Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Helping Hand Of Sai Baba In Every Path Of My Life

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Dear Sai Devotees, Firstly I would like to apologize to Sai for writing my experiences very late. Being a love marriage we did not have any support financially or emotionally. We came to different countries and myself being immature without proper understanding of all things and with financial difficulties resorted to Sai Baba.

I found one temple of Sai Baba and every Thursday I used to go and pray there. After doing a parayanam my husband got a good opportunity.

We travelled to different countries and got financially better. Then started Baba Nav Gurvar Vrat and my long wish to study in this country got fulfilled and then got a good job with help of Sai Baba’s blessings.

Later I then got difficulty in getting pregnant and consulted many doctors and tried many medicines. We gave up hope and planned to go for IVF. Then another miracle happened as I conceived just 20 days before the appointment for IVF. Baba was with me helping and guiding all through my life.

Another incident during lockdown due to Covid-19 was that when my husband was waiting for a project, I prayed to Baba that I would do 11 weeks fasting. The miracle was that exactly on 11th week my husband got news of a new project and a person in the guise of Baba helped him.

I many times felt lonely and angry but Baba helped me out in many ways. He has been my guiding father throughout my life.

Baba, please always help all devotees who come to You and only depend on You and Your grace. Please always help us in life and beyond. Please change things and please make life happy for Your devotees. Please always shower Your grace on me and all.

Thank You Baba for being with me in all my difficult times and making me strong to face them.

With love,

Sai Devotee.

Baba’s Blessings On My Family

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank You Baba for being with us. Thank you Hetalji for creating this blog for all the devotees to share their experience. I have been a strong devotee of Sai Baba for more than 15 years. I read Satcharitra everyday. Any new thing to start, I prefer to do it on Thursdays.

My daughter also does the same. Thank You so much Baba for making my daughter pass the speciality exam. Only because of Your blessings she got admission in the college, completed the degree and now only because of Your blessings she has cleared her next level of exam also.

I thank You again for giving my son an intern job. He was trying for job for more than 3 months and finally only because of Your blessings he got the job. Please be with us and keep blessing our family Baba. We are nowhere without Your blessings. Sairam! Sairam! Sairam!

Sai Baba Got Me A Job Offer On Time

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Hetalji and team, I can’t thank you all enough for this website with wonderful experiences.

Coming to my latest experience, I am working in IT on a project. Due to budget constraints I was given a two week notice from work. I prayed to Baba to please find me a job with the same client in a different project and promised to share my experience here. As to not lose my laptop and access I had to find a job with the same client in two weeks otherwise I would need to return the laptop. With Baba’s grace nothing is impossible. Tomorrow is my last day at work and today, Thursday I got a job offer with a good pay and benefits which would have not worked out without Baba’s blessings.
It worked out like magic. Until yesterday nothing was in place and by this morning I have a job offer. It is all Baba. Thank You very much Baba.
Jai Sairam!

Sai Baba Heals My Skin Itching Problem

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Manjusha T from India says: Om Sairam. I am Manjusha. I am from Kerala. I want to share my experience how Baba healed my mother’s skin problems.

One day night my mother started having severe skin itching, redness and inflammation. We went to the hospital. They gave me injections. After 1 week the itching started again and she couldn’t breathe properly. Doctor told me that it was food allergy. When I came back from the hospital, I was praying to Baba. I read one of the devotees’ shared experiences about how Baba healed the skin problems of her son. I prayed to Baba that please heal my mother and that I will post my miracle for everyone. Baba heard my prayer. Mother started reading Sai Satcharitra. Her itching started reducing. First it was whole body itching and big inflammations. Now it’s reducing, may be small itching leg and hand area. We are continuing our Satcharitra reading and Baba is hearing our prayer. Sairam Sairam.

Baba’s Words Can Never Be Untrue

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am dust in Baba’s feet. Om Sairam! By Baba’s grace I got pregnant. The doctors had advised to do genetic screening for the baby. The result was due in 2 weeks. I was praying Baba wholeheartedly that everything should be fine. This baby is Baba’s blessing then how could there be anything wrong? The result all came out fine and we found that it is a boy baby just like how Baba said in my dream that I would be blessed with a boy baby one month before I tested positive for pregnancy. His ways are His ways!

Baba, please cure my mom’s knee pain. Please keep everyone safe. We are nothing without You. Jai Sairam!

Sai found My Phone

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I was not able to find my phone. I searched and searched but with no result. I was remembering very well that I had got it upstairs at night. Morning I was not able to find it. Then I prayed to Baba that I would post here if found. After praying I found it downstairs. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

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