Sai Blessed Us With “Unbelievable Miracles”

Anonymous Devotee says: Hi Hetal, I am calling you as Hetal as you are younger to me. Baba is always with you and your team for your divine service. Really it is helping and giving more strength to our Sai Maa devotee’s when they are in tough times. Please keep me Anonymous and do not reveal my name and email id. You can edit if you find anything wrong. Sorry for the lengthy post. This is my second experience I am writing (No, Baba is helping me to write). Sorry Baba I am writing late. Our family is totally dependent on Baba. Our day never complete without chanting Sai Maa name and our day start and end with watching Shirdi Live Darshan. We have experienced numerous miracles of Baba, but here I am writing two major blessings of Him.

Experience1: Baba called me and my husband to Shirdi in 2013 for the second time. We live abroad and we feel blessed to be called twice by Baba. Everything went nice. We attended Kakad Aarti on our favourite day i.e. Thursday but disappointed a bit, as there was a huge crowd and hardly we got space to stand in a corner of hall. We were thinking in our mind “How people are lucky in standing right in front of Baba and watching Aarti”. We had Darshan and came out. We booked the Noon Aarti for next day and followed the queue. Here “Miracle started”. The moment I reached front of ladies queue, there was plenty of water on the floor. When my turn came one security lady told me to wait at the 1st queue itself and diverted other people behind me to different lines. Within 5 minutes they cleared the water and opened the queue, so I was moved right in front of Baba, where trustees usually stand. Imagine my joy which had no bounds. I attended Aarti with full of joy and tears in my eyes. Baba listens to our wishes very small too big and fulfils them. While we were going to watch Palki that evening, one old person came to me asked “Do roti aur curry khiladho” (Feed me with 2 roti and curry). I was speechless and walked into a food stall beside us and ordered food as per his wish. My husband also came asked him whether he needs anything to drink or more to eat. He said No, I want only 2 roti and curry. We paid and came out with happy feeling. He was none other than Baba. That night we were blessed to watch the Palki Seva for the 1st time.

Experience 2: We were planning to migrate to Australia. Whole process went smoothly with Sai Maa grace. My husband got his visa and mine was in process and they told that it will be done in same week. We booked our tickets, but still my visa was not approved till the day of travel. We were tensed and do not know what to do. We thought my husband will proceed and i can join later. Our flight scheduled in night but no news till 4 PM. By chanting Baba’s name we packed partially. My husband contacted the Australian High Commission and was on phone line since 4PM and talked to Visa officers and finally they approved my visa by 5PM by Baba’s grace and sent the confirmation email. We quickly packed the rest of luggage (this is final packing to move from one country to Australia permanently) and proceeded to Airport by 9PM. What do you call this? All our friends wondered how it was possible. Is it not the Baba Miracle? Without Baba’s grace how could we get that visa at 11th hour? Our family is eagerly waiting for Baba to fulfil 2 very important things. Baba will make me write again with good news. Sai Maa, please be with us always and make Your children confident that You are around them and protecting forever and ever. As we all know that all we need to have Faith and Patience and just surrender to Him. Thanks to all readers so much for reading this lengthy post. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Sai Ram

Sai’s Blessings Cured My Daughter

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks for creating the great form to share the experiences with all the Sai’s devotees. Please don’t share my name and mail id. Jai Sai Ram to all the believer of Sai Baba. I would like to share very recent experience of mine. On the 2014 new year night, my 5 year 6 months old daughter started complaining stomach pain/omitting etc, we have given required medicine and it was stopped for the time being but again started after few hours and we took the advice with specialised doctors and accordingly medication started with the antibiotics from the day 1 due to the nature of infection I suppose. Normally body started responding positively after 2 days in case of severe infections in the stomach but my daughter was not in relief at all and she was getting the pain despite of giving all the medicines e.g. medicine for omitting, stomach pain, anti acid generation, antibiotic, Crocin for fever and one more for 3.5 days. Me and my wife really got worried since she was having continuous pain for 3-4 days and she also started asking questions “Papa Guru (her brother) tho theek hai main kab theek hongi(Papa, Guru is fine, when i will be fine)” and I was like what happened Sai to my daughter but anyway I thought let’s wait and watch.

