In today’s post few more experiences are shared.

Sai Baba’s Invitation

Sai Brother Dilip Ji from India says: I am From Pune Age 52, worked 25 Years in Industry. 12 Years back, I was in Africa & I was to worship Sai every day, 12 years passed and I never worshiped Sai!! But He will not leave you, even you forget Him.

3 months month back, I started facing many problems. I made a deal to sell my Flat, with a one fellow. He gave me token money of 51000 by cheque, I gave him receipt. He sent me the draft of agreement, and I was surprised he put lot of conditions in the draft, which were not acceptable to me. I called him and asked him to take refund of his money. He came to my Office and he demanded 2.5 Lac + 50K. I asked him for what I should pay you additional 2.5 Lac. He said he has brought Govt stamp paper, and spend money for lawyer, etc. He said he will not accept less money and threaten me. We almost had fight in my office.

I approached lawyer. He said you could have consulted before accepting money. I was depressed and lost my peace of mind. Every week the fellow was to call me. Lastly I told him to send the legal notice and he stopped communicating with me. I was in trouble neither I could sell the flat nor give it for rent, 3 months went in anxiety.

Last month I was sitting and browsing Net I came across Site of Sai Leela on Net and & I got engrossed in reading for almost 4 hours. A strong desire came to my mind to visit Shirdi, but I was not sure of bank balance, hence I logged in on Line and I was surprised RS 3000/ were deposited, few minutes back in to my saving Bank Account. I could not trace, who deposited it. I took this as an indication and left for Shirdi next day. I got bus w/o reservation and I reached Shirdi. I attended Darshan twice and tears started flowing when I saw BABA. I decide to stay in Shirdi for One Day. On return journey, I started reading Sai Satcharitra; I read 7 Chapters & completed my 1st reading in 7 days. In my my aII reading I prayed BABA to solve this property problem, and I got a call on 3rd day, the person met me in Hotel and accepted my refund of RS 51,000/ and signed a document of no dues with me. Sai saved me. I rented the flat to another good family.

I don’t claim to be a good devotee. 3 types of Bhaktas are there. 1st One – One who start worship without being told, 2nd type are those, who will try to worship, when being told and reminded , and 3rd type, are those who neglect, to practice, when they are told. I fall in 3rd category. Sainath has said that I will pull those who forget me, I will not leave them even though they forget me, I will pull them like a sparrow towards Me.

Dasganu Maharaj, was persuaded to leave his police job by BABA, But every time he disobeyed Sai. Ultimately Sai arranged things in such a way that he had to resign from Police department Or to accept to get into to Jail. Dasganu accepted to obeyed Sai, resigned Police duty and became famous. OM SHREE SAINATHAY NAM!!

Baba Guiding Me In Each And Every Activity

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Thank you for this great website that helps us to keep constant devotion with Baba. I am software engineer working in USA for the past 2.5 years. I already submitted 1 of my experience before 2 months. Thank you for this great website that helps us to keep constant devotion with Baba. I have many experiences to share and become ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the past 2 year.

1st Experience: I was working for project and not interested in work at all and used to get scolded from my manager for even the small mistakes that I do. I was interested in different technology and was keen in working in that technology for almost 2 years. When I was about to get released from the project, I was praying to Baba sincerely that I should get into the new technology that I was interested.

By Baba’s grace I called RMG Person named Sai Ram and he asked me to meet a person, who managing projects with that technology. After meeting him within 2 weeks, I got into the project that I was interested in and I am sure without Baba help this could not been possible.

2nd Experience: In My Brother’s company, they applied Visa for him and his petition was not getting selected in lottery for quite a long time. I started SAI VRAT and to my surprise his petition got selected in lottery the same day that I started my VRAT.

3rd Experience: For my marriage, my parents were looking for alliance for almost 5 months and none of the matches were getting finalized. They were not the devotee of Sai Baba. I have requested them to visit Shirdi once and booked the tickets for them. After visiting Shirdi, my mother become ardent devotee of Sai Baba and doing SAI VRAT and to our surprise alliance got finalized on 1 fine Thursday and she is very good with respect to all aspects (Respect, Nature, Adjustability etc).

