Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Faith In Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thanks to Hetal ji and others who are maintaining this page with Grace of Sai. I am devotee of Sai from a very young age where I don’t even remember properly. Sai helped me many ways where I cannot stay without uttering His name for every single thing. I utter only Baba name even if I fall down or if something happens, my first word coming out of mouth is Sai Ram. I don’t even say Amma at those times. It is not exaggeration. Om Sai Ram. I have many experiences in my life where Baba helped me, but now I am going to share one experience which happened recently for getting a job. I lost my job as a software developer in a reputed company while I was pregnant and did not get a job after that for a very long time. I am in H1 visa where my employer also said he will transfer me to H4. I was very upset and requested him, by Baba’s grace he accepted.

Days passed on and after my delivery, I started job hunt after my baby got 2 months. Suddenly I got a call from one friend who referred me before 16 months and told good news that his manager asked if I am still interested in that position where I had given an interview which past more than a year and I immediately said I am very much interested and HR team sent me an offer letter the next day because interview was done before and now they hired me directly. I sent them back signing it and waiting for them to give me a call to discuss about start date and other details. I waited for almost a week and they did not come back to me so I just called my friend who referred me to know the status and he said he will talk to his manager and get back to me and he came up with a reply that they just put me on hold. I was very disappointed and asked Baba to give me what job suits me best and left that issue. I started marketing for a QA jobs as I thought I would join as a QA person where I asked my employer to start marketing me as QA analyst locally because I have to stay near my 6 month old son but I never received any calls from any vendor company where I got frustrated and said I am ready to go out of town.

Then he forwarded my resume to a company where I have to stay away from my family during weekdays and come home during weekends. My husband did not like it initially but I made him understand how job is so much important for me at this time as I am on H1 visa and he dislike accepted. Then actually I got calls from two companies, one locally which is full time and other one is out of town as a contractor. I prayed Baba to give me any job in those two and I had given interviews one after other. I gave one interview on Monday and other one on Tuesday and waiting for their feedback. It was Thursday, I usually do prayer every week reading Guruvar Vrat book and stay fasting by taking tea twice and eat after 6 pm. That day I cried before Baba asking by end of day, I should receive a call from vendor that I should get a job and really it is Baba’s miracle, I received a call from them saying they are hiring me as a contractor which made me feel so happy that I got a job. Thanks a ton Baba for helping me to get a job when I really needed. I know, He made me wait for a year for my own good so that I can deliver my baby happily without any job tension and until my baby gets 6 months where I am feeding him for almost 5 months where it will be hard for me to go out of town for work when I was feeding him. Have Faith in Baba and if we leave our problems to His Feet, He will give what is best for us. Only thing is, wait with patience and have faith in Him.

Timely Help Of Our Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Amitha from India says: I am a fortunate and blessed devotee of our Baba for last six years. This is my 3rd experience in this blog. Thank you Hetal ji & team for providing such a platform to share lovely Leelas of our Baba. Although Baba has blessed me with His numerous miracles, I am going to share the recent one. Ours is small family where we 5 people stay i.e. me, hubby, kid & In-laws. Actually I am little bit close with my father in law (FIL) compared to my mother in law (MIL). Because he will listen whatever we tell & understands, but MIL will never listen as she will be busy every time watching TV & if we share something also she will give negative comments. I was treating my FIL as my father only & he was also treating me as his own daughter. He used to introduce me as his daughter only instead of daughter in law with others. We used to have small fights also as if I get angry I used to shout at him and if he gets angry like daughter he also used to shout at me. Then we will forget it and start talking with each other. But last month i.e. 2nd week of January 2015, he suddenly stopped talking with me because of some misunderstanding. I don’t know what was the reason, but he used to behave like I am his enemy. Whatever I cook, he used to give bad comments with angry. It was hurting me a lot. First I thought maybe he will be proper in 2 to 3 days but it went 3 weeks long. When I was talking he was not talking at all. I was worrying so much and sharing the feelings with my hubby. He was also not getting the correct time to ask with him the reason. I was very sad.

On 4th Feb 2015, I prayed whole heartily with Baba & told that if this problem get solved, I will share the experience. You believe it or not the miracle happened on the same day. My husband went home early in the evening after work on the same day and fought with FIL for not talking with me and told him that I am worrying so much for the same. My FIL felt bad for his behaviour. That time I was in office and I did not know what happened at home. When I reached home, Hubby told that there was a fight between them because of me. I felt very sad. That time hubby told don’t worry I explained him everything and he will start talking to you. I felt little relived and I only started talking to FIL. First he was felling something to talk closely like before with me as he was not talking to me from many days. But later I started talking much he also started talking nicely & now he is like before only. Thank You Baba for timely help. And I understood from this Miracle that If we pray in devotion You will come running to help Your devotees. Thanks a lot Baba for being with us. Even if I am faithless sometimes and You please give me a strong unbounded faith on You ever. Om Sai Ram. Love You Deva. Please don’t leave our hand Deva.

