Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Plans My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Software Engineer. I am praying Baba for the past three years and have experienced His presence in my life. I am currently at Canada and I wanted to share my experience with Sai devotees. Om Sai Ram. First of all thanks a lot Hetal ji and your team for your wonderful selfless service. I am a Sai devotee from 2012 before that I don’t know anything about Him. I was living in a hostel at Chennai by 2012 working for an MNC as a Software Engineer. Many miracles happened after Sai entered my life. I should definitely tell this I got Spot award first time in my job by September 2012 because of Baba, then my marriage was fixed in two days by His grace, my father had no money at that point of time but by Baba’s grace he managed to do all expenses and my marriage happened well by May 2013. To manage my marriage expenses my father got some debts and somehow after my marriage he was able to get loan on our property and settle all those debts because of Baba. I was reading Sai Satcharitra book to get loan. As everyone faces problem after marriage I also had problems but I don’t know why I didn’t do Sai Satcharitra Parayanam? I was forced to do abortion by 2013 year end due to personal reasons. I couldn’t digest the way I was forced by my family members for abortion and I totally lost interest in my married life.

Mean time I joined for my higher studies in Canada but I was always restless thinking about my baby. Latter after a year my husband joined me, but I never wanted a baby as I already had one worst experience and my studies were not completed. Every Thursday I visit Baba temple and whenever possible I listen to Sai Baba’s Aarti. Now see how Baba played miracles in my life. By November 2014 I was pregnant again and I did not want to abort my baby again at any cost. At that time my husband didn’t have a job and I was doing my final year M.S here. I was having high thyroid and doctor told me that I have chances for abortion and gave me tablets. I went to Sai Baba temple here and asked Him to save my baby. A lady who usually sees me in Baba temple asked me “How is your son?” I told her that I don’t have baby till now. With this question asked by that lady I conformed that Baba is going to bless me with son and he will be alive. As you guess I was blessed with lovely healthy son by June 2015. As I told my husband was not having job at that time. He told he will come to Baba temple only if he gets job with the same dream company he gave interview four months back (August 2014 he gave his interview). I prayed Sai that my husband should believe Him and give 100$ from his first pay. In a week’s time he got call from his dream company with a good offer. Now Baba settled our job problem.

Then everything went well I completed my M.S by April 2015 without any issues. But I was again given another shock. My husband’s work permit got rejected as I don’t go for work by September 2015 which was unexpected. His work permit was there only till December 2015. Now I should find a job here in three months. Also I desperately wanted to see my parents and wanted to stay with my son at least for six months. My in-laws were here with me to take care of my son. So again my job search started. I started 9 week’s Sai Vrat and completed it. In my ninth week I asked my husband to take printout of Sai Vrat books as I should distribute these books upon completion of ninth week. My mother in law prepared food for temple. My husband told me “I have taken Sai books printout but if something goes wrong then I will not come to Sai temple”. Everyone at home was frustrated as I didn’t get interviews here as oil market was down. But I was confident on my Baba’s blessings. I went every Thursday to Baba temple and asked for a job.

November second week my first face to face interview was scheduled. So as usual I went to Baba temple on November first week Thursday to get His blessings. I just entered temple. One lady whom I have seen thrice in that temple asked me “Are you coming from office?” I told her that I did not join for work yet. But my heart told me that I am going to get job next week. As you guess I got job in my first interview by Baba’s grace with a good package than I imagined. Now I am helping my father to pay his bank loans after two years. Everything happened as planned by Baba. Nothing I did. Everything is in His hands. Love You Baba. I can never imagine life without Him. I wished to stay with my son at home for at least six months. When my son was in this sixth month by December 2015 I joined my work. Baba made my life beautiful by blessing me with wonderful life partner, son and work. My team here is really good to work. Thanks a lot Baba for all Your blessings. There are problems in life but if we have firm faith on Baba everything will be settled well. He always does things that are right to me. Though my desire to meet my parents was not fulfilled, my parents are proud about me now and hopefully by June 2016 I will meet my parents here for my son’s birthday. Baba does everything for something good. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai: The Way Of Living And Art Of Leading

