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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Biggest Miracle By Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to everyone. Firstly I want to bow down to Sai Baba’s feet. Without Him I am nothing. He is the only refuge of us. Thank You Sai for being with us each and every moment. I want to thank Hetalji as because of her today we all are able to share our beautiful experiences. Thank you Hetalji for supporting us. You are a true gem of our life.
Om Sairam You are my everything. I don’t know how to thank You. I am so sorry Baba for sharing my experience very, very late. Sorry and please forgive me. It was possible only because of You Baba.

First experience-Biggest experience of my life just because of Babaji and Shiv Babaji that I got engaged to the person I love. 6 months of fights, arguments, but with full faith and patience my wish got fulfilled. My family was against our marriage. I am a manglik girl and he is non manglik. Our Gun Milan (Horoscope -Kundali matching points) is also 13. I was always thinking negative that if I got married to him and if something bad happens then what would I do? But each and every time Baba proved me wrong that I should not trust on astrologer’s horoscope but believe Him and I got the result. Yes nothing is impossible for Him guys. Only faith and patience can lead a successful life.

I did 11 weeks of Sai Divya Pooja. Last day my bf called my mom and my mom agreed to meet the family and then miracles on miracles happened. Everything was done smoothly, happily and without any arguments or fights. Now both the families are happy with the decision. It’s only because of Baba. My marriage has been fixed on 8th Feb. Please everyone pray that everything should be managed smoothly, happily and without any problems. I don’t want that anything should be wrong in my marriage. My parents never did bad to anyone. So their reputation should not be ruined. Baba I trust You blindly. You can do anything and I know You will do good for sure.

Second experience: I was planning to take a new phone and my fiancé told me that I should buy within a week but there was not enough money with us to buy in cash. Mom was very much tensed. So was I. Then I prayed Baba to please do something and mom told Him that anyhow He has to manage to get me a new phone. Suddenly my brother’s friend met my mom and my mom told our problem. See the miracle that he told that he would help her to get a new phone and within 3 days I got the phone of my choice. This was a great miracle for us. We are very thankful to You Sai. Please be with us in this way each and every moment. Nobody is there to help us except You Baba.

Third experience: I went to my cousin’s house. There I had some personal work with sis-in-law but suddenly my uncle came to room and was not going. I was not able to talk. I prayed Sai if You will make him go out then I would share my experience and guess what within a second he left. This is our Sai. He can do anything. Sorry for sharing this extremely late. Baba I am sorry, won’t repeat again. Babaji please bless me to share everyday wonderful experience of Yours. Please don’t be angry on me. I am very sorry if I did anything wrong to others. You are my refuge. Sai I know You will only solve my all problems. I believe You. Please give me, my family and my fiancé’s family as well happiness, wealth, good career and good health. Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Baba Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says:
I am one of the devotees who seek the feet of Baba when in trouble and also remember Him as much as I can in daily life. I have experienced many incidents with blessings of Sai.
My son got viral infection and with Baba’s blessings it got cured sooner. He didn’t have any scars from the infection.

Papa got cut to one toe and bled heavily. We were worried that it might not heal properly because he is diabetic. But I believed that Baba would heal it fast and so He did. Thanks for everything Sai.

Also I found my bracelet which was missing for few days. Also got job with blessings of Baba nearby home. Everyone there is friendly and helpful. Please make my card work with my old pin and also net banking to work properly. Thanks for everything Sai.

I witnessed a miracle of my brother, who didn’t believe Sai as God. Coming inside Baba’s temple and listening to aarti as Baba told in Q and A that miracle happened in a week. So as it happened very happy with the incident. I believe Your blessings are always with us. Thanks Baba. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba’s Timely Help

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Priyanka from India says: Om Sairam everyone. This is my fourth post on this blog and waiting for other three to be published. I just love this blog. Reading experiences on this blog really boosts our faith and gives us strength to have patience. Each and everyone behind this platform are really blessed souls.

My experience is about yesterday night. My father is a diabetic patient. Everyday I give him Udi water and apply Udi on his forehead as I am sure Sai will cure him one day and this has happened too. For around 2-3 months his sugar level was normal but as soon as he consumes alcohol sugar level rises. I feel as if Baba is telling if he will not drink he will be fine but my father does not agree.

