A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 35

Herewith below are few more brief experiences of Sai devotees with beloved Lord Sai Baba.

Sai Baba Is Always With Us

Sai Sister Kalpana ji from India says: Hi. I am regular view of this site. Really which is good. I get inspired to write baba miracle.

One day Me and my husband were going to my native. The train was crowded. We got into reservation compartment. We found a seat to sit. There were so many people who sat like us. After that in some station so many other got in who had reservation. Almost everyone handed over there sits to them who sat like us. That time I prayed sai that no one come and ask for the seat where we sat. No One came by baba’s grace. Then TC came, we thought he will take extra amount from us for the reservation charges. When TC came to us, even he haven’t asked us to show the tickets. The people who get in along with us they stand till my native came. It’s sai miracle.

I feel sai is always with us.

One more miracle…

Yesterday we went to furniture shop to buy furniture. While going I said to sai, show us the shop which is by Your name.

Yesterday was sunday, so many shops were closed. At last we found two shops. We got into shop and did not notice the name of the shop. Then we went to another shop there also we checked and felt first one was better. Then we came back and bough the furniture from first shop. While paying amount I saw Sai photo on wall, so I felt he is with us only. But When I saw the bill, the shop name showed “Sai Bindi”. Really this is a good sign for us.

Always chant sai. He never leave his devotees. When we call, he appears.

Thanks for this site for giving opportunity sharing my experiences.

Sai Baba Heard My Prayers And Blessed Me And My Brother

Sai sister Maithili ji says: Jai sai ram,

I am a baba devotee.Baba is in my life since childhood. I have many experiences with baba in every step of my life. Today I am going to narrate a recent experience about my brother who is also a sai devotee. He came to USA for his masters.

My brother had his graduation exam on Nov 4th of this month. I was worried about his exam and prayed to baba, to bless him with good results. Also prayed to baba that I will do sapthaham of sai satcharithra and leave tea and coffee (my fav) till his result day.

I completed sapthaham a day before the exam and that night I had a dream. In the dream “Baba was sitting on the stone and a group of devotees standing before him. I was standing on the side and waiting for a chance to do some seva. Then some voice gave me the permission to do seva. Then I sat near baba pressing his legs”

I was very happy. I felt like baba accepted my satcharithra parayan and I was confident that baba will bless my brother with good result.

Next day was the day of exam, Thursday, I started my Nine Thursday Vrat on that day and in the evening we planned to go temple. My brother was in the exam hall when we are going to start for the temple. Before starting from the house I prayed baba to stay besides him and help him and I also prayed to baba that “I should get a call from my brother before we return from temple, saying that his exam has gone well”.

To my surprise I got call from my brother within 30 Min’s saying that, “Everything gone well”. Actually my brother don’t have a habit of giving a call to discuss about the exam. It is baba’s Leela. Baba helped him and fulfilled my wish.

Yesterday (Nov 12th) his results were announced and by baba’s grace my brother was blessed with the good results.

Thank you baba for everything. Baba is with me in every step of my life and helping me. I bow to the lotus feet of baba.

If you have faith in baba you will get success.

Thank you hetal ji for giving me this opportunity to share my experiences.


My Recent Experience With Lord SAI!

Sai sister Keerti ji says: SAIRAM Hetalji,

This is Keerti. I have recently started visiting your blog and reading devotees’ experiences with BABA.

I wanted to share something with all of you as well.

It was on 7th Nov 2010, we had to attend a Birthday party. Got dressed and I wanted my little one to wear a chain to the party. So thinking, I went to the place in our bedroom where I keep her jewelery box. It was not there! I started to worry as to where could it be….searched all the possible places at
home and couldn’t find it. I prayed to BABA to help me find it. I heard a voice within myself that I will find it on Thursday. I patiently and confidently waited till the coming Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, I asked BABA (through chits), if I will find it then – the answer was YES!

I went to the bedroom and looked for it in a slightly different area than before and wonder of wonders-I found the jewelery box! I don’t know how I missed checking at that place….well, it is totally BABA’S leela!

Ever indebted to you, my dearest sweetest Lord SAI!

BABA bless you abundantly Hetalji for the wonderful work you are doing.

BABA bless us all.

Thanks and Regards,


© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Hello Kalpanaji,

    How can you feel good about taking somebody else's seat without even paying for it? I am surprised you associate our benevolent Sai with such a selfish incident.


  2. 🙂 i bow to the lotus feet of baba sairam sairam sairsam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam siram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam airam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairm sairam sairaam sairam sairam sairam sairaam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam airam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam

  3. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on the family with a longe healthy life, filled with happiness, laughter, joy, contentment , mental ease, wisdom, knowledge, courage, ability, togetherness, peace and prosperity. Baba thank you for completing the puja with your grace. Baba please take care of hubby health, He is stretching himself too much. I am worried for him and I surrender my worries to you …. please give me and him the ability to take good care of his health. Hope all his vitals are fine and he is healthy. Baba its YOU who have to bless my family with good health. Baba please take care of kids too, younger one hardly connects please do help me connect with me. Hope the decision of the elder is good and is a great support for us as per your wish. Whatever happens is a result of your blessing Baba. I surrender to you. Baba thank you for attending the puja in the name of Sai Krupa – its indeed a miracle. Baba today I am taking mother to base. Please help me take care of her health until sister returns. Shower your grace on all of us Baba. Baba mil is very demanding and head strong, please calm her down with realisation. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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