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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

My Sai Deva

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Anamika from India says: I am Anamika Singh, living in Noida. I am a dust particle of Deva’s foot. Hetalji you and your team are doing the best work of this world as of supplying oxygen to Sai children for their survival. You all are exceptionally blessed.

Om Sairam Thank You and Love You for each and everything in my life. I am Your daughter and every one left me as Your responsibility. Being a human sometimes, I feel dejected by my near family members (except my husband) but again I look at You and get the strength to face every negligence from them because You are always with me. I can’t thank You enough for Your support. Please help me Deva in sharing Your some blessings out of infinite.

Our furniture problem: We wanted to buy customised study table for our kids according to our space. In June, 2018 during summer vacation, we called one carpenter and gave him all measurements but he informed very high price. Then I requested Deva for His help and we went to a customised furniture shop. The shopkeeper agreed to prepare the study table within our budget and time. After three weeks we were trying to contact him but he informed that because of his shop renovation, he would not be able to provide the study table. I felt very sad and again requested Deva to show me the path. Suddenly, in June end, I was searching on net and found readymade study table online. I found one perfect study table exactly as per our measurement and at a very reasonable rate. I took Deva’s name and sent link to my husband. I explained him all pros and cons and he also agreed and placed the order. I thank Deva from the bottom of my heart for Your guidance.

Found my lost Gold ring in train: With the blessings of Sai, I bought one costly ring in Feb and wore this on my cousin’s marriage in June. While returning by train, when we woke up in the morning before reaching our stop, I found that my ring was missing. I felt very bad and difficult to find it. But I was cool and took it as Deva’s wish. I started seeing in the dustbin, where I threw the paper packets but with very little hope. I requested Deva for help. My aunty was also feeling very sad and just searched below her seat opposite to my seat and found the ring below one piece of chip. She told me that only Sai Deva gave you the ring. I understood that while sleeping in the night, may be got thrown from my finger because it was little loose. Deva saved that because someone was sleeping in between our seats. Thanks for Your gift Deva.

Bus Dispute: We go to office by chartered bus. On 1st June, our bus coordinator informed that the bus was permanently withdrawn by the transporter. We all 25 people were shocked and without bus, it was difficult to commute. I prayed Deva and motivated some people for searching the new bus. With the blessings and support of Deva, we finalised the bus by 6th June. The new bus was more comfortable and for my surprise it is of OM SAI Travel and OM SAI RAM is written on the bus. There is also a very lively picture of God Shiva on the glass exactly facing me. Love You Deva. One day due to cost per person, a dispute arose between some fellow. I was feeling very much uncomfortable, so requested Deva to handle it. Within few minutes Deva resolved the issue.

Shirdi Visit In Dream On 7 Jul 2018 Night: We had booked the tickets, darshan and accommodation in Dwarawati in Shirdi for the whole family from 11th August, 2018 with the kind blessings of my only saviour Sai Deva. Me and my husband purchased clothes for Deva to offer in Shirdi as per Deva’s wish. I will try to share my most awaited Shirdi trip blessings in next experience as per Deva’s permission. My dream on 7th July is as follows “Around 5:00 am, I was in Shirdi with my family; I was wandering on the street of Shirdi village and seeing Deva everywhere. I took darshan of Deva two times in Samadhi Mandir and I wanted to show my son’s horoscope to someone outside the Samadhi Mandir, two times I crossed that person but forgot to show him. I felt somewhat frustrated but again realised that it was Deva’s wish because He Himself is making our future. Further, I was sleeping and around 5:30 my mom was waking me and telling me to come with her for third time darshan”. I woke up in actual and it was 5:30 am exactly. In this way Deva completed my Shirdi darshan one more time. Deva thanks for giving me the opportunity to pray You on Guru Pournima as per Your wish and my satisfaction. Deva You are my pacifier. None in this world can compare Your Love and support. Love You Deva, please hold us tightly and help us in crossing this worldly ocean smoothly. Om Shirdi Vaasaya Vidmahe Sachhidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Lord Ram And Sri Sai Baba Helped Catch The Flight

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi All, I am a small devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful site.

Baba please help me narrate the experience and if there are any mistakes please forgive me. On Sri Ram Navami, Pooja (Kalyanam) is held in our village. To attend the Kalyanam my Mom came to Hyderabad and went to our village. The return ticket to Mumbai was on 26th March 2018 at 06:05 pm. It was thought that as Sri Ram Navami Pooja will happen on 25th March, 2018 my Mom can attend it and next day can catch the flight. But the Pooja happened on 26th March, 2018 so we all were tensed as it would take lot of time to reach the airport from our village after attending the Pooja. So it was thought that by 1:00 pm my Mom should start from our village to be able to reach the airport. But the event (Pooja, lunch etc.) took time and my Mom couldn’t start by 1:00 pm. Mom prayed to Lord Ram to help her reach the airport and board the flight in time. I was also praying Sai Baba to make the journey smooth without much tension.

After sometime I got a message saying that the flight was delayed by few minutes (don’t actually remember how many minutes it was delayed 25 or 35 something like that, not very sure though) I informed the same to my Mom and also called up my Dad and informed him as even he was getting tensed. But still the delayed time was risky. After some time I got one more message saying the flight was delayed again. Like this it got delayed for 2-3 times I guess (don’t remember now exactly how many times it got delayed). The plan was to book a cab for my Mom after she reached a particular bus stop. But my Mom got the airport bus when she reached that bus stop. It was a non-stop bus hence it saved time. She boarded that bus and reached the airport well before time, took her boarding pass and boarded the flight. It was such a relief. We felt that Lord Rama and Sri Sai Baba listened to our prayers and my Mom was able to catch the flight. This miracle happened on 26th March, 2018 and I am typing it now on 2nd August, 2018; so Baba if there any mistakes in narrating the experience please forgive me. Om Sai Ram.

