Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba In Any Form

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Sai Devotee KshitiRaaj from India says: My husband is an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba since long but I became His devotee since 2008. We are so lucky that Sai Baba accepted us as His devotee(s) and gave us place at His holy feet. We cannot think our life without Baba. He is everything to us. Thanks a lot Baba for being with us always. Also, thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog where Sai devotees exchange their experiences and make their faith firm in Baba. Since 2008, the year of my becoming devotee of Baba, our life has many Baba’s miracles. Every Tour/Visit we did was safe and successful. Everytime we visited Shirdi, got ‘Neem’ leaf as ashirwad. Like this, there are many experiences of Baba being with us, in our life but I have penned down here some personal experiences of our in which Baba came for our help in one or the other form –

1st Experience –Our visit to Mata Vaishno Devi and back to Jammu, we were looking for a proper, good and safe hotel to stay for 8-10 hours, as my husband was to attend a marriage there and I had to live alone at the Hotel. We were confused, looking here and there for a good place to stay, but lost hope. When we lose hope, Baba holds our hand and that happened that day. We don’t know from where a Physically Handicapped (with one hand) Rickshaw-puller approached us and we asked him whether he knew any safe hotel. The hotel he chose for us was a gift as it was a house of a family who are using one part of the house as Hotel. I spent 8 hours there alone and by Baba’s grace, everything remained perfect. Thanks to Baba. You are always there with us.

2nd Experience – Our yearly visit to Shirdi is incomplete and successful till we get Neem Leaf as Baba’s ashirwad. As always, in 2015, I and my husband were waiting for Baba’s ashirwad in the form of ‘The Neem Leaf’, but the time passed by and we stood for long but didn’t get any. We were continuously praying Baba for ashirwad. Suddenly a teenage boy (I don’t know from where) came and put a Neem leaf on my opened palms praying for ashirwad. For a moment, I was shocked and as I recollected my senses, I saw there nobody. We looked around, here and there but didn’t find that boy. My husband was true; Baba came in the form of that boy and gave His ashirwad as Neem leaf to us. I was overwhelmed by His grace and leela. Thanks a lot Baba.

3rd Experience – While back from our visit to Ajmer Sharif, our train got late by almost 8 hours and due to which we reached Delhi Station in the Midnight (i.e.00:15 am). We were not getting any auto so were totally depressed as how and where we’ll spent night at railway station if we didn’t get any auto. We prayed Baba for help and started looking if we could get any auto. Suddenly, just a few steps away, we saw an auto. The Driver in it had his head down and was sleeping. We woke him and asked him whether he would drop us at our destination. He didn’t refuse. We felt so relieved that can’t be explained. Here, I would like to mention that the Driver was an old, with white beard man. We strongly feel, He was Baba Himself in the form of an old Auto-Driver to save us and to safely make us reach our destination. Thanks to Baba again.

4th Experience – Once me and my husband went to Mumbai to have darshan of Siddhivinayak Ji, Mahalaxmi Ji, Haji Ali Ji , Mumba Devi Ji and many others but we didn’t have idea that we both should carry Identity Proof with us. Staying in Mumbai without Identity Proof is impossible due to security reasons. We looked for many Hotels to stay but all denied as only my husband had Identity Proof. We were so tensed. Also, we had to proceed the next day for Shirdi. We prayed to our Sai and suddenly a man came and took us to a Hotel to stay for a day without any ID proof. Though it was not the right way but Baba had perfectly planned everything in His own way and also, we didn’t have any other choice, so we took to it. May be in the sight of Baba, we were genuine, innocent and unaware of the fact of ID, so Baba helped us in the form of that man. Thanks to Baba.

5th Experience – Last year, our group of friend s visited Shirdi. This time it was very difficult as we had to take our daughter with us and we don’t have confirmed seats. Everytime we try to take her with us but due to one or the other circumstance, it becomes almost impossible for her to come with us. But this time, by Baba’s grace, she accompanied us after many hurdles. But our seats were not confirmed and this was going to be hectic for her. We didn’t want that she take bad experience of this visit with herself so we prayed Baba that at least one seat for her be confirmed or TT arrange one seat for her. Baba listened to our prayer and a guy (surely the Baba in the form of a guy), managed 01 seat (he gave his seat) for her. This was Baba’s blessing that on reaching Shirdi, our daughter was very happy and as Baba’s blessing she got not only one but Three Neem Leaves. She was very happy and so are we. As always, Baba made our this trip also memorable. Many, many thanks to Baba. Baba, bless all; as You bless us every time with Your love and care. Please forgive us for our mistakes. Be with us always Baba. Jai Sai Nath!

