Sai Baba’s blessings behind Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba Blog
Due to some technical problems, in the month of September 2008, this blog was freezed. Of course it was a shocking news for me. But keeping faith in Baba and taking it as His wish, I decided to create another blog and transfer all posts of this blog there. I was fully aware that it would take much efforts from my side. Not minding this I proceeded. It was difficult for me to keep track with pace of regular posts and back log ones. Somehow I completed all the posts till February 2009.

After a week or so, the blog was unfreezed by google. I jumped with joy when I got it back. But next second a thought passed my mind that what will I do with it now? I have already transferred posts to other blog. Moreover the designing of the blog was old. So I thought it to delete it. But my mother refused. She said, “Baba has only given you your blog back and now you must not delete it”. My question was, “What will I post here?” Reply came, “Post Devotees Experiences only”. I liked suggestion and started on re-designing blog. It was Saturday when all this happened.

Still doubts were crawling in my mind. I was thinking how blog will run regularly. I will be able to post only when any devotee shares his/her experience, otherwise not. On Monday itself I received an experience. So it was a signal from Baba to re-start posts on this blog. I decided to post it on Thursday.

After that experiences of devotees are pouring in almost daily and blog is running smoothly. I feel as if Baba is only doing it. Unless Baba plays some sport, devotees are not encouraged to share their experience and there can be no post. But Baba is taking fullest care. The only conclusion of my sharing this with you all is that I am not at all doing anything to run this blog, it is Baba who is acting behind scenes.

A feeling to make this blog interactive has aroused in my mind now. So I would request devotees to share their views and opinions by commenting to the posts which they read. It is not at all necessary to give long comments, but you can use N number of words to share your feelings. There are many options under which you can give comments like google accout, open id or anonymously. You can share anything that you felt at the time of reading experience or anything you feel to be well fitted with situation. You are only two steps away from Baba while reading experiences. Firstly any devotee will experience some leela and mail me. This is first step and the second one is that I will post it here. Thus I am only medium and ultimate task is done by Baba only. I have starting sharing my views by commenting to few of latest posts. Sai brother Rana Gill, who is co-author will also take active part in this.

This blog is of Baba and I am sure it have maximum interaction. In this way we as Sai family can come closer and know each other in a way which Baba wants.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear Hetal ji,
    I came across this site only 15 days back and today only i read your experiences.You are doing a very great work,may God bless you with every joy and happiness.Every time I read a experience of any devotee,the more i get closer to baba.Thank you for this.

  2. Dear hetal ji,
    My name is PAVANI i have started reading this blog since 5 months. you are doing a great favour to all sai nath devotees like me which will give an immense strength to face problems by leaving every thing on baba. Reading devotee experiences has become a daily routine of my day, if anyday i miss to visit the site i feel like something is missing that day. Thank you so much

  3. Om Sai Ram.. This is a place that keeps me going . Recently I went through something , things r not fixed yet but I m sure things that my happiness will be back with Sai s grace.. I thought I ll go mad but Sai brought me here and I feel a lot better reading others experience.. I m sure that Baba is making me write this my day and night ends with this blog…This one is another blessing in disguise for all us devotees.. OM SAI RAM

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