Miraculous Healing From Death Bed – Sai Devotee Laxmi

Today’s post is really heart throbbing and proves that nothing is impossible for our Lord Sai Baba.

Sai Sister Laxmi Ji from USA says: I’m a great Sai Baba devotee and sharing my experience how SAI MA cured my uncle. Dear Hetal Ji, thanks a lot once again for your wonderful contribution and for an excellent platform to share all our experiences here. I have already shared my experiences earlier how Baba blessed me with a wonderful husband posted on Oct 31st 2011 and other one included in couple of experiences. I would like to share a miracle of our SAI ma and it’s proved that Baba’s blessings will raise a person from death bed. I’m so overwhelmed while writing this miracle.

One day when I was talking to my mother over the phone, I came to know that husband of my mother’s sister was not well. I was not concerned about that as I thought it was a normal illness. The other day, I was told that my uncle has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. None of our family members know if it is a dangerous one. But my mother said his condition was very serious and not even able to eat or walk and his liver is damaged. My aunt was literally crying as my uncle’s father died with the same disease, when he was younger. I wanted to call my aunt to know the condition and how serious it was. Before I do that, I wanted to ask Baba what would happen to my uncle. Because we usually console people that nothing would happen to give them a moral support. Based upon the answer, I would get from Baba; I wanted to assure my aunt that nothing would happen to my uncle.

