Sharing few more experiences.

Request Baba’s Miracle

Anonymous Devotee from India says:

Dear Hetal Ji, Thanks for this wonderful blog. You are doing a great service, to all of us by consolidating all the experiences of various devotees. This will be my first experience in the blog. I am from India. Please do not disclose my name and email id. This blog has brought me a hope for my biggest agony of life. I really wanted to write my experiences only after my wishes are fulfilled in my life. But I am writing this because I need blessings, good wishes and support from other devotees. If possible can you post this immediately?

I am a software working professional. There have been lots of up and downs in my life. And today I am alive and living my life in this world is because of Sai Baba’s grace only. Before many years, I was parted from my family for uncertain reasons. I came to Pune with my friends and met a guy. We both liked each other. Before I could go ahead with the relationship, I conveyed all the facts about my life to the guy for which he was okay as he wanted to get married to me. First two years everything was fine, with few hurdles. Later I had to move to another city for job (As I am the only one, had to take up Opportunity for my daily bread). He is usually very flirty and gets along with many girls. Hence I thought everything is over. But though he had so many girls around him, he couldn’t stay far away from me and missed me a lot. When he conveyed these feelings, I conveyed the same about my feelings and informed him how his behaviour leads me to think negatively. We met and came to a conclusion to inform/ convince his parents and get married. He was scared to go ahead and inform them, because I didn’t want to let go off this relationship for his fears. Hence he met with his parents and informed them. As usual they were very reluctant as I am from a different caste all together. They denied because of caste issues. It’s been 6 years now and in between we have had too many fights and broken up couple of times, for trust issues with him and sometimes because we couldn’t move further in this situation.

He doesn’t want me to go away from him and he doesn’t even try to convince his parents and indeed wants me to runaway and get married. I have no intentions to run away and get married. Hence I don’t know how and what to do. When I do Sai Naam Japa , Baba makes me closer to him. When I ask question and answers, Baba strangely gives answers in favour of this relationship. Then Why Baba is not giving him that strength to convince his parents to accept our marriage. I need a family along with the guy, whom I love because I haven’t had that family love for so many years. Please Baba please show some karuna on me and get me married to the guy I love. Baba, children’s happiness is the most important thing for any parent in this world, so please shower Your blessings on me. Baba please. I request you all to please pray for me.

Sai Baba Has Been With Us

Sai Sister Shilpa Ji from India says:

Sai Ram Hetal Ji. Firstly you are doing such a wonderful job. Thank you for running such a wonderful website. I eagerly wait for Sai Experience everyday as it brings a lot of confidence in me whenever I am feeling very low and depressed. My name is Shilpa and I am from Bangalore. (Please disclose only my name). My Husband and me are going through a very tuff time and need Baba’s blessings and all your prayers.

Baba has helped us in a lot of situations and given us immediate solace. One such experience which I cannot forget is here. We had been to Maldives last year (our first family vacation). 3 days into our vacation, our 5 year old son had high fever in the middle of the night and we were so scared as I knew that his temperature was abnormally high and we had not carried any medication for him. Since it is an island and we had to manage with the immediate medications available at 2 am from the hotels first aid room, we were left with no option. 2 Hours after the medication was given, still the temperature was not reducing. I immediately took out a Baba’s photo from my wallet and placed it on my son’s forehead and put it under his pillow and prayed to Baba to help us and see to it our sons temperature comes down. Soon after this as I kept checking my son’s temperature through the night I could feel his temperature reducing and my happiness knew no bounds. We decided to cut short our vacation and leave the next day, so as to not take chances. But next day morning, our son refused to the idea of leaving early. We did not want to displease him and just prayed he will be fine. As it turned out, though he was week for the next two days, but his temperature was normal. Thanks to Baba.

One other experience, which happened last week was I forgot to set the usual alarm for next day morning 5:30 am as it was a working day. I was having a sound sleep and was awakened by a dog continuously barking, which has never happened earlier. Annoyed I saw the time and it was 5:40am. Shocked, I checked why the alarm didn’t go off. Realising, I had not set the alarm last night I thanked Baba for waking me up.
Like this Baba has been with us and helped us in a lot of situations. Baba has been with us throughout our tuff times and it is only because of HIS blessings and strength that we have been able to survive all these days though life has been very difficult for the past 3-4 months. We pray to Baba to help us come out of this situation as soon as possible and help us get rid of our bad karma. Request you all to pray for us. Hetal Ji, please feel free to edit wherever required and publish it only if you feel it.

