Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Is Always With Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the devotees. This is my 2nd experience on this site. My 1st experience hasn’t been published yet. From the time I became Sai devotee, many things have been changed including my attitude. I became more patient and day by day my trust on my Sai keeps increasing. Thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining such a divine blog. May Sai ma bless you all for life.

I’m facing some issues in my love life. My boyfriend’s parents are not accepting for our marriage. I was very much disturbed in my life then I found peace in my Sai. From that time I left everything on at lotus feet. I thought of observing Nav Guruwar vrat from April 6th so that everything will fall into a place by Baba’s grace. On March 27th I went to Baba’s evening Aarti as usual. Daily I either give food or give money to beggars while returning from temple. A thought came into my mind that as I’m going to observe Nav Guruwar Vrat, I should offer food to beggars in quantity of 9. Then I stopped at a bakery and took a parcel of 9 curry puffs. After Aarti I was worried that I have only 9 puffs and what about the other beggars. Then I prayed to Baba that what I have should be sufficient to distribute among them. When I went out of temple to offer them, I was shocked to see exactly 9 beggars sitting outside. My happiness had no bounds, more than that I was still in shock how that was possible. Who else can do this type of miracle other than Sai ma.

After that I left to home and I again started thinking about my love life and other side I was not sure if Sai Baba accepted me as His child or not. I was thinking if He’s watching all my worries or not. Then I went to Baba’s question and answer site. I usually hit a number what clock shows me or near to it. Then Baba Said “your eyes will be full of tears with love. Keep the feeling in mind that Sri Sai Baba knows everything and surrender to Him. Then see what happens in 24 hours”. By reading this I was not sure what would happen in 24 hours and slept off. Next day on March 28th I went to Baba’s evening Aarti even though I was not feeling well. I thought of leaving temple as soon as possible. Aarti was about to end and my health wasn’t cooperating me even to stand. Then I got pukish feeling in my stomach. I ran into washroom in temple and started vomiting. After that I came out and was feeling that I was going to faint and I had no energy to drive my car back to home. I took Prasadam and sat alone. While eating my throat was burning, somehow I finished it. I was about to leave and the person who stays in temple came with water pipe and 2 more people came with broomsticks to clean the temple because next day it was Ugadi festival. I looked at them and thought how blessed they are to do these divine services to God and I asked a person “are you doing this for festival?”, then he replied “yes would you like to join with us?” I was dumbstruck and overjoyed that Baba Himself gave me permission to serve Him. I did cleaning along with them for 1 and half hour that almost all the cleaning was done and I forgot that I was not feeling well.

After that I again felt like vomiting and was feeling discomfort. Then I asked Baba how could I leave it in the end? Then a woman who was also cleaning with me observed me and said leave the broomstick and sit under fan for some time. I sat there watching Sai Baba for sometime. After that I attended Shej Aarti and it almost ended at 9pm and I was in standing position almost from 6:30. I asked Baba to take me home safely without getting fainted in the middle. Baba took me home safely and after that I was talking to my boyfriend then he told me that his mom and dad snatched away Sai Baba’s photo and # book which I gave him and angrily asked him about where did he get it from. He didn’t tell them that I gifted him. My boyfriend started to believe in Baba because of me but for his parents Sri Krishnaji is the only God and not Sai Baba. By this incident I’m so much worried what will happen and how will Sai Baba manage to do our marriage. I’m scared that after marriage what if they restrict me from praying to my Baba. I was also planning to construct a small temple at my boyfriend’s place for Baba after our marriage. I don’t know what Baba is going to do? I can’t stay without praying to my Baba and I also can’t stay without my boyfriend. I don’t understand my situation. Baba, please help me. Please make his parents as Your devotees. Please make them accept for our marriage without any issues. I left all my worries at Your lotus feet. You are my only hope, only You can create a miracle in my life. Baba please bless everyone and make everyone free from worries. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Trust And Surrender

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Genitha from India says: I am Genitha, a doctor by profession. A child of Sai. Without Him I am not even a dust in this universe.

