A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 90

Following three experiences are faith boosting. Go through them and realise your eyes wet in the end.

Miracle Of Udi

Sai Brother Srikanth ji from India says: Hi Hetal Ji, Jai Sai Ram. I am from Hyderabad and a devotee of Sai Baba. I am a devotee of Baba since 30 yrs approx. Please don’t disclose my email id.

Thank you so much for providing all Sai devotees with a wonderful source to share our experiences to the entire world. May Sai bless you and give you good health.

One evening, approx. one week before when we were starting for Shirdi, I came from office and was getting fresh, suddenly my daughter pointed out some black patches behind my knees. I thought it was some black paint or color, but on closely observing, I realized my skin has turned to black color. I was surprised and at the same time afraid of these patches on my both legs. I was having a fear that this might be one of the Diabetics symptoms. But I ignored for time being and was more excited and looking forward for my Shirdi trip. I went to Shirdi with all my family members, had Baba’s Darshan, spent a wonderful time at Shirdi and came back to my home on Sunday.

I was busy for next 3 days and could not get time to consult a doctor. On Thursday morning, I decided to go to a skin specialist. I went with my wife in the evening to a well know skin specialist. As there was a lengthy queue, I was waiting for my number to come. All the time on the way to the doctor and in the queue, I was praying to Baba that doctor should not say that I am having diabetics and that is the main cause for these black patches. At last, my number came and went inside doctor’s cabin. Then I showed the black patches to the doctor. Doctor examined thoroughly and prescribed some ointments and said that no need to worry. I was Happy to hear this as he did not tell me that this is due to diabetics. When I was about to leave, then doctor suddenly asked me that whether any of my family members are suffering from Diabetics. I was shocked and disappointed on hearing this dialogue. I said my dad is having since 3 years. Then doctor advised me to have a diabetics test as this might me one of the reasons for the black patches. I came home with heavy heart as doctor said the same thing which I was suspecting of (diabetics).

Next early morning I prayed to Baba and taken Baba’s UDI mixed with water. I went to diagnostics center to give my blood sample for diabetics test. I went to give fasting blood sample and all the time I was praying to Baba. While the nurse is taking my blood, I was just praying to my lord Sai. And again next day morning, I had Sai’s Udi mixed with water and had my heavy breakfast and went to diagnostic center to give post food blood sample. Again I prayed Baba while giving blood sample. Now, I was waiting for the final results (ie., my blood report). In the evening before going to Diagnostic center, I prayed Baba that my blood report should be normal and there should not be any signs of diabetics.

We started to diagnostics center, on the way we went to Balaji temple. All the way, I was praying Baba to have normal results in my blood report. Finally I received the report and took out my wallet having Sai’s picture, prayed Baba and read the report. And my happiness knew no bounds, the report shown all normal results and no diabetics in the report.

I thanked Baba for helping me and giving me a chance to take care of my health. It’s a lesson taught by Baba to me to take care of health first. Thanks to my Lord God Shirdi Sai Baba.

Jai bolo Sai nath maharaj ki jay.

My Whole Life Experienced With Baba

Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: My life without Baba is incomplete; that’s all I can say. He listens to me and cares for me and knows what I am inside and out completely. He is aware of everything what I do. He unlike other people always cares for me and listens to me and stood by me through thick and thin.

Dear Hetal Ma’am thanks for this lovely blog. It has actually encouraged me a lot to read a lot of devotees experience online. It just increases my faith and devotion towards Baba more and more. I would like to tell readers how He changed me and pull me towards Him like anything.

Since childhood I suffered a lot because my parents never had a good relationship and it affected me. My dad has been strict with me. Later after my 12th class, I came overseas at a very young age when I was 18. I had a great interest in boys and had so many boyfriends. I was that kind of person who uses to do what I always wanted to. My devotion in Baba increased, when I failed in few subjects and was too scared to tell my parents. The idea of going back to India haunted me and I also used to imagine that my parents will marry me. My degree seemed to be a puzzle to me and I wondered if I will ever complete it. And then I asked my friends and even brothers and sisters how I am going to solve my problem, but everyone just used to get irritate with me and only Baba listened to me. I use to pray to Him day and night and I don’t know how He solved the puzzle. My degree is in my hands and it is because of His grace.

My second experience is a life changing experience. I am that kind of person if I am sad I will like tell everyone and ask everyone opinions. But what I have got is misery, pain and people mocking at me. I had a very miserable relationship with a guy for year and half. He accused me a lot throughout and I have been in dilemma and beginning of this year. Baba knows how much I used to cry. Eventually He came and rescued me. I experienced a lot of His Leelas and He saved me from a disaster. I have learnt one thing that no one in this selfish world care for anyone. It’s BABA who saved His child from drowning into the sea of sorrows. I love Him a lot. To me He is first and my family comes after Him. We all get problems in our life, but when we have His hand on us no one can harm us. So He is with me through thick and thin and I believe no one can harm me because my Sai is with me. I love you Baba. I have done blunders in my life and will continue to do because you know I am not perfect. But You be my sole guide and show me the right way and help me take right decision. I am sure everyone face some or the other problem. Few things are not in our hand. Just caste your burden on Him and He will set you free trust me it works. I am His beloved daughter because if He didn’t love me I wouldn’t have come across this awesome blog. Love you Baba.