Baba Is Kind

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Baba showed me His leela within hours of questioning the faith. Aum Sai Ram! Thanks Hetalji and team for this wonderful website. Whenever I read it I feel Baba’s presence and blessings. I wanted to share my experience of Baba’s divine presence which happened recently.

Last two years have been tough for me. I’m only surviving due to Baba’s presence in my life. He has been standing beside me every minute. He gave me signs over last 2 years which is unbelievable but true. I was begging Baba for relief from a particular situation for more than a year, there has been no respite. Being human and fickle, my thoughts sometimes strays and takes me to negative mid frame, I then start questioning my existence and Baba’s blessings. He has a unique way of showing me the right path without getting angry on my behaviour.

Couple of days ago I was thinking about my problem and getting upset with Baba for not listening to me. It was 7 pm in the evening, I was mentally very low and my eyes were burning with unshed tears. I kept wondering that does He consider me as His devotee? Does He care for me? Am I chasing some myth which does not exist? I didn’t want anyone in my family to realize my state of mind as it would upset them. My 9 year old was dancing and playing nearby. She finished her dinner about 9 pm. At 9. 30pm she started to squirm with stomach pain. She was crying aloud with pain and sweating profusely. Her routine and food during the day was same as the previous day. We could not find out the reason for the pain. I did not know what to do as it was too late to visit/call her paediatrician. My husband was not home. My daughter is an ardent devotee of Baba. She calls out to Him even for smallest thing. Even in her pain she was calling out to Baba for help. It struck me to give her Udi. I applied Udi to her forehead, stomach and fed her a pinch of Udi orally with hot water. I kept massaging her stomach with Udi while chanting “Aum Sai Ram”. In exactly 5 minutes she claimed she was feeling better. I continued for 5 more minutes and she fell asleep. I prayed to Baba that if she sleeps well and is better in the morning, then I would share my experience on this forum. She slept through the night and in the morning there was no trace of any pain. I decided to wait for another day just to be sure. She was her normal self through the day and night. Today I decided to post my experience.

Baba is kind and He wants me to remember 2 key words ‘Shraddha’ and ‘Saburi’. He decided to put my mind at rest and give me answer to doubts that I had in my mind. He showed me His leela within hours of questioning the faith. I have done a lot of mistakes knowingly in the past. I know I’m going through tough times due to my ‘karma”. As per Satcharitra I’m supposed to experience it and then get over with it. I forget this bit and expect shortcut to end the bad karma. I’m sorry Baba, Please forgive Your daughter. I’m ignorant and impatient. You are my everything. Please bless me and my family. Kindly help us to get out of our miseries and understand Your miracles. Please be the guiding force of our family and many families around the world. Thank You Baba for caring about me and my family. Thank You for the miracles You have showered on us. Thank You for being with us. Thank You for helping everyone who have posted on this site and many more who may not have posted but experienced You at all times. You are our Saviour in this Kaliyug. Thank You for being present everywhere Baba. I love You Baba.

Baba’s Miracles In My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I’m a very small devotee of our Baba. Om Sai Ram to all. Today I’m going to share some of the miracles that I encountered in my life because of our beloved Baba. I started going to Baba’s temple only when I was doing my MBA. It was because of my friend that I happened to visit Baba’s temple. I started loving the arati they sang, so I made a habit of visiting Baba’s temple more frequently. At that time I never thought that Baba will become a part of my life.

During my final year project, I had lots of difficulties in completing my work. With Baba’s grace somehow managed to complete all the analysis part by myself. On the day of my final viva I visited Baba’s temple to have darshan of Baba and seek for His blessings ( it’s an habit which I always do before doing any important work ). During Viva my friends were called first and they said the externals who had come was so liberal that they did not even ask much questions and the experience was like a cake walk. So I was little relaxed about the viva. Finally my turn came and when I went the externals asked me lots and lots of questions. I was completely shocked because I never thought I would get these many questions after hearing about the experience of my friends. But with Baba’s grace I was able to answer all the questions. I was little relieved. But the real shock came to me when the external found a major printing mistake in my analysis part. When she pointed out the mistake I was in a complete shock that I could not even was able to answer her back. I was cursing myself for being so careless. Even though it was a small printing mistake it was a major flaw which could even make them think that the project was a paid project. But in reality I had worked so hard for days and nights for this project.

