A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 61

Who says Lord Sai Baba has taken Mahasamadhi and is not amongst us? He has not left this earth to get settled in heaven. Even after leaving earthly body, He is active in spirit and giving darshan to aspirants even today. The last experience proves it. Read on and you shall understand why i and the devotee thinks so. The two other experiences are equally interesting.

Visit to Shirdi

Sai Brother Ravikaanth ji from India says: I am a Software Engineer from Bangalore India.

Om Sai Ram, I had been to Shirdi two weeks ago. Before leaving, I had lost my ATM Card. But when I called the bank, I found that it was not sent. But in the evening, I got the Card at my disposal due to Blessing of Baba. Similar at Shirdi, after the Kakad Arathi, I was not able to take the holy water, as there were 200 people at least and I had a major surgery and hence I asked the security that is it possible for me to go and take and he said no and the next minute in the form of Baba gave me the holy water.

Om Sai Ram

Sai Baba Knows What Is Best For Us

Anonymous Devotee says: Sai Ram Hetal, I have been reading everyone’s experiences with Baba and I simply love reading them all. I would like to thank you for starting this blog, where we all can share our experiences with Baba. Although, I have also come across lots of miracles with Baba, but never got the chance to write them. However this time I had promised myself that once my wish would be fulfilled I would post it on the blog.

I had been waiting to send you this email since long but was waiting for the right time. However, I would want you to please keep my name anonymous on the blog.

I would like to start that I recently moved to Vancouver and had been looking for jobs since long time, it was almost a year that I had been out of the job market and now I was very anxious to get the job because lot of other things depended on it. During my search I always used to seek blessings from Baba and would ask questions from Him and He would always give me accurate answers to my questions asking me to keep faith and patience.

I had been applying to many jobs, but I wasn’t getting any interview calls, then I started keeping Sai Baba’s 9 fasts. I started getting interviews and that too all on Wednesdays or Thursday, either I would be called for an interview on Wednesday and the result would come on Thursday. As I completed my fasts, the very next week I got a contract job. It was a Wednesday afternoon. I was happy to get the job, but since it was contractual I knew I would have to get another job next year. But I still was happy that for now at least I had the job. But while I was sent the offer letter, there were a few things that rose and I got very frustrated that whether I should take this job or not. But during that frustration only, I went online and applied to another job without any thoughts and even mending my resume. I applied to two jobs. I was very upset and asked Baba why is He putting me in this problem now, when He has given me this job. However within few hours with Baba’s grace, things worked out and finally I took up the contract job to start from next week.

The next day, to my surprise, I got a call from one of the company that I had applied to during my frustration; they called me for an interview. Since I was supposed to start the contract job from next week Monday I wasn’t sure what to do. Since I already had accepted the other job, in my mind, I was asking Baba now why are You doing this and making me put my foot in two boats, but later after lot of thoughts, I decided to at least go for the interview, since it was a big company and it was a permanent full time job. Meanwhile I continued doing the other contract job, I had to go through 4 rounds of interviews and again, I kept my faith on Baba that I have tried my best, it’s You Who knows the best for me and with Baba’s blessings after 3 weeks on a Thursday, I was offered this new full time job with better package.

When I think back, I now recollect that it was all Baba’s plan to put me into the dilemma. The other day, hadn’t I been frustrated I wouldn’t have applied for this other job and wouldn’t have got it today and this temporary job that he had provided me was just to prepare me better for this new job. I really don’t know how to thank enough my Sai for helping me all the way. I have surrendered myself to the lotus feet of Sai.

Sai Krupa

Sai Krupa Sai Brother Srinivas ji from India says: Hi Friends, This is first time I am writing about Sai Leela in my real life. I saw this site for first time. So I want to share my experiences here. So that it may inspire others and give some peace and hope in their lives.
This is Srinivas from Ongole, AP, India. Now I am a software employee. When I was at my 7th class, I heard about Sai. When I heard His name, I felt some happiness in my mind. Though at that time, I don’t know what that was. But after that, I forgot Him. And I didn’t go to his temple also. I have lot of experiences of presence of Sai in my life. One of that is Seeing Baba in real. Some of you may think that this is fake. Because when I said it to my mom and my best friend, they didn’t believe. I don’t know why people praise Baba a lot, and they won’t accept His presence yet.