On the 4th day she was bit ok and we were bit relaxed but she started again complaining pain after few hours in the night, this time I could not stopped my tears and I prayed to Baba from bottom of my heart please help her I can’t see her suffering from this severe pain in spite of consulting with doctor multiple times and you won’t believe this time I gave the Udi mixing with water and within few minutes she was in good sleep and she felt alright in the morning as well. Great Thanks to my Sai Baba, so pray with bottom of your heart and I am sure you will be out of every trouble in your life.

Sai Deva Is There Now And Always

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank you, Hetal Ji and all the crew members for maintaining such a devotional and divine blog. Reading this blog makes my day. Everyday new experiences of devotee’s make me to think that Baba is there with all of us in different forms and He will definitely be there to hold our hands, at times of distress. I would like to share one such experience of mine here. Kindly keep my name and mail id anonymous. My day starts by taking Baba’s name and ends likewise. This is my second experience. At times, Baba had not responded to my prayers, but I do feel that it was because, He felt something better need to be there for me. I bow before You with all my humbleness Deva.

Coming to my experience, it’s regarding getting fee concession for my son from the management of the school where I have been working for the last 3 years. Actually my son was studying in a different school, and this year we planned to shift my son to the school where I am working. It’s a practice of the management to give fee concession to all the staff children every year. But as my Son was getting shifted from a different school to my school, I was not knowing whether he will be considered for the above said concession or not. Though I had given my representation for fee concession, my papers were not getting signed from the concerned authorities. I was worried as the last date for paying the fee for new admissions was fast approaching. I kept on reminding the office staff for getting my papers signed but all my remainders went in vain. Finally, the last day for paying the fee arrived and I was not having any hope of getting my papers signed. I was a bit dejected, thinking that Baba did not listen to my prayers. While going for paying the fees also I kept thinking and questioning Baba as to why He did not listen to me? When I reached the counter for paying the fees and told my son’s name and the class he is sorting admission for, the lady at the counter, immediately said “ as he is a staff child, the fees need not be paid now”. She also added that the management had not yet decided about the percentage of fee concession which needs to be given to the staff children for that year. I was so happy to hear and relieved. I was also equally relaxed knowing that they had made a note of my son being a staff child and his concession is under consideration.

For a moment I felt as if Baba was not there for me, but the every next moment He was there. I felt sorry that I questioned about His existence for a moment. Sorry Deva for it. I thanked Him million times and more for this wonderful Leela. Baba, You know how important You are in my life; I owe everything to You Deva. Please take care of all Your devotees and bless them. Make my faith stronger and stronger and call me to Shirdi soon. Help me to overcome my anxieties Deva. Thank You Deva for Your shelter.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Hi Dear devotees, Today I am here to post my experience as promised to Sai Maa. First of all thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog with all faith boosting experiences.

    Omsai Ram!! Baba blessed my Grandpa with life.My grandpa,82 is very active,healthy and responsible person.We love him so much.In last few months, everything changed.Due to some reasons, he had to undergo a minor surgery and side effects of that surgery unfortunately ledhim to coma and also doctors have to ventillator as his lungs were functioning minimally.We all went to depression and tears rolled down everyday with the fear of losing him.All the family members started their prayers and i prayed Baba, please give him life.Please open his eyes and give him strength to breath by himself.Baba,listened my prayers… slowly doctors could remove ventillator and my grandpa regained consciuosness.Discharged from hospoital and now speaking to people.But still he has to move by himself and be active like beofre.I believe and pray Sai Maa, please give my Grandpa more energy to be able to do all activities by himself.

    Om sai ram !!

