Few more experiences are shared below.

Sai Vrat Miracle

Sai Sister Vidhya Ji from India says: Dear Sai Sister Hetal, May Sai bless you and your family for your noble job of spreading His details of miracles across the world. Please, don’t reveal my email id. I was working in a BPO until march 7. As our process was terminated, our teammates had to search for another job. We had to serve a notice period of one month. It started on Feb 7, which was a Thursday and it ended on March 7, which was also a Thursday. I have been a Sai devotee for one and a half years. During my notice period, I was in the middle of my Nav Guruvar Vrat. I was badly in need of a job. I was worried how I would manage to pay rent and meet other household expenses after I get relieved. I cried to Baba asking him to bless me with a job before I get relieved.

I kept applying for jobs, but every company that called me kept rejecting me saying that I don’t have related experience. I was not even asked to attend the interview. My nature of job was unique, so I couldn’t find any other related jobs. I was worried as the last working day was nearing. I prayed Baba all the time. Our beloved Sai listened to my prayers. Exactly on my last working day, I got a call from a company. Even though I didn’t have relevant experience, I was told to attend the interview. I attended the interview, but I found the written test very tough. Again I kept praying Baba and told Him that it was Him, who fixed the interview for me, so He had to make me get the job. Miraculously, the company selected me with a decent salary.

After the interview in Chennai, I got ready to return to my hometown. Again, I was blessed with Baba’s help. I had just booked a semi-sleeper non AC bus. But due to some reasons, the bus company sent AC sleeper bus for us. It’s definitely Baba’s blessing. When I reached home, I contacted my previous employer to get my relieving letter, which I need to submit in my new company. But for two days, my previous employer didn’t respond well. I was tensed as I needed the letter within the week to join my new job. Again I sorted the help of our Sai. This time also Sai immediately helped me get the letter. Everything happened only by Sai’s blessing. I hope Sai will help me perform well in this new job. I am now happy only because of our Sai. I thank Him as much as I can. Baba, please make me feel more and more close to You. Bless all Your children, Baba. Om Shri Sai Ram.

Baba Sent Message For Me

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the Sai devotees. It’s my fourth experience in this site. For any mistake in my experience, please forgive me. From last 1.6 years, I am suffering with my health problems. Every 15-20 days, I get fever and cough. And every time the blood reports reveal typhoid and reduced hemoglobin. All sort of medication is tried, but there is no improvement. I am fed up of taking medicine.

Last night I was so much tensed regarding health. I have 2 small kids aged 8 & 4 years. I was worried about them if I die due to the illness, what will happen to my kids. As my 8 years old daughter is patient of cerebral palsy and she is dependent on me for most of her things. I cried a lot in front of Baba. What you have planned for me and my kids. And from last night I was restless know as I read today’s experience in the site it was related to one of the devotee’s health issue. And she had written in it “Yesterday night all of a sudden I got relieved from pain and slept well. Today I was feeling so much better. Today I prayed to Baba at home and somehow I got a feeling that Baba wants to intimate this to someone and save his life. Hence writing this and posting it immediately” And her post gave me a lots of hope.

Really Baba made her to post her experience for me. I am saying this because we both have health issue in common is not the reason. In fact a week ago, I got the same answer, which she got. You have just escaped from an accident, a bad incident or an evil person. Sai’s grace is already with you. I have changed the bad position of the planet for a moment, when the worst was about to happen. I do Siddhi, only when required. Spread the below words from the Maa Kaali, who resides over me in Dwarakamai. Sheding Viboothi and kumkum from hands and taking linga from mouth is not miracle. A true saint is the one, who can have command over five elements of nature – earth, air, fire, water and space. It takes years of penance, brahmacharya to attain Astama Siddhi. This Saibaba of Shirdi has never misused His Siddhi. He has used it once in your life, which you might have not recognized.

