A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 1481

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Nath Ki Jai

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   | http://www.shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: This is third post in this platform. I have experienced many Baba’s miracle. I have full faith that Baba will be always with me to bless me. I can’t live without Baba’s blessing and His guidance. Sai Nath ki Jai. This is my third post where I am going to share my couple of miraculous experiences. A heartfelt thanks to Hetalji and her team for such a noble work. I have been Baba’s devotee since December, 2015. I am blessed that Baba draws me in His lotus feet. Within this short time span, I can feel that Baba is always with me whenever I am in trouble.

Coming to my experience, although past few weeks I am worried for couple of my health issues, I have complete faith that Baba will bless me with a healthy and happy life. I have completely surrendered to Baba’s lotus feet. Baba, You are the only one on whom I can depend upon. In my last post I forgot to mention that how Baba cured me from my unexpected back pain. I used to experience a sudden back pain. I used to apply Udi on my forehead and drink some of it mixing with water. I didn’t feel any more pain after that. Please forgive me to post this miraculous experience late.

I had bad skin disease on my leg. I prayed whole heartedly to Baba that nothing should be serious. I shouldn’t be diagnosed with any kind of bad disease. I shouldn’t be diagnosed with any kind of cancer. I want to lead a healthy and peaceful life. Any further blood report for me should come normal. Baba again answered my prayer. Doctor said no need to worry. It is just normal skin rashes and normal mole. My beloved Sai Baba, I consider You as my Guru, please cure me completely from all my disease. I put your Udi everyday on my forehead. Please Baba bless me so that I can worship You as my Gurudev until my last breath. At any situation my faith, my trust, my hope should not be shattered. I am going through very rough phase of my life. You know my married life problem very well. I can’t handle this situation any more. Please Baba, You take care of this. I am going through so much of pain right after my marriage due to family matter. Initially, my in laws gave me so much of mental pain. Baba, I know You have some better plan for me. Only Your blessing can help me to come out of this situation. I have firm faith that you will answer to my prayers in this particular matter, so I can lead a very peaceful married life. Please show some miracle so that I can overcome my fear. If I have done any mistake please make me realize that I should not do that gain. Baba, I wish that You come in my dream to bless me and to talk to me. That will be my happiest moment of my life. Whenever I prayed to You for any trivial matter You have listened to my prayer. I know that You are always with me. So please give me a very happy married life. I also prayed to You to take care of my mom. She doesn’t have much help in India. I feel very bad always for her. She had little swallowed bump on her chest. We got very much scared. I prayed to Baba nothing should be serious. Baba answered my prayers. My mom also had her recent blood work. By Baba’s blessing everything came out normal.

I live far from my mom. I can’t do anything for my mom. Baba You please take care of my mom. I really want to see her happy. Sometimes, I feel helpless as I don’t get any mental support. This blog gives me immense peace and builds up confidence. You have shown me path how to move on. By Your blessing I am mother of two beautiful boys. Bless them so they can be very successful in their life. Please Baba cure me completely from any health issue. Please don’t leave me alone. Stay and be with me always. I admit that without Your blessing I can’t move on. Baba, You also saved me from a major car damage. Baba , thank You very much for being with me always. I pray that only your miracle blessing can help me to overcome all my family problems and I can lead very happy married life. Om Sainath ki jai. Baba, today I am going to get my blood test report. You know I am very scared. Baba, please bless me that all my blood work report should come normal. In my last report my platelet count showed low number. Please bless me that my platelet number comes in normal range this time. Please cure me from any kind of disease. I have firm belief that You will stay always with me and will listen to my prayer. Thank You Baba for everything. Om Sainath ki jai, Om Sainath ki jai.

How Baba Helped In Tough Time

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces   | http://www.shirdisaibabaexperiences.org

Sai Devotee Bharath from India says: Om Sairam, I am first time sharing an experience here and I would like to thank whoever gave me this platform. My name is Bharath and I want to share my experiences how Baba dragged me to Him and gave a life.