Baba’s Care

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you very much for maintaining this wonderful Baba blog, which boosts Sai devotion to all His devotees. By Baba’s Grace previously, I shared few of my experiences in this sacred site. Before sharing my experience, I want to whole heartedly pray to Baba “to pull my Husband to Your Holy Feet so that he can feel Your presence Baba”. I hope, You will definitely fulfil my wish on some day. I am very grateful to Baba for taking me under His protection and care. Here is my recent experience. My two year old daughter got ear infection during winter very frequently. In November, she got ear infection and she cried a lot in the night so we gave her pain killing medicine. She slept nicely that night. Again she started crying in the morning, so my husband took her to doctor. They gave antibiotics and asked to give my kid for 10 days twice a day. It was very hard for us to give those powerful medicines two times. We saw her, she didn’t complain about her ear pain so we stopped that medicine without giving full dose. Within three weeks, the infection attacked her ears again so again she started crying day and night. Again we took her to doctor and started using medicine. This time we completed entire medicine and dosage as per doctor.

When she was on antibiotic, she didn’t take any food and became very weak. Within four weeks again the infection attacked her. This time I was really down. I noticed that not only ear her eyes also got infected. Eyes became red it is conjunctivitis. I was scared how I can give her so many antibiotics within 3 months. Again we took her to doctor and same repeats this time doctor prescribed High power and more dose antibiotic. This time I felt I should not use antibiotic any more. I prayed to Baba whole heartedly that I should not give her any antibiotic, You are only the saviour. Even though we bought the powerful antibiotic, I don’t want to give her. I just applied Udi on her head, ears and eyes and prayed to Baba before going to bed. Next morning, she didn’t complain about ear pain but her eyes were still red and water was coming from her eyes. Again next day also, I prayed to Baba and applied Udi same as before night and put some in her mouth. Next day morning, I saw her eyes clear without any clue of Conjunctivitis, no redness, no yellow stuff in her eyes. That’s really amazing. That is what Baba is. We do many mistakes, but we didn’t realize the actual protector is next to us and ready to solve all problems. Anantha Koti Pranam Sai. Thanks a lot for taking care of us. Please shower Your blessings on all Your devotees as usually.

Baba Is Always With Us

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba and I want to remain a part of His Feet in every life I take. Without knowing Baba, there is no life. Life is meaningless without Baba’s presence. I am a devotee of Baba from last 3 months. I lost my mark sheet and I did my graduation from other City which was far away from my hometown. So I had to travel all the way to the city where my university was located. I did all the formalities of college and university and I had to travel to and fro in the City itself. Then I was informed by the officer that I would be getting my duplicate mark sheet after 15 days but I had paid the Fees for urgent requirement. The officer told that normal requirement fees take about 45 days and urgent takes 15 days. I was in a hurry and I thought I have to come back to this city just to collect the certificate. Then the officer told me to meet the joint controller examiner officer if you had a problem with it. I went to his office. He told me it’s not possible. I took Sai Baba’s Name in my mind and as soon as I took Baba’s Name, the officer told me that he will try and asked me to call him the next day at 12 pm and gave me his personal number.

Next day, I called him on his personal number. He told me that it has not gone for printing yet and call me tomorrow at 11 am. I was worried as I thought I have to make tickets after 15 days. Next morning, I prayed Baba and read Sai Satcharitra and made a call. He said, it hasn’t come yet, call me at 2 pm. I was eagerly waiting for the clock to struck 2. I called him at 2 and to my surprise, he said your mark sheet is ready, you can come and collect it. I was happy. I thanked Baba. Thank You Baba for being there for me. I see You everywhere Baba. Thank You Baba for giving me a chance to know all about You, a chance for reading Your Sai Satcharitra. I am going through a very bad phase of my life and I know Baba knows all, He will surely help me and make me happy. When I left home, I visited the question and answers site of Baba and it said “Don’t worry. Remember Shree Sai Baba. He is with you.” Dear devotees, Baba is always with us. Don’t worry, He is concerned for us more than we are concerned for ourselves. Now I am going through a situation where I wish to live no longer but I know Baba will help me. He is there always and forever. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogi Raj Param Brahmand Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Thank You Baba, Om Sai Ram.

Our Shiridi Trip

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank You so much Baba for everything. I got married to the person I love. It’s only possible with Your blessings. Thank You so much Baba for helping us in getting the wedding ceremony done without any issues. Thank You so much for that. Sorry in delaying in writing this. After marriage, You also fulfilled my wish of visiting Shiridi with my husband. Shiridi Darshan was the most amazing Miracle in my life. A thought just crossed my mind that it would be nice if Baba and I wear the same colour dress when I was standing in line for Darshan. I was awestruck when I saw Baba was wearing the exact same colours as I was wearing. My eyes were filled with tears and that moment was the best moment in my life. Happiness that Baba gave me at that point was beyond anything in this world. Thank You so much Baba. I love You so much. Wait and now the miracle continues. We came back from Shiridi and then after few days, we visited a Baba Temple in my city. I was again shocked to see that Baba and I matched again, exact same colours. My husband and I were so happy. We thought that we are so lucky that Baba is with us. Thank You so much God. Now we are in this state of life where we are waiting on some important decisions. I am pretty sure that Baba will be always there for us. Please help us God and be with Your children. I am sorry if I have done any mistakes in writing this.