  2. Good experiences all.

    O Sai, our hearts and mind yearn to get a glimpse of You, in a waking state or a sleeping state. Bless us ever so kindly O Sadguru and fulfil our wishes like You always do 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  3. Om Sai Ram. My family staying away from me due to job. Please bless my son and my wife to cure as they are not feeling well often. Also me too not with them to take to hospital. Sai Deva Please bless me to stay together with them soon with good job. Anantha kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

  4. Baba's Grace on Me

    By Gayathri S. Bellur

    Humility – Baba's Omnipresence

    On one occasion when Hemad Pant (Anna Saheb Dabolkar) came to him, there was in the fold of his coat some channa, that is, fried grains, and it fell from his coat; and people were joking at him. That was a day of fair at Shirdi, and Dabolkar had perhaps been to the fair. Baba wanting to have a joke at him, said, "Oh! This channa shows that he is in the habit of eating things all by himself without sharing it with others." Dabolkar was much upset and he protested that he had no such habit. But how the channa got into his dress, he could not explain. Then Baba made further use of the occasion and told him, ‘when you eat, do you give things to me? Am I not always by your side’, thus impressing on him a very valuable lesson that Baba was present everywhere and that they should first offer their food to him as their Gurudeva, before taking their food. This is a sacred lesson and this teaching is divine. But it came out of Baba's humor and fun poked at Anna Saheb Dabolkar.

    Sri Sai Baba is everywhere present

    This incident occurred some years ago during my stay in Bandra West in Mumbai. I had gone on a vacation to my cousin's place at East Muland. One day, my cousins wanted to go to Muland West for shopping and insisted that we cross the railway track, as it is of a short distance. Somehow I was against it and suggested that we take the over bridge. They laughed at me and finally we decided to cross the railway line.

    As we were crossing the railway track, my right ankle was caught between the fish plates and the Guard, being unaware, was tightening the lever. A train was about to leave from the same track. I did not lose my presence of mind and started praying to Sai Baba for relief. I knew He would certainly save me.

  5. ust then a crowd collected and one of them ran to the Guard who was at a distance to inform him what has happened. The Guard loosened the lever and my right ankle was freed.

    When we returned home the right foot had developed a big swelling. I could only limp and the pain was terrible. My cousin's parents were shocked. They wanted to take me to an Orthopedic Surgeon then and there. I consoled them by saying that Sai Baba takes care of me and 'Udhi' alone would bring down the swelling.

    I budged to their insistence on going to a Doctor. An X-ray was taken. The Doctor said that there was no fracture and it was only a contusion. I became all right in a couple of days time.

    I think of that incident and gratefully bow to Sai Baba for saving me from a ghastly accident. Otherwise, I would not be standing on my two feet today. When I sleep, O Lord Sainath, close my eyes with your blessed hands, and let me dream of Thy vision-Thy vision alone. When I live, let me walk in Thy image. When I die, let my last words be: "O Lord, how grateful I am for your gifts."

    Let me close this with a poem;

    "When the great External Auditor my book of life receives, And He checks the daily entries, that are written on the leaves; May He find the accounts in order and no need for fear or shame, But a credit carried forward to the glory of His name."

    Lord Sainath – I owe you an irreparable debt of gratitude.

    While performing the Japa, the Sadhana should dwell on the meaning of these Divine Names, and should believe that the all pervading divinity has appeared before him in the form of the Name. This gives ineffable joy and peace of mind. Or else the Sadhana should keep his mind fixed on the Divine Form of the Lord-His Ishta Deva.

  6. Om Sai Ram ..Baba i am 36 now ..inspite of highly qualified and good looking with a good family background i am getting rejected.every allaince rejects me without any proper reason.Thank you deva yesterday got one more rejection.even career is you have to show me the path which way to go.cant become a burden of family and brother anymore.i wont suicide coz life is beautiful and i want to live like others,just show me the right track where and which way to go and what to do.not asking u wealth or health just a small job not even marriage now.pls baba show me the way.

