Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Thank You Baba For Answering My Prayers

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi all Sai devotees, this is my fourth post on this blog, out of which two have been already published. All credit goes to my Lord Sai and Hetal ji and team. I also wish to thank all devotees for sharing their experiences which always helps us all Sai children to strengthen their faith in Him and boost our confidence in difficult situations of life. Here I would like to share miracle done by my Baba in my life. My matrimonial search is on and then I met a guy through one of the matrimonial site. Baba surprised me by showing His presence over there, as that guy’s mom happened to be ardent devotee of Baba. I was very much happy with this gift of Baba. Initially everything went well and my parents were supposed to meet his parents but problems started bubbling up. First his Dad was not ready, as he wanted the girl to be from same caste. Secondly our horoscopes were not matching, there was Nadi Dosh problem. So even his mom got confused whether to go ahead. All my good days were over and I was shattered like anything with all this sudden challenges in my life. I kept on crying as I was upset with all this.

Even then we both met twice after all this and thought of being in touch just as friends and left the rest on time to decide. But during our last meeting he suddenly yelled at me and then he was normal afterwards. But the very next day he stopped answering my calls and replying my messages. Third day he just messaged that he is not sure about us and wants me to move on. I was totally shattered and disturbed. I cried for the whole day, even fought with our Baba and didn’t talk to Him that entire day. Please forgive me Baba for that. I deleted his number and his mom’s no. with much pain in my heart. Then next day came first miracle of Baba, his mom replied to one of my earlier message which was nothing but Baba’s video that I had shared. Seeing that I felt relieved and I was very happy. Then I prayed to Baba and asked his mom if I could be in touch with her only to share Baba’s message, to which she agreed by Baba’s grace. Then bonding between us went on building up and also she called me to her home twice and we spent good time chit chatting.

During our conversation I shared with her how bad I felt when her son stopped talking to me suddenly. She told me to leave everything to Baba and even she prayed for both of us to Baba. During these 2 months I cried for many days praying to Baba for forgiving me for any mistake that I may have done unknowingly and to show me some way to reconnect with that guy and clear the misunderstanding if any. Also Baba called me to Shirdi, blessed me with His blissful Darshan and ensured my safety during the whole journey even though I was driving alone on the highway for the first time. On Guru Pournima day too I had an opportunity to visit Sai Mandir located in my hometown and that day Baba’s Idol was appearing to me same as the one in Shirdi. I had blissful Darshan of Baba that day too and later received Udi as Prasad from Shirdi as Guru Pournimagift.

That day I prayed to Baba for last time and surrendered all my worries at His Lotus feet, as I know whatever He would do, would be for my betterment. Finally the day arrived when Baba did answer my prayers and that guy himself messaged me today and even called me and talked to me in normal fashion as though nothing went wrong. During our first call we did have some misunderstanding and he disconnected the call. But again I prayed to Baba and our merciful Baba helped me again and everything went smoothly there on. I had promised Baba that I would share this miracle on the same day and here I am doing this today. I cannot thank my Baba enough for being with me always and guiding me and protecting me. Also I received promotion this year with Baba’s grace. There are number of miracles Baba has done in my life and I am really thankful to Him and Love Him in full faith. Baba please be with us always as You are our only Saviour and help and guide us to keep our faith firm at Your Lotus Feet whatever may be the situation in our life. Om Sai Ram! Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!! Shree Sainath Arpanamastu Shubham Bhavantu.

Sai, My Guru

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Yesterday I happened to read all the stories of Guru Poornima. All the six stories. Even though I had a lot of work Baba insisted that I read all of them. So I read all and during it He told if you complete reading you will experience a miracle. I almost completed reading by 6 pm and after I went home I was wondering what miracle was Baba talking about, I did not experience anything as of yet. Anyways Baba will do something for sure. By 10 p.m I fell asleep. Suddenly I fell into deep sleep in a short time and I saw Baba. During this I was awake but could not open my eyes. My husband and my in-laws were talking and I could clearly hear them but was unable to open my eyes.

Here is the experience: I was in Shirdi and I saw Baba sitting on tomb. I was super happy then He blessed me. He was looking young. Then He took me holding my hand to Guru Sahib Malik at Amritsar. This was my first experience going to a Gurudwara. I always wanted to go to one. Here I wore a Salwar and covered my hair and Baba as always wearing dhoti. Baba and I went in and Baba asked Guru Nanak ji to bless me. After this He brought me to Udupi Sri Krishna temple and we went in front of Lord Krishna and He asked Lord Krishna to bless me. After that He took me to Mukyaprana Lord Hanuman and asked Lord Hanuman to bless me. Then He took me to my mom’s house in Mangalore and gave me a pot full of gold coins and asked me to keep in my house. I was wondering where to keep then I kept it somewhere. He then brought me near our gate and we stood there. We have a project to be completed (It all started because of Baba) and it has been facing some minor problems. But Baba showed that the entire project was completed. He then told me that I have incarnated into this life to do service to people and my husband and my father will be with me throughout. He told me not to worry about anything.

