I am sharing few more experiences in today’s post.

Baba’s Miracle In Our Life

Anonymous Devotee from India says:

I am Chandu from India at the moment based in Dublin. I want my details to be confidential and name me as anonymous. Thanks for setting up this site and blog. I got to come to this blog/site for first time today and decided to share my experience about Baba’s presence and blessing. I have loads of experiences both good and bad (bad when I do some mistake or think bad about others). I will share an experience allied to my marriage (obviously good one).

This whole episode happened when I was getting ready to go abroad (got my ticket booked as well) for my further studies and when my love was looking for some options for her further studies after post graduate. Very significantly the entire episode was concluded within the max of three - four weeks. I and my love were in love for almost 3.5 years. And one day suddenly my love got to tell about our love in her house (Early September). And as expected her parents were against our marriage considering the societal issues. There was no issue in our house. Everything fine from word go due to Baba’s blessings. Due to strong will and stubborn attitude of my love in her love life, her parents couldn't make her relinquish me/our love in spite of their extreme efforts. Finally after few troubled weeks to my love in her house (typical Indian movie troubles) and interceptions from a so called well wisher and relative (he is a big person in the society) of her family, it was concluded by that well wisher and family that time my love must get out of the country in name of her further studies. She wouldn't come back home ever after. She would marry/die with me, so that her families can picture the situation in their relatives and society as if their daughter left abroad for higher studies and eloped and married someone and the whole episode happened without their knowledge at all. The other idea of the well wisher (you might have guessed his profession by now ) and the family might be also to get her married forcefully once I get out of the country or to change her mind in my absence. I and my love decided to stick with that decision such that I would go abroad and she tries to find a good position to come out of house/country as I can’t take her on dependent visa since we were not married then. It was a week or even less for my flight. I was getting ready to go out believing in Baba that everything would go well. Then came the twist. My love got an interview call for PhD from an prestigious institute abroad (can’t specify country), which I applied for her just-like-that on very last day of application deadline in June. Believe me, I applied may be 4 or 5 hours prior to deadline closing time. Even my love at that time didn't know that I applied and I almost forgot that I applied since it was long time. Ultimately she got selected due to Baba’s blessings and came abroad just 12-15 days after the interview as she was supposed to start the course quite quickly. All troubles ended. She was not very far from the location where I stayed. Further she tried to convince her parents and waited 2 yrs for their approval for our marriage, but all was in vain. At last we decided to marry without them and got the knot on, moved into same country further living happily together now. Further when we came back India for holidays, her parents came to us since there situations got worst (can’t specify the causes) and they are highly dependent on us especially on my wife now. Baba’s blessing came to us in form of PhD offer to my love from nowhere when we were really going through worst situations in our lives. The timing of that offer was most significant, which formed our life and I firmly believe it’s just due to Baba’s blessing. We are together and happy today. I shared this experience just to show my love and gratitude to Baba for His blessings on me and my wife. I wish and pray Baba to see that I never do any mistake, never forget the good things He has done for us, never lose my belief in Him and He stay always with me and shower His blessings on each and every one in the world. OM SAI RAM

Sai Baba Experiences

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Sai Devotee from India completed my B. Tech. in 2011 and now working in Bank only because of Sai Baba. I am not fluent in English, please do corrections if needed. This is my first post so please excuse if any wrongs are there. Please don’t disclose my name and email id. Sri Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharag Ki Jai. Dear Hetal Ji, Thanks a lot to create this blog as many devotees like me were able get their solutions for the problems we are facing and increasing Shraddha and Saburi on Sai Baba. You and your family were well blessed by Baba. Here are some experiences. I know Baba since my childhood (i.e. from IX class) like remaining Gods. But from Feb 2012, I got a complete faith in Baba. I faced many problems from childhood and even in B. Tech. with my project sir and with my friends. My father also faced some problems financially in 2012, so I stopped asking money. I wrote only three bank exams in which I got selected in one bank only and only because of Baba. I used to go to temple every Thursday and used to participate in Annadhanam program in Sai temple every Thursday. Really my prayers are answered by Baba. From the day I got I feel like Baba is with me in every step. I had joined on Thursday, though Wednesday is a very good. My father scolded me as I joined on Thursday, but I just neglected as I had complete trust on Baba. I got posted near my house (about 10kms) and worked for one month but it’s not permanent. I thought that I would feel happy if I get permanent posting there and I just left on Baba. Baba’s Leelas are amazing that I got posted in other place which is also near to my house and with excellent colleagues and manager, my happiness has no boundaries. Recently I got suffered from viral fever (104 degrees) and vomtings because of this I became very weak and couldn’t able utter a single word and my mother was very worried. I just prayed Baba that night and slept. The very next day my vomtings and fever has gone. I was very very surprised because previously I suffered from same problem and it took many days to get cured. My mom said that she asked Baba to cure me that night (as my mom also knows that I only trust Baba). Shirdi Sai movie got released on 6th sep 2012. I strongly had a desire to watch that film and asked my dad to book tickets, but no tickets left. I went to Baba temple on Sunday (i.e. on the day I asked for tickets) to offer garland for Baba. I was so upset and I asked Baba that I want to watch Baba’s movie. I stayed there for one hour and went home surprisingly and luckily with Baba’s grace, we got three tickets. We started for movie, but stucked in traffic jam. Movie was about to start and my sisters said that we will miss 15 minutes movie (as we don’t want to miss even 1 minute movie also). I replied them that movie will start only after our arrival just trust Baba. We reached theater and my sisters were shocked that movie has not started. These are the experiences, which gives lots and lots of happiness for me and feels like Baba is with me in every step that I take. Still I have small experiences, but these three are the first three experiences for me. Thank You very much Baba. I love You so much and please be with me forever Baba. Sorry for posting such a large experience and thanks for reading patiently. Please post some comments. Hetal Ji waiting for this experience in this blog.