Immediately I opened Questions and Answers site and prayed Baba to show me the future of my uncle if it’s good or bad. I got an answer that “Remember Shri Sai. Everything will be alright”. I didn’t stop here. I wanted to have assurance from Baba again. I asked HIM again for the answer. Second time, I got an answer that “Visit Shirdi and your worries will end”. I was so happy reading these two answers and called my aunt. She said his liver is damaged and waiting for results of two other tests from Mumbai. I assured her that nothing would happen to my uncle and please visit Shirdi. She agreed to take my uncle to Shirdi. As I was busy with my work, I was not getting time to call my aunt, but my mother was updating me what was going on with my uncle’s health. After a week his blood test report showing the result that WBC and Platelets count was very low. Immediately he was taken to Hyderabad to go for some other tests to find out the exact condition. Doctors suggested him a very strict diet and he became very weak. My aunt was crying badly and all my relatives were discussing and predicting that my uncle would die at an early age just like his father. Nobody had a hope that he would be survived. But I didn’t lose my faith on Baba. My uncle has two daughters and the elder one was studying abroad and younger one still in the school. My uncle was worried and decided to get his daughter married soon as he lost a hope on his life. My mother asked me to look for a good alliance for my cousin. I said OK and started praying Baba to give my uncle strength to tolerate the illness. As agreed, my aunt with a great faith took my uncle to Shirdi. Few of my relatives warned her not to travel with him as he is extremely sick and traveling is not good for him. But she didn’t listen to anyone and took my uncle to Shirdi. They had a good Darshan and my aunt cried from the bottom of her heart in front of Baba and prayed to save my uncle. They returned from Shirdi and my uncle was somewhat feeling better. I was very happy to hear that news that my uncle was getting better. I told my aunt to keep faith in Baba as He is the one, who will save my uncle. We were thinking that my uncle was fine and cured. All of a sudden his condition became worse. Platelets count was coming damn low and he was stricken with Hemorrhoids due to the liver damage and it was continuously bleeding day and night. He was not even able to sit anywhere and it’s hard for him to travel to Hyderabad for tests and treatment. He was seeing hell and my aunt lost her hope. I didn’t stop telling her that Baba is with you and not to worry. But she was not in a condition to listen to me and to keep faith on Baba. She was badly crying all the day. Even I couldn’t stop my tears, when I was talking to her over the phone. Adding to that our family doctor suspected that my uncle might be having bone cancer. Nobody was able to analyze the condition to treat him. My uncle was traveling back and forth to Hyderabad and to our home town. He was vomiting whatever he eats and weakness and pain in his body. Still I had a great faith in Baba. I prayed Baba that Just because of the assurance You showed to me, my aunt believed in YOU and visited YOU in Shirdi. Please save that family. I cried and asked Baba to heal my uncle. Still the doctors were putting him for some more tests like Bone marrow test for cancer. Everybody was so confused and not understanding what was going on his health. They were just roaming around the doctors. The other day, one doctor, who is very close friend to our family, saw the reports and said that my uncle will not survive as the liver was badly damaged and better ask my uncle to handover the responsibilities to my aunt to lead the family. It was more than like a hell for all of our family members. As I’m staying abroad, I was not greatly impacted by their negativity. Still I had strong faith in Baba. Just to get the confirmation, my father asked other doctor to see the reports. Even he replied the same. Very next day, I shouted at my mother that why don’t you all trust Baba. HE is the one, who gives the life and why you people are just roaming around the doctors unnecessarily. I called my aunt and told her “Baba never lies. HE is testing your faith. Please do not lose hope. HE is with you. Doctor might have said that uncle will not survive. But Baba is the one, who gives the life. Please keep faith in HIM”. I kept the phone down. In fact, my faith was little shaken, but I boosted myself and promised Baba that I would start Nava Guruvar Vratam for my uncle’s health. Very next day, in the early hours, my mother called me and said my cousin saw a white sparkle from Baba’s hand in a temple, when she cried and asked Baba about his father. My cousin wanted to know what it was. Hearing that, I was rejoiced and screamed at my mom that Baba blessed her and assured that HE would save my uncle’s life. I messaged my cousin that she was really blessed by Baba and keep faith in HIM. She replied me that she would not lose her hope in Baba. I started Nava Guruvar Vratam for my uncle recovery. I was checking with my mother about his health. She said that he was doing OK now. I was slightly relieved and praying Baba. Again I came to know about the incident, which happened with my uncle the week I started Nava Guruvar Vratam. My uncle, aunt and other relative were there at my hometown’s train station to catch the train to Hyderabad. All of a sudden, my uncle was unable to breath, started precipitating heavily and fainted. My aunt was shocked seeing his condition and started crying. The other relative immediately called a doctor in Hyderabad, who was treating my uncle and told him about my uncle’s severe condition. My uncle was unconscious and his pulse was almost down and everybody was thinking that he’s no more. But my relative rushed out to get the medicine, which the Hyderabad doctor prescribed for my uncle’s immediate relief. She got that medicine and forcibly made my uncle swallow it. He was slightly recovered and on the way to the Hyderabad in the train he had to go for a potty, which completely relieved him from the weakness. His treatment was started and now my uncle is doing well. I have completed 5 weeks of Nava Guruvar Vratam and 4 more weeks to complete it. But baba completely cured my uncle and gave him a life from deathbed. Does God lie? No, NEVER. As baba said everything is alright with my uncle now. What we need is Shraddha and Saburi. We should not go away from our faith though it seems disappointed. Now my uncle says Baba saved his life. Whenever I hear that I feel very happy that Baba pulled one more soul towards HIM. That is Baba’s planning. All the way I proudly announce that Only Baba made it from impossible to Possible. Koti Koti Pranamam Baba.OM JAI SAI RAM.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Sai teri leela kabhi samajh na paaun main, tere charnon mein sadaa shish jhukaaun main,,,
    Paani se bhi tune baba deep jalaaye hain, neem ke patte tune mithe banaaye hain,
    Teri mahima ka kaise gungaan gaaun main,tere naam wali sadaa jyot jalaaun main….

  2. I have tears in my eyes when u said, u shouted at ur mother to have complete faith in baba and he is the one who gives lives..wow! Faith in peaks! I am sure it is that shraddha which got ur uncle's life back. always remember one thing that is said in Sai Satcharitra " What God gives is never exhausted, what man gives never remains". These true lines are more than enough for every sai devotee to get strength in watevr situation. Omsairam. I am having Happy tears looking at his love on all of us. Really we are blessed to hav Baba. cant even expect our days with out u baba..Love you Tandri, Omsairam. Full Happies 🙂

  3. Jai Sai Ram,

    Great experience Sister Lakshmi. This is what is called Shradha & Saburi. Baba never forgets any one who calls him from their heart. Sai is the most merciful one, let any one leave your hand in terms of crisis but will not. He will follow us like a shadow to protect us.

    This shows how kind and campassionate is sai towards his children.

