My Beautiful Experiences – Sai Devotee Santi

Lord Sai Baba is care taker of all. He even Himself manifests in order to assure our faith and save us from worries. Such is experience of Sai Sister Santi Ji as shared below.

Sai Sister Santi Ji from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, Thanks for the wonderful blog. Every day I read the experiences posted. They are all very touching, wonderful, help us keep the faith and teach us to be patient to receive His choicest blessing. I would like to share two experiences, one happened last year and one just this morning. I request not to disclose my e-mail id.


    On September 1 last year (Thursday), I was returning from work. I was for some reason, in a hurry to go home that evening. I was on my mobile talking to my husband about something to be done that evening. All of a sudden, I saw in my rear view mirror, a police officer with his indicators ON and I also heard a honk. That means he is pulling me over for disobeying the traffic rules. I told my husband that “I got to go. An officer is pulling me over.” and disconnected.

    Here in USA, when an officer catches you, you pull to a safe spot and stop. I stopped, literally shivering, because the last ticket I got was almost a decade ago. I rolled down my driver’s side window down. The officer came and asked, “Madam, do you know why I stopped you”. Now, we have stricter laws about being on the mobile while driving. So I answered, “Yes sir, I was on the phone”. To my dismay, he told me that he stopped me because I was driving at 50 mile speed in 25 mile speed zone and also I did not stop at the STOP sign. He asked me for my vehicle registration and insurance information. I handed them over to him. He went back to his vehicle.

    Here I was in my seat completely in shock. I have made two big mistakes and another one which he did not notice, but I told him, so total of three. The fines are very harsh in this country, monetarily and otherwise. I was imagining that I will be hit with total of 500.00 dollar fine. I told BABA “Please help me today, I do not have that much money to pay for my fines”. Since I was traveling abroad during month-end and also planned a get-together during the Dashahara days before I leave. We had budgeted for the month. The fine will really upset my budget. I was waiting for the officer to come back and handover my papers and the BIG fine. He came and returned my papers and said to me “Madam, please hit those breaks and drive slowly and be careful. The schools have re-opened, have a good evening”. I just could not believe it that he did not handover any paper with fine details to me. I wholeheartedly thanked the officer, almost tears rolling down my eyes.

    I believe that since I called Baba to come and help me, there HE came and took care of it. I went home and told my husband, he said sometimes the ticket comes in the mail. But till TODAY nothing of that sort came in the mail. When BABA stopped it, how would it come anyway? Thank you my dear BABA.


    The second one is in the form of a beautiful dream. My son is studying medicine in India. He came over to US during his winter break. Yesterday, he was going back. We went to airport. It is always very hard to bid a good-bye at the airport, especially to your own kid, going so far away. I will see him almost after 6 months, though I will talk to him every day. Tears were controlled, but finally came out just before he headed towards his security check-up. He gave me a big hug and asked me not to worry. We came back home, I went to his room and did a little clean-up and went to our room and watched a TV show and slept.

    I knew that he will call once he reached Heathrow (3 hour layover at London). I have a phone on my side of the end table. At 4 AM the phone rang, there he was telling me that so far he had a good flight, had food and slept well during that leg of the journey. I was happy. I gave the phone to his dad. During this process, my Baba’s picture which I had kept on the base of the table lamp on the side table fell on the floor. I was very upset, so got up put the light on and searching frantically for it, under the table, under the bed and could not find it. And after 5 minutes, I realized it fell right inside the shopping bag I had under the table. I took it and said sorry to Baba for my carelessness and put it back at the same place where it was earlier. But in the back of my mind, I felt very sad that the picture of BABA fell. I was restless and drifted into sleep.

    I got a very beautiful dream. In that dream, someone knocked on my door. And when I opened the door, the person had something in his hand and he showed it to me. It was very nice and big picture of BABA on a paper. I spoke to the person. He was telling me about some slokas and all that. My husband joined us. Finally he picked a picture and took it and put it on my refrigerator.

    I suddenly got up and realized it was such a beautiful dream. I felt very happy as I got up and went to wake up my youngest for school and then I got ready and came downstairs for my coffee.

    Now I feel that Baba was telling me, “Do not worry. I did not go anywhere. I am right here. Why are you worried”? It is 11:30 AM now. Still I am thinking of that beautiful dream. Both my experiences reassure us that HE is ALWAYS with us. We have to feel His presence with FAITH and have PATIENCE.



© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear Hetalji, Its really nice to read your shirdi experience. While reading your experiences tears started rolling down my cheeks. Especially "Am i not within You? Why do you have to come to shirdi". This is because i have not been to Shirdi yet. I am asking Baba daily to please call me to shirdi. Today Baba has given me a answer through you. I live in Singapore. Thanks for this wonderful blog. May Baba bless you.

  2. Om Sai Ram..

    Lovely experience Santi Ji. May all of us be blessed with such amazing experiences and may Sai come in our dreams too.