Namaste to all. I have loved Sai from my very young age. How Sai entered my life. There was a Baba who used to come to everyone’s house for food. My mother always asked me to give that old man food. One day He came and said call your parents. When they came out to ask why He called them, he said I am going to give your child a small pendent. Ask her to have it with her always because one He ( the one in the pendent) will take care of her. An old man with His head covered by cloth and 7 hooded snake. My parents asked Who is this? That old man replied Sai for your daughter, He will be Naga Sai. From the next day we never saw that old man in our area. Without knowing anything about him I started liking the man in the pendent. He was my friend with Whom I spoke all my heart. Years passed I grew up. I can call it time because slowly I went away from Sai. Studies, work, good position in life but I was away from Sai. So many problems started without my fault. I didn’t know why?

Two weeks before I came across this site. Started reading it. Slowly I remembered what all happened with me and how I forgot Sai. Started my 9 Thursday vrat in the same week. From the very first week my problems started to reduce, and I can see that I have got back my life with peace ( which I lost long time back) I thank Sai day and night for making me remember Him again and bringing me close to His heart. Dear friends one thing I can assure all that if we give our life to Him, be sure people who see you will say “what a beautiful life you have”. Trust Him and leave it to Him. I thank Him from my heart and soul and pray that He loves me till my last breath and after that too Shri Sai Samarth.

Letter To Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji for running this wonderful blog. Dear Baba, Love You a lot. I know You are observing me, people make me mad but my inner heart can listen to Your voice that You are there for me. People taunt and mistreat me but I know You are watching them. They make me feel I am useless and say whatever they want to but I can feel Your presence all around. I know there are so many tragedic incidents happening with me but I know You are there for me. Let them say I am unfortunate and unlucky but they don’t know I am Your daughter and how can I be unlucky? I know life is not faithful but it is ok with You beside. Everything will be fine surely one day. People think I am not at all happy because I lost everything and make fun of me and entertain themselves but I know due to this phase of life I am very close to You than I was yesterday. I am happy because I am with you.

Mom asks me sometimes why Baba is letting you in pain and making you fall again and again but mom don’t know that You are my dad. If I am crying he might be also crying for me. People think I lost everything but they don’t know being with Baba I shall never lose anything. Baba I know I cry a lot thinking why isn’t it working? Why so much pain but somewhere I find strength in You Baba. I know it’s very hard phase of my life but I know I will get rid of these troubles very soon because of Your blessings Baba. You are the best thing happened in my life. I love You. I am finding very hard to live this life sometimes I just want to give up but then I understand You are there with me. Om Sairam! From Your child, People call me unlucky but I know I am Your lucky daughter.

Om Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Nathaya Namah, Thank You Hetalji and wonderful team for letting me share my experiences and publishing those. Thank you devotees for sharing your experiences and reading mine. Please keep showering Your blessings on the entire world and make this world safe, peaceful and beautiful. By Baba’s grace I have shared few of my experiences which I had overcome in my life.

Baba runs to His devotees during their tough times. Coming to my experience Baba blessed me with two beautiful and kind hearted daughters. Om Sairam. Whenever I have any problem, I ask Sai Baba to solve. He is my Guru best friend and Guide. Numerous miracles have happened, which are not possible to write here. I am praying Baba please shower Your blessings on my kids for their health and good education. Baba You know how I am now and in what position. Please, Please Baba help me with my studies. If not You then who can help this poor little being in this world? May Your blessings and love reach everyone in this universe and let the credits of their good deeds get doubled. Love You Sai, waiting to post my next experience. Jai Sairam. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Baba Cured my Son