I am writing this with tears are dropping from eyelid. I want to share how Baba came into my life from the beginning. I used to pray Baba before but just like I used to pray other Gods but once when am in my engineering final year 2013 something miracle happened, I saw my friend reading Baba book, I was so much attracted to Baba Book and I asked my friend to lend his book and started reading Baba book, I couldn’t stop reading the book. I wanted to complete all at a time. I used to remember stories and I also had Baba darshan in a dream. In my final year we had campus placements just because of Sai Baba I have cleared two rounds from CTS and two rounds in Capgemini. I thanked Baba for giving me two jobs since then I started believing Sadguru more and more. I started reading book every day and advised many of my friends to read who got help from Baba. When all my friends got posting in Chennai, I prayed Baba and to my surprise I got in Hyderabad DLF, as we know everything is planned by Baba. Getting post in Hyderabad helped me to do Masters along with work and because of Baba I got admitted in one of University. I took a Loan of 20 lakhs but have to pay interest every month 6k for first semester, if I take loan for second semester I have to pay 12k for every month. I still remember this one night when am returning from night shift of part time, I had a thought in my mind, “I know Baba You are there for me, You will take care of me , You have all plans for my life”. Surprisingly very next day there was a post in college portal which is not even related to my major but applied and then is miracle happened in my life.

I got interview call and I went with doubt that it is not related to my experience, will I be able to crack the interview or not but I prayed Baba and went to the interview. I got to know that if I get this job my fees will be waived off and I don’t have to take loan. Then again Baba came to mind, oh my dear Baba you gave a solution to problem this way oh my lord, I started praying and chanting Baba’s name 24X7 and to everyone’s surprise and history in university I got that Job which never happened before, to my friends from my Major. I started doing 9 vrat pooja for helping me. I want to do pooja but don’t know how to do and then again Baba showed His miracle. One of my friend entered my home the moment I was about to start pooja, I never invited him to my home and he just came to my home to see me after a long time. He is good at doing all these poojas so I thanked Baba in my heart for helping me again. I successfully completed pooja with help of my friends and chanted Baba’s name always. But now I am in bad phase of my life. I have finished my masters in December and searching for a job since then but till now I didn’t get a job. I do not know what’s happening in my life, some Maya got in my mind and disturbing me a lot giving bad thoughts about Baba. I do not know how to overcome; I am crying daily a lot for Baba to help me to overcome this situation. Baba please help me, I am Your child, please forgive me if I have done any sins, I have never hurt anyone to my knowledge. I always help others keeping Baba in my mind. Please Baba help me having peace in my mind, help me getting a job, I promise I will do 9 week vrat once I get a job, I want to do it now but I am not sure how do I do it here. Please someone help how to overcome this bad phase in my life. I know Baba, You are with me, You have all the plans for my life. Please give me some courage.

Got A Job With Baba Blessing

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetalji, Let me thank you for providing this website to share all of our experiences. All of my family members are Sai devotees. Baba has been with me from my childhood. He helped me so many times to succeed in my life. I have experienced many miracles in my life to share but I would like to share the most recent experiences that happened to me by Sai Baba’s grace. I have completed my Bachelor’s in 2012. Later, I tried to get a job and I had also applied to some universities for masters in USA. I got very low marks in entrance exams but my academics were good. So, I was so worried whether I will get visa or not as my parents gave me only one chance to try my luck on getting visa. The visa officer rejected three student’s visas before me. So, I was so scared and continuously prayed Sai Baba by crossing my fingers. Then Unexpectedly, My visa got approved that day with Sai Baba’s grace. Tears rolled out in my eyes when I heard those beautiful words from the visa officer. This is the best and wonderful experience of mine being Sai Baba devotee.