Giving you Wealth, Fame and pleasure alone are not miracles. Saving your life, protecting yourself respect in society, curing you from worst disease are also miracles. This poor fakir has taken care of you like His own eyes, which is why you have escaped the worst that was about to happen. Surrender to Him and spread His simplicity to everyone. Make this your life’s goal. Everything viz wisdom, knowledge and wealth will come to you. Stop searching for it. Your life will have a good turning point in the days to come. Do not forget your love on Him, your parents and friends, when you grow high in life. You will see Him in dream soon. Is there something you have been asking Him for past several years? If so, trust Him, He will give what I know will bring permanent joy to you. Offer your true love for Baba. Don’t get angry, when you feel He is not blessing you with what you ask. Pray Him whole heartedly as a Guru. Show affection on Him. This is all Saibaba expects from you. It couldn’t be just a co-incidence. Baba I understood your message. I won’t get upset. I know nothing will happen to me within few days. I will be alright. Baba, please bless all of Your children and always be with them. Om Sai Ram.

Waiting And Waiting For Grace

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Ever since my childhood, I am a strong believer of Baba. He has helped on many counts, but not in career’s growth. In spite of several manners of requesting Him, resulted a futile efforts. For the last few decades, I have been begging for His assistance in my job satisfaction, but in vain. I do not know where the knot was tightly strangled. I reckon, on many counts, I thought that He belongs to some section of people and for not to all. I do not know how long I have to be on His waiting bench. My prayers and requests are turned down all the time. Now, I am in jinx. I had been to Shirdi on few occasions, but never responded especially in my career. It is reiterated that I shall certainly visit His Holy place Shirdi, if He helps me immediately. This group can pray on behalf of me.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Sai baba, When my parents are out of town, our house was robbed. Why didn't you stop this? My parents are ardent devotees of you and they are very pious people. I see my mother doing so many pooja and she believes in you very much. I also believe in you and know very well that nothing would have gone missing. Sai baba, we all are crying as everything we have at home is due to my father's hard earned money and his loyalty to his work. Please do some miracle and save us from all the trouble. Please make things to settle down and show us your presence. See to that that we have everything at home

    Dear Devotees, please pray for us that we should not lose any petite items from our house and give strength to my parents especially to my mother who has high BP to see the house which is currently in the bad state.

    please pray that we should get back everything even if we have lost anything.

    Right now i am having tears in my eyes and pain in my heart as I am writing this.

    Sai Baba please help us and show that you take care of all your devotees and never make us lose our shradda and saburi.

    • Baba always help his devotees…Just believe in him and take care of your mother health..Om SAI RAm..

    • On behalf of our all sai devotee i pray to our deva to settle ur problem soon..dont worry about ur mother..im sure baba will take care of her..omm sai ram..

    • May baba return you all what you have lost.I pray from the core of my heart to stand by your family during this mishap.Om Sai Ram.

    • Om Sai Ram.

      Prayers for you and your whole family dear Sai Devotee. Baba will take care of everything.

      Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

    • Om Sai Ram, Please help their parents, please help their parents to get back their hard earned money and property back. Please Baba. I pray from the bottom of my heart to help them.

    • What ever happens, Baba is seeing, we should have blind faith on him, whatever situation we face, pls don't loose faith, BABA IS VERY GREAT, as Baba has said that we should have to face the repurcussion of our karmas, so my dear, don't fear, throw all your burden on Baba & relax, He will take care of you & your family.



  4. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  5. Jai Sai Ram! Wonderfull experiences ..@3 devotee don't worry ..Baba definitely won't give up.Surely he will help u

  6. 1st devotee—really you are so blessed that baba is guiding you and he is there for you whatever u do

    2nd devotee—i am very much sure saiji will bless you with lots of good health and beautiful blessings…amen

    3rd devotee—have full trust on him.He will definitely bless you.

  7. Dear 3rd devotee, baba doesn't belong to any section of people.He is the divine father of all of us.Have faith on baba.He will soon bless you with what you want.See that day is not too far, when you will again give a post saying thank you to baba for helping you.When the true time comes he will prove to you that he also belongs to you too.Keep on praying baba as we do in front of our parents to give us something we wish.Happy baba's day to all.May all your wish come true.Om Sai Ram.

