Three more experiences are shared.

Baba Miracle

Sai Sister Shweta Ji from India says: Hi, my name is Shweta and I stay in Greater Noida, but my parents stay in Bihar. I have got many experiences of BABA in my life, but I would like to share a recent one. One day my brother told me that dad has got some problem, so they’ll come to Delhi after DUSHHERA. Doctors are suspecting for heart blockage. It will be an expense not less than 10 Lakhs. We always assume our parents as Superhero, so imagination of their bad health and seeing them on hospital bed was something heartbreaking for me.

I was feeling very low. I was praying to BABA that there should be no need of any Surgery. On the day of Dushhera, I visited Greater Noida Sai Akshardham Temple and prayed the same to BABA. Finally, my parents came and we all went to Medanta for his check up. After Initial check up, Doctor said that blockage is there, but test will detect how much blockage is there. I was carrying SAISATCHARITRA with me and I kept on reading it during his check up and Angiography.

In evening junior doctor said everything is fine. He will be discharged after 6 hours and doctor will suggest some change in lifestyle. I heard this and felt BABA really loves His children. Next day Morning, we visited doctor and doctor said that he is surprised to see his reports. He explained it scientifically also. When supporting arteries have some blockage, report of ECG comes as heart blockage. This has no danger of heart attack at all. But this happens in rare cases. I was listening to Doctor’s word and feeling BABA’S miracle and presence in our life. I pray BABA to stay with us till our last breathe and please ignore our mistakes. We have no one other than You BABA. JAI SAI BABA.

Sai Baba Transformed My Life

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a young girl, 22 years old. I have always been very spiritual, but since the past 5 years my belief in Sai Baba has grown very strong. I was always a bright student, but due to certain circumstances I was unable to get admission in any college. I was depressed and wanted to end my life. Moreover my father left the job due to poor health and our financial condition was not good. My mother also suffered from health issues. My sister was also not getting married due to various difficulties. Our life became a living hell and all of us felt like being stuck in a closed room with no way of escaping out.

Till then we have heard a lot about the various Leelas of Sai Baba, but have never encountered with one. One day my aunt brought UDI for my mother and told her about the Thursday fasts for Sai Baba. My mother did everything told by my aunt and miraculously everything started to get better and better. Every closed door just opened and every problem was resolved which were earlier very critical. Everything became very easy and the clouds of problems suddenly disappeared. I am doing great in my carrier with the blessings of Sai Baba. Financially we have strengthened and my sister is also well settled.
This is all possible because of my kind Sainath and His love and blessings towards His children. His divine presence is always felt amongst us. This miracle of Sai Baba for me and my family is acknowledged by all because our condition is completely changed.

Journey To The Usa

Anonymous Devotee from India says: My son got a scholarship to the USA this year. I am a firm believer of Sai Baba and have been reading the Sai Satcharitra off and on. My son was leaving on 18 August, so on the 17 August, I went to my local vendor from whom I buy all my prayer stuff and told him that I am looking for a small picture of any deity to send with my son on his trip to the USA. He asked me if I had any specific deity in mind. I replied no any small durable picture would do. So he said he had a whole lot and he would get the bag from his house. I waited and he bought a small bag full of small and big frames. To my surprise, when he turned over the bag every single picture in that bag was of Sai Baba in various forms. There were about 20 to 25 pictures of Sai only. I got stunned and realised that Baba had decided to accompany my son on his new journey. It was like He did not want me to make a choice. He had decided for me. Baba, please take care of my son and protect him and bless him always.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

    Baba u know what is in my mind and heart.Baba…

  2. Om Shri Sai Ram!

    Nice experiences and may Sai bless this world with love, compassion and peace.

    Friends, there are tons of material available in the internet. One good material I read and amazed by Sai Leela was: . it is free to download and do not miss it.

    Also I read Sai Baba is Still Alive by Jaya Wahi. This is also wonderful book and buy it if you can afford.

    Jai Shri Sai Ram !!!

