Sai-My Saviour

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a businessman and devotee of Baba since last 12 years but have accepted Baba as my Guru from the last one and a half years and my devotion towards Him has increased manifold. Om Sai Ram to all the devotees of Sai Baba. This is for the third time i am writing on this page. It feels great when i read the experiences of all the devotees and the devotion to Baba increases manifold. I left for Gokul-Mathura for Darshan with my entire family on 27th of March 2014 but was unwilling first because of some reason. I left office and surrendered everything to Baba telling Him that our office/home is all dependent upon You Deva. Please take care of everything and most specially the worry of mine which i was carrying along. One more thing to add was that as it is my daily routine to visit Sai Baba’s Mandir first and then to leave for office, i prayed to Baba that please give me Your Darshan everyday in any form. Be it’s Your Idol or Sticker or any Song, anything.

The worry was that some goods were supplied to a client and had some issues which were cleared before i left but i had not received the payment for it which was a huge amount. I prayed to Baba that please see to it that the payment is received before i come back, see Baba’s Leela, He fulfilled His son’s desire in a jiffy. I reached Delhi next day and on my way to Mathura i received a call from the client that please send anybody to collect the payment as it is ready. My joy was at a high and i thanked Baba from the core of my heart. Love You Deva. I was happy and was assured that my holy trip would be now successful.

Second Leela of Baba is that as we finished our Darshan at Gokul, heading towards Jatipura my wife saw a Sai Mandi r(she too is Baba’s devotee) and she just shouted “Sai Mandir” and my hairs were on a stand as i saw it and when i entered, the Murti of Baba was so attractive that i was speechless. He not only fulfilled my desire of His Darshan on that day but everyday as i saw Baba’s Stickers and Pictures or Photo frames everywhere. He fulfilled my desire of His Darshan everyday and everywhere. What else can i ask from Him. I love You Baba as You are the only one Who is looking after the day to day proceedings of my life and every devotee of Yours to their beneficial interest. I pray to You Baba that You know what is in my mind and heart and please take care of what needs to be done according to Your wish as You know the best for me. I try to follow all that You have taught me in these 1 and a half years, and i know i make mistakes everywhere. Please correct me for my misdeeds and make me walk the correct path Deva. I request the admin of this page to correct me if wrong anywhere and sorry for such a long post as His Leela’s are immeasurable. Sai Sai to all of You. Love You Baba.

Miracle Will Happen To Those Who Believe In Our Sai

Anonymous devotee from India says: I am a Baba devotee since 2010. I had many miracles done by our Baba. If i feel down, Baba makes me to feel His presence around me. I like to share my recent experience with our Sai family. Last week Thursday, i went to Baba Temple at that time i feel depressed and crying in front of Baba Statue, at that time my friend called to go and we went to get Prasad at that time i got a Sai Baba Picture with why fear when i am here. He makes me feel i am worrying for unwanted thing. My another experience is today (Thursday) i like to see our Baba in green or blue dress. I am excited to see Baba in green dress and while seeing this blog today Baba dressed up in blue dress. Baba blessed me my wish to come true. Baba we love You lot. To get Baba blessing have faith and patience sure He will bless us. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram.

Having Faith On Baba

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Please don’t disclose my details. I am a mother of 18 months old baby. I was going through a health issue. I could not sleep for 2 days. The pain was horrible. Taking care of my child and bearing the pain was horrible. I was just crying. Then I prayed to Baba. Baba my pain gets reduced by Thursday i will post my experience, you don’t believe, I woke up in morning and my pain was reduced to 5% ,it’s just miracle of Baba. Whatever it is just believe Baba blindly, He will take care. Thank you for creating this site.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Happy raksha bandhan my Baba 🙂 Today is an important day in our life. 🙂 Please be with us and take care of everything Baba 🙂 Love you a lot 🙂 Bowing at your holy feet 🙂 Om sai ram 🙂

  2. sai please change my thoughs iam getting angry please be my side please slow my problems om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  3. Baba Appears as an Old Man

    By R. Radhakrishnan

    Lovely temple for Sai Baba has come up at Mekkudi, 18 km from Trichy on the Madurai route. It is built at a cost 65 lakhs and it can accommodate over 500 devotees for congregation. Kumbabhishekam took place on 24th and 25th October 2001.

    On 25th October 2001 around 11 a.m., a tall bearded old man came to the temple. He was dressed poorly and was holding a bamboo stick of 7-ft height. His personality resembled Baba. On seeing him, my intuition prompted me that it is Sai Baba himself has come in that form. I received him with folded hands and made him sit on a vacant chair. I called Sai Bandhu K. V. Ramani and told him my feelings. He immediately took out an 'Anga Vastra' and bowed to him by placing it around the old man's neck. Then the old man pretended that his legs were paining and asked us whether Baba would alleviate his suffering. We affirmed that Baba would take care of everything. He then looked at Baba's idol and bowed to him. By then, my wife, a few devotees like Swaminathan came there and were quick to recognize the old man as Baba and prostrated before him.

    The old man told us that he has kept some 'kanikai', which he will bring it next time. He also told us that he has been visiting this place since a long time and declared that this is a sanctified place and the devotees who come to this temple will be blessed and their problems would be automatically solved.

    Then he received the prasad – sweet ‘pongal’. He put it in his upper cloth and took leave of us. He walked back to the entrance holding the bamboo shaft for support. Sri Swaminathan escorted him and at the exit door offered him a ‘dakshina’ of Rs. 10/- with reverence.

    Sai Baba appears in any form, at any time, at any place in the form of a fakir, Sadhu, dog, cat, pig etc., and blesses the devotees. We should be alert always to recognize Baba. If we are always thinking of him, then we would have his 'darshan' easily.

  4. My sai maa
    Please please bless us with happiness health and cheer . Please hold our hands and don't leave them
    Luv u my baba
    Falling at your holy lotus feet

  5. hi sai debvotees… iam in the need of job… please help me to find the genuine recruitment consultancy in banglore for bpo jobs… please help me….

  6. om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    love u baba.pls be with us all the time.thank u baba.

  7. Om Sai ram ….happy raksha bandhan baba.plz solve my problem soon… I hv tied u rakhi so plz save my marriage n bless me n my husband a happy married life…

  8. om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
    om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
    om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.

    pls help me saimaa…I trust u more than anybody else in ths world and waiting for ur miracle to happen in my life since many years…pls do whateveris best for me…as u r my saimaa..pls tke care of me ..jai sairam

  9. Wonderful experiences all.

    O Sai, Thank You for accepting us and taking care of us and our loved ones. We are forever in Your debt for all Your sweet miracles O Deva 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  10. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  11. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram…… bless all the people in this world and show a good path to all the people to get rid of their troubles….om sai ram

  12. Once I went to saibaba Mandir(Tithal)to offer baba one dress and that was Wednesday and next day early morning I have to leave so Brahmin whom we call Panditji told me that"do you me to wear this dress to baba by tomorrow but I am sorry that all Thursdays for next four months are already booked"but see the miracle that very same moment the guy entered the temple who was supposed to offer to baba a dress but he came there to refuse that he was going outstation so he wanted to postpone his offering and this way baba fullfilled my wish and accepted my offering and today also I feel that my life is successful bcz of Baba's this signature dear friends baba is alive yesterday, today and Sai Ram.🙏

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