4th Experience: I applied for extension and for praying Baba sincerely for the petition to get approved. To my surprise and happiness I got my petition approved on Thursday and got email from company that I got approved for 3 years the next Thursday. There were several other miracles and I pray regularly and read at least 1 chapter of Sai Satcharitra every day and visit Sai Baba temple every Thursday without fail.

Baba – My Savior

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a staunch devotee of Baba and I am married for the last 14 years. I have two children (girls) Baba’s children! Both my marriage and my children were only by the sheer grace of Baba and nothing else.

I humbly prostrate myself before Baba. First time I am writing about Him. I am worthy of nothing next to Him. I fully surrender to Him. I thank Baba for making me think about writing this. This may be a small little miracle, but for me it is big and I am relieved out of tension because of this. Thank you for reading this.

I am going through a tough phase in life right now, but I know I am very confident that Baba will soon relieve me out of this. This faith was reinstated. I have some health issues. Both mind and physical. I am very worried. Though sometimes I do get the confidence that I will be alright through the grace of Baba. While I was worried, I logged on to this website where Baba gives an answer to all your problems, with a number that Baba makes you get to your mind. When I entered a number, this is the message I got, “Slowly your sorrows will end. You will be freed from difficulties and diseases”. Baba I am so grateful to You. Don’t know how to thank Him. I strongly believe that I will be ok, because Baba is with me, ALWAYS. I believe in Him and only Him. Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Does anybody has the link to live darshan of Dwarkamai ? I remember earlier there used to be a link some 4-5 years back for samadhi mandir as well as Dwarakamai.Now only Samadhi Mandir link is available .

    • Sai Ram Sachin,

      Recently Baba called me to Shirdi and there I happened to meet people who look after the arrangements for live darshan etc. What I found was that Dwarkamai's live darshan has not been available for sometime now but there were talks of resuming it as the cameras etc are already installed in there.

      Shirdi Sansthan comes under the honourable high court now and hopefully with Baba's blessings the link for live Dwarkamai darshan will be resumed soon.

      May Sai keep blessing us all.

      Read SatCharitra@

      Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!

  2. My family is in a difficult situation now. But because of baba we feel better than we ought to be. Baba is our parent. He cannot see his children suffer. He is our xavier. Trust in him. Cling to his lotus feet. Chant sai sai. He will take care of you.

  3. Om Sai Ram…..Devotee 1 & 2 : Wonderful Experiences….Devotee 3 : When Baba told you that you will be fine, then there is no doubt…..why fear when he is near…..Baba always be with us…..We Love You Baba…..Om Sai Ram

  4. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram


  6. Very nice experiences all.

    Thank You O Deva for giving us, Your children, chance upon chance to rectify our mistakes. Help us O Sadguru so we walk the path that You have shown us and do right unto others.

    Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  7. Omsairam.A must read book for all Saibaba devotees throughout the world, 'SAI BABA is still ALIVE'. Its a beautiful holy book that is about Baba with His love and miracles. .I ve read many books on Baba, ,but this is the book that brings me tears of joy and happiness when I read it..As this is the book when you read it will bring you more closer to Baba as how the blessed author of the book gains her love and happiness from Baba.When this book is read page by page, only love and tears that you experience by it . Such a beautiful book that I would say it's the second Sai Satcharitha of Baba..Such so lovely Baba is ….Faith in Sai and it will make you realise in whatsoever the problem you are falling, its nothing much to Shri Sai to solve. …That you to Jaya Wahi madam for this beautiful book…Sai bless you for your beautiful love to Him…This book is available in all major shops n all over India . Please read it and feel Baba by this book. .Once it been read, you will feel him and see Him…Loving sairam…

  8. om sri sai ram
    thank u baba
    i got the answer for my confusion
    allah mailk
    i will as i promised baba
    please forgive me for forgetting u
    om sri sai ram

  9. Baba when will u help me and guide me..plese chage my husband mind..i dont want divorce..make him realize his on him..