I was praying Baba to help me out of this. I thought I will be made to redo the project. But when the results came I was 1 of the toppers. I was so happy. Only because of Baba all these had happened. That was the 1st time I realised the presence of Baba in my life. I told this experience to lots of people. After this experience Baba had become a part of my life. I’m so grateful for all the mercy He has showered and still showering on me and my family. As a human being with flaws even I have done few mistakes in my life. But Baba never lost hope in me. He waited for me to change completely. Now I have completely surrendered myself to my Baba. I’m seeing miracles in my life. I have lots of life changing experiences with Baba which I’ll share eventually. Thank You so much Baba. Thank You so much for all Your blessings. Always keep us with You and save us from the hardships. Bless us with good health, peace of mind and togetherness. Be with us always Baba. Thanks for the people behind creating this blog. It’s feels so good to know the experiences of other people with my Baba. Om Sai Sree Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Prayer Is Medicine

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Prayer Is Medicine -take 3 times a day with faith and patience-Dr. Sai Baba. Sai…Sai… to all the beautiful children of Baba. Thanks to Hetalji and the entire team behind this blog. The experience I am sharing is very small, yet it shows Baba’s pervasiveness and His love for His children. As mentioned in the holy book (Sri Sai Satcharitra) Mr Tarkhad enquires; “do miracles take place here?” and reply from a great devotee of Baba was that the earnest intentions of the devotees are fulfilled here.

My experience: I had taken an order from a distant client for some materials which had to be dispatched in March, but due to work pressure and back log I could not complete the same. In May the client called my agent and mailed me that as I have not completed the order in time and beyond that I had taken more 60 days and so the order stands cancelled. Factually I had already processed their materials but yes I had delayed it. After hearing this from the client when I received their mail and called them he told me that as he was driving he would talk with me tomorrow. I was tensed and I prayed our Saviour –Baba that if the client agrees and accepts the material, I will share my experience. The very next day I called him and after some thrashing from him, he agreed to take the material. I was happy and thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart.

I know Baba it was my mistake and I will definitely take care of the same in future. Please bless all Your devotees and show us the true and right path. As You know Baba, one of my wish is on the verge of being fulfilled (all Your grace) I will definitely share the same again. I pray to You. Hey Deva You creates the storm, You control the elements, You give us peace. You the total controller of this world bless us and always grace us with Your unbounded love and mercy. Sai…Sai Samasta Loka Sukhi Bhavantu.

Sai Ki Leela

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Africa says: Om Sai Ramji to all beloved Sai devotees. I am 43 years woman from Africa. I am working woman. This is my 3rd post on this blog, God bless Hetalji and her team for the wonderful task. It is a commendable job. You are working around the clock committedly with such love and passion for Baba. You all are blessed. Sai is part of my life since childhood but Baba has been in my life since 2006. I cannot think a moment without Baba and His love.

I have thousands of miracles in my life. I had wonderful miracles last week. I applied for Visa. I was very tensed and prayed to Baba and got answer that I will get Visa in 3 minutes. I went for interview and to my surprise it happened the same. They asked me 4 questions without asking me for any documents and approved my application. This was my Sai’s leela. Now I am praying to Baba to help me come out of very challenging phase of my Life. I am going through and I know on appropriate time He will resolve my issue. Devotees when you leave everything at His lotus feet He will do the best; but we don’t commit ourselves fully we are full of fear and doubts and that is where our issues delay. Surrender to Him and see His wonderful miracles. He will never leave His children and no matter what; He will be holding us near to His heart till end. Thank You Baba for all wonderful blessings in my Life. I Love You. Please always be with me ever. Om Sairam

My Birthday Gift

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. I am Babaji’s devotee from India. I really want to thank Hetalji and team for this wonderful work they are doing for all Sai children/ bhakts.

I want to share a small experience which happened on my Birthday (1st April). On my birthday I was really praying inside, to experience Babaji’s blessing. On question and answer website I got an answer that you will receive a gift today. I was so much happy. The whole day I spent with Babaji. I did puja at my home then went to Sai temple and had very nice darshan. In the evening when I opened this website to read the daily experiences I was surprised to see that my experience had also got published that day on my birthday which I had submitted 2,3 months before. I was so, so happy to get this gift from Babaji. True to His words He gifted my birthday present to me. I love Sai Babaji. Always be with us. Om Sai Ram!

Prayers for Today: Baba Please Give Me A Job – Sai Devotee Padma

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father Baba please bless everyone on this Dhanteras with happiness and love

  2. Aum Sai Ram

    I am totally depressed with my health concerned i could not able to live my normal life for the past few years. Pl. Baba help me get out this situation Baba. Pl. help me

  3. Om sai samarth
    Please protect us Sainath deva bless us with complete faith on you
    Thank you very much Sainath deva for everything
    Bolo sri satchidanand Sabbath sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai


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