Sai Saved My Sister’s Life

Sai Sister Apoorva from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am student of class 9th and a great devotee of Sai Baba. I am sharing one of my experience from March 2011.

I was in 6th standard and was preparing for my final exams. At that time, I never believed in Sai Baba but my mother was a great devotee of Him. I was just sitting idly and my mother was worshiping and chanting Sai Mantras. I suddenly fell asleep and saw a dream in which I was there with my sister at some place (I don’t remember it exactly). There, we saw a bench on which we saw a Saint sitting, wearing totally white clothes. At first, we didn’t recognize Him but when we moved towards Him, I came to know that the Saint was Shree Sai. We both were surprised to see Him. He came towards us and blessed us. Later, Baba sent my sister ahead and started talking to me. Then after a few minutes, Baba told me about the calamity that was going to come on my sister. Baba stated ” Teri Behen 25 saal se zyada nhi rahegi ” (Your sister will not live more than 25 years). It just amazed me. Tears started falling from my eyes. I begged Baba to save her and He asked me not to worry. Baba said to me ” Jab tak mai hu, to dar kis bat ka hai? Chinta mat kar sab theek hoga” (Why fear when I am here? Do not worry, everything will be alright). When I and Baba reached to my sister, Baba drew a Lakshman rekha (circle around us).

I remember, exactly after 2 months, my sister started falling sick. She used to have extreme stomach aches. She went through a number of tests, endoscopy and colonoscopy. And finally went through a surgery. She was so sick that doctors said not to keep hope. But it was because of Baba’s grace, that she lived. She told us when she was in ICU, she kept on chanting His name and after two days (being back to ward) she saw a dream where “my mother was telling that somebody got Baba’s Vibhuti from Shirdi for my sister and my mother should apply it on her head. Later when my sister woke up, probably after 15 minute, a man came and hand over the Vibhuti to my mother. My sister then told us about the dream and we all were amazed. She had got such experiences a number of times during that bad phase of her life.

On my personal experience, I was not much convinced by heart after this experience as well. It was after a year, I was in depression for some reasons. My mother was tensed about this. She told me the best way, to get rid of all this, it could be to surrender to Shree Sai completely. And so I started reading books on Him, His Leelas. Everyday my faith was getting developed and was getting intensified (increased). But somehow, I was stuck in that trauma, yet not out of that depression, those nasty questions and thoughts stayed in my mind. So, I thought to challenge my faith by asking Baba to answer my questions and I got the answers. Slowly, my depression faded away. Today, I and my family recall these experiences and thanks Shree Sai to be there with us. I have devoted my life to Him now. Wherever He may take, I wholeheartedly worship Him. Thank You Baba. We love You a lot. My life is incomplete without You. Please stay with me and my family. May Baba bless you all. Sai Ram.

Baba Saved Us From A Major Accident

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have been a Devotee of Baba for more than 22 years now. It was Baba Who made me aware of this blog 3 months back. Since then i am regularly reading devotee’s experiences. My sincere thanks to all of you for doing such a wonderful service. Please do not disclose my name and id.

This incident happened in the month of August 2012, when we shifted to Bangalore from Hyderabad. There are so many times Baba helped us. For 14 years I lived across my beloved Baba’s Temple. My life revolved around going to Temple every day. I was and still going through toughest times, but I know Baba is holding us, otherwise there is no way I would have survived. I did not want to shift for the only reason of leaving Baba. I could not imagine my life without going to see Him every day. Anyway I thought Baba wanted me to detach myself from His physical presence and see Him everywhere just like He sent one of His devotees away from Shirdi.

Finally the day arrived when we had to leave, we sent our things by transportation and started by car. My son who just got his learners license was driving on the highway while my husband sat in the front and I at the back. I must mention here that my son is a good driver and we were kind of relaxed. I normally don’t sleep but that particular time I closed my eyes for few minutes. My husband was sleeping too. Suddenly the car got onto the divider when the speed was 100 km because my son felt sleepy, immediately it started moving with heavy jolts and it was our merciful Baba, Who got the car on to the road again as my son started to regain control, luckily there was no vehicle close by and we were saved from a major accident. It is surprising how the car didn’t topple (fall) as it went on to the divider. Baba saved us when we were all asleep. This shows once you pray to Him, He will take care of you. Thank You so much Baba.

Miracle Happened at the End Time

Anonymous devote from India says: Hello Every Sai Baba Devotee, Jai Sainadh. First of all thank you to Hetalji for making this beautiful site to share the experience of every Sai devotee. I am Junior Software Test engineer in Mumbai. I want share My Sai Miracle experience with you all. Please forgive me If I mentioned wrong in this experience. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraja Parbhrmha Shri Satchidananda Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai!