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Vijaya from Singapore says: A small devotee of Baba. Last week my son got Viral fever after school camp (He is just 7 years). Initially we thought it will subside by 1 or 2 days. But it wasn’t getting well even after 3 days. He was struggling with continuous fever and he never had such fever before that. One night we rushed to Emergency also when his fever was not reducing. Doctors told it will be there for 5 days, after 5 days if it still exists then come again for blood test. All 4 days we kept sponging. I was praying hard to Baba to please cure him soon. And the fever should not exceed 5 days as doctors said if it exceeds more than 5 days then we need to do blood test. I gave him Udi daily and was waiting and praying to Baba, please cure him. And Baba heard my wish. After 5 days there was no fever. I am sharing this experience as I said in my heart that if my wish get fulfilled, will share it on site. Thank You Baba, and please help others also who have faith in You. Please strengthen their faith, with this wish. Ending my experience. Om Sai Ram!

Sai’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetalji and team! It is indeed our good fortune to be able to read and derive bliss in devotees Sai experiences. Thanks to you and your team for the carrying out this holy task. May you be blessed abundantly.

This is about my son’s experience where he adjusted well in his new school and also began to excel. It was purely Sai Baba’s grace where He helped my son. In the initial couple of months my son cried and insisted on going back to his old school but eventually Sai helped him ease his mind and today he has not only well adjusted but he is aiming to do better for himself. I always told him to trust and pray to Baba if he finds it difficult and he says Baba is protecting him. I really hope Baba blesses him to grow into better person and do well in his life not only for himself but for others also. Om Sai Ram!

Prayers for Today: Prayer To Sai – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. To the 3rd devotee who wrote the letter to Sai, beautiful. May you have His grace in abundance.

    Thank You O Sai for being with me and blessing me with Your grace.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram

  3. Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father forgive me Baba today i got YOUR Darshan i felt good Baba Now i know YOU are with me

  4. Om sai samarth
    Thanks a lot Sainath deva during cleaning, no pain there is no danger in ear no injection pain by your grace Sainath please cure me Sainath
    Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai

  5. Thank you baba, Thank you so much for solving my problem.plz baba plzz solve the remaining jai sairam jai sairam.

  6. Please help me to find answers…i have observed that only why sai devotees go through hell…iam not blaming baba but being baba in our lives we go through hell..other people who dont even know what is spirituality and will doing many bad things leads happy and easy life..where as we devotee suffer in realtionshpis, job huntings, almost 90% people suffer from health issues, if not in relationship finding difficulty in getting married, if happily married struggling for child…hundreds of problem s….why is it so??? If this all because of karma then what baba is doing only sitting and crying with us and giving false hints to keep us alive…only sai devotees has karma??? Other people dont have karma??? How come their life is so easy..everthing will go smoothly…and the whole world wil be making fun of us the way we love baba…when god himsef is so close to us we fail, cry , get insulted, fall in depression. ……baba is not even bothered of others…iam not able to belive baba anymore from more than one year he is goving sings nothing is happening…in every breath pf mine baba exists…the day i loose hopes completly i will in shirdi infront baba only…i cant take this being cheated by baba even if i get everything i loose should live than??? What he has promised he has to do right???? Why baba makes his devotees wothless in this world in the name of karma as if other people havent accumulated anything…every sai devotee will be suffering if i see…why is this so ???? Please help me to understand this….

    • Keep faith on Baba.. don't lose hope. You will have to surrender completely. That same thing is happening with me from past few years. I haven't tasted success yet. Baba gave us lots of signs. Our application for residency got rejected for the third time. Health problems, Money problems, career. Everything seems imperfect in life except Baba. Baba has given me lots of problem, so only he will solve them. Surrender to him and keep faith that he will solve them and be fearless. I have complete faith that he will give me much more than I have asked… Om Sai Ram

    • Dear devotee i just want to say that do we even have any idea how much baba suffers by taking our pain do we really love baba we always ask we need this that we need our wishes to be fulfilled at any cost we our so selfish people dat we need our sufferings to end we don't even care about other human beings neighbour's we wont even offer our hand whoever comes for help after all this we expect that we are baba devotees what had baba said to help each other and help the needy we wont follow his preachings we just pray we need this things to be done is it a business deal he is our father he just expects love and we need to follow dharama and to be good human being seriously we have no idea how much baba is doing same like how much our parents sacrifice for us it's a pure love not like ur meaterialistic one do we really love baba truly how much suffering our father is going please try to love baba truly by heart u will see the change i don't want to hurt u but i m sorry i just want to say even i feel i m not a true devotee to my baba om sai ram.

