreṣṭhaḥ: One deserving the highest praise.
    69. Prajāpatiḥ: The master of all living beings, because He is
    70. Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ: One who is Atman of even Brahma the
    71. Bhūgarbhaḥ: One who has got the world within Himself.
    72. Mādhavaḥ: The Consort of Ma or Mahalakshmi or one who is
    fit to be known through Madhu-Vidya.
    73. Madhusūdanaḥ: The destroyer of the demon Madhu.

  10. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    *****Meals in the Muth of Jangam*****
    In Barsi town, Solapur District, Maharashtra, there is a Muth called Jangam
    Muth, which belongs to the Lingayat community. Mallikarjun Jangam who belonged to
    the Muth was a great devotee of Sri Swamiji. One year, during the month of Shravan 236
    he arranged for Mahabhojan – Mahaprasad237. At that time, Sri Swamiji had been put up
    in King Maloji Raje’s palace .Sri Swamiji did not take food for seven days in the palace.
    When asked, he said “I am very happy by taking food with Mallikarjun Jangam in the
    Jangam Muth in Barsi”.
    To investigate the truth, Maloji Raje deputed a horse rider to Barsi. Jangam
    asserted, “Sri Swamiji was taking food along with us for seven days”. Thus, it was
    proved that Sri Swamiji was taking food in Barsi while residing in Akkalkot!
    In this way, Sri Swamiji would dispel incurable physical diseases and poverty of
    the poor and afflicted people by his natural compassion. He would favour distressed
    people with children by liberating them from their ill fate. He would also grant them
    fresh life by stopping their death. He would fill their lives with happiness and invoke
    their implicit faith in religion.
    However, he would severely condemn immoral-adultery. Not only that, person
    with such behaviour, were being exposed, disgraced and punished, so that such a
    person after getting a severe shock would follow a path of virtue. This was the primary
    aim of Sri Swamiji. The purity of one’s behaviour is the first step of religion and Divine
    Truth. He would perform miraculous works to diversify the attention of people from
    worldly entanglement and attract them towards virtuous conduct and devoutness. The
    primary aim of his incarnation was only for the welfare of the people. He had incarnated
    himself, as God, on earth, to invoke good religious practice and uplift souls of the

  11. हे दीन दयालु साईं,
    कृपा मुझपे भी कर दो,
    मेरी झोली में बस बाबा तुम,
    श्रद्धा सबुरी भर दो,
    श्रद्धा सबुरी जो मुझे मिल जाएगी,
    तो हर चीज़ मिल जाएगी,
    श्रद्धा हमेशा बरसेगी बाबा,
    सबुरी में जिंदगी बीत जाएगी !!
    बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय

  12. Om sai ram.prayers will be taken to shibpur. I am leaving on sep 2, 2014. You may send your prayer requests to pinkie.indian@gmail.com with the subject shibpur, so that i dont miss out. Pls do not reply here, as i might miss out

  13. i loved 1st experience that devotee is very lucky to see baba opened his eyes in statue. i want dream darshan. i want to see him in dream/ i am unluckly sai did not gave darshan to me.that is my badluck i feel happy when i read miracels of sai om sai ram om sai ram om sai maa

  14. wonder of wonders…….i have to give my written bank exam this coming sunday and planning to do nav guru vrat for it..i thought if there is any experience relating to job then i will take it as baba words telling me that i will pass this exam and get job.to my urprise last experience sets me exactly..thanks your support baba..all the experiences are very nice 🙂

  15. Hi all SAI Devotees. I am a SAI Devotee only for the past two years. Initially i was not a regular or serious one. But after sometime SAI made me a serious devotee after a series of good and bad experiences in life.
    SAI has always been with me during the crucial times and has always guided me in the right path. There have been vast changes in myself after SAI’S blessings. Before, i used to be very rude towards my parents. I changed this behaviour with SAI’S grace. HE has always saved me from the worst situations both in job and life, for which iam very grateful to HIM.
    They are real miracles. HE has the best path for us, and has so much mercy and care for us, which i have experienced many times.
    Please read SAI SATCHARITRA to experience a change, which not only solves our problems, but we will experience a spiritual and emotional transition.

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