  8. Om Sai Ram

    Deva bless us to come out of troubles and pl help me in my job and see no issue arise which creates problems to us. Baba pl ———————-

  9. Om Sai Ram.

    Dear Sai Devotee in the second experience, many many best wishes to you and prayers for you and your whole family. Baba is always with you and he is our kind and merciful FATHER. He will take very good care of you and your kids. Please do drink UDI mixed with water daily after bath and apply a little UDI on your forehead. You will get back your good health soon. Baba is the best and he never leaves his children alone. You can also try to donate some food (biscuits, fruits anything ) to poor people, children and even animals. It will wash away all bad KArma and get you Baba's Love and blessings. Please do read a chapter from 'Sai Satcharitra' daily. Wishing you the best in life and love to your kids.

    May Baba keep blessing us all always. We love you a lot Baba.

    Om Sai Ram.

  10. 3rd exp..pls never dought on his blessing…..he bless every one…..he is for every one…….just pry him from ur bottom of heart……..


  12. JAI SAI RAM,
    Nice Experiences. Thanks for sharing it.

    Baba through this site we can submit our inner heart wishes to you. Today is my 6th fast and you know what i am facing now a days a very bad face as usual. But i have deep trust on you that you will overcome me from this bad face of life shortly. Please baba be with me always and protect me from evils. You are my everything baba please do not leave me alone. Please baba accept my vrat also and bless me with your blessings.

  13. Dear Sai devotee (the 3rd one),

    Baba ji does not belong to any particular section of society. He is God.
    I know it is very easy to say keep patience but I request you to keep patience and faith alive in Baba ji. He is well aware of your miseries and is protecting you at all times. Sometimes when we are surrounded by problems we tend to overlook Baba's blessings. Believe me it is only faith and patience that will help. Baba ji's timings are different then ours. His calendar is not the same but have faith He is the biggest Planner and is taking care of all His children at all times. I am sure Baba ji has wonderful plans for you which will surely surprise you and you will not stop thanking our Great Lord. I have personally experienced it. He will soon shower His blessings on You. May Baba ji give you the strength to face struggles in life and may He soon grant you all that you desire.



  14. Wow baba answered me thriugh the 1st experience.. my brother is not having job for past few months and struggling a lot i asked baba to help him i asked when he will get job baba answered that "oen the fourth day from asking question you will get the answer" today is the 4th day and i was eagerly waiting for baba's answer and now i could witness his miracle as he through the devotee's 1st experience he has answered me.. i am sure soon my brother will get job by baba's grace i believe baba wants him to do nav guruvar vrat as he is not a person who pray much to god i will do on my brother's behalf.. thank you for the creators of this blog by getting us more closer to baba.. om sai ram.. he is the greatest mother of all..

    • it is nice to read ur experience.Can u pl let me know which website u looked for the answer.there is a site which i have already tried.but at times i am not satisfied with the answer.probably i repeatedly ask him the same question often because of my impatience.

    • Om Sai Ram.

      Dear Sai Devotee, you can also try inspiring your Brother by telling him about Baba's Leelas and Grace. Even my husband was not a person who would do much Pooja.. but slowly by hearing about Baba and his wonderful blessings, we both have started doing the '9 Thursday Vrat' together. I am sure Baba is making my husband his Devotee slowly. So please do try to initiate your Brother in Baba's devotional path too. Start by sharing small Leelas, making him offer flowers and water to Baba, applying Baba's UDI on his forehead and giving him UDI mixed water to drink, going to Baba's temple etc. Am suresoon he will fall in LOVE with our sweet and dearest Gurudeva.

      Best wishes to you and your family and may your Brother be soon blessed with a happy job.

      Om Sai Ram.

  15. baba today is my 4th sai guruvar vrat for my husband.i had lots of shradha and saburi on u.plz bless me and my husband a blessfull married life.plz chnage my husband's mind and remove the negetive things fron his mind and appp ka biswas bhar do baba unke whole body and mind main.m waiting for ur blessings baba.thank u for the job u have given me after along a long time.i hve accepted bcoz its ur wish i thut.

    • May baba bless u with happy married life..dear i am also going thru a very bad phase in my life..i am also seperated from my husband due to lot of misunderstanding…i can understand your pain …i am also doing sai vrat with a hope that sai baba might listen to me and might bless me with a happy married life with mu husband..Oh sai please help us..u are our only hope only you can save us..please sab kuch sahi kardo..