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am basically from Korba Chhattisgarh but at present working in an organisation in Bangalore. Om Sai Ram, Three words that can make life successful. These are the hope on which you can rely for your whole life. Internet is only the source by which i got familiar about Sai. So sorry to say but in my childhood days, i questioned myself many times why people worship Sai but as soon as, i came into His Sharan, i realised about it. I am so sorry Baba that i am posting this experience after a long time as i promised. Please forgive me. As i have told, i will post on Thursday, i started it at Thursday 11:47 pm. Lets come to experience part. My first experience is, i became familiar with Sai in March 2014 when i found myself alone. As i am fun loving boy, too much friendly, and i can easily trust on anyone. At that time, i have relationships with people who matters me a lot but suddenly, i found everything was not going on track so regaining all those i surfed internet and found that there is a hope by which i can get all the things back. I seen mosques, churches, temple for those things, i cried whole night, but nothing was working on. So there comes the hope. Till now i am on that hope only waiting for reunion please which helped me a lot in my times. I wish all the things come back to track as soon but Shradha and Saburi are playing their roles and Karma is also.

My Second experience is, same year April 2014 when i saw nothing is going good all the things shaken me badly. I was not able to concentrate on my studies as well. As it was my MBA final sem. I could not take risk and i was supposed to fail in exams. I was shocked by looking at myself that a guy who was topper in his school time and graduation is now craving for passing marks in MBA but because of Sai, I cleared all my paper easily and held a rank also. As after my exams i have project work that time i was not able to get any company because in Bangalore it’s too hard to survive for the people who are from far places. Address proof and localite are the greatest challenge who have to face. At that time i was not getting I prayed Sai and in next 3 days, i got a company for my internship. After completion of all these i went to home but i was facing tooth issue from my childhood as i had eaten too much chocolates that all those chocolates are hurting me till today. There was a hard pain in my molars and premolars. So i applied Udi which i took to my home from Bangalore and after bathing, i slept in my Pooja room only after that time i never had a tooth ache for almost 1 year. Sai, so sorry, i am too late for posting all these things.

All the things have been cleared related to my academics. Now that was the time for my selection for job and my further studies but i selected job that time later i will do my studies. Because of those issues i was not able to concentrate properly on my jobs and all but after that i went home. I did Nav Guruvar Vrat, completed the whole Satcharitra in week and after returning from home, i start searching for job and i got it by Sai’s Grace but after working there in for 7 months, i found things are not good well work was not suiting me so i resigned that job and was searching for better opportunity as i was confident that Sai is there to help me so i need not to worry. But within 1 month of resigning from that company, I was selected for JP Morgan. At present, i am working here only. Working environment is fine but things in my organisation are not going fine. I want You Baba at this time to resolve all those things. Please let me to continue my job here. Please help me and forgive me for all my mistakes. My job is on stake. I request all of you devotees to pray for my job as i don’t want to quit this job. Please take care of people who are connected to me and who are not also, take care of my angel waiting for reunion hopes are on You, take care of my job. I request all the devotees to pray for me on these. Om Sai Ram.

My Deva Is My Protector

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Indu from India says: Sai Ram to all devotees, I have been a strong believer of Baba since I was around 12 years. My tuition teacher who was an old lady was a devotee of Baba and she had told me to chant Sai Ram, Sai Ram whenever we are in any trouble. There used to be Bhajans on every Thursday in different devotees houses. She used to take me and my sister with her. She taught us to write Sai Ram, Sai Ram in a note book and completely fill the book. I was drown towards my Deva through her. I take this opportunity to thank her for giving me this precious jewel. Even for small things, I pray to my Baba and have seen many miracles. Here I want to share a latest one. This happened about few months back, I was a cashier in the previous organisation and I had the locker keys with me. It was a Thursday, generally I do not get time in the morning to light lamp to my Deva and leave the house in a hurry. But that day I took out the time to light the lamp and left the house. The bus was very much over crowded, some thief robbed the purse from my bag which contained the locker key. I came to know about it only after reaching the office. I was literally crying, why Baba has done this to me that to on a Thursday when I had lit the lamp to pray to Him.