Sai Baba Helped My Mother To Recover From Illness

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am Sai Baba devotee since 2013. I have shared few of my experiences before. Thank you Hetal ji for this site. My mother was sick for the past 15 days. She was admitted in the hospital. Doctor’s couldn’t diagnose what was the problem. Simply he was giving her medicines through IV but there was no improvement. My mother was scared to death. She was very much worried and thinking of incurable diseases. We couldn’t console her. She is not a Sai Baba devotee. I told her to go to Sai Mandir and apply Udi which she didn’t do. One of her friend went to the hospital to see her and she had Sai Mandir Prasad and Udi, she applied Udi on my mom’s forehead. The next day, my mom felt better and we were able to see progress on her health. After taking lot of medicines, now she has discharged from the hospital and getting better. It’s all because of Sai Baba. He saved my mom. I was really worried because I live in USA, my mom is in India. I couldn’t help her during her illness. Thank You Sai Baba for taking care of my mom. Please shower Your blessings on her. Give her good health and make her strong mentally. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear Devotees, Om Sai Ram. I want to get small size Sai Baba statue to keep in my home but some one says statue to be kept only in temple not in home. They ask me to keep only Sai photo. Is this true. Please suggest. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  2. Sai Ram. Thank you for getting uninterrupted internet connectivity. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja ParaBrahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

    • thank u for posting this dear sai devotee..may sai give u lots of happiness and peace throughout ur life..

  3. for devotee who asked regarding statue. nothing like that with baba.. you can have at home how many statues you want.. my home is full of sai statues

  4. Om sairam. Baba I don't want our connection to be cut off due to external and internal things like ego pride over thinking. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Always be with me pa. I am feeling good in my life only after coming to your feet pa. Don't leave me pa. Always be with me pa. om sairam.

  5. Wonderful experiences all and I am sure He has Blessed the devotees with their wishes fulfilled 🙂

    O Sai, Bless our family and friends who care about and love us 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. Om sai ram.recently i complite 9 thu day vrta….the last day of vrta i buy 10 ladu frm shop whn i open the box at home for puja i found 9 ladu in the pa

  7. Om sai ram ….Recently i complited 9 thu day vrta…..i buy 10 ladu for puja for puja whn i open it mng for my last day puja i open the packet n i found there is 9 ladu…its 9th week thu day n ladu ….its happen on ujpan day …i was happy…it was a baba miracel… only pray to baba keep my maa baba sis n my love happy….n i pray to baba plzzz get me marry with my bf….my bf told our kundli not match we cant get marry ….we will be frnd…….
    Baba plzzzz i only pray u get me marry with my bf …..if my bf parents will agree na my bf hv no problem ….baba plzxzx make my bf n his parents agree for mrg…..baba plzzzz give strength my bf to tell his parents….baba i love my bf a lot n i cant live without with him……baba plzzzzzz….bless us baba

    • i too love one guy, i cant live without him,baba i too beg you please give hime to me, plz baba sai ma u r d only one hope to me

  8. om sairam….may my two daughters who are non believers also be graced by you and realise your mahima and may our family live in love harmony and peace

  9. Sai Ram to every one, I just want to share my immediate happiness of Shree Saimaa's miraculous experience just now. I am in office right now & current went off just 12min, I told Saimaa, please let it come back as I am doing something important. Then I got the feeling of chanting sincerely Om Shri Shirdi Vasaya Vidhemahi SatchidaAnandaya Dheemahi Tannoh Saayi Prachodayaat for 12times & by the end it just happened. Wow, mind blowing our adorable Baba is. Trust Him & never give up!!!!

  10. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram , Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    BABA ji! Please be with us in every walk of life. You are our Savior, Guru and God. Please bless us with your divya darshan and keep us near your feet always. Thank you so much for everything Saima.
    Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

  11. Hello Sai devotees…I am a working woman (semi govt. Job) living in Delhi…I hav been blessed wid daughter recently after many struggles.Now,I want to spend maximum time wid her & my 8hours job + hectic schedule wld not allow this(am on maternity leave these days)…I am planning to start sm work from home only or to start sm small business ( mba+ 5 yrs of work experience)..I sincerely request my fellow Sai devotees DAT if smone z interested to start sm work in collaboration..kindly reply me..we can discuss d potential Sai ram

  12. Deva pls help n bless my daughter to get her desired job .. Prabhu hamari pahuch aap tak hi hai .. aapne hi Sab kaam swarne hai .. Om Sai Ram

  13. OM SAI RAM … the quote on 5th pic is ''He who has no faith in himself can never have faith in God'' but for me I all depended on GOD … he is the one who is doing all my work … i don't have self confidence … i've no faith in my self but i have full faith in my God .. In my Shiva … In my Sai … JAI SAI RAM ..JAI JAI SAI RAM

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