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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

My Sai Taught Me Shraddha And Saburi

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi Team, I am from India. Please don’t disclose my email ID. I’m working as a software engineer and this is my second experience here. My first experience was posted on this blog.

As written in my first experience Sai dragged me to Him like a sparrow in 2017 on the 100th Maha Samadhi day. I started praying Sai since then. Off course all of us have our own set of problems and happiness but when Sai is along; everything seems to be smooth and content. My experience clearly has taught that with faith and patience on my Sai miracles happen. Everything that I believed impossible started falling into place.

For more than a year they were looking for matches at my place. For one or the other reason nothing seemed to work. Eventually I got frustrated with the entire episode of the matrimony matches and wanted to take a break. I was constantly praying my Sai and always told myself that He has something better for me and nothing can go wrong. People at home were getting worried day by day and this pressure was getting piled up for me. To add to this situation my parents consulted a famous astrologer. I’ve never believed astrology at all but I had to simply hang around. The astrologer told a bunch of negative things like she will never get married to someone she likes, she will never travel abroad with respect to work or any other way and in a few days she will say she will never marry at all. All these things kind of made my parents worry although I never wanted to trust them but somewhere these things bothered me. But I did not want these thoughts to take over me so once I was back home I prayed to my Sai. I told Him I have read in Satcharitra how Your miracles changed what the astrologers predicted. I have complete faith in You that You will give me something that I always wanted. With all these happenings I started the Nav Guruwar vrath at the same time. I also asked in the question answers page about the same. I got positive answers and also got an answer that said, “your wishes will come true around May or June. Donate food”. Like suggested with nothing negative in my mind I continued the vrath and donated food in a nearby Sai Temple. Donating food has not changed me as a person but also has given me lot of contentment. Meanwhile they were still looking at alliances in my place and I was in touch with one person who was abroad. So on the third Thursday of my vrat he came down to see me. Our families met and by 4th Thursday I got engaged to this person. Also, everything that’s been happening apparently happens on Thursdays for me. I’m so glad about the same. I will be finishing my vrat before my wedding. I’m lot more happier for what Sai has given me after waiting for so long. Our prayers will always be answered. My Sai knows the time. My humble request to devotees no matter what happens don’t give up on yourself or on Sai. Remember He is working on everything that we wanted. Shraddha and Saburi makes miracles happen. Thank you Hetalji and team for this opportunity.

My Guru My Guide Sai

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My self from India and I am 36 years old. Baba is everything for me – my Guru, Guide, Mother, Father, Friend and Everything. Whenever I am in doubts or any problem He is always there to help us. I am using us because my mother too believes in Him. Previously I used to get hurt very easily and was suffering. But because of Baba I am very strong now. Baba always gives power to me. I truly believe that with His love and grace I am always protected. Problems do come in our life, but I always felt that Sai Baba is there with us.

Once in my dream I saw Baba’s picture hanging on the wall. Through that picture Baba was telling something but I was not able to understand and in the dream itself I was asking the picture. What? What are You saying Baba? Then I went closer to the picture and tried to concentrate what Baba is telling to me and then I heard Baba telling come to Shirdi. After this dream unanimously within few days we got a chance to visit Shirdi. We (me and my mom) had to leave early in the morning to catch the bus towards Shirdi. We were thinking that how shall we reach to the bus station; but to our surprise we saw auto rickshaw coming towards us. I know it was sent by Baba only. We reached in time at bus station. It was night when we reached Shirdi. We went to Samadhi darshan in the last bus from Sai Sansthan. Reaching there I had a feeling to offer something to Baba but as it was night time the question was from where and what to get for Baba. Again Baba came to our help. A small boy holding a bunch of roses came towards us. I was so happy for I had got something to offer my Baba. Flowers were so beautiful and were decorated with glitter. Reaching the temple I extended the bunch of flowers to the priest to present them to Baba but he allowed me to offer it to Baba by myself. I felt so happy and I was able to touch Baba’s Samadhi too. I am so, so happy for this. Dear devotees Baba is always there with us. He never leaves us. Difficulties do come in life but believe me He will never leave us alone. Be strong and believe strongly in Him, have faith and patience. Everything would be ok. My hearty thanks to Hetalji for creating an opportunity to post devotees’ experience. Jai Sainath prayer for all, God bless you all. Allah Malik!