He told me a very important statement yesterday. “People come to me to fulfil their material wishes which they don’t understand is temporary but you have been with me for several incarnations and I am Your Sat Guru so no matter what; I am with you, You love me selflessly and I love you multi-fold.” I have experienced Baba’s physical presence a multiple times. Baba directly speaks to me. Baba has guided many people through me and they have received help required. One of my friend had problems, she did not have a good job and her husband was not talking. She had a 2 year old baby girl. Baba asked me to tell them about Nav Guruvar. I did not know what that was; I had to Google and search and ask friends for Nav Guruvar; now she is earning more than 50,000, husband is good with her and she has totally surrendered to Baba for the blessings received. Similarly many people have got guidance from Baba. I have suggested many to do Nav Guruvar and weddings have taken place. My entire family has been blessed and they are all His devotees now.

Sai Baba Gave Me Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai Baba gave me job. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram. Thanks again to the admin for maintaining this blog. I have experienced many of Baba’s miracles in my life before and I have shared couple of them. Here I am sharing another post about Baba’s blessing that I have experienced recently. I always feel Baba’s presence in our live. One thing I have realized that if we pray wholeheartedly, Baba always answers our prayers. Unfortunately I lost my job at the end of May. I was shocked and very much depressed as in my field it is difficult to get a job soon. But I had complete faith that by Baba’s blessing I will get another job quickly. I started 9 Thursday Nav Guruvar Vrat. On 2nd week of my Vrat I got an interview call from a company and by Baba’s grace they expressed their interest to hire me. On 3rd week of my Vrat, I got an interview call from another company. On 3rd Thursday I appeared to a face to face interview to the second company. I was not happy with my interview as the position I was interviewed had different requirement from my past experience. So I lost hope. But Baba had some other plan.

To my surprise very next day on Friday around 5pm I got a call from hiring Company saying that they were interested in hiring me for another position. I was very happy. I remembered that during my unemployment period I asked Baba through chit chat whether I will get job by month of June. Baba’s answer was yes and I got call from company on 31st May. Next week they gave me the offer. I completely believe that I only got this job by Baba’s blessing. I am very much reluctant in travelling. I requested Baba that this job should not require any travel. I have faith that Baba will fulfil my wish. Also, I am praying to Baba wholeheartedly to fulfil my innermost wish regarding this job and please bless me with very nice manager and colleague and I should be very happy at new my work place. I always pray to my Baba to keep my mom happy and healthy. She is having so much health problem last couple of months. Baba please cure her completely. I know although she is not Your staunch devotee, please take care of her. I am praying for her. She was trying to get a doctor’s appointment for her. By Baba’s grace she got an appointment within ten days. Normally it takes more than one month to get an appointment date. It was only possible by Baba’s grace.

Another experience that one day at my mom’s house there was power cut. As my mom stays alone I requested Baba that electricity should be back soon without any hassle. My kindest Baba answered my prayer and within half an hour my mom said that power was back. Thank You Baba.

Baba truly I consider You as my saviour. Sometimes I do mistake, please forgive me. Baba now I am very much worried because of my two health issue. You know everything very well. I am going to start new job from Monday. Please cure me before I start my new job. Thank You Baba for staying with me always. Without You, I am nothing. Please give me Your blessing always. Om Sai Ram.

Baba Helped To Get My Certificate Easily

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sreenivas from USA says: Hi All, I am working as a software testing engineer in America. I came from Chennai along with my family and we are in the USA since 5 years. Currently, I’m in Florida state working at a client location. My wife is a homemaker, my elder daughter has completed 10th grade and younger completed 2nd grade.

I had this experience recently and Baba helped me in getting my MCA degree certificate easily. My company wanted to process GC and asking me to send all my certificates copies and I have sent the same. At that time I didn’t realize I missed one certificate which I didn’t apply from my university in India. After few days, my case status received as RFE (Request for Evidence) and my attorney sent me the list of missing documents. I was little worried and then realized my MCA original certificate was missing. I really don’t know what to do, because applying and receiving the same would take nearly three months surely. I contacted my colleagues in India and they said there was no other way to get it easily in short time. They simply told me to contact Registrar of the University and send a request explaining my situation. I also thought of going to India to get the certificate, but still, I didn’t see an easy way to get it as per my requirement. I was praying Baba and asking Him to help and relieve me from this pressure situation.

One fine day one of my colleagues invited me to his home for dinner and in the conversation, her husband said that his mother is an assistant registrar in the same University from where I needed my degree certificate. This is how Baba showed me a way to get my certification and send the same to my attorney within the RFE time frame. I requested him and explained my situation. He immediately agreed and talked to his mother next day. I gave all necessary details to his mother and trust me, within 2 weeks of time I got my original MCA certificate. I’m very thankful to Baba Who directed me to the right person and helped me to get my certificate. This was really a miracle in my life because me and my colleague are working last 2.5 years on the same project, but never discussed her in-law details. It’s Baba grace that they invited us for dinner and came to know her mother-in-law is an assistant registrar in the same University where I completed my MCA. Thank You, Baba, always. Om Sai Ram.

