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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Priyanka from India says: Hetal ji, Om Sai Ram! I am sending you a word attachment of my experience with Babaand also the photo. Please publish it on ““Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba” blog so that other devotees can also have a look at it.

We have only read in books that Baba comes home in some form or the other and the bliss is experienced by the devotees. But only when miracles happen personally to us do we understand the bliss experienced by such devotees.

Here is my experience.

Our family has been undergoing tough times last year and I have been praying to Baba very sincerely to give solutions. I have a small puja area which I have created for myself in my house on the side table of my bedroom. Its my habit to first take darshan of all the little idols of Baba and other Gods as soon as I wake up and then carry about my duties of the day. On the last day of last year i.e. on 31st December, when I woke up as usual I went to pray to my Gods and to my utter surprise I find the symbol “Om” written in Hindi. I called my mother and grandmother and we were all very thrilled and believed that all our problems were coming to an end as Baba himself has appeared to bless us. Along with the Om, there was a slip on which was written that Udhi will cure all our health problems. There was also a packet of Udi on Baba’s photo. Exactly after 10 days, once again there another symbol written in Udi as “SAI” and once again we were all very happy at home.

On 8th Feb’09, my grandmother cleaned up my room and she also cleaned up both the symbols Om and Sai. This made me very depressed and I cried and cried and cried. I was very upset and angry with my mom and grandmother. I removed all my little idols from the table and told my mother that I will put the idols back on my table only after Baba comes back again. My mom as well as my Grandmother felt very bad and they were also depressed and cried a lot. My grandmother went to Sai Baba Mandir and also to few other temples apologizing to God for whatever she has done. None of us were happy and today i.e. 11th Feb to our utter surprise both the symbols Om and Sai has come back along with a slip stating that Baba wanted the idols back in place. There was also a heap of Udhi on the paper on which we received Baba’s note. The paper was stuck to the table inspite of the fact that there was no glue at home. Now, my mom, grandmother and myself were so thrilled and happy. We called a few of our friends who came home to take Baba’s blessings and Udhi. We are all very happy once again and we are cherishing every moment of this bliss.

We feel very blessed and we thank Baba for all His blessings being showered upon us. Thank you Baba. Thank you very much and please bless everybody in this world so that there is only peace, love and happiness everywhere. Love you Baba – Priyanka

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai BabaMember of

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. I heard about such experiences from my friends but never experienced personally and never read on Hetal’s Blog. I am so Happy to read this Blog. Its really hard to believe but I can believe. you are very Lucky priyanka that baba has given you the proof of his presence. may Sai Bless us all.

  2. believe baba ., he will definently understand ur conscience and he will wake up from the darkness.., jai sri sai ram…!

  3. I have experienced lots of miracles of Saibaba but I have lost faith in everything now . I believed that baba will solve all my problems. But it has become worst. 9 years loved a guy but got cheated. Life is hell. No gal should ever get this life …never
    I believed alot that Sai will solve my problems & make me get married to whom I love or guide me.But baba has stopped blessing me.I have lost faith in life . I dont understand Y did Sai baba do this to me. I just loved one guy & wanted to marry him.Things have bcum worst and the guy has stop speaking to me. I don't have anyone in life who talks to me.Lost faith & confidence.

  4. Sai had done lots of miracles in my life too but now I'm losing faith in all.I don't know whether to pray to Sai or not . 4 times I was blessed to go to Shirdi.I need guidance from Sai devotees .Want to go to Shirdi but confused when to go .

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