    Om Sai Shri Sai jai Jai Sai.

  3. He who is indifferent to pain and pleasure is happy … however it is nice when god manifests it self or sends you a sign …It is not coincidence that baba send you these positive signs..

  4. om sai ram.Really a nice experience.Every time i read experiences ifeel the presence of sai baba. Baba, keep loving your devotees and be with us always.

  5. Om sai ram .. I am going to give class xii cbse board exam from 1mar2012. Still i am not prepared well for my exam around 2 month ago from today i kept sai baba vrat may baba bless me to score my wishing marks in board exam i am daily praying in front of i am totally dependent on sai baba

    Wonderful Experience.
    I Love You So Much Baba.
    Baba I am tensed about lunch at our office today.
    Baba Please help me Baba.
    Baba Please be with me always forever Baba.
    Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
    Baba Please excuse me Baba for my mistakes.

  7. one of the comments I see from a Sai brother/sister "He who is indifferent to pain and pleasure is happy … however it is nice when god manifests it self or sends you a sign …It is not coincidence that baba send you these positive signs..

    I am lost, could someone explain what he / she means by this comment, I would be very thankful to the person.
    om sai ram

  8. I had a traffic ticket two months back. I was speeding only 14 miles over the limit and was not talking on the phone either…I was served the ticket and had to go to the court! Baba this is not fair !! (I am just kidding…)

    All I felt was that Baba averted a bigger disaster and gave me only small bhog of my karma. He is merciful as ever…

    It is my feeling that we should avoid laziness and complacent behavior. Of course when mistakes are genuinely unintended, He helps us like in the devotee in original post. But I see in remarks of this post a 12th std kid saying he is not prepared for exams and that Baba is going to help. He would, but after we put our best effort.

    When a devotee decided to cancel the trip to badrinath after hearing that it was hard. Baba scolded the person that we should not deterred by hardships.

  9. 25 miles over the limit is called reckless driving in VA and fines go upto $3000. Baba's grace be always with you !

  10. Dear Santi jeee

    You had some grace by Lord Sai!
    Speeding 25 miles over the speed limit..not stopping at the stop sign and talking on the cell phone…Like icing on the cake..for a Cop
    Whenever a Cop pulls you over please dont tell them that you know the reason why, as in your case they may have different reasons..
    Here in CA you would be liable to pay a fine of $2000-$2500 for all these offences clubbed together..

    OM Sai were really lucky, but please be careful as this can be very dangerous…please take this as a learning lesson and dont repeat it.

    I recently got a $300 ticket for making a right turn on a red light..ya you dont do that in have to yield..and i ended up paying $300. I was questioning baba ..why did this happen..That is a very dangerous spot and after a few days there was a major accident at the same spot..This was baba's way of saving me from that kind of accident..It could have been fatal…Please take care of your driving..OM Sai Ram…


  11. Thank you for the very nice experiences Santi Ji! Baba certainly was with you when you were driving fast and also told the police you were talking on a phone, a miracle that the police gave you no ticket at all even after you said you were talking on the cell phone. Baba will be with your son when he is in India studying too. Baba is with all of us, and we need not worry about things in life when Baba is with us. Om Sai Ram!

  12. shri satchidananda satguru sai nath maharaj ki jai,sai baba become lord vishnu,krishna,ram,shiv,sab ka malik ek hai

  13. shri satchidananda sai nath maharaj ki jai,every time every thing i believe sai baba i cant live without sai baba.

  14. Akhilanda Koti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai..Love you you so much.

  15. Dear Sai Devotess, we feel so blessed when we look back and see /feel BABA's mercy in various ways! A few days back I drove my husband to a place. As soon as he got down and I started, one lady standing right there stopped and requested me if I could give her a ride to the car repair shop where she has to pick up her repaired car. I had no specific time line that might be disturbed if I give her a ride, I allowed her in my car and dropped her at that car repair shop.
    Later on I was thinking, many a times, we feel that in our difficult time, there came some one, as if BABA himself showing up at the "right moment" of our distress,
    is that BABA made me appear for that lady to be there at the "right moment"????
    It is said "I AM YOU, and YOU ARE ME" by BABA.
    Feeling happy to realize this seeing in person!
    *** Usually it is dangerous to give ride to unknown person here in USA as one might face the consequences of such things, proving your stupidity! but this place is a retired people housing facility and she was living at that place, though I did not know her personally.
    Jai Sai RAM.

  16. dear santi ji!
    wonderful experience. baba always with us. he never leave us alone. KOTI KOTI PRANAAM TO HIS LOTUS FEET.


  17. Baba! Thanks Baba! I felt your Physical blessing Baba yesterday in the form of child touch while I am praying at your lotus feet in your temple Baba!

    Thanks Baba for your wishes! Baba please help me Baba! help me to join the job on good day Baba!

    I am scared to ask! Please Baba! Help me Please and thank you Baba for your blessings 🙂

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