My 2 Year Old Son Recovered With Baba’s Grace

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram!! Hello Hetal Ji, thanks so much for maintaining a wonderful platform which connects millions of Sai Devotees together which also strengthens faith in our Sai Maa. This is my third post in couple of years. I am a small devotee of Sai who has immense faith in Sai Maa, but somehow I stopped doing Pooja and lighting a lamp in front of Baba as I always used to do earlier. This was because of my delivery of my little one whom I had to take care day and night from day one. Sorry Baba for this but I started doing Pooja daily and reading Baba’s miracles again and with Your help I will continue to do Baba.

Coming to my experience, Yesterday we went to water park with my 2 year old. We had lots of fun there and even my son enjoyed the water games. He actually fell down in 1 feet water level once or twice and I immediately got him up. Though he drank little water I thought it was fine and he continued to play. Than we came home and took bath and had dinner and slept. My son slept after his dinner and he started waking up every 5 minutes and felt like he was not able to breathe. He did this almost 10 to 15 times and I was so much worried. It was almost 1 in the night and I was feeling very tensed. Then I went and prayed to Baba please help my child and make him normal, if it happens I will post my experience here. I applied Udi on my son’s forehead and made him sleep. Here was the Miracle; immediately after applying Udi he slept soundly and did not wake up even once throughout the night. I was so happy. Thanks a lot Baba. Always Bless Your children with happiness health and wealth. I am doing Nav Guruvar Vrat now. Baba please bless me with a job and help my husband to settle down in his career. Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!

Sai Solved My Problems

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am small Sai devotee from India. First of all, thank you Hetal ji for maintaining such a wonderful site, which gives us a lot of joy, strength and hope. This is my second post. I am devotee of Sai from 6 to 7 years. I visit this site everyday, without this, my day won’t ends. Today I will be sharing my recent experience.

My son was having some health issue which was cured by Sai Maa previously which I had explained in my previous post. Now again it has recurred. I sincerely preyed Sai Maa to cure, started doing 9 week Vrat and reading Sai Satcharitra. After 2 weeks only my son started feeling better and will become alright by Sai Maa’s Grace. My daughter is also having some issues regarding her marriage. I sincerely pray to Sai Maa to give her proper guidance and mindset to select proper one. Sai Maa please help and guide us to find a suitable boy. I pray to Sai Maa to bless and be with us always. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Prayers for Today: Please Help Me Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week and help us to achieve our goals and be better human beings.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Thank you Sai . I had severe sensitivity issue in my teeth.Had never faced that earlier. FIrst it started on 2 teeth and later to 5 teeth. I was feeling very uncomfortable.After putting udi to my teeth, I was relieved.Thank you

  3. Love you Sai maa without you I am nothing .you are my life my everything Sai namoh namah Shirdi Sai namoh namah jai jai Sai namoh namah sadguru Sai namoh namah.bolo sachidanand sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai

  4. Dear Second devotee,

    It is such a wonderful experience.
    You have done something good that he is with you.
    Yesterday at 4 I saw baba but not sure it was him. I wanted his darshan for a long time.
    What do you think is it baba who gave me his real darshan?

  5. SAI RAM to all SAI devotees;1) Make SAI happy by observing 5 day DIVYA POOJA. This is a simple & powerful pooja that everyone can do to fulfil your wishes. Please follow the procedures given below
    1) This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis you can start this pooja on any day but Thursdays is preferable,
    2)One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the
    morning or evening as per your conviniance but time for doing this pooja should
    be same for all 5 days.
    3) Light 5 lamps in front of SAI BABA.
    4)Offer 1 flower at the HOLY FEET of SAI BABA.
    5)Offer 1 fruit to BABA & distribute it among family members as prashad.
    6)You can read 108 names of SAI BABA along with chanting SAI SAI SAI or any other MANTRA you like.
    7)At the end sing SAIBABA AARTI & pray whole heartedly at the HOLY FEET of BABA
    for his blessings.
    8)On completion of POOJA on the 5th day you need to tell 5 people about this DIVYA POOJA.

  6. Om Sai Ram

    Thanks a lot baba … Today suddenly my kid got severe fever … I prayed to baba and applied udhi in her forehead and mixed udhi with medicine and gave her … And also I kept babas yellow cloth( gifted by our family friend which she bought from shridi ) under my kid pillow … Within mins my kid was normal and c had very good sleep …

    Thanks a lot Sai …..

  7. Dattatreya namaha, jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, tirupati balaji ki jai, baba ki palkhi aayi re, I'm namaha, shivaya, I'm durgaa ma,

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