Sai Kripa

Sai Sister Suman Ji from India says: I am about share my experiences and would like to ask Baba's permission to write these and apology if I make any mistake while writing this. These two little experiences speaks volume about His presence and blessings in my life:
  • Last year in 2011, on Ram Navami day, I was down with viral fever and also I was down with my menses. I was wondering as to how I could read Sai Satcharitra in that condition as it is mentioned in Sai Satcharitra that one should read it in Ram Navami day as it is considered auspicious. Just then Baba inspired me to read another book “Shirdi Saiche” by the great grandson of Hemandpant since it also contains a story about Ram Navami and Ram Idol. Just when I opened the book, the same page describing the story of Ram idol opened and I got amazed and happy at the same time. I thanked Baba a million times that He saved me from the agony of not reading Sai Satcharitra that time

  • This year, i asked me to bless me on my birthday on 15 august in some form or the other. I literally begged Him. A week before my birthday, on Thursday, I opened this site to read the experiences. I came across this experience, which read Baba blessed me on my birthday and it was by Sai Brother Suman and my name is also Suman. it might seems like a coincidence, but being a Sai devotee I never doubt about it.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. hii can you please tell me whose the author of “Shirdi Saiche” and where will i find it? All experiences ar nice. thnks fr sharing

    Jai sai ram.

  2. May He protect us and bless us and help us to think the right thoughts. If we are to say anything please let it be only good O Deva.

    Jai Sairam

  3. Om Sai Ram.

    Love you a lot my dearest father Sai 🙂 You are the best and wonderful. We love you a lot. Please take us always in the right path, keep us away from bad deeds and may we always be inspired by your grace to be good people and please bless us with ample opportunities to do good karma. Help, bless, guide and advice us all in all matters of our lives. We owe you all our happiness Baba. Please guide us always and stand by our side always. Love you a lot and we surrender at your Lotus feet. May your blessings reach all of us always and may everyone be happy with your grace.

    Love you Baba.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  4. yesterday i with my family went to sai baba's temple..on my way i just said to baba that please bless me with a very nice darshan.i dnt want anything else and u wont believe that as and when we entered the temple the pandit offered me the garland which was offered to sai baba ji my joy knew no bounds…i was so so happy..thanku babaji pls keep blessing us like this forever

  5. hi really very very nice experience thsi faith only makes us more and more strong to baba love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baba

  6. @Akhil Bhagwate- the author of Shirdiche sai baba is Dr Keshav Bhagwant Gawankar and i bought it from site Ebay when it was listed, i am sure that now its off the list but u may find the address of the author from the site or any Email id..

  7. Really nice experiences…and especially the second one is very cute!! May Baba be with all of us forever and ever

    Om Sai Ram

  8. I am going through the toughest situations in life. I've been praying to Baba for the past seven months and yet havnt got an answer but waiting. I pray to you Baba as your child to look at me and my sufferings and help me get what i deserve and what i have been praying to you for. Im waiting for the moment to share my experience with Baba. Will pen down mine soon. BABA STAY WITH ME AND GUIDE ME.


  9. Om Sai Ram…Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on my hubby and children by granting them a healthy long life, filled with happiness, laughter, joy, knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, bliss, peace and prosperity. Baba please release all the stress of hubby and give him peace of mind and prosperity. He is working very hard fully dedicated and I request your presence at his work place and create a place for yourself in his mind. Baba only YOU can create miracles. Please Baba please give positive changes and results at work for all the effort put in by him. Baba please be with my children and take care of them like a guide, parent, mentor and Guru. Baba kids are far away and I worry about them as a normal parent, help me perform my duties towards my family in the best possible way. My sister does not treat me well and always shouts at me with her self interest. Please do not create negative thoughts in my mind Baba and help me think and feel good about others. Help me complete all my duties to the fullest satisfaction of everyone at home and at work. Help me Baba with this wierd feeling in my hands, hope you will take care – I dont want to be a burden on anyone. Please help Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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