I am coming to my experience. When I was in my MCA 1st year in Vizag, AP, I used to read Shri Sai Satcharitra weekly once. I wish to see Him alive. I wish to feel His presence. So many days passed away, but I didn’t see Him. So I planned to go Shirdi for one week and do arayana there. From my parents, I borrowed Rs. 2000 and went Shirdi along with my friend. I did parayana there. I didn’t feel any peace there also. Because all over I was searching for Baba only. I thought He may come in any form. Before starting parayana, I asked Baba to show me one real Swamiji. At my surprise that evening one Swamiji came to Shirdi, where we are staying in Booti Wada. He comes Shirdi for every year only once and stays there for some days after that goes to Shri Shylam (Lord Shiva famous place in India) and Tirupati (Lord Venkateswara’s famous temple in the world). I stayed with him for two days. I completed parayana for 6 days, but I didn’t find presence of Sai anywhere.

On 7th day (that was last day for me in Shirdi) I asked Sai at least to let me touch His feet of Samadhi (normally the priests in temple not allow normal people). When I reached His Samadhi, suddenly some flowers fall from the statue, for that they open the gates and “I touched Sai Samadhi on His Feet”.

After I completed parayana, I came from Shirdi and was feeling very bad for I didn’t see Sai in real. But still I continued my parayana.

One day, I wanted to go my friend’s room. So I needed to catch two buses from my place. That route is very busy; we can find bus for every 5 minutes. I was able to catch one bus and went half the way and waited for another bus to catch. But surprisingly, about 20mints, I didn’t find any bus. So I thought to go by walk as it was only one and half km away. That is noon 2:30 pm, I am on my way distantly, I saw one person who dressed himself like Sai in orange dress with one plate in His hand (Black color plate) with no chappals and All. I was passing nearby Him by thinking that He was fake, who asks for money. But when I reached on His side, I got a good smell which took me to Him. I went to Him and stood beside Him, and was watching Him about ten minutes. He was very calm. It’s not any make up. I can clearly observe, there was no makeup on his face. His cloths were very new at afternoon of summer; he didn’t wear any chappals that day it’s around 36c heat. He didn’t move at all. He is facing north on a street and waving His hands like Sai. There are some people on street, But they are going on the road that there is no one to see. That person is around 5’ 6’’ height and he may be around 60-65kg weight. With blue color eyes and white and gold color mixed complexion, His smile was very good. He is as it is in Parayana book. I have Rs. 7 change in my pocket. At first, I thought to give Him Rs. 5. But again, I changed my mind and I thought to give Him only Rs. 2. I put my hand in my pocket I found Rs. 5 coin only. I didn’t find Rs. 2 coin. Again, I searched and same thing happened. So I thought that I lost my coin and I gave Him Rs. 5. I stepped 2 steps ahead and again I saw Him He is there only. Again I thought, He is normal human, that’s why He didn’t disappear. I stepped few more steps again, I turned back at my surprise, He was not there. I searched for Him all the road, But I didn’t find Him. That was really miracle. Accidentally, I put my hand in my pocket and I found my Rs. 2 coin there. This was the coin; I was searching for to give Him.

Lot of people may still think that He was a normal human. But the feeling what I felt at that time says me He is my Baba.

Like this I have got lot of blessings from Him along with when He cured my Mom disease also. I will share this one some other day.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388



    Its really feel heart touching experience. I can feel what u were feeling at that time. If we have great sharadha in our Sai Baba, we can surely have such experiences in some other ways also. I really want to thank u to share such experiences to motivate us to keep Shardha and Saburi in our Baba.


  2. you are so true sir. Iam sai's devote and would like to sare my experience which i will never forget in my life.