Baba’s Rescue At Appropriate Time

Sai Sister Shailja ji from Australia says: Dear Hetal ji, Jai Sai Ram. I am residing in Australia and want to share our Baba’s amazing Leelas with all His devotees. As promised to Baba, I am posting my friend’s experience with Baba’s blessing. Please post this experience on your blog.

I came in contact with one of the Indian guy. He used to work in our company on casual through an agency when we had overload of work. He was paid very less through that agency. Very soon we became good friends. He looked very depressed and when I asked him, he started telling me all his problems. His income was very less and had lots of financial problems. His kids were in India and he was not able to see them since two years. He was not able to clear his English test exams because of which he was not getting his permanent residency. And while he was telling me all this, his wife called him to give another bad news that he has to submit his English test result within 20 days or else his case will be declined and he has to go back to India. At this point of time, I told him to read “Shri Sai Satcharitra” with full faith and devotion and his problems will get resolved. Very soon he started reading this holy book and Baba showered His blessings and all his problems came to end one by one. Firstly, he was unexpectedly called back by his previous employer and was offered full time job with better salary. He was very surprised as his employer sacked him from this job because someone made false complain against him due to jealousy. After two weeks, he got his English test cleared and his result was much more than his capacity and his expectation. And lastly he got his permanent residency which he was trying to get since past two years. After his life took a positive turn, his family became very strong devotee of Baba and is now planning their trip to Shirdi.

I hope other devotees facing similar issues in their life will be inspired by this experience and will develop extreme faith and devotion towards Him.


© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Jai Sai Ram,
    Very pleased to read BABA's grace on these Sai Devotees. Their expressions of having problems seem so very familiar with mine and also the solutions they received seem as mine too!
    I always felt that BABA is with me since the day I was born and HE has taken care of me even at times where I did not know any thing about BABA. And now knowing BABA and realizing that "it must be BABA's helping hand" resolving my problems when I look back to my life history chapters makes me bow my head at BABA's feet.
    All I can pray for all of us to remain blessed with BABA's grace.
    Jai Sai Ram.

  2. Awesome experience.Baba bless all your children in this way always.

    om sai sri sai jai jai sai om sai sri sai jai jai sai om sai sri sai jai jai sai om sai sri sai jai jai sai om sai sri sai jai jai sai!!!

  3. SAI MAA,


  4. Yest whn I ws cmg bck frm my class ,whl in auto I saw a peeple tree n I sw photos of gods thr n I ws lukng fr a picture or a statue of sai baba ,i ws smwht dissapointd to see none..n today whl cmg bck agn my attentn jus unknwingly went to dat tree agn n I sw a realy big photo of sai baba undr d same tree,made me feel realy happy 🙂
    Jai Sai Ram !

  5. One tg I know n I see dat baba makes us al feel special,al hs devotees r special to hm ..n he is special to al of us ..baba,om sai ram,u r my father and mother

  6. I am a devotee of Lord Vishnu from my childhood. I had many experiences about His guidance/miracles in my life. So long I hv never heard of Shirdi baba's life history/miracles. I hv just seen his statute/photos thats all. Recently I had the chance of seeing Ramanand Sagar's Shirdi Sai Tele Serial. Seeing/hearing the life history and the miracles of Sai tears rolls down from my eyes unknowingly. My heart is filled with Sai.. Sai.. I see my Lord Vishnu in his form. Just 100 yrs ago, the Lord has lived in Shirdi in a simple personality. I now feel Sai's presence with me each minute. The feeling is something different that Sai is holding my hands. Im now waiting for the moment,to be infront of Sai at Shirdi. Im from Tamilnadu, I know He will take me to the holy Shirdi very soon and I know He will send me Sai Satcharitra. Jai Sai Ram.

  7. OM Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on my little family and give them good health, lots of happiness, laughter, joy, wisdom, knowledge, good luck, ability, strength, love, faith, devotion, peace and prosperity. Baba I feel very bad for my hubby. He worked so hard and made our lives comfrtable. At this age, he is not able to understand his family and feels we are blaming him. Baba please give him insight and hold our hands jointly with a single motive and objective to take our journey to success together. Baba lets our views and opinions match and his style of managing proves beneficial to everyone. Baba please allow me to hold the family together. Baba my mil likes to talk ill about me and it irritates me, please help me stay composed. Please help my mind reframe. Baba please hold our hands and stay within us. Baba I hope to see you and feel that you are blessing me and my family. PLease be there for us and save us from all danger and evil. Protect us all Baba. I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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