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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Listens To Whatever We Share To Him

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to everyone. I am a student. In my university because of certain issues, students and teachers were divided into two groups. My supervisor was with the administration of the university and wanted all those under her to register for the winter semester. All my friends and classmates were against the administration and were boycotting the registration by not enrolling for new semester, nor following any circular of the campus.

Regarding registration I was very confused because my family wanted me to complete my degree and not to extend it. I was in a great dilemma. I like my supervisor a lot as she has never been harsh and rude to me.

I am very less expressive in front of her. Some students were supporting mam’s view and decided to go for registration and few said that they would go together and tell her that they would do registration when every student would do it. We will boycott unless the administration listens to us. I was very tense as I was not able to decide anything. My roommate knows my family, my personal problems but she told me not to support mam and meet her and say that I would do when all would do.

I didn’t want to hurt her by doing anything like that. I prayed Sai Maa a lot and asked Him to show me a way as I understand the rest of the student’s concern but I didn’t want to go against mam and dilute my relationship with her. I prayed Baba if You say yes then please come in a yellow dress and if You say no then please come in a red dress. I am typing this experience on 4th of January just after seeing Babaji in yellow in Hetal mam’s blog (of 3rd January, part 2592). I especially prayed Baba to give me darshan in the yellow dress of Sej aarti).

I prayed on the 2nd as I was about to meet my guide on the 4th. I have no words to express His love for us. He definitely listens to our true prayers. If He does not, then it may not be important for Him and it is nowhere related to our welfare. It’s His mercy on me. Thank You my Sai.

Give me faith and patience and increase my devotion. I have requested Babaji to bless me to submit my Ph.D. at the end of this semester. I know He will do what is good for me. I have no doubt about His love. Love You Baba. Om Sairam to all who are reading my experience and anyone who is stuck in a dilemma kind of situation then pray to Him, He will definitely show you the way.

Unfathomable Grace of Sai Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba who is penning down another experience on this wonderful site. First I would like to thank people who are keeping this site updated with experiences and Mahaparayan running smoothly.

Experience 1: Baba helped me from eye infection when some insect fell into my eye while walking on the road. Just taking His name once is enough to get you out of difficulties.

Experience 2: Recently we shifted our house in my native to a new location and I prayed to Baba in my previous experience to make my uncle help my mom with the shifting. The shifting was done smoothly without much hitches and once again thanks to Baba. Sai please solve the water hardness problem in my home sooner.

Experience 3: I stay in a shared apartment in Pune and for December holidays, one of my roommate’s friends was visiting her for a few days. I prayed to Baba that on weekend both girls should stay out of the house for me to have mental peace. Baba helped me with this and I didn’t have to share my bed with the guest for the entire stay.

Sorry for posting these experiences late. Baba recently I am having issues with my periods as its getting delayed. Also I am having indigestion issues. Please sort it out Baba. Also I pray that I should do well in my foreign language course that I have enrolled in. Please bless everyone around. Om Sairam. Sai Rakshak Sharanam.

Baba Is My Everything

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee from USA residing with my husband and a kid who is also a gift from Baba. First of all thank you Hetalji for this beautiful platform where we are able to share our miracles with Baba to the world.

I have countless experiences which are impossible on my part to pen down all. Baba is my everything. I can’t thank Him enough for the blessings in my life. Every time when I feel something wrong, Baba is always there to help me. Thank You Baba for everything You have given to us. Please be with me always.

Now coming to my experience, my 2 year old fell down very badly and he got injured. I prayed Baba for his speedy recovery and he is recovering well now. He got some stitches and now it is healing. Again he was not eating anything, then I prayed Baba and slowly he started eating normally. Baba without You I can’t imagine my life. He is always falling here and there and also having some other issues but I know with Baba by my side everything will be good. Also Baba I am planning for a Shirdi visit, please make it beautiful because with a baby I don’t know how it goes. Baba is there for everyone just you need a little devotion and patience.
Jai Sairam.

Baba Made Me Tension Free

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from India. First I want to thank Hetalji and the team for their dedicated work. I have been a Sai devotee for the last 15 years. I always believe in Sai and He is the only God I believe. He always stays with us and responds when a devotee is in need. Everyone is equal to Him. He always helps me when I am in difficulty. I want to tell you about my experience.

Now my brother’s marriage was fixed and my family needed my help for marriage. But my husband’s family always thinks girls should not go to parent’s places for a long time. I prayed to Baba and Baba helped me. They all agreed and sent me one month ago. My husband’s family was always in a negative mindset. They always think they are great and everyone should respect only them. Again I was very much tensed that if at marriage if anything is wrong then how they will react and what issue they will do? Then Baba also helped me and made my brother’s marriage happen smoothly and I am very happy about that. I didn’t expect that I would enjoy my parent’s place. Thank You Baba. Thank You so much. Sachidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Baba’s Help

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I would like to thank Hetalji for running this wonderful blog. As we planned a road-trip and this was my first trip I put chits and asked Baba to help to choose the best place and Baba chose one place. While we were travelling there was an accident that had happened. When we were seeing, the police stopped our car and noted our car number and asked us to go in other direction. As this happened abroad, I felt bad because there were many thoughts in my mind but my friend told me to be calm as it was normal there. I prayed to Baba if everything was fine then I would post the experience. We enjoyed the trip and the good part is that we returned home before 12 and Baba was there every single minute. Thanks a ton to Baba for always being there. I love You Sai. Om Sairam.

Baba Helped Me

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Indonesia says: Recently I was saved from a big problem. I was travelling and my phone got switched off due to battery issues. It was opening. I had the driver’s number on that phone. By Baba’s grace I had a colleague travelling with me and I could connect with the driver.

I was very tense. It was Baba’s miracle that the colleague was with me. I did not know, she would be with me. Thank You Baba. On Shirdhi Vasaya Dheemahi, Sachidananda Dheemahi, Tano Sai Prachodayat.

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  1. baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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