Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Saved My Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hello, I live in US with my husband and two daughters. I would like to remain Anonymous. I am a Baba devotee from the past 28 years. I feel blessed He came into my life when I was very young. Almost every day ends with me reading experiences from either this blog or the Mahaparayan blog. Thank you for all the people who work tirelessly behind these blogs.

This happened around thirteen years back when I was working. I went to visit Baba’s temple along with my friend and her roommate. After our prayers we sat before Baba. Priest gave us chole prasad. In that chole there were red chilli seeds. I normally don’t eat red chilli seeds as my cousin once told me that they don’t get digested and get stuck to our appendix. But as it was prasad and I was sitting directly in front of Baba I didn’t feel like throwing the seeds away. I told Baba You know I normally don’t eat these seeds but today I will eat them. Anyways I know You would make sure that nothing will happen to me. Saying that I ate the prasad.

We then went to a new restaurant in our area. I wanted to try that restaurant and kind of pushed my friends to eat there. After I came home I could not sleep the whole night. My roommates were not at home. My tummy was hurting a bit. I had nausea. I was not feeling well. My roommate came early in the morning. I told her I was not feeling well. I got scared and tried calling my dad in India. The phone did not go through. Then I called my friend who lives in the same apartment complex. Her parents were here. She took me to the emergency room. Being a holiday weekend, the service was so slow and the doctor was too casual. He said that the blood report showed that I might have some kidney issues and wanted me to stay overnight.

I could not understand anything. They said that your insurance won’t cover the expenses. That scared me and I asked my friend to take me to a different emergency centre. There the wait line was so bad that it took me 3 hours to go inside. By this time my friends got the news and they came. With everything going on I was so sure that I had food poisoning and was feeling so guilty that I insisted on trying the new restaurant. I was worried as the food was bad and my friends got sick too. None were sick which made me feel better. After the tests were done the doctor came in and said that I had appendicitis and needed to be operated on immediately. I could not believe that. Within an hour they took me to the operating theatre.

Next day the doctor told me that my appendix was about to burst. I got lucky. The doctor who saw me was shocked that the earlier doctor released me without finding out my problem. He said I should sue them and he was ready to help me with the paperwork. I was just glad that Baba listened to my prayers earlier that day and made sure that I was alive. Anything could have happened that day. Baba saved me. He made me go to a different emergency room. He made sure that I was surrounded by friends. I would never forget that day and the grace Baba showered upon me.

Last week I had my lab done for insurance purposes and it got rejected due to some spiked numbers. I got really tense but believed that Baba would not let any harm come upon me. My husband got tense too and he called one of our doctor friends to explain the situation. He thought that the numbers were not right and asked me to take the test again. It made our minds at ease. Till my lab tests are back and the insurance problem is solved I will be worried. Baba, please make sure that everything is fine. Those numbers were really high and if it is the case I would have to go and do more tests. My health has been our concern all the time. Please keep me healthy and active. Thank you everyone for reading patiently. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes.

Sai Baba Gave Me A Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Sairam to Hetalji and all Sai devotees. I will be sharing two experiences which happened to me recently and how Baba helped me to solve them.

First experience: Every night before sleeping I would normally check my wallet (out of habit). One night I realised that my IC (Identity Card) was missing. The rest of the cards and money were there and so did not make sense to me as to how only my IC was missing. I searched around to see if it was placed somewhere else (highly unlikely) and also thought if I went out that day which I didn’t. It did not make sense to me that my IC was missing. I aIso checked the replacement fee and it was $100 which is a lot of money for a card. I prayed to Baba to please help me find my IC and avoid the replacement fee and that I will post the experience here. After that I went to bed. The next morning, I found out that my dad had taken my IC for some official work and because I was sleeping when he took the card before going to office, he couldn’t inform me and also forgot to inform me the rest of the day but was glad that it was not lost and I didn’t have to pay the $100. I was very happy and thanked Baba.

Second Experience: This experience is about finding a job during this covid-19 pandemic. I ended my internship in April this year and was looking for a job. However, given the virus situation, lockdown happened, businesses were shutting down it was hard to find a job. I applied for so many jobs in a month but received zero response. Everyday during this month, I would pray to Baba for a job and good pay.

During this month, I was reading Shri Sai Dnyaneshwari. It was only the day after I completed it that I got my first interview call and then another call as well. However, I didn’t get either of the jobs. Around this time, the government launched a job creating scheme in Singapore. I applied to all the jobs thereafter on the platform where the jobs for the government scheme were advertised. I only applied to jobs on this government scheme. I got more calls for an interview which made me happy but still there was no positive response. In fact there was no response. I was getting impatient and also angry with Baba asking Him why He hadn’t given me a job then.

