A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 177

Sharing few more experiences with you all of devotees with Lord Shirdi Sai Baba.

Sai Baba Answered My Prayer

Sai Sister Aruna Ji from India says: I am Aruna. I am Sai’s devotee for the past four years. Basically I am from Shillong and currently I am working in Pune. Knowing Sai Baba, I have experienced many many experiences in my life. Please do not disclose my e-mail id.

Dear Hetal Ji, it’s great to know about your blog. It is my daily routine to read the devotees experience. I have been reading this blog for the past four months. Since that time, I wanted to post my personal experience with Sai Baba. Finally the day has come.

Sai Baba is everything for me. I have so many experiences to share. Let me share this one first. Gradually I will post the other experiences as well.

It was in May 2010, I was preparing for my MBA final semester. Out of all the subjects, I had problem in only one subject. I was worried whether I will be able to get even pass mark in that subject. So I was preparing accordingly. All my paper went well except for that very subject. We had to answer 5 questions in that subject. I answered only three. Even there also I was not sure whether all were correct. After I left the examination hall, I panicked to find out that one out of the three, which I answered, was wrong. There was no chance for me to get even pass mark.

I have been an above average student, in my academy record. I have never failed. So I was worried whole day and night for two months, because I was 100 % sure I will fail. Still deep inside, I used to pray Baba, please help me and give pass mark at least. I did not have hope to pass. So I made myself mentally prepared to sit for the examination next year. Usually after exam, we desperately wait for the result, but during that phase I never wanted the result to be out, never discussed with friends and family also as it would add more tension.

One evening, I was online on gtalk with one of my class-mate. He asked about my result. I was literally shivering to know the result is out. I told my friend my roll number and asked him to check my result. I closed my eyes and prayed to Baba, with so much of courage, I say. On chat he said I passed and got better marks than last semester. After knowing this I was so light hearted.

Sai Baba answered my prayer. No one could even get pass mark with that kind of attempt in the examination. The greatest of all I got the highest mark in that subject. Isn’t that a great miracle of our Sai Baba? I got marks of more than what I have attempted. Dear devotees, this is a great miracle of our Sai Baba. If you pray from heart, Sai Baba will surely answer your prayer.

Hetal Ji, please post this experience. I will be very happy to read my experience on your blog.

UDI Miracle

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hello Hetal Ji, Thanks for making the effort to connect all the Sai devotees through your blog. I look forward to your publications each day. Please don’t disclose my name and email id.

Few days ago, my daughter started getting very high temperature, which was not subsiding despite of giving her strong medication. So, on 3rd day of her temperature, I decided to give her UDI and wished Baba to help and bring down her temperature. And to our surprise, in three hours time, her temperature came down. I and my husband both got happy to witness this miracle of Baba. I had heard about UDI miracles, but this was first time I witnessed it. Thank You Baba, I love You a lot.

Baba’s Presence

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Dear Hetal Ji. You are doing great job. Baba is always with you. Though I have been visiting Shirdi once a year, I have just come to know of this blog only last month. Since then I have been reading daily, which makes my faith more strong and gives immense satisfaction by going through devotee’s experiences. Please do not disclose my name Hetal Ji.