The branch manager told that he has informed the Head office and the management has asked me to pay Rs. 20000/- for the replacement of the locker. A certain amount would be deducted every month from my salary, I was shattered. I had just relocated to a different city and was in a financial crisis as my husband also
had not started his new business. I was told by other staffs that generally only half of the replacement charges are to be born by the staff who has lost the key. Around one month passed and I was praying to Baba, not losing hope. My sister told me to call the head office and speak to the concerned person. It was a Thursday, I gathered the courage and I called him and explained the whole situation I expected him to wave off half the charges so that I would have to pay only Rs.10000/-. To my surprise he told that I need not pay a single rupee at is a case of robbery. My joy knew no bounds tears of joy started flowing my cheek. My Baba had again done a miracle for me. My Deva, My Baba, You are always there to take care of me, Please bless me and my family. Help my husband to start a business. Also fulfil my wish to go to Shiridi. ‘Why fear when I am here’ has been again and again proved by Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Sai, The Jagat Guru Is My Soul

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram! Dear Devotees, I am from Chennai. I am an IT professional working in the United States for a specialized IT company. I lost my father at a very young age and Sai is my Father thereafter. I have gone through lot of hurdles in my professional and personal life and without Baba, I am nothing. My mom is a staunch Baba devotee and reads Sat Charitra regularly. I have a number of instances to quote which give me goose bumps even now.
After my college, it was Baba who is guiding me and showing the way till date. When I came to US, my stay was very uncertain. I lived with my wife in a studio apartment for an year as my employer was insisting that I will be sent back in one year as that’s the norm. I prayed Baba and visited Sai temple every Thursday. Baba showered His grace and my stay got extended. I continued and wanted to move to upcoming technology. I prayed Baba and He helped me to successfully learn a new technology and secure a job in it.

To my surprise, my client manager in my new work place was a staunch Sai devotee and he was too kind to me. I learnt and equipped myself in my new workplace. I got a very good offer when I was at Sai Aarti on a Thursday and I accepted it as I saw it as a call from Baba. Wherever I go, there is always a Sai temple within in five miles from my house even in my hometown in India. Sai nurtures us so much. His presence is always felt everyday. I attend Sai Aarti every week and whenever I ask my wife to prepare some delicacies at home, she sometimes would refuse, but I would find it in Prasad box in Sai Aarti. Though we are a happy couple, we were childless for almost six years and have been praying for a child. My wife was saying casually that Baba gives the food you ask for immediately. Please ask for a Baby. At the behest of her request, I asked Baba to bless us with a child. Within two days, on a Thursday morning, she tested positive for pregnancy. With Baba’s blessings, we are enjoying our prenatal period and thanking Baba for His grace. Baba is my soul and He is in my breath. I owe everything to Him. Baba is the most merciful and I pray Him to shower His blessings to all the devotees. Sai Ram.

Baba Answered My Question

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I have known Baba since a year and I feel I am very lucky to have Baba in my life. It’s the best thing ever happened in my life. I am struggling with my life and had some questions which I wanted to ask Baba. I could not find a way anywhere I was just working like a robot I had no idea of what’s happening with me or not. Daily I cried to Baba for helping me showing me a way. One fine day when I visited Baba’s Mandir at my hometown (Picture of Baba’s Idol is attached here) while praying I said Baba, I won’t go home today without getting my answers I am tired now I can’t stay like this now. As soon as I said this there is a Guru ji in my hometown Sai Baba’s temple he stays there I went to him to touch his feet and he answered my question he said don’t worry after 8th Feb you will be very happy. That moment I felt Baba spoke to me through Guru ji, it’s so true if you ask something to Baba with pure heart, you will surely get it. Tears started rolling down I don’t know how to thank Baba it’s just a miracle God speaks to us. Baba listens to each and everything His disciple says wishes or feels. I underwent a very bad past I am divorcee but today I can say whatever happens it happens for your good only. If I wouldn’t have gone through all this I couldn’t have found Baba. I don’t know Baba how should I thank You but thank You so much Baba for entering my life for accepting me as Your child. Baba without You I wouldn’t be alive today, You are my life Baba. Thank You so much. Dear devotees don’t lose hope I know it’s very difficult as I have been facing it but just cling on to Baba’s feet there is light and I am also hoping for that light to enter my life soon.

Baba Is My Best Friend

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Chandana from India says: Baba thank You for watching me each and every second. I am very very lucky to be Your devotee. This happened to me today morning. Today my internet stopped working suddenly and did not connect for nearly 1 hour and then i prayed Baba “Baba please help my Internet get connected” and then in a minute of time my problem resolved. I was just astonished and my hands started shivering. And now again my internet got a problem and i prayed Baba, i will post this experience if my net get connected and again it solved. As i got connected, i am writing this experience. Baba please help me in my studies please.