    I live in melboure with my lovely daughter and husband. we wanted to constuct a house in melbourne. with the grace of lord sai, we were successfull to purchace a small land. on the day of the bhoomi pooja, i was happy that we atlast bought a land and were constucting a house but at the same time i was aslo sad that there was nobody else from my family for the pooja.before the pooja, i was taking out the photo of sai and keeping for pooja. i just looked at him and said "sai pls show me your presence in some form". the very next moment, the porohit who came to perform the pooja, took a small piece of peda from his bag and gave it to me.he said that a sai devotee had offered him that morning in the temple. beleive me, my joy knew no bound. the tears were rolling form my eyes out of hapiness. i narated the miracle to the purohit and he blessed me and said that i truelly wished that sai should come for the pooja. we have constucted a 4 bedroom house after this and are livinlg in that house currentlly. i still keep telling this miracle to every one. sai.. you are the only saviour for us.please keep blessing all of us like this…i would like to share some more miracle that sai has showered upon us next time.

    Bow to sai..peace be to all

  3. Om sai ram,

    When I read that experience (seeing baba in person), something is remainding me to tell you one of my experience. I hid this from most, since I feel like everyone will laugh at me. One day when I returned from sai baba tharshan, I felt like I lost controll of my car steering. I felt somebody drove for me for couple of minutes. When I came back to my sense, I though it was illusion, even though something is telling me that baba took control of my steering. When I came home, I have seen one bird died in my back yard. I was so shocked to see that. I am sure now, baba took my steering to save my life.

    Om sai ram.

  4. Shefali

    Sairam Srinivasji
    It is an absolutely wonderful experience to read. I could imagine the image of Shri Sai while reading your description. Beyond words, really! May Sai bless you and all others. Please post the other experience as my Ma is unwell too and what has happened to her I dont know!

  5. OM!Shri SAI RAM!

    Help us to know your infinite Glory,
    O Lord, Creator of Earth and Space,
    Illumine our Souls with any Divinity,
    Fill Us with Virtue, Wisdom and Grace.

  6. Jai Sai Ram to All:
    This site is inspirational lifeline to all Sai Devotees.
    Sai Bhakt Srinivas is lucky to meet Sai Baba in real.

    Through this site, I pray to my beloved Sai Baba to give HIS auspicious darshan to me and share some words.

  7. i am from delhi i was in love with a guy who hails from gujrat his parents were totally against our marrige but anyhow i convinced my parents i was totally broken because of all these ups and downs finally we brokeup many a times i thougth to end my life but baba always guided me in one or the other way not to do this.just to come out of my frustation and tension i went toshirdi with my friends their in shirdi mandir i prayed with whole heart to save my love and my marrige to this guy as i was very much and deeply in love if this will not happen ill not marry to anyone .i kept 501 in dan peti praying this to baba plz support me as your chid do not hurt me i am already very much in stress and tension after taking prasad i left from shirdi next morning.i had problems again after coming but by the time my boyfriend he was fully prepared with his planning for marrige even if parents are not agry we waited 3 years for this marriege parents got convinced we got married happily. From that day to shirdi ill never foegatwhatever i had prayed to him i have got evertthing i go every year shirdi and if i get to go twice in a year i go twice too.i always feel as baba is with me one day i have a plan to make one mandir for sai baba that i have promised to me and ill do it……
    om sai nathaya namaha……

  8. om sai rama

    What an experience.So real so true,nothing can describe this happiness when i read how you were blessed to see Sai in person.How lucky you are,wish one day we too get his darshan in person.

  9. Sairam!!
    Fabulous experiences.. JAI SAI RAM..

    @ Srinivasji,

    I whole heartedly believe your experience. It is speechless.
    SAI bless us everybody who have continous, stable faith in him. Sai may did not appear because he wanted to see how long you would wait to see him in human form. You are blessed 🙂

    JAI SAI RAM… We all love you Baba. Please help us to keep unshakable faith on you.

  10. om sai ram …. baba ji thank you very much I can not express my happiness for promotion from clerk to officer. baba ji i was very depressed for not getting the success but you did it. thank you very much and i want your blessings for future success and i wish you give success to your beloved disciple dimple arora for mds govt seat AIPG .

    yours daughter

  11. Hi sai brother, it was no doubt our sai and that momeny he makes us feel like that n make our mind doubtfull n i think that moment u were not so concious also as to wats happenin because even i ahd prayed same thin to baba wen i was in shirdi n trust me he blesse me in form of a young fakir which made my mind doubtfull but later wen i analysed it was our sai oly 🙂

  12. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's what i can say……jai sai maa

  13. Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)

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