Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Helped Us In Getting Venugopala Swamy’s Darshan

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a small devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Thank you Hetal ji and team for this wonderful site.

Coming to my experience, we (my husband and I) visited Tirupati for Lord Balaji’s Darshan. We started in the morning and took the steps to Tirumala but we got the darshan timing for the next day. On reaching Tirumala we got accommodation by Balaji’s and Sai Baba’s grace. After freshening up and having food, we set out for a trip on Tirumala. A driver came and asked us if we were interested in the trip and that the cab/jeep was almost full and waiting for 2 more persons to join and so we agreed.

We visited different places and then reached a check post after which few other places were there but the security was not allowing any vehicle in that area as it was already evening and it was a forest area. But the cab driver requested the security and somehow managed to enter the area. There were other vehicles which were sent back but our driver somehow managed to get the permission. We reached Venugopal Swamy’s temple and it was already known that the temple would be closed as it was late evening. We got down to take Venugopal Swamy’s blessing atleast from outside. There were few other people who got down with us. They were ahead of us and were returning while we were going to the temple and those people said the temple was closed. We went ahead did namaskar from outside the temple. There was a Hanuman temple under a tree opposite to the temple. My husband said we will do namaskar to Hanuman ji and so we went there. Suddenly a poojari came from the other side (Venugopal Swamy’s temple side) and told us that we can still visit the temple from the side door and that door also would be closed in few minutes. So we hurriedly went inside the temple from the side door and got a beautiful darshan of Venugopal Swamy. The poojari’s were cleaning the temple. We were spell bound and also very Happy and emotional that Venugopal Swamy blessed us with His darshan. I thanked Venugopal swamy, Lord Balaji and Sai Baba for their grace and blessings. I called up my parents and shared the experience with them and they also were very happy. The whole trip was very beautiful and memorable.

We had a very good darshan of Lord Balaji next day. It felt as if Lord Balaji and Sai Baba were taking care of us at every moment. Om Sai Ram. Love You always. Please excuse me for my mistakes Baba please accept my pranam at Your feet. Om Sai Ram. Anantkoti Bhramand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabhrama Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Miracle Of Miracles

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Vijaya says: A small devotee of Baba. I am a mother of 8 years old boy and my age is 37. During birth of my son I got some internal injuries and after 1 year I came to know that it will be existing condition, only permanent solution is surgery. So I gave up hopes for 2nd child. My husband wanted 2nd child but I denied due to my health conditions trauma. Later my son started asking for sibling where my heart and mind changed and I wanted a second child. But since it was too late, my husband wasn’t ready. We tried our best for some time but nothing came positive. But when we never had any plans, suddenly at the age of 37, I got to know that I was pregnant which was a shock to me and my husband. Though I wanted a child but my husband wasn’t ready and I agreed to him as I was also worried about my health condition. There was always a risk to my and baby’s life. So we both decided not to proceed with this child and we booked for surgery. On the previous day of surgery I cried a lot that I was feeling guilty for what we were going to do. My husband consoled me and we slept. But that whole night, I couldn’t sleep even for a minute and next day I had to go for surgery with fasting. But due to sleeplessness I had severe headache and my condition was worse as I was pregnant also.

Next day just before taking medicines for the procedure, my husband stopped me and said we should not do this. We will keep this baby. I heard whatever he said and we cancelled the appointment. But somewhere in my mind I was not fully ready for this. Dear devotees I must tell you one thing that, am such a confused person in this world that I am not sure what I want exactly from life. When my husband wasn’t ready I was ready, when he got ready I wasn’t ready. And I started searching another doctor for surgery. But it was getting difficult to find a doctor and my husband had to travel to India for a family function. So it was getting difficult for me that how will I manage in a foreign country without my husband. As someone close should be there with you post surgery. Then I went for 2nd opinion and I convinced myself. Now again I had to convince my husband. But I just said that I want this baby. 2 days he didn’t say anything but again before day of surgery he agreed for my happiness. Now the baby is with us with Baba’s blessings. Just praying to Baba that please bless me with a healthy baby and my journey of this 2nd baby should complete without any complications. Also praying for other devotees that their wishes also get fulfilled by miracles of Baba. Hail Shirdi Ramana Din Bandhu Dukkh Harana !

Baba’s Timely Help

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai devotee from Tamil Nadu. I know Sai Baba for the last two years. He has done wonders to me. I work in a MNC.

After completing my training, my first posting was in Hyderabad. I was happy to join with high expectations of learning and support, but things did not work well for me. My manager and the team members were not helpful and supportive. I started feeling lonely and unhappy. I was humiliated many times. I felt so bad that I wanted to resign my job, but there was some driving force which kept me moving on. I had to suffer this for nearly 7 months with no hope of any change. But change did come; I was moved to a different team for 3 months in the same project. It was a surprise to me as I did not expect any such thing. I was very happy. It happened only because of Sai Baba. He heard my prayers. I was happy to work in that team. It gave me a relief. But there was always a fear that I had to go back after three months, so I started doing “Nav Guruvar Vrat”(fasting for 9 Thursdays). As my tenure was coming to an end, I was scared but then a miracle happened. My tenure was extended for another 2 months, I felt so happy. Baba always proves His presence. As the 2 months period came to an end, I got a mail that I was being released from the project. My joy knew no bounds; I was very happy and thankful to Baba for hearing my prayers. Now I am waiting for a good project to come my way. I am very thankful to You Baba for being there with me during my hard times. I can never ever forget You in my whole life. Sorry Baba for delay in posting this experience Om Sai Ram!

