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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Arun from India says: This is Aruna. I am one of the Sai devotees. I faced many Sai miracles in my life, i will keep my experiences here.

1) When i was in 10th standard (1996) i had doubt whether i would pass or not. i prayed to Sai everyday internally in my heart and i said if i pass in this exam i will remember You everyday 200 times. Finally i passed the exam but later i could not remember Sai in my busy life schedule (college hours).

2) When i was in plus two (1998) standard again i had doubt whether i will pass in the public exam or not, i wrote my exam worst, i didn’t have any hopes to pass the exam. I was in tension, that time one day one guru came to my home (he looked like Shirdi Sai Baba only), he came from Shirdi, he asked me to donate some money 5 rs or 10 rs like that and immediately he asked me how many brothers and sister i have? I told him we are only two sisters, i am elder one and i have one younger sister. He exclaimed immediately one girl will become doctor in your home. After that he took my hand (palm) and told that your worrying about the exams, you no need to worry, definitely you will pass the exam and you will get government employee as your husband, and you will have more property in your in laws place than your parents place. You will live in big city and you will become a manager of a big company and also added that you will face health problems about three times and Baba will save you from them. He gave me one pen to write the name for donation on a book and later he forgot to take that pen, i kept that pen with me only near Saibaba’s photo but after two yrs i didn’t see the pen near the photo i don’t know how it was missed. As that guru said i passed exam, i remembered Sai everyday for every minute and i read Sai Chalisa 24 times per day. Every day i lit the lamp and i prayed to Baba. After one year again i stoped doing pooja. just i remember Sai in my heart. As Sai told my sister became doctor later i totally forgot to remember Sai. Weekly once i used to remember Sai. As that guru said now i am living in USA (can’t imagine).

3) As guru said Baba saved me from my health problem. When i was in graduation i was suffering from anemia, i had 20% Hemoglobin in my body, my heart became week and my body was swelled with water, i visited one family doctor immediately he refereed me to one corporate hospital because my condition was severe. There doctors treated me and they told if the treatment was delayed for 1 or 2 days, i would have died . I was admitted in the hospital the same day at night and they gave one injection to me, actually that they had to check sample but accidentally without checking sample they injected, one of my uncle saw that and he was praying Sai that whole night that the injection does not harm me. Luckily nothing worse happened. Next day doctors came and they did tests and the results were normal. But they didn’t understand what was happening in my body. Why the hemoglobin level was reduced to 20%, they are in dilemma. They injected blood from donors and after one week i was fine, that time my amma prayed to Sai and she promised Sai to keep shalwa. So Sai saved me from that situation also. Have faith in Him He will save us. Baba saved me from the problems but i only neglected Him in busy life. I repent now for my negligence. Sai now i have one problem. Again i am praying Baba to fulfill my wish, and i promise Him today on wards that i will not neglect Him, i will pray Baba. Please believe me Baba!!!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


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