    • Dear Friend ,

      i have gone through the same phase which you are going through. i know it takes away our belief from justice when people who cheated /harmed/ us live happily. BABA was the one who told me that one of my relative did black magic on me. my life has been stuck in the same room for more than 6 years now. am jobless, 32 yrs and still single. my parents and sister didnt stand by me when i was in such a trouble. they also believe in BABA but when I said about black magic , they started beating me and abusing me …but one day BABA appeared in my dream and was crying. when i asked why, HE said, HE IS crying on behalf of me. and gradually HE took away my emotional pain given by people around. i use too cry a lot and be depressed about all the things happening in life, but now after 5 years of struggle I believe in BABA , HE is guiding me. HE took away the affects of Black magic. and said HE cant get involved with KARMA of any body. all HE did was reduce my emotional pain during my bad period. during that time i use get very angry on BABA and throw things at HIM (for which am very sorry today) and once HE appeared in dream and HE showing me how much hurt HE got ..and HIS disciples were so angry at me and i was just crying. and that's it since then i understood that HE is there for me at every step of life and HE will protect me for ever. its been a very tough time for me. i thought of committing suicide several times, but every time BABA suddenly appears on screen or on books and say dont commit suicide. HE stopped me from committing that sin. when people question me about my life both personal and professional, i tell them that BABA has better plans for me. then they say am bluffing them. they keep asking when will that time come for you?? i guess after 6 years that time is very near. i feel it in my gut and BABA has also told me so.
      So, dear friend, we all go through loads of bull shit in life partly because of our karma and partly because of others. same way the good also happens. but during such tough time, BABA changes our perspective towards life and brings in more stability in our hearts which we lack during harsh period. once we have that stability (which is complete faith in BABA), nothing absolutely nothing can tear us apart from inside. BABA slowly makes us more spiritual, strong, independent (not dependent on any other human but dependent only on BABA), more loyal , honest, kind hearted, positive and loving person. to lead a life full of positivity and love, we need this , we need BABA. when heart/ mind at peace we achieve a lot more things. and what BABA gives, stays for ever.

      people who did black magic on me and who have hurt me bad , are leading a happy life. but MY LIFE ISN'T ABOUT HOW HAPPY OR SAD THEY ARE. ITS ABOUT ME.

      loads of love to you,

      MAY all humans have their hearts filled with love.

    • Thank you all of you for showing concern..and i agree with you all…even i feel some black magic happned as i was depresses and behaving like mad…but because of baba i came in contact with good baba devotees. I have recently got attuned as 1st degree reiki healer through jaya wahi ji who is author of " sai baba is still alive" book…dear i can understand what you are going through …i am too jobless proper health and waiting for life partner…i wanna help you…you can also be healers and try to make things better..i startex this very recently…i feel this is helpfull to you guys also..there is very beautifull healing family…for anymore querries you can email me

  7. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  8. Dear Devotee who wrotethe Letter To Baba yes you are the lucky we all are , and you haven'tl ost it all but you'll get a lot more than what you can think he is taking care of all of us just be good to everyone and help , andplease don't even think about giving up cause your life is about to change Tbh I used to think a lot the same but after he took me under his wings I'm lot lesslike thatyeah life is too hard yet and a lot more to go but we will be there and don't think you are are alone we are with you I'm with you Saiji is with you pleaset take care and don't leave cause you never know who's desperately waiting for your help in futureowns yeah my mom sayst he samething like yours why baba is testing you so much but I know we will pass the test just have to wait and if you need to talk please mail me I would love to talk to another Sai devotee please smile

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