I am Sai Devotee from July 2013. How I became Sai devotee it was already share on this site before from where can I start I am not getting, still I want to share my latest experience with you all. At 31st December 2013, I give deadline to Sai Baba that please give me job as per my choice till 31st January 2014 and if I get the job then I will be happy (happy because if I get the job till 31st January 2014 then my one more wish related my life will happen in future. I told to Sai Baba that if You full fill my job wish till 31st January 2014 then my 2nd wish will happen in future with your Aashirwad. So from 1st of January 2014 I started to find job but I did not get any job till 30th January 2014 and my hope get loss and I felt that Baba was not listening my wish. So my 2nd wish will not complete in future if my 1st wish of job till 31st is not fulfilled. Now see how miracle happened with me at the end time, yesterday was 31st January 2014 and I was busy in office and I don’t have any idea that Baba fulfills my wish like this way. On 31st January 2014, I got call from one company that “I have selected in their company” and after listened that I was like, what happened is with me. Really Sai Baba listened my wish and fulfilled it with His Aashirwad and gave me surety that my 2nd wish also will get completed in future and for my 2nd wish Baba showed me my 2nd wish in my dream on 31st January 2014. This is happened only because of Sai Baba. I request to all devotees please keep Faith and patience. Baba is listening to you. Keep belief on him. I will write my 3rd Experience in same site when my 2nd wish completed. With Sai Baba Aashirwad. Thank You Sai Baba. Shradha Saburi.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


    (Shri Sai Leela – April 1986)
    One of the eleven promises of Sai Baba was that “There shall be no want in the house of my devotees” Further in Chapter 32 of Shri Sai Satcharitra we have seen Baba never approved fasting. He ensured that His devotees got their food come what may. There are many stories which are not mentioned in Sai Satcharitra how Sai Baba ensured food to His devotees. For example for Nanasaheb Chandorkar, Sai Baba arranged Tea at late in the night at a temple. He also arranged for water on a sunny after. There are many such stories wherein Sai completely takes care of His devotees. Here is one such beautiful story of Dr.G.R.Vijay Kumar of Bangalore. He is a good Sai Devotee and is also associated with Sai Temple at Thyagaraj Nagar, Bangalore.

    It was September 1981. Due to reasons known only to Lord Sainath, a Company for which I was working in Kerala threw me off job. With one strong back and hardly any money, I had returned to my mother at Bangalore.

    Even while on job-hunt, to engage myself, I started a small Clinic in a village on the outskirts of Bangalore. It was more a 'seva' than earning any money as the village comprised half-starved agriculturists and factory workers. At that time my spirits were quite low and I used to carry a small tiffin-box to sustain myself in the afternoons. Sometimes I did not even bother to eat anything.

    In the very first week after my daily jaunts to that village, one afternoon an old gentleman visited me. He introduced himself as a retired clerk, re-employed as an accountant in the nearby glass factory.

    On his very first visit, I heard him muttering: "That darn wife of mine. She must think I am an elephant. I cannot eat all this. Who wants so much food?" I was only too happy to help him out. Every noon thereafter this gentleman would mutter about the food his wife was wasting as he passed the excess along to me.

    In the first week of December '81 Sainath, blessed me with a job in a tea-garden in Chikmagalur district of Karnataka. As I was leaving Bangalore, I wanted to take leave of the Sai-bandhu who used to feed me daily. He was not to be seen around. So I went to the Glass Factory (where he was reported to be employed) to bid him good bye. The receptionist looked surprised: "Which old man? We do not have any retired hands working in our factory". I took a close look but could not locate the person whose divine hands fed me for a little over two months.

    As I am penning this Sai-miracle, I am only reminded of what a great writer once said:

    "No person really understands another. The human personality is a mystery fully known to God alone. Love is but the wish to understand."

    Dear Sai Brothers and Sai Sisters: Perhaps Sainath wanted me to learn the great truth Jesus taught in the Bible: "When thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee." (Mathew6:2)

  2. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om SAi Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om SAi Ram.. Om SAi Ramm. Om Sai Ram.. OM Sai Ram.. Om SAi Ram.. Om SAi Ram.. Om SAi Ram..
    Om SAi ram.. Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om SAi ram.. Om SAi Sam.. Om SAi Ramm.. Om SAi Ram.. Om SAi Ramm..Om SAi Ram.. Om Sai Ramm.. Om Sai Ram.. Om SAi Ram.. OM Sai Ram..Om Sai ram.. Om sai ram.. Om Sai ram

    • OM SAI RAM

      Blissful experiences- But Number 1 is repeat experience.

      Love, Bliss & Peace to ALL

  3. My Sai maa
    Please please please please shower your grace on me, hold my hand and make me walk the path of life happily peacefully with cheer
    Please please please
    Falling at your lotus feet
    -sai maa daughter

  4. On Sai ram to everyone. today is Baba's day n I started my 5 Sai guruvar vrat for my job n for me n my husband a blissful married life .

    I have done so many times Sai vrat n have got the result also.but the main of my life baba had not blessed me yet n m desparetly waiting for that day.

    Baba today is ur day n once again begging u my share of happiness to lead a blissful happy married life with my husband like other married couple.