A short time later, almost 3.5 months after I ended my internship, I got a job offer. It was what I wanted to do and the pay was near what I was asking for but acceptable. I asked Baba whether to accept the job by writing chits and I got a yes from Baba. I accepted the job and now I have started the job already. I thank Baba a lot for this job. I believe I will learn a lot from it.

I believe that Baba wanted me to have faith and be patient with the search and made me wait almost 3. 5 months to get a job. Om Sairam.

Thursday Happenings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba since 2010 from India. During the pandemic this year in the month of April on a Thursday, all of a sudden I received a job termination letter! I was devastated but thought since I received on a Thursday must be Baba is planning something better for me!

Exactly 2 weeks later, on a Thursday all of a sudden I got a call from a person to apply for a new job immediately. Since it was Thursday I was thrilled and again thought it was with Baba’s blessings. I applied immediately and still was waiting for the response!

Until one and half months after the termination nothing happened. So I started Sai Satcharitra reading in 1 week for helping me in getting a job and after the parayana on Thursday I got a call again for a new job! I again was thrilled and applied on the same day! For 20 days after applying I did not receive any news from the employer. So I lost hope again.

On a Wednesday, I was reading Sai Satcharitra chapter 15 and just after finishing reading it I received a call from the HR of the same employer asking me if I was interested in joining them as a employee? I told that I had already sent my CV 20 days back to another person but had not received any updates after that. The HR was unaware about my earlier application and so asked me to send the CV and other forms to fill the next day i.e. on Thursday! I sent all the details and Friday was called for the interview and it was successful. Two weeks later I received the offer letter and I was hoping that problem will be solved soon!

Because I am working in a foreign country visa approval is an issue while changing job and during the pandemic the process is slower and so I am still waiting! My existing visa is expiring on August 31st and new visa approval is not done yet! I am not sure whether I will be able to join the new job or I will have to leave the country jobless!

I am still waiting for Baba’s miracle! Hope I will be able to stay with my family abroad with the new job. Bow to Sri Sai! Om Sairam!

My Stomach Pain And Toothache Vanished

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Hetalji. I have been a small Sai devotee for a few years. Please keep me anonymous. Sai has always been by my side. One day my root canalled tooth started oozing out blood out of nowhere. I got very tense and scared. In this coronavirus situation it is not safe to visit a dentist. I prayed to Sai and applied Udi. After a few days the pain subsided and I am perfectly fine now.

One of my similar experiences: I had extreme pain in my stomach during my periods and it was already 11 o’clock at night and there were no painkillers at home. I was crying with pain. Suddenly I remembered I didn’t have prasad of Baba that day. I ate the prasad and within half an hour my pain vanished and I could sleep peacefully.

You know Sai I have a lot of problems financially and personally. Please solve all of them soon. I am waiting for my government job and want to get married soon. You have always been by my side. Please solve my issues soon. As promised to You Sai, I uploaded my experience, though a bit late.
Thank you Hetalji for maintaining this platform. May Sai bless us all and save us from coronavirus. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Answered My Small Prayer

Sai Baba Answers | Shirdi Sai Baba Grace Blessings | Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela | Sai Baba's Help | Real Experiences of Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai Baba Quotes | Sai Baba Pictures |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba. I work as a Software Consultant in an IT Firm. Om Sairam to all. First of all, I would like to thank Hetalji and the team for this wonderful site. Today, I will share a small experience that happened with me.

I am very much worried as the person I love has gone away from me due to my own fault. I want him back badly in my life. I realised that he was the one for me. So, I told my Sai Baba and asked for mercy and I was praying continuously and told Sai Baba to give me a sign. Suddenly, in the afternoon, that person messaged me and shared one meme with me. I am surprised. Thank You Sai Baba. Love You very much my Sai Baba. Please bring the person totally back in my life. I will post the whole experience here. Please help me Sai Baba. Om Sairam.

Sai Helped Me

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Hey mere malik saibaba mein bilkul naaadan hu nahi jaanti tujhse kya maangu jo tu mere liye uchit samjhe wahi dede or mujhe wo shakti baghti or buddhi praddan kro mein jaha rahu jaise rahu khush kuch gun hai mere mein na koy bhagti tere charno ke siviae ko aut nahi raham ker or mujhe apni sharan mein lele myjhe apna daas bna le taki mein teri ho jau or tu mera ho jae.bolo shirdi wale sacchidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai

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