  7. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Please forgive me baba for all my mistakes.

    sarvaḥ śarvaḥ śivaḥ sthāṇurbhūtādirnidhiravyayaḥ |
    saṁbhavō bhāvanō bhartā prabhavaḥ prabhurīśvaraḥ || 4 ||
    25. Sarvaḥ: The omniscient source of all existence.
    26. Śarvaḥ: Destroyer.
    27. Śivaḥ: One pure.
    28. Sthāṇur: One who is steady, immovable and changeless.
    29. Bhūtādiḥ: Source of all elements or existing things.
    30. Nidhir-avyayaḥ: The changeless and indestructible Being in
    whom the whole universe becomes merged and remains in
    seminal condition at the time of Pralaya or cosmic dissolution.
    31. Sambhavaḥ: One born out of His own will as incarnation.
    32. Bhāvanaḥ: One who generates the fruits or Karmas of all Jivas
    for them to enjoy.
    33. Bhartā: One who supports the universe as its substratum.
    34. Prabhavaḥ: One from whom all the great elements have their
    birth. Or one who has exalted births as incarnations.
    35. Prabhuḥ: One who is an adept in all rites.
    36. Iśvaraḥ: One who has unlimited lordliness or power over all

    • Dear devotee, i just want to thank you for sharing this Vishnu Sahasranam everyday. I read it and say it and gives me immense peace. I know Baba is the one showing me this, but he is also the one getting you to put it up here to help troubled souls like me. May Baba 's blessings be with you always and all the other fellow devotees .

      Om Sai Ram .

    • dear sis/bro thanks for your wishes 🙂 i started reciting vishnu sahastrnam and felt peace of mind.i thought it may help others to get relief from their problems and started posting here.I felt its enough for me if atleast one gets happiness from i feel iam sucessful in doing this work…thanks for ur comments it really boosts me

  9. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    Bambgardsaheb had reared a she-monkey and named her Sundari. She started
    pouncing upon people and biting them. Twice she even pounced upon Bambgard saheb,
    so he gave orders to shoot her. This word reached Sri Swamiji. He asked his attendant
    to bring the she-monkey to him. Attendant Bhujanga left to carry out his task. He spoke
    to Sundari, the she-monkey, “Sri Swamiji has sent me to bring you, so you come now”.
    Hearing this Sundari started to follow Bhujanga, just like a tamed dog. After reaching
    there, she started to roll at the lotus feet of Sri Swamiji. Then Sri Swamiji spoke to her,
    “Oh! You, do you move about in a naughty manner? From now onwards, do not bite
    anyone. If you bite, I shall lash you”.
    From then onwards, the sundari’s nature underwent transformation. It stopped
    biting people. She would sit on the tree under which Sri Swamiji would take a seat, and
    remain engrossed in observing Sri Swamiji continuously.

    On the outskirts of Akkalkot there is a temple of Lord Rama. One day while on
    his stroll Sri Swamiji came to the temple. It was 7:00 AM in the morning. A sparrow
    was continuously twittering on the neem tree nearby. Sri Swamiji would normally visit a
    nearby village. One day, he spoke to the sparrow, “I will be going to a nearby village
    and return. Till my return, remain here on the tree. Do not move away from here”. So
    saying, Sri Swamiji went away. When he returned at 12:00 AM, he found the sparrow
    sitting silently on the same neem tree. Sri Swamiji spoke to the sparrow “You might be
    feeling hungry. Now you go”. Hearing these words, the sparrow flew away. This was the
    power of Sri Swamiji.

  10. Sai Baba Thank you for the miracles . I bowe down to your lotus feet and pray with devotion and Faith for your support and guidance

  11. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

  12. Dear SaiGanesh,
    Kindly bless me with you divine presence. You know that I am hated by most of the relatives. In fact because of black magic, my parents also talked bad things about me when I was not around and kept monitoring me through these evil persons as to what I did at work. This had been going on for more than 15 years. Only before my mother died, she told me,"You are a nice person. But our relatives told me so many bad things about you". But it was too late. Now my marriage is also a failure. Kindly show your affection on me.

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