    • Even i am in same suitations.I am also doing Vrat, Pls bless me also baba..only u can change my husbands mind…Pls sai help us..i am eagerly waiting for your mircle to happen.

    • I too am in a similar situation. My husband got separated from me within 1 month of marriage and he is out of communication for the last 2 months. Baba, only YOU can do the miracle. Please bring Vijay back. Please clear his mind of all the negative things and bless our marriage. Eagerly waiting for YOUR miracle. Please bring Vijay back and make him also YOUR devotee. I have already done Sai 9 guruvar vrat once and have started again. Baba, please don't leave me. Please bring back my husband. Please help us…OM SAI RAM

    • Baba we all are waiting for ur blessings..please bless us..we are waiting for your miracle..only you can help us please show your miracle..pain is unbearable..seeing my family unhappy is very disheartining…please clear all misunderstanding between me and my husband..bless us..forgive us for all our mistakes..you are our only hope..please dont let my trust die…with each passing day my hopes are dying..i want to come to shirdi with my husband happily and want to seek ur blessings..please sab kuch sahi kar dijia..mere parivar pe apni kripa drishti rakhia..i am waiting for ur darshan and your miracle..OM SAI RAM..

  16. Devotee in the 3rd experience, please do not worry. Have faith in Baba. He will surely help you. Om Sai Ram

  17. May baba bless you and u get ur robbed materials
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  18. Baba.. please bless all the people who have been struggling in their lives.. Never leave their hand..

    OM SAI RAM!!

  19. om sai ram.baba ,please bless my family with good health long life and prosperity.om sai nathaya namah.

  20. Wonderful experiences. I pray that Baba bless you all.

    O Deva forgive me. I was getting into the state which the 3rd devotee was and the answer that the 2nd devotee gave I take as my answer too O Sadguru.

    Thank You for being with me and for everything O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  21. Dear Devotees,
    Thank you so much for your prayers and your love. I really pray to Baba from bottom of my heart to bless you'll and fulfill your wishes.

    I make a special prayers to our beloved neighbor family who are helping us in this time of misery. They are taking care of our house in my parent's absence. May Baba fulfill all their wishes and bless them a happy life.


  22. Dear Admim

    This Is A Great Devotion Site I Visit Regular on this site from my mobile but today i am on my PC and am shocked to see some VULGAR ADDS Getting posted on this site which is not good for your site reputation as well as devotees so better get rid of this as there is distraction to the devotees


  23. Jai Sai RAM, all Sai Devotees, praying for PEACE and HEALTH to all in front of BABA. One of my co-worker at my job place too need such protection for her fiance. He is deployed to Afghanistan. She was too much in tension. A few months ago she was so excited about getting married after her graduation. So when I met her 2 days ago, and just asked, so did you get married? And she said (with tears in her eyes), no, my fiance is leaving for Afghanistan tomorrow! We will get married upon his return. I felt her pain and said I will surely pray for your to-be husband's protection and he will be back completing his duty and you will get married to live happily. I am sure BABA will listen to my prayer request.
    This must be a BABA's miracle for me to see her at the right moment of stress in her life as I am on medical leave and I don't go to my job place unless I have to submit my papers for leave extension. That day I went just to get an empty box as I had to mail my grand daughter's painting. At my job place it is possible to have 18"x20" empty box as we do sell foam boards and many such office supply/school supply things.
    May BABA bless families to remain united and live peacefully.
    Jai SAI RAM.

    • Om Sai Ram.

      Baba, please bless the Sister with a happy and blissful married life. Please keep her fiance protected always.

      And as Meera Aunty says, please bless everyone with peace and good health. Love you Baba.

      Om Sai Ram.

  24. Om sai ram..
    Baba please bless everybody who wrote their prayers here. We know you will answer our prayers on your time. But when we see the bad people living happily infront of us and we suffer for a long time, can make us think that there is no such god. Please bless us with patience. Be with us and make us feel that you are with us always. This will make us stay good, do good deeds, help others. Please help these poor souls they have nobody except you. Please help them soon and increase their devotion.
    Om sai ram..