Prayer for Today: Sai Help My Father – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear baba,
    I too i am in a similar situation like the devotee 5. My married life is filled with lots of troubles and i am unable to see a way out. I keep thinking of how it can work out but i find myself constantly being hurt n i then think about ending my marriage. I started the sai divya pooja for 5 weeks. Please guide me in all things regarding my marriage and my life. Dear devotees, those who have had similar issues do provide some advice as i am unsure as to how to proceed. Thank you baba for being with me n giving me strength to live each day of these troubled times. Thank you.

    • If you have a child then don't quit. Stay with your husband. If you are financially independent then you can decide to separate. But it's tough to stay separate , you will miss your good old married life. There is no gurantee that you will meet someone new soon.
      Try to listen to sister shivani lectures how to heal relationships.
      I am going thru a divorce
      With a child . Am not even financially sound but my husband's mind has been brain washed by my MIL. Am scared of future both financially and emotionally. But the tricky part is that my husband has no remorse . He is happy and having parties at his home with his selfish friends.

      No one will take your side after divorce. You will be all alone in this life.
      So try your best to save your married life.

    • Dear I would say if u feel safocated and stressed in ur married life all the time its better to leave … I know u will be scared that people will call u divorce etc … But believe me its not people its you … If u think u r a divorce and its a shame then thats wht everyone will think about u .. Remember you become for what you think of yourself …

    • i also am a divorce with a kid….please try to avoid divorce…bcoz i know the pain after one would help u..even your own family would support only for few times…my husband doesn't have any problem only enjoying his life…me and my daughter stays with worries, stunned about future

    • Dear Devotee,
      Most of the times when you ask Sai's help, you will get it immediately bit certain times we have to go through our karmic effects to get his grace. But nevertheless He will show you the path best suited for you problem because He knows the best of our past, present and future. So, talk to Sai and you will get his reply. I may not be of help but during my hard times in marriage I sincerely prayed to Baba and read Sai Satcharitra and in no time did Baba's help come my way. It was a miracle indeed as I was going through a lot with my in-laws troubling me and my husband had no idea what I had to undergo, only God helps when no one is with you. So, please don't lose hope and keep your complete faith in Sai and He will definitely help you. Om Sairam.

  2. Token Of Love to sai natha…

    sai yokka janma chaalu ela brathakaalo nerchukotaaniki
    sai yokka palukulu chaalu manasu pulakinchataniki
    sai yokka abhayam chaalu santoshanga munduku nadavataniki
    sai yokka darshanam chaalu brathikundataniki..

    Om Sai Ram

  3. why baba this has happened to me why she left me in presence of you.i did lot of sacrifices for her she did lot of sacrifices at starting for me i did mistakes she did lot of mistakes but why baba her intensity of hate is more then intensity of my love.i read various post here where couple went to astrologer for future concert but i learnt full astrology only for her to save her from future mishappening.its very hurting baba since road are same and there on which we used to go along and shops are same hanuman sethu ashiayana and khurram nagar baba mandir is there but she is not there with me .nothing is permanent.why baba this happen to me.i wish you can return her to me by realizing her mistakes as you realize to me but chances are very sai ram

  4. Om shree sairam…
    Thank you so much baba for being with us…
    Your devotees are very blessed souls in this mundane life…
    Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
    Om shree sainathayenamah…
    Jai sainath…
    Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhananadh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…

  5. O Deva, We are blessed to have found You and we Thank You for all Your blessings and miracles 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
    Deva pls bless my married life.pls get me a job soon.Today it's my marriage anniversary and I am not happy..pls show some miracle..

  7. BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM


  9. Om shree sairam…
    Thank you so much baba for being with us…
    Today I have a very blissful darshan in temple morning and evening also a very miraculous blissful darshan at akhand dheep satcharitra parayan it will completes on tomorrow thank you so much baba for giving an opportunity to take that miraculous blissful darshan…
    Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
    Om shree sainathayenamah…
    Jai sainath…
    Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…

  10. he deva thanku for saving me today! deva i know i m suffering bcoz of past bad deeds of mine but deva u r too much merciful n know everything financial problems of my house n everything then o my ultimate judge plz do justice only u can know truth n reveal truth , i don't want to more torture plz save me deva!!! Anantkoti brahmannayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahma shree satchitanand shree sadguru samarth shree sainath maharaj k jai!!!

  11. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, om Sai Ram
    OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂

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