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Sai Nav Vrat Miracles And Got Job Offer

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello All Devotees, Baba will bless you all. I had been waiting from a long time to share my experience and miracle. Now today I got the chance to post my experience with our Lord of Miracles “Sai Baba”.

I was looking for a job switch. I attended two interviews and I was not selected. During that period I was doing my Nav Vrat. I prayed to our Lord that I should get selected before Aug 28 (the date where I joined my first company). One fine day, my profile got shortlisted (on Aug 24 ) in a big reputed company and interview got scheduled on Aug 27, 2018. Before those two days, I went to attend my friend’s reception and while returning on Sunday night from the native, the bus got repaired due to some issues. Then next day morning my interview was there. I was praying to our Lord, saying “Baba, You are with me, I know. Please Baba, bus operator should provide some alternative, so that I can reach somewhat prior to my interview timings.” I got bus around 1:30 am and we started around 2:30 am from our native. Reached Chennai at 8 am in the morning and driver told that it would take another 2 hours to reach my location. So I took train and auto to reach my room. At last I reached my room at 9:30 am and got ready in 30 minutes and took cab to reach my interview location. Atlast I reached an hour before.

I had a telephonic round and I did well. I had hope and you all know that I got a call on Aug 28 (the date where I was asking Sai to get selected) evening around 7:19 pm saying that I had cleared Technical round and I would be having the HR round by next day. My joy knew no bounds. But I think I would be having one more round of interview. On same week Thursday (my 8th Vrat), I got a call letter for another company interview and I attended the interview on a Saturday, where I cleared technical round and appeared for the HR. Finally I got my offer letter on Friday (Sept 7, 2018 – Friday, day after my 9th Vrat) and I accepted my offer yesterday. As prayed to our Lord, I got offer in a good reputed company with a good package. Thanks You Sai Ram. Love You so much Rama. Baba, we know, You are with all of us and You are listening to all our prayers. Be with us and bless all of us. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Paa Never Leaves His Children’s Hands

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I’m a small devote of Sai paa. I started believing strongly in Baba from Feb 2017, when I took a wrong decision in my life and I was in a very big problem. I also thought to end my life, but Sai entered my life and He made me very strong from heart and mind. Please don’t reveal my mail id.

This is my 2nd post. Sai Baba is everything to me. I have a habit of talking to Sai continuously. Last month my mom was facing many health problems and was suffering a lot. After 6months of gap her monthly issue started and it continued for 11 days and as per my cousin who is a doctor, it was dangerous and urgently needed to have the scan done. I was really scared and for four days continuously I prayed Baba to help me and that the scan results should be negative. After four days she went to the hospital and scan report came to be normal. I felt very happy that Sai was there with me and listened to my prayers. I still have few problems in my life, but I have complete faith on my Sai that He will never leave me alone and show me a right path to be good and do good to all. We all devotees are blessed to be the children of our Sai Paa and have this platform to share our experiences and show our love and faith on our Sai. Om Sairam.

Baba Cured My Son

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I am staying with my family in UK.
Om Sairam to everyone. Thank you Hetalji and team for your hard and generous work. This is a very beautiful site where we can share our experience and get to know each other. I’m a small devotee of Sai Baba. I started to believe Him since 2011. Sai Baba is helping me in each and every step of my life. I’ve full faith on Him. There are so many miracles that have happened in my life but recently something happened which I’m going to share.

Me, my husband and two sons went to Mumbai for holiday. We were staying in my in-law’s house. My parents are living in Odisha. My elder son one day ate something from outside food, due to which his tummy ache started with diarrhoea and fever. After two days I was about to travel to my mum’s house. But suddenly this thing happened. I was very worried. I started to pray to my Baba, giving my son water mixed with Udi and putting Udi on his forehead. Then next day he was feeling better. His temperature was coming down. I told my Baba that if my son would be better then I’ll share my experience on this site. Please Baba stay with me always. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. I am from Rajasthan. I would like to thank Hetalji for this act of kindness and the beautiful platform through which we can share our experiences and help us to boost when we lower down.
Here I want to share the beautiful experience which happened today, as I was much tensed due to family problem. As in my daughter-in-law’s family her cousin expired due to some health issues and she wanted to go there but due to some reason she did not get the permission and on the other hand she was not getting the convenience. So in that situation I only prayed Sai Baba to do some miracle and stop them from going out that place.

In afternoon the tickets got confirmed due to which I was very upset. I was praying Baba continuously and in the evening miracle happened as my brother himself said no. It was unbelievable. Thanks so much Baba for doing this miracle and please don’t let them go in coming days. Thanks Sai Baba as I can’t express in words for this help. Be always with me and my family. Keep Your blessings on us. Om Sairam.

Trust And Faith

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shambhu from Switzerland says: In the year 2018, we had few troubles like work permit issue which my wife got with the grace of Baba. But, then I had to quit my job and start looking for a new job. Also, due to change in circumstance, health insurance fined us with a big amount.

Since, my childhood I always have believed in Sai Baba. At the beginning of 2018, we started facing several issues with job and family life. I had seen my wife earlier doing Baba’s divya pooja. I decided to do it, and there were many things to be sorted out. I prayed to Baba, to resolve all the issues. I started the Baba Divya pooja. Our work permit issue was resolved. And, after starting the Divya pooja, I got the job and also big health insurance problem with huge fine was resolved. Sai Baba saved me from the big troubles. I think, trust and faith can surely win over everything.

Father UTI Cured

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hi, our family have been devotees of Baba for few years now and have surrendered our lives, health to Baba’s feet.
My parents are visiting us for few months and my dad suddenly complained of Urinary tract infection. We started medications and I prayed to Baba that when he gets cured of the infection, I will post it here. As prayed, with Baba’s blessings, my dad has been cured of the infection and he is perfectly fine. Koti koti pranamam to Baba. Baba, let Your blessing hand be on us all the time and bless us with good health, good thoughts and deeds.

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  1. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba and bless and hold my father financially and make them happy and healthy baba, please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes baba and cure my mother's. Pain babahelp us to study well baba, take care of my grandparents baba
    Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji aoon, ayyappa, sairakshak, saisaranam

  3. Baba please help me sai why your being silent please I need your help sai I cannot handle this situation….. My mind is saying to attempt suicide please help me

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