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We all have read how our Sai sister Bonnie was attracted to Shirdi Sai Baba in one of earlier posts. I would request you all to read that post first and then continue reading the current part.

Ms. Patil, This is my experience continued.

Not long after Sai Baba restored that childhood memory and the Sai group began, I heard HIM ask, “What do you want from me?”

I said – “Everything I could want I have with You.”

Then I heard – “Is there something else you still want?”

It felt like He was insisting on being asked. At that moment in the heart of my mind, I thought – “Of course. I want my husband also to experience this wonderful relationship with You”.

Within a short time, my husband had a series of experiences that were quite astonishing and left him with the feeling silenced. He says, “Baba knocked the monkey out of my head, and I have been Sai-lenced.” He feels he is being taken care of, and the worry monster is no longer the one in control. His quite mind has made room for simplistic thoughts and has improved his creativity. He now finds himself flowing along. Not long after these Sailencing incidents and this new life emerging out of these experiences, his Mother passed away. It was merely her time, and we both knew it. We felt Baba’s presence with us throughout the emotional times. We are both experiencing pure love, joy, and peace of mind that we know is simply Baba’s pure love and His touch.

My husband had a full beard his whole adult life. So over the years, his dermatologist would show a concern for the skin that was under the beard. After Baba took charge of his life, many changes occurred. My husband decided to shave his beard and discovered quite a big size mole that both of us thought needed to be checked by the dermatologist. My husband’s work schedule had been increasing, and he would forget to make that call. Several weeks went by.

Then on a particular Tuesday, he got a call from the skin doctor’s office verifying his appointment for this Thursday, April 17th. He said he didn’t make an appointment but has been meaning to make one. The conversation concluded with the fact that the office should check and make sure there is no other patient with his name who might have called. If there were none, he would like to keep the appointment. They called back and said it was definitely for him. The lady at the appointment desk was as amazed as my husband because she says there was definitely a call made for him. My husband and I were just laughing because, for us, it had our dear Sai’s signature all over it. Our beloved Sai made all the needed arrangements and was showing this to us through this leela. Needless to say, this leela left an impact that is beyond words.

It did not end here. My husband went for the appointment, and the doctor removed the mole. He got a call several weeks later, saying that it was melanoma cancer. They continued saying – He needed to come in for surgery to have the roots removed as it could spread out without doing so. We followed through with the appointment and my husband was told that it was discovered just in time, and it was ready to reach the next stage and could cause more difficulties.

I am always in awe and deeper in love with our dear Master. His words are like Gold to me, and all else is like tinsel.


Om Sai Ram

Bow to Shri Sai. Let peace be with all.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai BabaMember of

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Bonnie ji..You are blessed..I felt very happy reading your experience..The way Baba is taking care of you and your family is really splendid..

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