Baba Helped Me In Promotion

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Dear Hetalji, I am glad that I found this blog and given more and more hope on Shirdi Sai Ram. As a devotee of Shirdi Sai, I had many experiences with Sai Ram. He is always with me. He guides me in each every work. I would like to share one of my experiences which has happened recently in life.

I am working as software engineer in one of the organization, Bangalore. I wanted to share with everyone how Sai Ram helped me in my promotion. I was eligible to get promotion. My manager assured that I was going to get promotion. Promotion policy which had changed recently in the organization, and accordingly they had reduced the number of people to get promotion. My manager called me and told that he was not sure about my promotion. He said that I was at the position of 7th or 8th rank in the list and to hope for the best. Manager told me that luck was the major factor which would help me to get promotion. I felt very bad and just expressed to Sai Ram. I just started doing Sai Satcharitra Parayana. I am having Shraddha and Saburi on Baba. I put my problem at Baba’s feet. I completed two times parayana of Sai Satcharitra. In mid of third time parayan, promotion list had come. In list, my name was there. According to the rule, only 9 people should have got. But, organization had given for 11 people. This was Baba’s grace and wonderful miracle done in my life. I am very thankful to Baba and He is always with me. Whatever happiness or sadness, I share with Him and He guides me in all situations. Like this, I had many experiences with Sairam. “Om Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai”.

Sai Baba Is My Guardian Angel

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shivanee Saravanan from India says: Hey Sai devotees. Om Sai Ram. Thanks Baba for making me write Your blessings in this Sai virtual family. And I feel proud that I am part of this family. I can feel Baba. I visually see Baba at each and every microsecond when I need Him. Even Baba has said that ” I’m fakir’s beloved child “. What else I need than this?

Coming to the greatest miracle, myself and my mom went for hospital to scan my mom’s spinal cord. The people in the scan centre said that her bones were Bulge, which seemed to be a problem. I can’t explain the feel and fear I had that time. I was totally blank and couldn’t even realise what was happening in that time. I instantly prayed Baba that if the result was normal and if doctor said that she doesn’t have any problems, I would fast for 11 Thursdays. At that time my guardian angel Baba showered His grace on me and the result came positive without any problems. Thank You so much Baba, only You know the fear and tears that I had at the time of scanning. You made me feel special again. I have another request with You and I’m pretty sure that would also be a positive one. Thanks in advance Baba. Please shower Your blessings and grace on everyone who seeks You. I’ll share the wish which I kept now in Baba’s lotus feet in my next post. Hope Baba would bless me. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba Is My Guardian Angel, protector for our family. Please be with me always Baba, thats enough for me. I don’t want anything else. Om Sairam

Baba My Best Friend

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I heart fully thank Hetal ji for providing this platform to share experiences. Hetal ji you are doing a great job and Baba’s blessings will always be there with you.

This is my third experience posting here. Actually this is the promise I gave to my Baba that I would share this experience here. Coming to my experience, by Sai Baba’s blessings I got married to a very good person and I came in to a good family. My mother-in-law’s family also are Sai Baba’s devotees. They are very nice people, but due to some reasons there were some misunderstandings between me and my husband. For two years misunderstandings continued. One day my husband called my parents and said that he didn’t want to continue with me anymore. He had decided very firmly. My parents were shattered, even my heart was full of pain and sadness. I cannot explain how painful it was to my parents and me. My parents and his parents tried to convince him but it was of no use. He took his decision firmly. Then I prayed daily to Baba to bring back my husband to me and make my married life happy. I prayed daily with my painful heart. I promised Baba if He did that to me I would share this experience and I would do 9 Thursday vrat for 11 years. Baba listened my prayers then. I am very happy with my husband and we are so happy with Baba’s blessings. I am blessed with a baby girl and she was born on Thursday. All this happened only because of my Sai Baba. Love You Baba. Please bless my husband, my daughter and take care of them always. Om Sairam.

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Articles: 249



  2. Omsairam..bless my father and brother baba…baba i pray to you baba kindly find a good match for my brother….love you baba😁😁

  3. Om Sai Ram, om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ramm.

  4. Om Sairam,

    Baba thank You for guiding us, guarding us and protecting us. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes. Baba please keep us at Your Holy Lotus Feet and always keep Your Hands on our heads. Baba thank You so much for making me feel better and helping me. Baba please bless my parents, sisters and their families, us both and his family with health, happiness and long life. Baba please protect us all and protect my love and unite us soon in the Holy bond of marriage. Baba thank You for everything that You do for us. Baba thank You so much for passing my sister in her examination. Thank You Baba. Baba please help me to find a better job. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes. Baba please always keep us at Your Holy Lotus Feet and always keep Your Hands on our heads. Baba please bless all Your children with health, happiness and long life. Baba please protect us all.

    Om Sairam

  5. Om Sai Ram…protect me, help me and guide me my dear Lord.
    Bless my brother, husband and both the families with health, wealth, long life and prosperity.
    Baba help me and my hubby be more financially stable, get a good house and also main thing help me loose weight. Saibaba please help me with my finances that I'm able to also help others. Om sai ram, I'm very sorry if I have hurt you, please forgive me. Om Sai Ram, always be with me baba and bless me with a child and also help me loose weight.

  6. Sai .please forgive me for forgetting you. Pl help naisha and SID in getting PR and settling with respectful job in Australia. You did it for nishtha and I forgot . Pl baba help. We have already suffered so much. Now I will not make this happen again.

  7. Sai .please forgive me for forgetting you. Pl help naisha and SID in getting PR and settling with respectful job in Australia. You did it for nishtha and I forgot . Pl baba help. We have already suffered so much. Now I will not make this happen again.

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