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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Power Of Chanting Sai’s Name

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: I wish to be anonymous, kindly do not share my email. I am a Sai devotee from Canada. I was introduced to Baba in my teen years by my mother and was given the Satcharitra by my aunt which I still have. I have not read it in a while, nor am I very regular in doing pooja and other formal forms of worship. I always remember Baba and chant His name and He has always stood by me and accepted my prayers. Before I explain further, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all those who are involved in maintaining this website. It has been such a comfort and support to me when I have been feeling low. We devotees appreciate all the effort that goes into this.

As I mentioned, I am not too regular with my pooja to Sai Baba. However, I always remember Him and chant His name, both when I pray for help and when I pray to offer my thanks. This is the first time I am sharing my experience.

My son is in high school and for the past year, has been training hard to make the school track team. A couple months back he came back from one of his coaching sessions complaining that he was seeing flashes. That really scared me, but I remained calm and reassured him that he would be fine and that he was probably dehydrated. However, I was really worried. I started chanting Baba’s name Sai… Sai… and prayed that my son should be normal soon. After a couple hours, he said the flashing had stopped and was able to relax. Sainath just is there for us no matter what; whether it is something small that is bothering us or if we are going through a bad phase.

Today, my son took part in the athletic meet for high schools in the West zone. He had worked very hard and his coach expected him to run very good times and qualify for the city finals in all the events. Unfortunately, he strained his hamstring during the very first race and recorded a below average time. I was at work when he messaged me that he was in pain and had not done well in the first race. I could feel his disappointment and dejection. I reassured him, that all will be well and that he should remain calm and follow his coach’s instructions. Then and there, at my desk, at work, I started chanting Baba’s name and prayed to Sainath that he should stay by my son and help him as he had worked very hard for this opportunity. After a while, my son informed me that he managed to qualify to the city finals in one event and he qualified in the last position! The top 8 times qualify and he was the 8th. He had earned himself a second chance with Baba’s grace. There was no way he could have qualified with a strained hamstring but when Sai is on your side miracles happen. He will be running in the finals next week and I know that my Sai will be right there with him. Our Baba responds to every sincere prayer and protects and guides us always. Sainath Arpanamastu Shubham Bhavatu.

Baba Blessed Me With A Perfect Life Partner

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Nikita Gupta from India says: Om Sairam. I am from Delhi. I am working in a reputed government sector which is by Sai Baba’s grace. Sorry Baba I am posting very late.
Om Sairam. I have many experiences with my Sai Baba. But this is my second experience which I am going to tell all Sai bhakts.

I believe that a girl should be married without dowry. This is also my wish to marry someone who is not greedy and his family too. When I was 30 at that time, I settled late in my career. I was 28 at that time when I got a government job. So before that I had no pressure from my parent’s side for marriage. But after that they are worried because I was not getting ready for any boy because they all were greedy. Even I rejected them by just listening about them. I didn’t even meet with a single family or a boy. I was also very worried but I trust in God that He would bless me with a perfect life partner.

One day I asked Baba that who is that guy who is made for me and after sometime I received a facebook request from an unknown guy. I usually do not accept but there was Sai Baba on cover photo. So I thought kahin ye to nahi (was he that guy?)? So I just accepted. After that we started chatting on fb and sooner we became good friends. We shared phone no. with each other. We had nothing in mind while chatting or talking. But when we got to know about each other’s family pressure for marriage, we realised that we couldn’t live without each other. Then we decided to meet after one year facebook friendship. Then my family was not ready because the boy was in another state so how they could trust him and his family. I was also afraid. We both got depressed. Then I prayed to Baba that if He thinks that the guy is wrong then ok but if He was the right guy for me then please koi jaaan pehchaan nikalo (let there be some reference). After some time when I browsed his facebook page then suddenly I saw a person who was also a friend of my cousin. Then my cousin enquired about the boy and the family and asked my family to meet them as he had found nothing wrong in them.

After the meeting, my family was ready for the marriage. They were ready without dowry as I had already discussed with boy and so his family members had no problem. Then I got married in Nov 2017 and I am very happy with my dream boy. I promised Baba in my first experience to post my experience if I would meet my life partner. Baba now I will need You once again. I want to conceive a baby boy and please Baba give blessing to all and please take care of my husband’s business. I want growth in his business. I will post more experience if Baba gives me that chance. Thank You Sai Baba.

