A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 191

Everyone in this world is experiencing Lord Sai Baba’s mercy and here are three more proofs of the same.

A Sparrow Drawn To Baba

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Hetal Ji, since many months I had in my mind to share my experience through your site, which I had been following to know miracles of our Sadguru. My transition from an agnostic to a believer was difficult, but I am happy that it finally happened. I am sharing my experience in brief with all. Please do not disclose my identity/e-mail ID.

He had said like sparrow tied with a string, every of His devotee is pulled to Him, so was I. I had never thought that this agnostic of a person will undergo such a transform in such a small time. My parents are staunch believer of Baba, and once on insistence I objected saying that I do not believe on human Gods. He might have heard me and hence made me realize in His way. My life was going smooth when problems compounded from all sides, and no friend or colleague could provide any aid to me. I lost peace of my mind, spent countless sleepless nights, and the slightest of thing evoked greatest of fear in me. And then at the face of the adversity, I fell back to my father and realized the importance of family. I was far away from my family, staying all alone. While talking over phone with my father, I wept like a child. Comforting me, my father whom I address Baba, told me “I am your Baba and you are crying before me, but having lost my father at my childhood, do you know before whom I cry and share my sorrows? He is my Baba, Sai Baba. So even if you do not surrender to Him, I will let Him know your misery and ask you to help you through it.”

So like a straw to a drowning person, Baba was the last ray of hope for me and I surrendered completely to Him. I asked forgiveness for all my past deeds and said I am at Your mercy now. I pledged “You do whatever You want to me, whether You leave me to get drowned or rescue me, I am not going to leave these feet to which I have clung for rest of my life.” The all pervasive Sai never leave His devotees in danger. I could gradually feel how Baba took me under His protection. I started to feel His presence as a cloud always hovering above me. Within 15 days of my surrender to Him, He drew me to Shirdi from the extreme corner of the land from thousand miles away. While writing this story, tears still fills my eyes like that day when I first stepped in His temple.

The problems started to abate, and most pleasingly the news of relief came one evening when I was submerged in reading Shri Sai Satcharitra. Slowly and steadily, I regained the peace of my mind. The mere thought of Sai is soul comforting, chanting His name abate all fears, singing His songs gives pleasure to the heart and reading Sai Satcharitra ward off all the miseries and fulfill all wishes. I know this mundane life is full of hurdles, and problems will still continue to come, but now I am much assured for I know there is someone, Baba of my Baba, whose blessing hand is always over me.

Om Shri Sai Nathay Namah!

Sai’s Unconditional Love And Blessing

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hetal Ji, I have told this in the past and I am reiterating this again that you are Sai’s child as you are doing this noble service. This is the time, when people think more scientifically than spiritually, but it’s an illusion. Spirituality always has a place in our lives and we need to live with it. Every day, I look for your emails to read experiences and I have written my own experiences and miracles in the past. Today I am writing one and I beg you to publish this Hetal Ji. This is an unforgettable blessing from Sai to us. Please keep my name and email anonymous.

We currently live in USA. Few years back, my father had taken some huge money from our relatives and had given it to his friend as they had a need for it. This friend of my father is a childhood friend and so father was confident that he would get back the money after some time. But that person had some financial problems and they could not return the money for so long. My father was paying interest from his own pocket till this time. I know how much tension and stress my father was undergoing. We waited for more than 2 years and nothing happened. My father in this late 60s was calling and going behind his friend to get back the money, but nothing was happening. Finally I decided to ask Sai for his help even though this was a materialistic wish, but I couldn’t really see my father going through this pain at this age. So I decided to give up rice until we get back the money and also started doing 9 Thursdays’ Sai Vrat. From last 4 months, I have not had rice. Tomorrow is my 8th Thursday Vrat. I called my Father in India few minutes back and guess what? He told me that he got back 60-70% of the money back just that day and he returned that to our relatives from where we had taken it. I couldn’t control my tears. Sai finally showered His blessings. We still have to get considerable amount of money and I am confident that Sai will make that also happen. I have read in Sai Satcharitra about the gentleman from Goa, who gave up rice to get back his money and the same story repeated in my life. Hetal Ji, I cannot express in my words how much Thankful I am to our Baba.

Baba, even if You Yourself come and kick me out also, I won’t leave Your feet in this life. Thank You very much Baba for Your kindness. It is only Faith and Patience that is required from us and the rest will be done by Baba. Believe me, this is true.

Experience Of Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Devotee says: Hi Hetal Ji, Please do not disclose my name and mail id. Here is my experience.

I started praying Baba from 3 years before. My family is full of problems. My father’s health was very serious and he was bed ridden after a massive brain attack. I, my sister, mother, we all got depressed a lot. We faced lot of difficulties in searching a right match for my sister. We faced many problems both financially and mentally. No one was helping us except God. There was no hope in life. Almost, I felt like dying. We searched many matches and many got rejected due to various reasons. I used to cry a lot thinking about my mother’s position. Finally, I once heard about Sai Baba Nav Guruvaar Vrat and asked my mother and sister to start. Even I started doing it. Within 2 weeks, my sister’s marriage got settled with a better match more than what we expected. This was possible only because of Sai Maa’s blessings. It was a miracle that my sister was engaged on Thursday and before completion of 9th itself, she got married and now she is happy with what she was gifted by Baba. We used to read Sai Satcharitra every day with tears in our eyes due to the worst conditions which we were facing. My father is still lying on the bed. I hope Sai Maa will make him normal and make our life colorful.