Here is my Second Experience. I finished my masters in 2015. After that, I tried very hard to get a job. Even though I got few interviews scheduled from five to six companies in the span of seven months, I was rejected after the final rounds. I was so depressed but didn’t lose hope as Baba helped me in all my tough times, then one day when I was looking into Sai Baba Question and Answers page on my facebook timeline; I came across to this page and read one Sai devotee experience on this page. He mentioned that all his problems got vanished after doing Sai nav Guruvar vrat. Even though I have read Sai Satcharitra many times before, I wanted to know about this nav Guruvar vrat too So, I have decided to start this nav Guruwar vrat in November ending. I finished this Nav guruvar vrat in mid February (Missed two weeks as I was travelling). Surprisingly, I got a job on tenth week which means as soon as I finished reading this Nav Guruwar vrat. How this happens is one day, I got a call from vendor saying that he has a position and would like to submit my profile to the client. I said ok I am interested. Then Next day he called me to ask my available time slots to schedule an interview as the client is interested in my profile. I gave some time slots after that week and the interview got scheduled. I didn’t even prepare good enough for the interview as I have been in so many interviews by that time but it went well and the wait is finally over. They offered me a job. I felt so happy and thanked Baba so much for showering His blessings on me finally. So, what I can say is never lose hope and trust Him. He will hold your hand and show you the path to reach success. Believe Him and believe in yourself then you will achieve your goal. Thank You!

Baba’s Timely Help

Sai Devotee Jyotsna from India says: Hi Hetalji and team, Sai Ram. May Baba always bless you.
I am writing in reference to my earlier experience, which was sent on Feb 22, 2016. I just wanted to know, when that would be published. Also I am submitting a new experience.

Sai Ram to all Devotees. I am a very small devotee of Baba. This would be my fourth experience here. Baba, I know I am late in posting this experience. I had recently joined a new office and was given the responsibility of the official phone, whose number was listed on our company’s website. It was very necessary for me to keep the phone with me at all times because we get a lot of client calls on that number only. So, I was vigilant at all times. But, one fine day in the morning when I needed that phone for making some calls, I found it missing from place where I usually keep it. I panicked and started searching it here and there. I dropped a message to my colleague asking whether he has taken the phone the earlier evening. When he replied in negative, I was in tears. I thought that I would be scolded very badly and considered as irresponsible. Then my Deva’s thought came to my mind. I know it’s silly, but I told Him ” Baba please help me find the phone”, I will submit my experience here. And within a few minutes my manager called me up and said that he has taken the official phone the earlier week. I heaved a sigh of relief and thanked a ton to my Baba. Dear devotees please have Shraddha and Saburi. And just chant Om Sai Ram, You will see everything in this world will become easy. Baba I know, I am very impatient and take stress easily, but I would like to remain at Your heavenly feet forever. Never leave the hands of Your devotees Baba. Sachidananda Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Is Always With Us

Sai Daughter Madhu from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thanks Hetalji for creating such a wonderful platform to share our Baba’s miracle with all Baba’s devotees. Earlier I have posted some of my experiences on this blog. Baba always helps me in all problems of my life. I have many experiences with Baba. Today I am sharing one of them.

Due to some emergency I had to travel from Pune to Amritsar immediately. My husband booked flight ticket from Pune to Delhi and from Delhi, my sister in law had to come with me to Amritsar but we did not have any train booking. I was very tensed that how could we travel 7-8 hours journey without reservation and in anxiety while chanting “Om Namah Shivaye” or “Om Sai Ram” I went to sleep. Next day early in the morning was our train. Now in my dream while checking the reservation list I found my name in the list and I was happy that we have got one seat and we two can adjust. Next day morning we boarded the train. Train, which was fully packed due to vacations and there was no scope for any adjustment. On three seater seat two ladies were sitting and on one seat they had kept their bag perhaps they were waiting for someone. Suddenly one lady turned to me and asked where you have to go, I replied “Amritsar”. In return she took her bag off and told me you can sit here, one of our friends had to come but now she is not coming, so this seat is vacant. Oh this was my Baba’s miracle; He had booked a seat for us. All co passengers were good and adjusted with us very nicely and we reached safely to our destination. Thank You Baba for taking care of us.