  3. How Shri Sai Baba fulfils the wishes of His devotees even today

    My wife Mrs.Vilasin Mohan Bijani started saptah of Sai Satcharitra written by Dabholkar in Marati. She took leave for 8 days from the office and started the saptah on Thrusday the 19th of October 1978 onwards. The first day, she kept a naivedya or Prasad of dry fruits in a small dish. Before starting the nam-saptah she prayed to Shri Baba that since she is doing it for the first time. He must come to our house or show some indication of His presence. She got ready with all the religious obligations before Shri Sai Baba’s statue which is kept in our drawing hall. She took about 4 hours to complete the first 8 chapters of Shri Sai Satcharitra. After this we performed usual Arati and Bhajan before Shri Baba’s statue. To the wonder of the words, when she took up the Prasad dish to offer to Baba the Naiveday, so as to be distributed among the persons present there, we found the round pack of Udi lying under the Prasad dish. This miracle is goin to prove that if you remember Baba with your hearts content, He is always thre with us to fulfil our desire. This Udi is the representative sent by Shri Sai Baba. This is really a miracle.

    Now I quoting another incident of Shri Baba’s omnipresence, which shows that He is always with His children. On the fourth day of Sai Saptah, my wife was reading 40th and 41st Chapter of Sai Satcharitra where she read that Shri Sai Baba appeared in the form of a portrait in the house of Hemadpant, when he was observing some religious ceremony. At that time the flash of thought came in my wife’s mind that since she is the staunch devotee of Sai Baba He should also come at once during this saptah to our house in one form or the other. After about 10 minutes, a postman knocked at the dorr. I got up and went ot him. He said that there was one closed cover in my name with the fine of 30 paise. The persons sitting with me tried to present me from paying the fine and accepting the cover but I immediately handed over 30 paise and got the closed cover. When I opened the same before all that were present. Shri Sai Baba and Satya Saibaba, together in a photo, appeared before us, as if saying you have just remembered me and I am here with you. So I immediately placed the photo before the reading of Sai Charita. This is how Shri Baba keeps up the desires of His Bhaktas. The saptah was thru over with His tall grace.

    Mohan R.Bijani

    Worli Mumbai

    Shri Sai Leela May 1979

    • Dear Shri Mohan, felt like reading Shri Sai Satcharitra. Thanks for posting & sharing this wonderful blessing of BABA.

    • Mohanji, Thnaks a lot for sharing such wonderful experiences. May Baba shower all blessings on you and all His devotees.


    Shri Radhakrishna Swami the founder of Sai Baba temple at Thygarajnagar Bangalore was the Chief guest at the Fifth Annual Gathering at Shirdi, He delivered the Presidential address. He said the ways of Shri Sai Baba are his own and they are different from those of others. When we come to Shirdi we forget all our differences and become one. If our whole nation brings into practice the teachings of Sai Baba, our national unity is not very far away. . This leela appeared in Shri Sai Leela Magazine May 1979.

    Once a gentleman came to me with tears in his eyes. :On enquiries with him, 1 came to know that his son had eloped and' that his whereabouts were not known for the last three days or so. I thought for a moment and told that gentleman not to worry as everything would be a alright with the grace of Shri Sai Baba and to wait for some time praying Shri Baba from the bottom of his heart. On the fifth day he got a telegram from Calcutta that his son was safe and that he would reach Madras in a day or two. After the boy returned to Madras, he was brought to me by his father. When I inquired with the boy about the reason of his elopement, he said that his parents got angry with him and therefore he ran away from the house. The boy said that when he was at Calcutta, Shri Baba came in his dream and told him to go to the station. There he met a gentleman, who enquired about him and gave a telegram to Madras and arranged to send the boy back to Madras On further enquiries with the boy, he said that Shri Sai Baba was seen by him with the tin-pot in his hand as he was proceeding for begging alms. The father was pleased to see that his son-returned and wanted to donate Rs. 1001/- which I advised him to donate to one institution. The desires of various people are fulfilled in various ways by God. Somebody needing money for his daughter's wedding is given money while those needing service, get service' by the grace of God. Is this not the effect of a prayer. In order to meet Shri Baba, you have to enter Dwarkamai after crossing three steps. What is indicated by these three' steps? which are these three steps, that you have to cross in order to be successful in life? Out of the six enemies of man Kama, Krodha and Lobha are the first and foremost whom you have to conquer and Shri Sai Baba tells us that if He is to be got then you have to conquer these enemies first. The three gunas Satva, Raja and Tama are also indicated by these three step

  5. Wonderful experiences all.

    O Deva Thank You for being with us and protecting us and our loved ones at every step of our lives. Thank You O Sadguru for using us as Your vehicles to spread Your word and name, we are blessed.