Baba Always Listens

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the USA with my kids and husband. We are Baba’s children since last four years.
Dearest Baba, Sorry I should have posted this experience three four days back as I had promised. Hence my daughter is again suffering from terrible pain. Dear devotees, this experience is about Baba’s magical Udi.

My daughter who is a student at a college is suffering from severe back pain for which the doctor had suggested an MRI. I got really worried hearing this and sincerely prayed Baba to take away my daughter’s pain since she was having her exams too. I prayed that I would post this experience about Udi on the day the pain vanishes. It did.

I had asked my daughter to apply Udi on the affected part. Though she is a believer in Baba but sometimes not sure if she believes in the magic of Udi as I do. Because she has a skin problem which has not shown any sign of going away till now. The next day when I opened the devotees’ experience page I came across an experience and it was about severe back pain and how Udi cured it completely. Initially I used to think these as coincidences01 but as you all know it is not. It is Baba Who is making us write these experiences and it is He who is sending messages and it is He who is making us read it. So I was sure that Udi will cure the back pain. And it happened.

My daughter had a presentation and she was working hard for that. For this she had to sit for hours but when she told me on her way back from college that Udi had worked wonders and it had cured her back pain after several hours of sitting even. I was very, very happy. I was even more ecstatic when she told her presentation went really well and how Baba helped her. When my children or husband praise Baba my heart swells up with pride and joy that I can’t describe. But her is pain back Baba. So many hurdles are there for her. Please take away this pain Baba and cure her completely.

My sincere prayer Baba, please graduate her with a decent GPA and make her transcript spotless and no scar. Om Namo Bhagavate Sai Nathaya!

Baba Is Always With Us

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: We are devotees of Baba.
Om Sairam, this is my first time writing my experience. Our daughter is in the final year of her graduation. One of the courses that she took was very hard and she did not score good marks in term exams. Passing this subject is very crucial to not only get her degree but also get admitted to master’s program. She has only 1 chance to prove. All of a sudden, chances of getting her degree became bleak. We became so sad and upset that if she doesn’t pass this subject, her 4 years of study would get wasted. I started crying in front of Baba and prayed to be with our daughter as she was working through her exam. I prayed to give her strength to work hard. In the meanwhile I started reading Sai Chalisa for 5 times every day. In a week I started noticing Baba’s blessings. Our daughter became more confident, had a schedule and did lots of hard work with Baba’s support. Baba gave so many signs of His blessings leading upto the exam. On the day of the exam she prayed to Baba and what she told me was that exam paper appeared to be easy. Results came out well and we are so happy. It was all because of Baba’s blessings and grace. He is always with us. Sairam.

Sai Baba Cured My Back Pain With Udi

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of the Lord.
Let me first thank Hetalji for having such a beautiful platform for the Sai devotees. Coming to my experience I had a severe back ache and a lot of pain. I was unable to bend myself and it made me feel nervous. I went on thinking all negative things and was worried a lot. I went on chanting Om Sairam and requested Baba to cure me. Luckily I went to one of my cousin’s place and he told me to take a painkiller and that would relieve the pain. I took the tablet from him but I thought in my mind that Baba would cure me. I took Udi mixed with water and prayed continuously to Baba to cure me. I had immense faith that Baba would cure me. I also had promised Baba that I would publish my experience if I got well. I am fortunate Baba cured me in one night and I am perfectly alright. Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.

How I Started Trusting Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sowmya from India says: Hi reader, I am Sowmya from Bangalore. This experience/miracle happened during my college days.

When I was studying in final year graduation, I was very ignorant about Sai Baba. I always wondered why people worship humans. But once I had not done my exams well. Infact I would have failed if Baba would not have blessed me. I was passing through Baba’s temple and I though ok let me check if Baba really exists and prayed Him asking me to get just 35 marks in the exam and if that happened I would visit His temple every Thursday for 9 weeks. Guess what happened! I passed the exam with exactly the marks I had asked for. I was so grateful to Baba. There I realised His presence and have been His devotee from then.

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  1. Om sai ram .sabka Malik ek..bolo shirdiwale sacchidanand sadguru Sainath maharaj ki jai….om shirdi vasaye vidhmahe sacchidanandaye dhimahe tanno sai prachodayat

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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