    There is only god and that is Sai himself, the creator, destroyer and preservour.

    Hail Hail Sainath, the king of kings and the protector of the poor and down trodden, we keep our head at the dust of your feet so that we may atleast be one with the dust at your feet.

    Allah Mallik.
    Servant if Baba.

  4. Dear sister Laxmi,
    This was really very touching experience you shared. May Baba bless all. He is the savior and takes care of everyone. We just need to have faith and patience and leave everything to him. Your story is live example. Jai Sai Ram.

  5. What an experience Lakshmi ji !!!..This is truly a reminder to all of us that if we surrender to him completely, he will never leave us and take care of us.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

  6. very heart touching experience.it will deffinately boost the faith of the devotees who are going through difficulties.thanks for sharing and may baba always bless your uncle and everyone with good health peace and love..om sairam..:)

  7. Om Sai Ram.

    This experience comes as a signal from Baba that he will cure my Mom-in-law soon. Dear Sai family members, Please do pray for my Mother-in-law, she is admitted in the ICU since last evening due to a bad chest congestion and doctors said that water was clogged in her lungs and she is bleeding internally from the lungs and it is very serious. My husband and me are starting now from Bangalore to Hyderabad. I too asked Baba about her health and Baba has replied that 'Shree Sai's blessings are with you'. So am assured that he will cure my Mom-in-law soon. Also i was praying to read an experience related to Baba curing illness and i was really happy to read this miracle of Baba in this blog now. That is also a positive signal from Baba that all will be fine. I hope to post thegood news about my Mom-in-laws health soon here.Please do pray for the speedy recovery of my Mom-in-laws health.

    Baba please be with us and take good care of my Mom-in-law.. cure her soon and bless her.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  8. wonderful experience…This experience shows the faith you have in saibaba.Really great.Thanks for sharing.om sai ram.

  9. JAI SAI RAM Laxmi Ji,

    You are really blessed by Baba Ji. I read your previous experience frequently now a days. I am going through same phase. I am 33 years old divorcee girl. I got my divorce 4 years back and my parents are looking for match for me but everyone rejects me. When ever i gets the rejection from other side, I get new hope while reading your experience.

    Yesterday we got matrimonial proposal from Hyderabad and i asked the question to Baba ji whether i get married to this guy or not. I got the answer from baba ji that i will get my answer tomorrow. After reading your experience i think this is what baba ji wanted to convey to me. I will be more patient now.

    Please pray for me.

    Baba Ji's devotee

  10. Om Shri Sainathay Namah:
    Tears rolled down from eyes.
    Baba saw your unshakable faith and gave him life.
    Baba changed his destiny.

  11. heart touching. my eyes are full of tears.

    dear devotees,

    i want to share one experience, few days back, my sister is ready to conceive, all are very excited, to see the baby. but before my sister is going to OT , i gave her baba photo to took the blessings, and applied some udi on her forehead. after completion of the surgery, we came to know that, the mother is safe, but the baby has some breathing problem and he is under weight. here in that hospital, NICU, is not available, so we have to take the baby to another hospital. my parents along with one sister has gone to the hospital to admit the baby, i started crying, i asked baba what is going on, pls save the baby. and i put some udi on babay's forehead before going to the hospital, i prayed, pls take me, but pls save the baby. daily i am visited the hospital to see the baby. in between, one of my friend called me. and she said that, i asked baba about the baby's health, and the answer came, " he will recover in four days. don't worry." after hearing that, tears came from eyes. i am very confident that baba, will defnitely take care of little baby. exactly on fourth day, baby came safely to our home. on that day, we are going to discharge the baby, one taxy we took , but it has some starting problem, and suddenly one driver came, and he said that he will take us. so we sat in that taxy, you know, i can't beleive baba's photo is in the taxy. tars in my eyes. baba himself came to cure his devotees. baba is always great!

    jai sai ram!