  10. Om Sainaathaaya namaha! Sorry Hetal Ji..I have waited for your post, I don’t have time as things are changing fast. I need prayers urgent. My sincere apologies to hetal ji..
    I was active and study-oriented girl. I had a gang of friends, who always supported me, even now (after 7 years). In our gang, one boy used to be silent and very less expressive. But he is very good at heart and later understood that he is possessive By the time I complete my graduation, I understood that he had developed strong feelings for me and many times he told that what he will do if I leave him. I felt many say the same due to immaturity at that age. So I was not serious about him.
    We both have entered different universities for post graduation, We r always in contact in mails & phones, still I missed him beside me. I couldn’t even enjoy my time even with my classmates. I always waited for his call and was irresistible. At the end of graduation, he asked me whether im ready to marry him. I was on cloud9. Happily accepted the proposal and the same day I spoke to my mom that we both love each other and ready to marry him. We were scared to tell my dad, my mom and sister took his side, with many discussions he said ok for our marriage. But he was scared from beginning as they belong to higher caste and im not. He always wanted my love to talk to his parents and come with their acceptance.

    The hardest thing started when he has to convey the story to his parents. He never opened up before his parents so he took almost 2 years to tell them. His brother is also very friendly, I know him from my b.pharm days. I know even his cousins, we all had great time whenever we met. Slowly his mom used to speak with me. I cant even tell in words how happy I was when I was talking to his mom, I thought she would never speak with me. I was ready to give up anything in life for my love. Nothing makes me happy except his presence or calls or anything related to him. The day came when our parents met each other. I was scared abt his dad, what he will say, will they give acceptance and all. His dad clearly told that he will never accept me as his daughter-in-law.
    Meanwhile my dad called him and asked him whether he will defend and can take care of me as his parents are totally against this relation. As a father he was worried, then he kept quiet without answering, this made my dad still more worried about my life. They hardly slept the whole week. Finally he called up his parents and told that he doesn’t like this relation and ready to marry me with someonelse. But I was shocked to see all this and hadn’t ate anything. My dad told to ask him to come out of home and marry, if he really loves you, I will accept your relation. But even though I begged him many times to think of our relation, he just stood on my dads words, and told me to marry somoneelse. Its almost 6 months that this happened, still I didn’t forget him. His parents warned him that they will die if he says my name and trying to arrange marriage for him. My family was totally upset as I changed a lot, depressed. I started praying baba from past 2 months, doing saivrat also. Even he is doing this saivrat. Completed 5 weeks. He is responding to me but he is helpless. I respect parents but I cant forget him. Now one of our family friends, who doesn’t know anything about my story, trying to fix match for me. But I feel that baba will do so some magic and make my love realise that how much im connected to him. Only god knows how bad im feeling. If he really loved me, how can he leave me in this peak situation??my parents says that if he loved me he shouldn’t leave me. Now Im bit stressed abt that match. Im unable to forget past and unable to accept new things. Plz I really need baba help and grace. Plz pray for me. His parents are forcing to engage with a girl saying that his father got seriously ill..engagement can happen anytime. Plz I plead each one of you to pray for me..Heard that group prayers will be answered. Please I pleas for your prayers. Will baba help me?

    • hello, first of all I am going to pray for you for sure and I hope you will get what you want with baba's blessings. and baba will help you out there is NO doubt about that . you are baba's devotee so keep trust in him whatever he will do that is better for you.

    • SAIRAM!. I plead you never ever rely only on the boy whom you love, how deep and true it might be and please for heaven sake do not take it for granted his parents will accept you when once marriage is done and please don't think of him coming out of his home to have the marriage.A girl can be happy after marriage only if the boy is supportive and only with the blessings of the parents.A good human cannot be happy with guilty feeling. We as parents think something as good/best for our children, but it has not been so all the time.I, myself am a victim. Surrender to SAIMA. Let HER do what she wants for HER daughter. My sincere prayers to HER to be with you, be in you, the boy and your parents. THINK OF HIM only. HE will do what HE wants for you. SAIRAM

    • Dear

      Make sure what are you asking is right for you.