    • om sai ram
      the same thing i felt today…only bad people are happy…even i asked baba why only gud ppl who does gud deeds suffer a a lot

  25. Baba, i am praying to you to please help your child to get all of his items that he lost while relocating. You know how painful it is to lose anything in life. I understand this pain as i and my family is going thru the same. Please listen to our prayers and take care of us.

  26. OM SRI SAI RAM!!!

    Nice experiences!!!…May Baba Bless us all.
    Today is the 7th(last) day of sai baba parayanam which I and husband were doing.
    We did it several times. I have been showered with Baba's blessings, my wish was fulfilled.
    I Thank Baba for everything, and today I am happy only because of him.

    I can say only one thing have complete trust on Baba, have patience , he will never leave anyone alone.

    May Sai bless us all with happiness.

    • Nice to hear that ur wish got fulfilled.OM sairam!Pls bless me also baba…Pls fulfill my desires also



    Baba thank you sooo much.
    2nd devotee please daily after taking bath apply Baba's udi on your forehead and also mix little in water and drink as theerth.All your health problems will be cured.Also give some to your daughter daily.
    Baba please take care of my son and always be with him deva.
    Baba i place all my ego,desire and worries at your lotus feet.

  28. Baba.. Please be with my Grandmother tomorrow. She has a surgery. I have so many plans for her.. Please make her healthy and make her fit.. My earnest prayer to you..

    OM SAI RAM!!

  29. Baba, in the evening temple, a sai devotee gave me sai nav guruwar vrath book. I felt happy to receive it.baba my dreams of 4 years coming true.my love came back to me.its a big miracle.nothing less. I vl post here, after everything gets settled.but still he said he have to convince his parents and if every thing goes well,he will marry me.baba please make my marriage happen with my love.
    It was very difficult for me to move on all 4 years.baba please bless me a happy married life with him.i have to give exams.help me to concentrate on studies.make his parents agree this time for our marriage. Please help me baba.

    • u r very lucky that baba brought ur love back.i pary to baba that u marry to ur love.m also waiting for someone to comeback to me again its been more than 7 years and i hv surrendered to baba as i could not move on to someone else.om sai naathaye namah.

    • may my god give you all the happiness in your life..but remember one thing never ever forget your guru/god in your future life..i know your heart is pure so only baba has listen to your word soon..lot of wishes for you and your guy to lead a happy life..jay bhola sai ki jay..amen

  30. Baba plzzzz meri help me plzzzz……….
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram

  31. Amazing…. 1st & 2nd experiences.. It is just great to read them. I hope your job is going well and to the 2nd devotee: I look forward to reading the miracle on how Baba cured you and made you healthy.

    3rd exp & devotee(whose house is robbed) It is really sad to read your stories. Please don't lose faith. Baba will surely do a miracle in your and bring you loads of happiness.

    This blog is surely a good medium to receive BAba's messages

    May BAba bless us all

    Om Sai Ram

  32. this is the same situation am facing now . . . the misunderstandings and the distance between us made the situation even worse . . and there is my bad karma which is adding more misery to my life. . . BABA do punish me for my bad karma but in another way . . but don't let him go away from my life . . . i pray you . . here every experience is in such a way that they mostly resemble my situation and as if you are showing a solution for me even. . . please be with me my beloved BABA. . . never leave me alone . . please change my mind set . . and reduce my anger . . . please Baba . . . don't let my hopes go in vain. . . please be with me forever . . . please change his mind . . try to make that person to love me more . . thank you . . JAI SAI RAM . . ANANTHA KOTI BRAHMANDANAYAKA RAJADHI RAJA YOGI RAJA PARAHBRAHMA SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI . . .



  34. Nice experiences! Baba comes to help us in many different ways and forms, and although we may have to wait a while for the answer, Baba never forgets our problems and is always thinking about our problems and gives us the solutions at the correct times. Om Sai Ram!

  35. OM sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram ,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram.baba i love you ……

  36. Baba ji plzzz meri madat karo plz meri jindegi ka sabal hai . aap to sab ke sun the ho plz plz plz main kya karugi mujeh a bolo…………….om sai baba…..

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