Last month by Baba’s grace, I could able to plan my visit to Shirdi for Darshan. I usually plan every December during Christmas. Since I could not make it, at the earliest by Baba’s wish, I made it for 26th Jan, 2012. I wished to be there in Shirdi on that day as it was Thursday. But Baba had other plans. So we reached Shirdi on 27th only. This time I had informed my cousins that I wish to stay overnight at Shirdi. As we usually come from Bombay by our conveyance and leave by night. But this time, I wished to stay there. I had Baba’s Darshan and for the first time I entered Dwarakamai. Previously due to shortage of time, I was never able to make it. Also from the start of my journey from Delhi, I was praying Baba that I too wish to feel your presence at Shirdi, if Baba wishes and take blessings. After one Darshan, I again stood in queue for Night Aarti (i.e. around 10.30 PM on 27th Jan), it was very nice experience for me, which can’t be expressed in words. After the Aarti, I went to Gurustan and there after doing Parikrama, I along with some 2-3 ladies could see Baba in physical form wearing same white cloth on forehead and was wearing white long kurta as our Baba standing in physical form at the side of the wall near Gurusthan. I along with 3-4 other ladies went near Him and bowed down to His feet asking for His blessing. Baba said that you already have blessings once you are here. These words were really a nectar for me directly from Baba. My wish of seeing Him in physical form was fulfilled and I was very happy and overjoyed. After that I was contented and started Sai Vrats and did Saptah Parayan, which I did before leaving for Shirdi also. Really our Sai Baba fulfills each desire of His devotee’s, whatever they wish for, but at the appropriate time. Though I have visited Shirdi quite a few times, but I never had such a nice experience and Baba took care to fulfill my wish too. OM SAI RAM. JAI SAI RAM.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. All experiences were really nice. I would like to thank Baba for answering my recent prayer. It maybe samllabutu for me it is a big thing. I had womens' problems after my delivery. My periods were not regular. This month I din't get it but I started to get severe pain. I was panicked. So finally I prayed to Baba and took some Udi and told Him I no longer can tolerate this pain and asked for His help. You will not believe I got it on the same day. It was a big miracle because I was due for it for more than 15 days. Thank You Baba thank You so much. I love You Baba. Gayathri

  2. Thank you hetal ji….I really feel relieved after reading daily postings…

    I wish Sai baba fulfills all your desires…


  3. All three are nice experiences.First experience of Aruna ji, reminds me about my college days wherein i got failed in one subject,and applied for re-evaluation, many of them said that re-evaluation would not fetch you pass mark,as it is mere a eye wash. But i had faith in Baba and applied for it and my mom,started writing sai namavalli for 9 days, It was on a thursday i dont remember the month and year exactly,But i remember the day and date it was on thursday and the date was 9. And i got passed in that subject for which i applied re-evaluation, only because of my mom's prayer and Baba's grace. In that semester i secured more than 80% by Baba's grace.Baba never lets anyone down if we have sincere faith on him.

  4. Dear hetya ji u are doing a very nobel work for the welfare of sai devotees.I feel as if my day is incomplete without reading sai devotees experiences.Thank u so much for this wonderful blog. om sai nathaya namah.

  5. really nice and touching experiences.. one experience from my side…
    i read this blog daily..i can not survive without reading such beautiful experienecs from devotees side..but today my internet connection wasn't working for whole day..but i really wanted to read devoptees experiences then at about 3:00 PM i just prayed to saibaba please "mere computer par internet chalo do".."i want to read experieneces" ..then guess what happened after 5 min my internet connection worked and i read experience and i was so happy ..and at the same time internet connection of other persons in my organisation was not working it was only working on my computer.. i was very happy…he listened my prayers ….om sai ram

  6. very nice experiences all the three. dear anonymous devotee (3) you are really very fortunate to have Baba's darshan in physical form.

    OM SAI RAm

  7. wonderful experiences..n wonderful comments too..
    thanks to everyone, who is sharing their experiences..
    May BABA keep showering His blessings on everyone.
    I loved the sentence written in the 3rd experience, "Baba said that you already have blessings once you are here."

    Om Sai Rama

  8. hi hetalji,nice job being done by u.i read devotees experience so as to increase my faith in sai baba.

  9. Very nice experiences! It is wonderful that although you thought you failed the exam, Baba made sure you not only pass but do better than last semester. Congrats on finishing your MBA! Devotee from USA, it is wonderful that the strong medicines couldn't cure your daughter, but Udi that was the real treatment. Devotee from India, it is wonderful that on your Shirdi trip Baba came to show himself to you in physical form. I liked what you said "Really our Sai Baba fulfills each desire of His devotee's, whatever they wish for, but at the appropriate time." Om Sai Ram!

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