Cancer That Took Away Our Happiness

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Nandini from India says: I’m 20 years old. I was the first person to believe in my family. Later on, with my influence my mother started believing in Sai Baba. We developed a deep love and respect towards Baba gradually and lived our lives happily. A day came, a most painful day of my life; when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3. We were in deep pain and afraid which was that one thing that just took away our happiness. I cried deep inside asking my Baba why this deadly thing happened to us. I am not even close to my father, my mother is the only person that truly understands me and shares my pain. I was very afraid. There were moments when I hated Baba for this. But, at the end, believing in Him was the only way that helped me mentally. Somehow, after a long struggle of pain and suffering, she had beaten cancer. We were happy thanking Baba for 4 months. But today, my mother felt two lymph node swellings. I am very afraid that it would be cancer again. I’m in deep pain and sorrow. I can’t imagine my life without my mother. I just can’t. I still feel why Baba why? Such a horrifying disease that is taking our happiness. Why should I go through all this in this little age. I feel like everything is finished. At last, my only wish begging my mighty Baba that those lymph node swellings should not be cancerous again. We can’t go through that hell again. Please Baba, please help me. Heal my mother. Save this child. I can’t imagine my life without my mother. Please make those lymph node swellings non-cancerous. Please Baba. Please, dear Sai devotees, need all of yours sincere prayers to make my mother cancer free and healthy. Thank You. Baba, save this innocent child’s mother. Sairam.

Sai In My Dream

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai’s Daughter from India says: Namasthe Hetalji, I am a housewife. Namaskaram to all Sai devotees. Hetalji please mention me as Sai’s daughter. Please do not share my name or email id.

Srirama Jayam Jai Sri Sairam. This is my second post on this blog. As I was reading devotees’ experiences, I came across many experiences that many of them had seen Baba in dreams or in other forms. Today early in the morning remembering all these experiences I made a wish to Baba (please Baba give me darshan in my dream. If it happens I would post my experience today itself) Soon after I felt asleep, in my dream I saw Sai Baba’s big photo frame in which Baba was wearing a colourful blanket. I was wondering in dream itself that from where the photo frame came as it was new and one more thing it was similar to Sai Vigraha at Thapobhoomi near Shirdi when we all went for darshan (my parents, my sis, my husband me and our son). He also gave us advice to be careful of some persons. I woke up and I shared this with Tulasi Maa. after I shared this with my mom. I pray and request Sai Baba to shower His love on us always and be always with us to show us right path to get success, happiness and to bless us and protect us Sai Maa. Jai Sri Sairam. By Baba’s grace I am posting this experience which I had today early morning.

Sai Baba Cured My Health

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to Hetalji and team. Thank you for strengthening all the devotees’ faith. I pray to Baba to bless you with abundant happiness and peace. Please do not disclose my name and email-id. I am a doctor and I worked in a hospital for few years. At present I am taking care of my 5 years old daughter and 1 year old son at home. I used to visit Baba temple like any other God’s temple since few years. But since 6 months my faith in Baba has increased.

Few months back I started having pin prick sensation in my throat followed by breathing difficulty and cough which was not getting reduced even after taking medications. I prayed to Baba and started applying Udi on my forehead and drinking Udi mixed with water. Gradually my breathing difficulty got reduced and I became healthy. I am really thankful to Baba. Another experience is that throughout my pregnancy 5 years back I used to regularly visit Baba’s temple near my mother’s place. After delivery of my daughter, she was kept in I.C.U for few days. I was really tensed but Baba gave me courage and healed my daughter. I pray to Baba to solve all the devotees’ problems. So all the devotees please have faith and hold on to Baba’s feet. Om Sai Ram.

Baba’s Way Of Blessing

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namasthe all. I stay in Bangalore and I’m a working woman. I’ve shared many experiences here and today one more.

Everyday Baba fulfils my each and every small wishes. He gives me hopes to survive in this world. One most recent experience I want to share here and I’m sure whoever reads this post, their faith will become stronger on Baba. I stay alone in PG and my only son stays with my parents in my native which is 8 hours from my working place. My Son completed UKG and I was so worried about finding a proper school for my son in my native. As I don’t stay in my native it was very difficult to find a good school. My brother suggested a school and I went with my son to the school and there I saw a very, very big photo of Baba. My Son wrote entrance exam very well with Baba’s grace and (that too Without any preparation). Then I got confidence that I can put him in that school. Baba already told me “Worry will end, success will be gained” in Q&A site. My Son was very scared about big schools and I was very worried that would he cry every day to go to school. Baba helped me in office to get 5 days of leave and made me to stay with my son when his school started. I was very shocked when my son went and sat in the classroom first day without crying or without telling me that he will not go school. It was just a miracle of Baba from finding school to making my son to go school. Thanks a lot Baba. Om Sai Devaya Namah.

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  1. Baba please help and save my my father.hold him bless him happy and healthy,dont let him suffer from bp saipa .help him financially..take care of my grandparents….help us to study and for exams.saipa.make us visit shree bakaji soon.sairakshak.saisaranam.see everything goes well.bless all healthy

  2. Omsairam..baba first of all thankyou so much…love you baba..forgive our sins…bless my father and brother with a good health…….baba people always fool me..

  3. Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.

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