Thanks Baba for Your blessings and we need it all the time.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. All exp are v nice . I also feel Sai Vrat is very very powerful. And Baba gives strength to devotees to practise the Vrat. Baba is very kind. He makes way for all his children to reach him and also helps them in their journey.

    Jai Sai Nath 🙂

  2. Saimaaa….ur great..we all have had hope in you…do bless all the people in d worldd….omsairam!!!

  3. All three are nice experiences, I dint even get chance to visit shirdi you ppl are very blessed to experience it.
    @ Second devotee – Yes as u said Baba requires faith and patience if its there, he will take care of the rest.
    @last devotee dont worry saibaba will surely take care of ur father. Very glad to read all experiences daily thanks Hetalji for your wonderful service.

  4. om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram

    i am also doing 9 guruvar vrat tis is my 2 week, pls baba bless me and my family with peace and happiness u know what my family is going through always be with us baba.
    Bless all ur devotees OM SAI RAM

  5. Om Sai Ram.

    Dear anonymous sai Devotee in the third experience.. i pray to Baba to make your father alright soon and may Baba bless your father with a healthy and blessed life soon. Baba is listening to your prayers and sent a good match for your sister. Similarly he will cure your father soon. Please keep giving Baba's UDI mixed with water to your father regularly and apply UDI on his forehead too. If you can get Baba's Abhishek water (water with which Baba takes bath), you can give that to your father to drink too. Here in the BTM Baba temple in Bangalore, they do Abhishek of Baba every thursday and anyone can do it. Many people join every Thursday. Similarly you can enquire in your nearest Sai Baba temple about Abhishek water. May Baba bless you and your entire family always. He will take good care as he is our Big Father.

    Baba, please take good care of all your children. We need your love and blessings. Please help,bless, guide and advice us always in all matters of our life. We love you a lot and are grateful to you for all your gifts and blessings.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  6. Sai:
    Be always there with your august hands on me;
    When you are there, troubles can never make me fear.

    I was caught in the emotional whirlpool of mundane life;
    You guided me; I overcame it with patience and faith.

    Om Sai Ram 🙂




  8. very nice experiences. My family (Parental family) is also facing same problem like (2nd experience. Now, Baba they all are in your hands. Please take care of them. Only You can solve this problem. I also eager to share my experience here. Please Baba Keep Your hand on us. OM SAI RAM

  9. Om Sai Ram
    All 3 experiences are very nice.As my family was facing problems i also want to do sai 9 guruvar vrat. Pl bless me sai without to perform your vrat and also bless my husband
    by giving him job. Pl baba bless our family. Thanks for sharing and posting such nice experiences.


  10. Jai Jai sai Ram,All the experience are really good ,It makes me baba never leaves our hand ,Today baba blessed me to Visit his two temples (Perungalathur Sai baba temple and Kelambakam Sai baba temple in Chennai) Both are amazing.If you get chance please Visit these temple

    Sai showers his blessings to all of us !

    Jai sai Namo namaha!
    Shirdhi sai Namo namaha!

  11. i hv given up tea for sai to fulfil my wish.its been 3 months now that m waiting sai to fulfil my wish..plz baba …m waiting.love u

  12. All the 2 devotees experiences are very wonderful. I had tears in my eyes while reading them as I realized again that Sai baba takes care of us at all the times without our knowledge. Thanks Baba for all your blessings.

  13. Wonderful experiences,
    Thanks for sharing with us, it gives a lot of hope to us..
    May BABA keep shower His blessings on everyone..

    Om Sai Rama

  14. Jai Sai Ram, Please baba keep blessing us like this, We all love u and feel your presence all the time. Baba ji, please stay with us. You have changed my life, Baba. Thanks a lot for sharing these experiences. Love u baba ji. Jai Sai Ram

  15. Wonderful experiences! First Anonymous Devotee from India, it is wonderful that Baba drew you towards him eventhough you did not believe before, and Baba was just waiting for the right time to call you into his grace. Devotee from USA, Baba can help us with all kinds of financial problems and it is very good he provided your father with enough money to pay back most all the loan. Anonymous Devotee, I am sure Baba will make your father well again (make sure he gets plenty of Udi and continue to pray to Sai Baba), and it is wonderful that he helped find a better match for your sister. Om Sai Ram!

  16. All three experiences are nice. The first devotee – where did you get those perfect words to describe Baba's divine grace upon you. You made me cry.
    Thank you all for sharing those wonderful experiences.

  17. Hello Hetalji , I am new to this blog, I would like to post my experience. Please let me know how to do it. Thank you.
    Sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram.

  18. om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram. Please help me baba . I have no child thats y i faced so many problems in my family life. please me baba.

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