      Life is like Hell after Marriage, even LOVE marriage, if one's so called LOVE stand with one at the time of need. For example- If In laws put false blame on you, but your partner knowingly/ cowardly take side of his parents, what you will do?

      Life is not easy at all, LET BABA do, what is best for you.

      Loads Love.

    • Dear Sai Sister, answer to your questions will baba help me? Yes Baba will help you. He will help you in sense what you need and what is better for you. When his parents are clearly against you without any solid reason, they will never accept you. Even he come out from his home and marry you, you will always insecure thinking that what if he one day leave you for his parents? This guy cant express his emotions and feelings. He is introvert, I don't want you to feel helpless, worried and insecure. Even you marry him you will be always worried, unless he is very strong and protective. I can imagine your father`s worries. Baba will see what will be good for you and your future. Baba have to see very far not only for current condition. Have shraddha and saburi you will get answer for sure. You will be relieved from all anxiety and pain. Trust him with whole heart and pray. He will surely give you what you need.

  11. Dear dont worry really baba will bless you with your love..But one thing dear baba will do what is good for you…we all know our present only but baba knows even our future and does only what is good for us..please pray with faith to baba and if possible visit shiridi once…and pray to baab from heart..may baba give you your love and marry you to him…om sai raam…

  12. Dear Sai Sister, I completely understand your situation and the feeling of frustration and anxiety you must be going through. But i want to advise you to leave the decision to our dear Baba as to who is and what is best for you. Please leave everything at Baba's lotus feet, surrender to him wholeheartedly and you will get the best even without you asking for it. God Bless you. Om Sai Ram

  13. Om Sai Jai Sai. Very wonderful experiences. Deva your way is unique. Thank you Saiji for everything as its only you who knows what and when is best for us. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.

  14. om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam

  15. In my way , the boy is good as he also thinks about his parents. In your way you can say what you think is good saying the boy to come out of home and marry. It's in the hands of you to forget the boy and it harldy takes years to forget him, but for parents they can't forget this in their lifetime, and they should shook their head down only becoz of you. Remember there is nothing greater than respecting parents in this world. Imagine would you do the same thing if your parents don't accept the marriage? So be patient and baba decides what is good for you.

  16. Thanks a lot for your prayers and advice. But the only problem for his parents is my caste, as I belong to lower caste and they r vysyas. They r worried that their community people will isolate them. They know my caste from the beginning, even after that they spoke nicely and met my parents, on that day my parents met, they spoke negatively which had upset my dad very badly. With concern of my safety, he spoke to his dad in anger that he is not interested in this match, which made his parents turn back on this relation. But what my mistake is there, now they r forcing him to engage with another girl. I cant change my caste baba. I wholeheartedly gave my best to hold this relation. But he is neutral, he is unable to decide and not able to convince his parents, as they are threatening to death. Im dying every second baba. Please baba you always granted my wish. I love him more than myself please make his parents know that character is important than caste. My family is upset as im depressed. Im ready to do anything but his parents wantedly doing this threatening of death, what can I do baba??? Please show your grace. Please don’t let faith down. Every second I chant the name of baba, do turn my life. Please help me baba please.

  17. I never told him to come out and go against his parents. i have waited three years just for their acceptance. I can understand parents situation. Though my dad said that in anger and pain, i never said him to go against his parents. I too have parents. we both have thought the same that we will suffer but wont make our parents suffer. But I cant change my caste, their only problem is caste. Im still waiting for things to get better. Hope baba do some magic and his parents understand our love. No one can see their parents death. Im in very critical situation, i cant see him or his parents suffer at the same time i cant give my heart someonelese. my parents wants me to get married, they are also feeling bad. But Im helpless. I dont want to go abroad too as my parents wants me to forget him and move on. we r best friends from 8 years, how can i forget him?? i cant alter the situation. please baba help me and guide me to show way for my future. im dying every second. I trust that baba will do best for me. Om Sairam

  18. Nice experiences! Baba shows through various ways that no matter which circumstances we are in, Baba will change things to help us get through them. Om Sai Ram!

  19. Om shree ram, jai ganesh, dattatreya, jai murugan, jai hanuman, jai durga, tirupati balaji ki jai, om shiva

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