  12. My deva forgive me for the vices of speech n actions..il act in a proper fashion acceptable to u deva..life has no meaning widout u….i have been yearning for your love deva.. Give a hug to your child who make mistakes n looks to you with the fear of annoying you….deva accept me with my mistakes…im your child..really love you sai…:-D

  13. Dear Laxmi,
    What a heart touching experience.We need to keep 100% faith in our Baba and he runs to his devotees to help him/her.
    May Lord Shirdi Sai and Lord Dattatreya bless your uncle with good health and longevity.
    om sai ram
    om shree guru datta

  14. we will pray for your mother inlaw's health..may baba soon bless her good health.please give her to drink udi mixed water and apply udi on her forehead.keep one baba's photo near her pillow deffinately she will be cured and have faith..om sairam..

  15. wow, i don't want to say a great experience bc nobody should go through that, but these kind of stories are really other worldly. this reminds me of sai satcharitra when Baba said mere reading is not enough but to put what you learn into practice is what is important to him. You really did show 100% faith. your uncle is really lucky to have a nephew like you.

  16. Amazing experience, it inspired me to start Sai Nav Guruvar vrath for my dad. Hope your uncle will be back to be completely normal. I wish the same for my dad too. Om Sai Ram!!

  17. hi i want to share one of my experience one night i cried alot due to some family problem and i told saibaba why not u give me death?and also argue with sai about my problem.on the next morning 9/9/2010,thursday a saint came to our village wearing a red color dress with a bag. the saint came to our home and said"LADKI KE LAKIR BAHUT ACHI HAI"like this he told many things related to me.when my grand mother asked 'when r u from?'then he show his hand and told"WANHSE".and told me to do "thursday vrat" and"monday"for the month of chaitra.then he went away.after that ifelt he was my sai .i lost him.i cried i took some sand where he set and put it on my forehead . what miracle i felt cold on my forehead. today i also feel that.i know baba u r always with me?pls foregive me for my mistake.till my death pls with me.

  18. Wonderful experience Laxmi Ji! This experience shows again how Baba can perform such wonderful miracles for His devotees and not even death can stop Baba for helping His devotees. Although your uncle and aunt had to go through so much, it is due to Baba's blessings and care that your uncle is doing better now and it is Baba who will help nurse him back to health. Om Sai Ram!

  19. Wonderful experience! thank you for sharing. You are absolutely right nothing is impossible when we surrender to Shri Sai Baba. Very happy to know your uncle is doing well and is cured. We all pray for his good health and long life.

    Om Sai Ram!

  20. Really Baba is great… he will never cheat his devotees… you ve shared a very good experience… complete your virat successfully…. definitely baba "ll be with your family in all the circunstances… i hope definitely baba will solve all my problems too…. i want his blessings to my family…..

  21. Baba has cheated me. I was at His feet to cure me of som eillness that i was suffering for so many years, but He has sent one person to me who chetaed me increased my illness and made me a 46 year old unmarried all alone woman. I ma so scared tpo live now, everyday so tensed how I am going to live for the rest of my life alone with my illness also. Baba is punishinh His devotees, but to my shock He is taking care and showering all happiness to peoplemwho have cheated me and harassed me! Each day i get the news something or other hearing how H e has helped the person who forcefully came to me with promises offering to do many things for me and exactly cheating me and wiping away whatever little life I had!

  22. I m facing some problems in life.i m praying saibaba but sometimes i m losing my faith.but reading this blog really my confident levels increased and I definitely say that my sai baba surely solve my problems.only I require faith faith faith…Thank u very much for sharing ur experience. Thank u sai baba for that u make to read this blog.jai sai ram.jai sai ram.jai sai ram

  23. Om sai Ram
    Come devotees my heart felt appeal
    to pray for my grandson of suspected heart ailement
    to be healed,Om sairam

  24. Pls sai baba pls mery mummy ko cancer se ladne ki shakti do Aur baba meri mom ko healthy kardo baba pls pls baba save my mom om sai nath

  25. Dear baba pls help my mom she is fighting bad cancer disease pls baba meri mummy ko itni shakti do ki wo apni disease se lad sake aur healthy ho jaaye baba doctors ne apne haath upar utha diye h baba ab aap hi chamatkaar dikhao baba jise medicine apna asar dikhaye baba ab baba aal par hi aas tiki hui h baba pls baba help karo aur meri mummy ko aap darshan k liye nikalo baba aur apna aashirwad prada. Karo baba.
    Bolo baba sai nath ki jay

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