From past few months his sugar level is more than 200 just because of alcohol. Now he has changed his medication and diet but did not leave alcohol. From the day he changed his medication he did not drink by Baba’s grace but yesterday night suddenly he went out and I thought that he went to buy alcohol. I started praying that he should not bring alcohol. Sai answered my prayers and here I am sharing with you all. I request everyone to please just pray for 1 minute to our beloved Baba to change my father’s mind as group prayers are very powerful. Thank You so much Sai for being with us every moment. Sai please fulfil my long pending wish. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba My God

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says:
I am a small devotee of Sai Baba for the past 10 years. He has done innumerable miracles in my life. I have shared many of them on this blog and I am here to share the latest one. These past 8 months have been the toughest phase in my life. I have a baby girl and she is not doing well. She is just 8 months and she has so many small problems; because of which I am totally restless and hurt.
Sai Baba came into my life ten years back when I was seriously ill and He had shown me the path. Now again after ten years my baby is sick. I am sure He will show me the happy path. Now coming to my experience.

I have come to my mother’s place due to my baby’s health issue. Here it is very hot and my baby was finding it hard to accommodate to the weather. One of the room’s AC stopped working and we were sleeping in another room. That AC was running fine but suddenly at night it was not running. It was very hot and I was worried about my baby. I prayed to Sainatha to help me and my baby as we have no one except Him. I and my mom tried but nothing was working. I kept Udi on the AC remote and still no change. I was getting frustrated on our Baba when suddenly my father came and changed the mode and the AC started working. I was so relieved. I had promised Baba that I will share my experience on this blog if the AC starts working and here it goes. Ananthaakoti Brahmandanayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parbrahmaa Shri Satchithnantha Sadguru Sainath Mahraj Ki Jai. Sai Sutharpanamasthu Shubam Bhavathu.

Baba You Are Everything For Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba, I knew You since 2011. After that for me You are my Lord Jagannath, Shiva and Maa Tarinee. But still, I cannot say myself as Your devotee. It is only known to You.

Baba You know everything. After my marriage, how was/is my journey of life is best known to You. My father passed away. In my family we faced financial problem, but still we could survive. Then another incident occurred. My father-in-law passed away. Then again we faced financial problem. But with Your blessings we could overcome the situation. Baba You know what had happened from the month January-18 to April-18. Baba You know now promotion in job is very necessary for me. Baba only You can do this. Please, please Baba give me promotion very soon. Baba I request You for that. As it is a court case matter only You can solve this. You know the good news about me. Please Baba bless me. Baba I request You please. Please bless all my family members and my relatives. Please bless my mother, brothers, sisters, uncles and all members with good health. Love You Baba. Keep Your blessings upon my family and my relatives and all the creatures of the world.

Baba With Me At Every Minute Of My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Chandana from India says: Hi, I am Chandana from Hyderabad, India.
I had promised Baba that I would post this experience by the end of the day. This happened in the morning. I work for a MNC in Hyderabad. These days I am struggling with lot of work at office, and there is deployment at the end of the weekend. I made sure that I had completed most of the part from my end. On Sunday suddenly I got a mail from my manager, telling code was changed and nothing was working fine. I was seriously scared and I didn’t have laptop even if I wanted to work. I was very low and many unwanted thoughts ate my brain. I prayed Baba wholeheartedly that I will post the experience if everything goes well. My colleague completed all the work by the end of the day and today morning in my office meeting my manager spoke with soft tone as if nothing had happened. I got all the positive reply from Baba since I prayed Him. Please Baba stay with me forever.

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  1. Baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help us to study well baba and take care of my grandparents baba. Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon. Ayyappa, sairakshak, saisaranam

  2. Baba please help my father this is very crucial time for our lives. Baba please dont leave me. Baba do you think that i am doing wrong but what am i doing baba… Baba sorry for hurting you govinda.. Sorry for consuming alcohol but what should i do baba to handle all the stress to unable to sleep everynight feeling you so distant everythought ruining me with fears no hope of future… Unable to concentrate on studies… Financially working hard for my family and health baba…
    Baba even i kill myself please dont leave my family bless my father happy and healthy. Sairaksha

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  4. Om sai ram…
    Pls forgive me baba..pls.sorry for everything..bless my father and mother with good health.

  5. Sai please Bless everyone, make us all wise and kind Sai, we can't see the truth and always think negative and exaggerate things please Bless all with Sadbudhi
    Om Sai Ram

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