Sai Baba Helped To Find Suitable Job – Experience of Sachin

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Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Sachin from India says: Jai Sairam ji Hetal sis. I am again posting one of my experience. This is a bit long experience which allowed me to experience Baba ji’s leela for a longer time. So I will be posting it in parts. May Baba ji bless all his devotees and their families. Om Sairam

“Sai baba”, a guru who is so merciful. His mere glance at us destroys the sins of our past births and it is because of our Baba ji’s grace that we are under his shadow every time. Baba ji’s love is like a protective layer around us, through which no misfortunes, no mishappenings can cross and touch us. Baba ji has his unique way of telling us the future happenings. I have experienced it several times and even now it continues to happen. I have read in Sai Satcharitra that if a person is in confused state, he can seek Baba ji’s advise. The way is to make two slips of paper and write ‘Svikaar’ (agree) in one of the slips and ‘Asvikaar’ (disagree) on the other. And after praying to Baba ji to give his advise, pick any one of the slips. If it is ‘Svikaar’ (agree), then go for it else if it is ‘Asvikaar’ (Dis-agreed), then don’t go for it. This is also my way of seeking Babaji’s advise. One should follow this if he has immense faith that Baba ji will reply through it. It has worked for me every time. Now I will continue with Baba ji’s leela for my job. This is the most stunning experience I have ever had with Baba ji. Though a bit long, but Baba ji’s leela can be seen in every part of it. It gives a clear picture of how Baba ji had prepared everything well in advance to call me near SHIRDI!!! For convenience, I’ll be dividing the whole experience in parts. In every part one can clearly see Baba ji’s presence with me in every step I take.

As written in one of my previous experience, I was selected in merchant navy. But everybody in my house was in a confused state as whether I should join this job or not. There were long discussions regarding this, every time we use to sit together. All of us lost our state of mind discussing the same thing every time. Finally it was almost two days left to deposit the joining fee and I ask Baba ji for His help. As Baba ji is the wire puller of my life, my past, present and future, everything is His wish. I asked Him to guide me, and the same way I made two slips, one for agree and one for dis-agree that I should join this job or not.

Inside, I did not wanted to join the job as it would create distances between me and my family and I will not get any time to render any service to Baba ji even. But still I asked for Baba ji’s help. I picked one slip after praying to Baba ji and Lo! To my wish, He replied dis-agree. I immediately called my mother who was at home at that time and told her that I am not going for this job. She was surprised to hear this as I took this decision two days before depositing the fee. She reluctantly asked me to join but I knew that from inside even she did not want me to go for it. I thanked Baba ji for His advise and went home. As the days started passing, my parents become worried for my job as I left the idea of merchant navy and again I was on the same platform “jobless”. My temple visit was regular, I was not at all worried because I knew that Baba ji has given me advise and He will surely do best now. But my mother started feeling guilty that it is because of her reluctant answers regarding merchant navy that I have dropped the idea of joining it. I told my mother that my wish was also not to join navy and assured her that Baba ji is there to look a job for me. With every passing day she was getting worried but I, with my faith on Baba ji continued going to temple. Then I appeared for an interview in INFOSYS. My interview went very well and I felt that this would be the job that Baba ji was looking for me. After interview they told us that they will call the candidates who got cleared after some days. I came back home and told my parents about my interview and how due to Baba ji’s grace it went well. Now I started waiting for the call. I did not get any call for next 15 days and that tension again started prevailing around us about job. My parents were very worried and were considering their biggest mistake of not sending me to merchant navy. Finally after one month of the interview, I decided to go for job search in Gurgaon. For that I needed to go to Gurgaon. It would have been very difficult for me to stay there and find the job because I am not much familiar to Gurgaon. But still with a heavy heart I called one of my cousin in Gurgaon and told him my condition.

Desperation for job can be clearly heard in my voice in those days. As I was about to leave the next day for Gurgaon, my mother said to Baba ji, “Baba ji kuch kripa karo hum par, iski job lagwa do – meaning Baba ji do some favour for us, provide him with a job”. The instant she spoke this, I got a call. I picked up the phone. The words that I heard over the phone froze for some moments. It was a call from INFOSYS. I was selected in the interview and they asked me to join the company. Again Sai Maharaj showered His blessings on me and my family. He saved me from wandering here and there and provided me with a job which I never expected. I’ll be writing the next part of it very soon. OMSAIRAM

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