    Thank You for a beautiful life O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. Sai baba please help me I need your grace. My faith and hope is you only. You know everything about me I need justice do any miracle in my life for fulfill my wish as soon as possible.

    Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram
    Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram
    Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram
    Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram
    Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram.

  7. BABA its been more than 2 weeks since im suffering with these health problems. ESR report is 105 which is too too high. Going to see the doctor now. Don't know what he is going to tell what more problems I have. But BABA I don't why I have this feeling that nothing will cure my health except YOU. Im feeling like I wont become well until YOU bless me. Though I become sick very often I never had this feeling before. BABA I beg YOU please please cure me BABA. I love you BABA.


  9. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    Narhari – Reincarnation of Lord Dattatrey
    In Karanjanagar, Akola District, Maharashtra State, Ambika from Kuravpur took
    rebirth in a Brahmin family. She was named as Ambabhavani with great affection.
    ’Amba’ became her nickname. Since early childhood she observed the religious vow of
    Pradosh44. At 13, she got married to a young man named Madhav. Madhav resided in
    the same town and was a learned person. He was also a devotee of Lord Shiva51. Both
    of them observed the religious vow of Pradosh with great devotion.
    In January, year 1378, (Pausha Shukla Dwiteeya, year 1300,
    Shaniwaar) Amba gave birth to a beautiful child. Lord Dattatrey himself had
    reincarnated again in this birth as Amba’s child. The child, instead of crying
    uttered the Omkar52 chant. Observing this strange phenomenon, the horoscope
    of the child was developed. The astrologer predicted that this child would grow
    up to have a special & unique identity. The child was named as Narhari with
    great enthusiasm.When Narhari was three months old, Amba took him on her lap to breastfeed.
    But she found that his hunger was not completely satisfied with her breast milk.
    Therefore, she asked her husband to arrange for cow’s milk. Hearing these words of his
    mother, Narhari softly touched the breasts of his mother and miraculously, they were
    soon overflowing with milk.
    As he grew, he was not able to speak anything except uttering the ‘Omkar’
    chant. His parent’s earnestly desired to hear his stammering words. Very often they
    tried to speak to him expecting to hear his indistinct words in return, but he used to
    smile and remain quiet. Years passed and Narhari always maintained his silence. His
    mother Amba became very nervous assuming that her son Narhari might actually be
    dumb. This thought gave her throbbing mental pain. Unable to bear the thought of the
    possibility of her Son being dumb, she started praying fervently. She was completely
    heart-broken with sorrow. In the meanwhile, Narhari observed his mother’s sorrowful
    state and listened to her words as well.
    Then, one fine day Narahari went near his mother, wiped her tears and touched
    a metallic utensil kept in a corner, with his hand. In an instant, the metallic utensil
    turned into Gold. His parents realised that this boy is not a common being, but indeed a
    superhuman. Yet, as a mother’s heart, Amba was not satisfied without listening to the
    sweet words of her son. Therefore, Narahari convinced his mother and made signs that
    he would start talking after his thread ceremony.
    Amba became very happy when she understood the meaning of these signs and
    carried out his thread ceremony with great pomp. People invited for the ceremony
    gossiped about how this dumb boy would chant the Gayatri Mantra53? His father taught
    him the sacred Vedic hymn, but Narahari did not utter a word. His parents lost all
    Once all the sacrificial rituals were over, Narhari in his ascetic garb stood before
    his mother to receive alms according to the traditions. As soon as he received alms
    from his mother, Narahari instantly started uttering the Rigveda54. When he received