Please attach the picture of Baba as it is my favourite picture. Thanks again Hetal Ji for this wonderful service you are rendering. Om Sri Sai Ram.

Unexpected Miracle

Anonymous Devotee from India says:

After reading some the blogs written by different devotees of BABA, I also thought to share my experience with everybody. I had been to Shirdi in the year October 2011. Our train timing was scheduled at 12:15 am on 10th, but unfortunately my uncle thought it was on 11th and we missed our train. As you all know during October, it is very difficult to get your tickets confirmed. My aunt just prayed Sai Baba and an unexpected miracle happened. Our all the tickets got confirmed and it was very great to see that the same tickets, which we booked the day before the seats were just the same and there was no change. I really wonder even today how this is possible. BABA I trust you. OM SAI RAM.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Sai Baba will bless every child in need… like the one who has written the first experience even I am waiting for mine to be published.. and even I am waiting for my love to come and marry me… please Sai babaji hum logo ki sun lo and make life easy and meaningful for us. without you I can'tdo anything.. please Sai do something right now.. I am begging you baba please apni beti par apna varad hasth rakho and muje and meri family ko bless karo… Om Sai Ram!!

    • Sai baba even am in the same boat for so long baba and u know how beautiful our relation was and where it has gone. I feel so hurt to see the state though i know we both still have feelings for each other deep within our hearts but all the mess created by him and his distractions are sumthing which are hurting me the most. please baba make him the honest committed and loving person that he was before please bridge all the gaps between us and once again reunite us like never before baba…plz baba hum dono ke beech mein please kisiko mat aane dena baba.u know we were married baba then y are u makin us go thru this pain. please for once make him strong and get over the fears u know what that fear is baba please make him man enough to take responsibility and bring some stability in our life.

  2. Omsairam ,Please bless me as you showed/ indicated me in shiridi. I have been crying you daily to fulfill my wish. You are the only savior to me, I do not know whom to pray what to do except chanting your name praying you..Please Sairam you are the only hope for me and my family. How can I live without you in my life baba…Please bless me and fulfill my wish baba…

  3. For the first devotee: Ur intentions are pure I mean not to hurt any one and not to marry by running away.U r on the right track. But in this situation the one person who is hurted the most is urself. Dont blame anyone just time is not right for u and ur boyfriend. But just make sure is he really serious about the relationship or not. I know it will hurt u but my intention was not to hurt anyone. And remeber one thing if he leaving u just bcoz of ur caste then he dont deserve ur love. What ever decision u guys take take it sensilbly and try avoiding running away and getting married. Bcoz it will make u guys together but for parents it will be great shock and u guys will not get blessings. remember dont hurt ur parents as well as his parents. I will surely pray for u and if u still want to say something u can reply to this msg if u want. Sai Baba will do what is best for you. Om Sai Ram.

  4. My Dear Baba

    I really do not have WORDS to Thank you For being in my life & Have Nothing which I can offer at your lovely feet.

    My dear Baba, I Love you.

  5. Jai Sai Ram,

    My Prayers and good wishes to above devotees on their experiences.

    Response to 3rd post- Nothing is impossible to Sai. Baba is beyond time and space. Baba himself said to Shri Dabholkar, he lived before 10 lakh years. so what is difficult for Mahavishnu??

    Jai Sainath!!

    Servant of Baba
    allah mallik

  6. may sai bless the person in first experince and may she get her love back. Even i need all of your prayers, as even i m going through sum wat same situation.
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram..

  7. wonder full experiences trust on baba can make possible every thing.
    first experience don't worry baba helps you. your intention are pure.
    and i don't have idea what happens with you and your own family but if possible and you feel right try to talk your family too. because sometimes things gone wrong in a surge of annoy and others matters but by time passing only regret and love left in relationships. and specially parents love their kids more than kids realize it. baba helps you.

  8. Om Sai Jai Sai. Our sai Deva is merciful mother so do not worry he will definitely smooth the path and will take us out from difficult situation on rite time. Just have shraddha n saburi. Thank you Saiji for everything.baba please always bless us all and increase our shraddha n saburi by each passing day.

  9. OM SAI RAM Baba pls meri madat karo baba.. meri office ke problems ke baare main aap toh sab jante ho baba pls meri madat kijiye baba ji. Woh project hume nahi milna chaliye kyouki aap toh jante ho ke uske sath bahut sari problems attached hai pls pls pls help baba. Apni daya mujh pe bhi dikha diyje mere sai. OM SAI RAM

  10. O Deva, Thank You for all the mercies shown today and also for the wonderful Darshan.

    Protect us, Your children, Deva. We might make mistakes unknowingly, do forgive us for them and bless us.