    Remove all the negative things from my husband's mind n body n take him into or fold n to ur lotus feet.make him realize his responsibility for his wife.u have given this guy to me n I got him married by complet surrender on u.

    I don't have NY doubt that ur not with me.baba luv u a lot n I can't think a day without u.u r everything for me n I have trust on u that u will bless me n my husband n will call us to shiridi.

    Baba show me or chamatkar before my 5 guruvar end.bless me a gud job baba plz.on Sai ram

  5. Baba ur Sai satcharitra is just like magnet n we r attaracted towards the book n do week parayan.

    Today I started Sai satcharitra bless me n my husband.

  6. Wonderful experiences

    Baba u know its his birthday today, please bless him baba…he has been struggling for soo long in regards job, life Everythjng in general…plzz do a miracle baba …..I only have faith on that u will surely shower ur blessings ….,dear Sai children please pray for us …..

  7. Om sai ram !!!!!!!!!!!,pls bless us,baba
    Pls bless me and Arj ,with in Seven months our wish will be fulfilled

  8. @Blog Admin Team – Wonderful experiences!! and we truly appreciate the work that you all are doing. May sai baba bless you all.
    There is one request which I had made earlier also please try to move this blog to a more cleaner and junk free platform. Currently there are so many advertisements and also cheap videos or ads being flashed it doesnt make us feel good to see scantily clad women pictures or advertisements not even letting us read the experiences peacefully. We dont want to see such thing on the same page where we have the nectar of sai leela's being published.
    Can you please do something about the same? If any assistance needed to move the blog to a different format do reach out to us am sure we have lot of people here who can help you or give you suggestions on different blog sites available. I hope this suggestion is taken in a positive spirit.

    • Dear sai devotee with problem s of junk advertisements problem please check if your computer has virus causing such in between flash es of porn shots/your computer might be hacked. Please have it thoroughly examined.
      Jai sai ram.

    • Dear sai devotee with problem s of junk advertisements problem please check if your computer has virus causing such in between flash es of porn shots/your computer might be hacked. Please have it thoroughly examined.
      Jai sai ram.

  9. Sai maa
    I am supposed to complete my 9 guru var vrat today but couldn't do it
    Are u angry with me?
    Please don't be my maa
    Pls bless me to finish it next week
    Luv u
    Falling at your lotus feet

  10. Thanks a ton baba for the good experience you have given me.
    Sai, sai sai sai sai sai sai sai

  11. Om sai ram
    baba pls take of our family.give them health and happiness with us always baba

  12. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    *****A Crippled Ascetic Regains Legs*****
    Sri Swami Samarth, after going to Girnar Mountain in Gujarath, came to
    Hanumandhari. There was a crippled ascetic at Hanumandhari. After hearing about the
    great fame of Sri Swami he desired for his ‘Darshan’. Being crippled, he was unable to
    go to Sri Swami; so mentally he started praying with all earnestness. Being omniscient
    Sri Swami heard the mental prayers of that crippled ascetic and just like a cow goes
    running to its calf to render help, Sri Swami too came to the crippled person. Then Sri
    Swami spoke to him “You crippled person, close your eyes, do not look back and come
    to me”. Acting as per Sri Swamiji’s orders, the crippled ascetic tried to take a step
    ahead and what a miracle! He regained his legs and started walking slowly and steadily
    and finally reached near Sri Swami. He prostrated at the lotus feet of Sri Swami. After
    taking the blessings of Sri Swami the ascetic went on pilgrimage.

  13. Wonderful experiences.

    O Deva Thank You for being with us through thick and thin, please never let go. Thank You O Sadguru for all the joy and happiness You surround us with every moment of every day.

    Thank You for all Your sweet miracles O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  14. om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
    om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.

    saimaa, r u listening to my prayers, if so , pls make my life happy n fruitful n complete with my kid n life partner. pls bless me saimaa…whatever is best for me make that happen…u have told me that within one month all issues will get resolved, I believe u completely n left everything at ur lotus feet. pls take care of my health issues. am surrendering at ur lotus feet…jai sairam

  15. om sri sai ram
    love u load.
    please bless avik with h1b visa .
    send him an angel. he should mve on life. let no bad habits or thoughts should come to his mind.
    please bless him baba
    thanks baba
    allah malik

  16. Baba.. help me become more matured and realise that you are the care giver and care taker. You will sustain me through thick and thin. You help me be of some use to others. Make me add some value to my existance. Help me remember that you are the doer of everything that happens in my life an you know what I am going through. You have given this to me since you think that this is the best for me. Help me concentrate when I pray to you.

  17. i am also waiting to post my experience in this site soon.. having lot of problem in life i believe in sai soon i will get out from all problems and i m waiting to post my experience.

  18. Very nice experiences! Baba so nicely helped the third devotee get a job at the time he wanted and Baba saved the second devotee just in the nick of time to help avoid a more serius accident that could have happened. For the first devotee, it is so nice and wonderful that Baba came to you in the dream to warn you about your sister's health but nice also that He prevented the illness from affecting her. Om Sai Ram!

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