In Pune we go to an army Mandir. All God’s statues are there and Baba’s too. Every Thursday they offer rice pulao to Baba and if we want to offer we had to book the date 3-4 months prior. The week I had to go to Amritsar, my booking was there to offer the pulao prasadam. Here is also Baba’s miracle, He knows everything. One week before we got a call from the priest of the temple, he said whose booking was for prasadam for this week, is not coming, if you are able to attend Aarti today, we can offer prasadam from your side and I said, yes no problem. Baba had known that I will not be in Pune next week so He gave me chance to offer prasadam one week before. Baba always comes to His devotee’s rescue. Baba, please bless everyone with happiness, good health and success. I know there is no human being without worries. Baba I have surrendered to Your Lotus Feet. You know all my worries and You will soon bless me with lots of happiness. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayek Rajadiraj Yogiraj Parbraham Shri Sachchidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai…Shree Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai … Om Sai Ram

Udi is Baba, Baba is Udi

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India, currently staying with my husband in US. First of all a big thank to dear Hetalji and your team for this noble work. I am a regular reader of this new version of “Shree Sai Satcharitra” from 2014. This strengthens me whenever I find myself low. Baba took me under His shelter in 11. 11. 2010(Thursday). From that day Baba stood with me in each adverse situation. Baba came to my life in the form of “Shree Sai Satcharitra” and I used to read daily one chapter. Baba please help me in sharing our experience with all. I can rather say this is the greatest miracle happened in our life.

We got married in 2011 and came to US in 2013. The experience is all about the miracle of the sacred Udi. In 2014 we thought of starting our family. With Baba’ blessing I got conceived in May 2014. But it ended with an ectopic pregnancy and I had to lose one of my tubes. Baba saved me from this life threatening situation. The doctor told this may happen again so we need to be very careful about this. After this we both decided to put ourselves totally under His holy feet. We did the Arati and chanted Sai Bavni daily. I used to put some Udi on my stomach and take some with water. We both started Nav Guruvar brat one after another. In September 2015 Baba came to rescue us. One of my husband’s friends sent us a precious gift (Baba’s beautiful statue) and we got it a day before Vijayadasami. I have kept it in my puja place and started doing puja. The next day morning I came to know that I got conceived. We both got scared as we didn’t know whether it is in uterus or in tube. From that day in every two days there was a blood work to check the hormone level and in every week an ultrasound to check the foetus. That was the most terrific period we had. On 31st October, doctor found there was a sac and she told we have to wait another 15 days for heart beats. Then on 7th November the biggest miracle happened we heard the heart beats. We can’t thank You enough Baba for blessing us in this way. After 38 weeks 2 days, on 17th Nov Baba blessed us with a baby boy. We have named him after Baba’s name Sai Suchishraba. So my only request to all Baba’s children ,those who have Udi with you please put some on your forehead and take some with water daily ,definitely you can feel the power of Udi. Today I am holding Sai on his 21st day and typing of this is possible only because of the powerful Udi. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. To the first 2 devotees, I'm sure He has blessed you both by now 🙂

    O Deva, Thank You for assuring us that You are holding our hand, leading us in the right direction, and with us at all times 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  2. Om Sai Mehma Mehma .. shukriya Deva bahut bahut shukriya .. 5th one is my experience .. I was waiting for last many days to see my experience .. yes Baba is always with us .. only sharda n saburi is the mantra .. Deva thank you very much .. now please bless my daughter with good life partner and successful, blessed life .. Om Sai Ram, Shirdi Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram, Sadguru Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Shree Sai Ram

  3. Om Sai Ram
    Baba please bless our family with good health and be with us deva and show right path and help my children to reach their destinations.

  4. Om Sai Ram. Baba thanks for everything. Baba yesterday my husband gifted me a laptop which was purchased in USA when he went there on a business trip.Baba Please help me to learn all the things which will help me to get a job in my new field as I am going to switch my previous field. Please always be with us. We are nothing without your help. OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM

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