    Jai Sairam

  11. Please baba help all the children who are suffering…only you can do impossible things to possible…please baba bless all with good health,good relationships and happiness…OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA…:):)


  13. For the first devotee: I pray Baba to give you enough strength to face the situation. But would request you not to run away and marry. If he is ready to runaway from his parents today, how can you be sure that he will not run away from you if he finds something else attractive (as you said he is of flirting kind). This sentence may hurt you as you are in love with him. But as a well wisher I am looking at your safety. If he is brave enough, let him marry you and stay in the same place where you are currently and let his parents know of your marriage. If they don't accept now, they will in future if he is brave else they may blame you later and say the marriage is not valid.
    As you said you are away from family and eagerly looking out for family life. But make sure that new family you are getting into is Heaven and not hell again. Don't take any hasty decision, keep faith in BABA and everything will be fine. JAI SAI RAM

  14. Dear all sai devotees, Jai Sai RAM.
    I would pray BABA to bless you with wisdom of finding a correct path in your lives. There is a fine line between TRUE LOVE and INFATUATION. In "true love" there should be any space for "voh" between "Pati and Patni"…so even before marriage those "VOHs" are there in your Loved one's life, you need to be concerned. "cast" issue coming in the way is also a thing to consider seriously. It seems you are not having close relationship with your parents either.
    With BABA's kripa , yes, everything can fall in place and you could get married to him, but surviving this marriage bond, seems difficult and you may have to seek BABA's blessing every moment in your married life.
    Wishing for your happiness in your married life with a RIGHT person in your life…and praying BABA to help you find a RIGHT person if not this lover.
    Jai Sai RAM.

    • Sorry, I meant to write In "true love" there should NOT be any space for "voh" between "Pati and Patni".
      ***Pease read with correction in the above message.

      Cann't this devotee even suspect that all the other girls also must be thinking that he comes back to them (individually, of course!) because he could not stay away from them , believing his actions as a sign of TRUE LOVE!!!?
      I would request to remove "sunglasses" so that grass which is not GREEN would show it's real color!

      Nothing against PURE LOVE but equally concerned to save innocent life wasted in blind love.
      Sai Ram.

  15. Sai Ram, Sai devotees! I think that when we are blessed by BABA and constantly think of BABA, we SEE BABA in everything!
    I was getting in my car in a parking lot, and saw a rather large dog in the car parked adjacent to mine. He was standing tall very difficult not to notice him. I love dogs and cats in general, so I just waved him as he was looking straight into my eyes and said, hi, how are you?
    Sounds funny, huh? But to my surprise, he waged his tail , stood for a couple of seconds like this and then very calmly sat down on the back seat of that car. I tried to see him again, but he might be at a very low portion of the car and I just looked on the car window which was lowered 3-4 inches to let air circulate in the car as the dog was inside the parked car!
    I felt BABA looking at me! 😀
    Jai Rai Ram.

  16. Om sairam
    Baba please help my son.Baba please guide him through the right path.Baba make him your staunch devotee .Baba please forgive his mistakes.
    Baba koti koti pranam on your lotus feet.OMSAI SRISAI JAIJAISAIII.

  17. Jai Sri sairam
    All devotees wishes will be fullfilled with the blessings of Baba and if they are delayed don't worry baba knowns when to give and what is good for you .So please have patience and faith in Baba.
    I request all devotees to remember baba at all times and he will be very close to your heart and blessings will be showered very quickly.Avoid talking bad about others and doing bad to others see the change in your lifes
    Remember baba as much as possible see the miracle

  18. Nice experiences! 1st devotee from India, if the boy is staying with you and Baba is giving indications in favour of the relationship, then you need not worry since Baba will have everything work out (perhaps He wants to give more time to have the parents accept the relationship). Baba will work out everything and I will also pray to Baba for you. Shilpa Ji, it was Baba who kept your son well and Baba was there in the Maldives too with your son to make sure that he became well again and shows that no matter where we go, Baba is there with us to help us. 2nd devotee from India, Baba helped to make sure you went to Shirdi and when Baba calls us, nothing will prevent us from coming to Shirdi. Om Sai Ram!

  19. Very True I too have full faith in Sai Baba as He is always there to help us. I also feel good whenever I read above mentioned experiences these are really helpful. Om Sai Ram

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