Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Helped My Daughter Get Good Grades

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Sai’s daughter. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful modern Satcharitra.

My daughter got into a good private school on a scholarship basis because of my Baba only. If she has to continue in this school, she has to maintain a certain GPA. My daughter works hard but somehow she lost interest in studies and was getting distracted too much.

All the time, she only wants to read fiction books even in the middle of the class. Now because of Covid and online school, she was more into reading fiction books. I warned her and even my husband tried to explain her but she wouldn’t listen and she would get upset and start crying.

She started lying to us that she was doing her homework but secretly she read books. I didn’t want to put too much pressure on her too because I wanted her to be open with us and not lie. I know that she is not doing anything wrong but she was getting addicted to this and that was bothering us a lot because she needs to maintain a good GPA to get a scholarship for the next grade.

My Baba helped me and my daughter a lot to get through these two months and finally her grades are out and she was able to maintain the GPA. Thanks a lot, Baba for all Your help.

I know, it was You only Who made this possible. Every night I used to apply my Baba’s miracle Udi and pray that she should focus more on her studies and help her realize how to organize her time between school work and her reading books. Thank You so much Baba.

I know a lot of teenagers and their parents must be going through similar problems. I know this is just the beginning but I have full faith in You Baba that You’ll help us to sail through this easily.

Please guide us and help us, Baba. Bless everyone Baba. Please shower Your grace on us to remember You and chant Your name each and every second. Once again, thanks a lot for taking me into Your lotus feet Baba. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam!

Baba Always Protects His Devotees

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the devotees. Baba always protects His children, never for a moment, He’s away from us. He always thinks about our welfare. Since the beginning of May’20, my father was experiencing blood in his stool, he went to the doctor who said that it looked like a case of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) accompanied with extreme stress. Stress because my uncle (father’s younger brother) was hospitalized and was on a ventilator diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. He finally went to be with Baba on 20th May.

The whole episode came as a big shock to my father for he lost his younger brother who was like his child. However, when the blood didn’t stop in the stool, we consulted another doctor who said that it was Ulcerative Colitis and asked my father to get a Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy. The Sigmoidoscopy also showed the Ulcerative Colitis and the doctor prescribed the medicines for a month. Today the biopsy report came in as well and with Baba’s infinite grace the report shows no evidence of malignancy and shows ulcerative colitis.

Fellow devotees, this is all Baba’s sheer grace. All this while, when we were waiting for the reports, I continuously prayed Baba to please keep the reports normal, (diagnosis should be treatable through medicines) as my father can’t take another blow. Along with Sai’s name, I chanted Hanuman Chalisa too. Baba has always been there for us and will always be there for us. Om Sairam.

In another incident or I should say miracle, I was sleeping and I must’ve changed my position or taken a turn and immediately got up because I hit the corner of my eye to the bedside table’s edge. It hurt of course, but I thanked Baba as He saved my eye because fellow devotees, on that same bedside table there was Baba’s small murti (statue). Baba protected my eye, if it was not Him then I could’ve seriously injured my eye, but Sai didn’t let that happen. Thank You, Baba!

Baba Helped In Difficult Situation

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: It gives me pleasure to pen down one more leela of our Sai on this blog. Om Sairam. Firstly I am thanking the team for maintaining this modern-day Satcharitra.

Coming to my experience, in the last week of May I had ordered new headphones from an online shopping site which got delivered on the 1st of June. However, I was not comfortable with the weight of the headphones. Hence I tried returning the product but to my utter shock, there was only replace option and not return option. I was feeling foolish that I did not read the return policy carefully before ordering. Since it was my mother’s login credentials used in the app I was unable to call customer care. Hence I prayed Baba with my utmost devotion and asked Him to find a way for me to return the item permanently and I promised to pen down my experience on this blog.

Today 2nd June my mom called the customer care and they gave her the link to return the item. However, they said that they would be sending the replacement of the same product but we can cancel that specific replacement too. Though it is a complicated solution, I think Baba showed a ray of hope for me. Baba, please make the product go back to its seller and my refund is processed as 5k is a big amount for me. Also, my mom had started going to the office due to unlock 1.0 hence I am scared to the core. Please let her be safe from any harm as she is going in her own vehicle in this grave situation. Sairam please protect her. Let the company pay the rest of her salary that has been held up for so many months.

Devotees, please do pray for me and my family. Sai eradicate the pandemic from the earth and make everyone safe and happy. Sai Sharanam Bhava Bhaya Harnam. Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai.

Baba Saved My Family

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, I am a small devotee of Baba. Baba blessed me numerous times. Coming to my experience, recently my husband developed cough and sore throat and he was going out occasionally because of important work. As Pandemic is present outside I was very much tensed as also I have two toddler twins at home. I prayed Baba to make my husband healthy and that it should not be covid. After couple of hours he became alright. After couple of days my daughter started coughing continuously and I was scared again and prayed to Baba. Baba helped us this time and her cough subsided with cough syrup. I cannot forget the immense love You showed me in this birth. Thank You Deva. please bless this world and make it covid free. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba’s Miracle

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Aditya from India says: I am Aditya from Karnataka. Today I’m going to share my experience. First of all, I would like to thank Hetalji and the team who are maintaining this site. Experience is about my love. She’s going through a lot of troubles about land and home. Actually, her aunt is giving her family a lot of trouble, so she’s very upset and she’s fed up with everyone and everything. She used to tell me everything. I can’t see her like that and so I prayed Baba about her problems and I promised Baba that I will post this experience if everything goes right. Then the next day itself everything came normal. I hope everything should be normal permanently. I don’t want her to face any more problems. Bless all the devotee’s Baba. Thanks for everything. Love You Baba.

Baba’s Help

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had ordered few products online. Most of them came but two were remaining. Each time the site showed that it would be reaching us on so and so date but it would fail each time due to lockdown restrictions. I was worried as the payment was already done as it did not have the cash on delivery option. I tried calling customer care but that too was not available; may be due to lockdown. Only mail communication was there. But that also was not helping much. Then I prayed Baba for help and to my surprise, I saw an SMS that so and so amount had been deposited in my account from that site as it could not deliver the products because of lockdown. Thank You, Baba. Jai Sairam!

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba and bless my father financially and make them happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes baba and cure my mother's pain and grandma's diabetes. Cure this virus saipa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  3. Hi all

    I want to share my Sai experience in this forum. My friend is residing in Australia and finished his masters recently but he has got not casual nor professional jobs due to the current covid situation and lockdown over there.
    It was getting tough to manage his expenses because of it and started getting worries. I kept praying to Baba about it and guess what…obviously he has got casual shifts for 3 days and the agent is looking to make him permanent at work.

    Thabk you so much Baba.🙏😇

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