  10. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    alms for the second time, Narahari started uttering Yajurveda and on receipt of the
    third set of alms, he started reciting samaveda. His parents were overjoyed. All the
    people present in the ceremony were astonished with this miracle and started glorifying
    Narhari with shouts of victory.
    Once the thread ceremony was over, Narahari spoke to his mother “As per
    religious practice, after the thread ceremony one has to go to ‘Kashi’ (Banaras) for
    religious studies. Now I have to render service to my Guru55 and then beg for alms.
    Hence please permit me to go to Banaras”. Mother Amba was fully grief stricken after
    hearing this. She said, “Son, I was eagerly waiting since a long time to hear you speak.
    Today I felt myself blessed by hearing the Vedas from you. Under this circumstance,
    how can you think of going to Banaras? You are our only son. If you go to Banaras, who
    will look after us in this old age?” She started crying. Instilling confidence in her,
    Narahari said, “Mother, I am not born for household entanglement. I have to carry on
    the mission for which I have taken birth. You should continue to observe the religious
    vow of Pradosh44 and you will be blessed with four more sons to look after both of
    Then Narahari placed his hand on his mother’s head and said, “Keep this as a
    secret. Do not divulge it to anyone”. So saying Narahari blessed her with Divine Grace
    and soon mother Amba remembered everything about her previous birth. When this
    remembrance of the past birth slowly diminished, she regained herself and was again
    overcome by motherly affection. Then she realised that Narahari is indeed the
    reincarnation of Lord Sripad Srivallabh and was bent on accepting asceticism. So she
    prayed to him, “Wait until I get a second son and then I shall permit you to go to
    Banaras”. Narahari replied, “why one? I shall wait until you have two sons. Are you
    happy now?”
    Within a year, mother Amba gave birth to twin sons. After three months,
    Narahari spoke to his parents, “Both your sons are blessed with long life. You would get
    two more sons and a daughter. So now permit me to go on my mission. Now I am
    going to Badrika forest and after a period of thirty years, I will come back here to meet
    you”. So saying Narahari took blessings from his parents and started on a long

  11. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    alms for the second time, Narahari started uttering Yajurveda and on receipt of the
    third set of alms, he started reciting samaveda. His parents were overjoyed. All the
    people present in the ceremony were astonished with this miracle and started glorifying
    Narhari with shouts of victory.
    Once the thread ceremony was over, Narahari spoke to his mother “As per
    religious practice, after the thread ceremony one has to go to ‘Kashi’ (Banaras) for
    religious studies. Now I have to render service to my Guru55 and then beg for alms.
    Hence please permit me to go to Banaras”. Mother Amba was fully grief stricken after
    hearing this. She said, “Son, I was eagerly waiting since a long time to hear you speak.
    Today I felt myself blessed by hearing the Vedas from you. Under this circumstance,
    how can you think of going to Banaras? You are our only son. If you go to Banaras, who
    will look after us in this old age?” She started crying. Instilling confidence in her,
    Narahari said, “Mother, I am not born for household entanglement. I have to carry on
    the mission for which I have taken birth. You should continue to observe the religious
    vow of Pradosh44 and you will be blessed with four more sons to look after both of
    Then Narahari placed his hand on his mother’s head and said, “Keep this as a
    secret. Do not divulge it to anyone”. So saying Narahari blessed her with Divine Grace
    and soon mother Amba remembered everything about her previous birth. When this
    remembrance of the past birth slowly diminished, she regained herself and was again
    overcome by motherly affection. Then she realised that Narahari is indeed the
    reincarnation of Lord Sripad Srivallabh and was bent on accepting asceticism. So she
    prayed to him, “Wait until I get a second son and then I shall permit you to go to
    Banaras”. Narahari replied, “why one? I shall wait until you have two sons. Are you
    happy now?”
    Within a year, mother Amba gave birth to twin sons. After three months,
    Narahari spoke to his parents, “Both your sons are blessed with long life. You would get
    two more sons and a daughter. So now permit me to go on my mission. Now I am
    going to Badrika forest and after a period of thirty years, I will come back here to meet
    you”. So saying Narahari took blessings from his parents and started on a long

  12. Mere sai maa, pls forgive my never send anyone empty handed..pls bless us and fullfill my wish..pls I beg of you

  13. BABA doctor told to go for CTscan to know the sinus. BABA please see that everything gets cured with medicines. They should not tell that I need a surgery. Please help me BABA. You said pain will be unbearable. Please help me BABA I don't want to go for surgery and the other procedure. Everything should be cured with medicines BABA. Please bless me with good health.

    • Dont worry. I know the pain of you sister. I had the same problem and went for CT scan and consulted two doctors and both of them prescribed me to go for surgery. I took medicines but had no effect. Then I started of applying Baba's Udi and Having Udi mixed with water, Now I am completely alright by His grace. So apply Udi of Baba and have it with water. U will be completely alright. I am the living example. Koti Koti pranam Baba. sairam sairm sairam.

    • Thank you so much. I have been doing that but no use. But will surely continue it with complete faith. Thanks again. Thanks for the answer BABA. Love you

  14. om sri sai ram
    please bless avik. make him to forget me n move on in life.
    please send him an angel.he should get us visa n get well settled in life.please keep him happy baba
    please bless him baba

  15. Happy Sai day to all devotees
    Thank u so much for a wonderful day yesterday my Sai maa
    Thank u for solving my dental problem
    Ma pls solve my ent n back problem also ma
    Please hold my hand firmly maa please please
    Falling at your lotus feet
    Sainath maharaja ki jai

  16. om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam

  17. Om sai ram all devotees, short biography is very good. thanks for posting it.
    Please pray for me & my family, i am praying Baba to come in my dream and talk to me but he has not yet came in my dream since six months. I dont no how to pray him. i love him so much but y he is not coming in my dream. please let me know how to pray him & get blessings from him. please baba please forgive my sins and let me live happily with my husband & family. please give him back sai please bless me….

    • dont worry dear baba will always be with his children..pray in whichever way you feel comfortable..but love and faith is more important..i will pray for your family..baba please bless your sai raam..

  18. OM SAI RAM.

    Baba ji today i have done udyapan of 9 vrats. Please baba ji do not shake my faith on you. Keep my trust and patience on you forever. Love you baba….. be with me always.

  19. om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.

    pls bless me baba, when will u bless me saima??waiting for ur miracle to happen in my life. left everything on u now. what ever is good for mr, make that happen saimmaaa…pls pls help me and save me…I trust u a lot…jai sairam…


  21. Dear Devotees, i want to buy the book SAI BABA IS STILL ALIVE………via flipcart……….is it safe…..can any one help

  22. OM SAI RAM !!! My mum is better now with SAI BABAJI grace. She was Very serius with heart problem. She is still at hospital. May BABAJI gonna hear all my prayers and she Get well soon. Love You Lods my SAI maa !!!OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OMSAIRAM OMSAIRAM OMSAIRAM OMSAIRAM OMSAIRAM OMSAIRAM. !!!!

  23. BABAJI 15 march is our 15th marriage annivercy. My husband treat me like a shit all this years. I cried a lot all the time. BABAJI came in our life from last tow years. I m doing SAI navguruvart from last tow years and reading saisatchirtar. Nothing happen to him. He is going out with other girls. Never hearing me. Merried life sees like hell. Have tow kids. Please please all my dear sister and brother's please pray for me to our SAI Maa. Love You all !!!
    I had many miracals in this tow years. I gonna share soon with SAI BABAJI grace. I m waiting for my husband coming back to me.

    • Dear Sister,
      I dont want to hurt you, but I just want to ask you one question, what is the guarantee of your husband being faithful even if he comes back in your life, And if the case was reverse ( i mean if you have not given him the treatment what he has given to you till now) would your husband have accepted you.

      If possible please forgive me if I have hurt you.I just want to say please become strong and become independent.make you like beautiful.


  25. OM SAI RAM !!

  26. Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,

    Dear Shweta ji- Beautiful experience! May Sai Ma take care ou you and your family always!

    Dear second Devotee- Lovely experience! May Baba ji stay with you and your family forever!

    Third Devotee- Lovely experience and your son is blessed by Sai Ma. May Baba ji always protect him!

    LOve You Baba ji
    Sabse ZYAADA ji

  27. Very nice experiences! 3rd devotee, Baba was showing you that He will accompany your son to USA and for you not to worry at all, Baba will take good care of him. 2nd devotee, just like many other devotees who wish to end their lives, Baba didn't let you until it was the right time by showing you how all the problems were just temporary and they went away soon. 1st devotee, Baba showed you a wonderful miracle by saving your father from a serious health problem and taking good care of your father's health condition. Baba is the one who takes care of all of us and our families as Baba doesn't like seeing even a small bad thing affect us. Om Sai Ram!

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