Love You always. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Baba please accept my pranam at Your feet. Om Sai Ram. Anantkoti Bhramand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabhrama Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram…! Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!

Sai Helped Me In Passing The Driving Test

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sairam. I am Sai’s daughter. “Om Sai Ram!” These 3 are the magical words which bought a lot of happiness in my world and those are breathing words “Oms AIR am” to me. I would like to thank Hetalji and the entire team for their fabulous and fantastic work on this website by helping us read and share the experiences. This is Modern Sai Satcharitra after Baba’s Samadhi.

Coming to my experience, I have been attending for driving test for 3-4 times but the examiner always gave some instructions and asked me to come later. I am driving nicely, in fact I can drive my vehicle alone and also started driving for months but whenever I went to the driving test, they always gave some instructions and asked me to come later. I was fed up with driving test and so sometimes stopped going for months.

One day I woke up late still thought of going to the driving school to take the test. Lot of doubts arose because same day I was travelling. When I went to the driving school, one person came and told me that they were not taking any transactions because systems were down but still I went forcibly and tried to attend the test. I lost my interest in driving test because I had waited for more than 2 hours. Finally, they called me and I was waiting in the queue. That day two examiners were there. I wish the first person to take my test because he looked bit cool but second person came to me and asked me to follow him. Then I prayed Sai Paa, “Whatever may be case I should pass this time only and then I will post my experience on my favourite website”. So I attended the test and did 1 or 2 minor mistakes too and so I thought that definitely he would ask me to come next time. Surprisingly he said “You Pass”. I was waiting to hear these words around 6 months. Finally, Sai Paa’s grace helped me in clearing my driving test. I am recalling a sentence from Sai Satcharitra, “Doubts and difficulties surround us just to move us and confirm our faith and we are tested as it were; but if we hold on steadily to Sai our desires will be ultimately Crowned with Success.” May be this is a small experience for someone but I am waiting for His grace on other thing more than 9 months but I need patience for that. I meant “Patience with happiness”. Sai Paa only has to bless me. Kindly pray for my wish has to be fulfilled soon because from childhood Baba hasn’t taken this much of time to grant my wish because it is linked with my life. So I request all Sai Devotees to pray for my wish to be soon fulfilled. AnantaKoti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchedhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaji ki Jai. Bow to Sai – Peace to be all.

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi Sai Devotees, I would like to take this wonderful opportunity to thank Hetalji and Team for providing us with a platform for devotees to share their experiences. This is my fourth experience here, I’m glad Sai is providing me with opportunities to share my experiences with Sai Family. I joined Sai Mahaparayan group and read 2 chapters per week and feel blessed that I joined MP group. It makes me feel blessed with an opportunity to be the part of a great global collaboration on occasion of 100 Years of Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi.

Coming to the experiences, my wife and I became pregnant recently and are blessed with a healthy and beautiful girl. She is named after Sai. For the first 24 hours of the birth kid lost too much weight that NICU doctors were monitoring her for every hour. I didn’t want her to have any health issues and prayed Sai to take care of the kid. Then from the very next hour she started taking food and had good sugar levels. She was born and came home too on very auspicious days. Sai please continuing Your blessing on her. Same time as we came to know we are having a kid, there was lot of pressure in work to change my field of technology. But with Baba’s blessing, not only I was able to move to new technology but was also able to write certifications and gain name for myself in last 10 months. I thank Sai for providing me with this opportunity and help me get all certifications needed to build confidence in me. Baba, I will continue to shape myself as a better human being and will be compassionate to others and the society. Baba, please bless everyone with good health and peace of mind. Thanks once again for providing me with this opportunity.

Baba Helped To Complete The Office Work

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am in Bangalore currently working in a software company. I am a devotee of Sai Baba past from 10 years. Thanks to Hetalji such a great job you are doing.
Without Baba today I am nothing. He is there with me each and every moment of life. Due to Baba’s blessings today I am in Bangalore and got placed in a software company.

Coming to the experience, two weeks back my client had assigned two tasks to complete it in two days. But I was not sure about the process and I am new to the project. First day I was stuck and wasted my day. Second day I prayed to Baba before going to the office that today I have to complete the assigned tasks to me and that I will post my experience on this blog. Here the miracle happened and I completed my task successfully without any problems. Thanks a lot Baba.

Currently I am facing problems with my colleague who is at onsite. Everything that happens, he looks into it in a negative way only. Please Baba help me in this situation and make me strong to work under this critical situation and bless me with a peaceful life. Currently at my home; matches are being seen for me. Please help me in selecting a suitable life partner and marriage will happen very soon. To all who have started worshipping Baba, please stick to FAITH and PATIENCE and your prayers will definitely be answered. Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Baba Is Everything

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. Om Sairam to all devotees. I am a devotee of Baba since my childhood but I never did any sincere pooja to Baba but whenever I have a problem I just pray Baba and all my problems go away. Through this platform my faith in my Baba has increased. I have so many experiences with my Baba. Even if a very small problem is there I immediately pray Baba and then within few seconds my small problems are also gone. My English is not good if there are any mistakes please forgive me.

Coming to my experience yesterday evening in my phone Wi-Fi was not getting connected. I was very upset because I saw all my subject videos on YouTube only. Then I immediately prayed to Baba to please solve the problem. Then after sometime my phone got connected and there were small changes in phone settings, after which my phone Wi-Fi got connected. Thank You so much Baba. I love You Baba. You are my everything. Please forgive me Baba for the mistakes I did in my past but You are always with me. Thank You so much Baba. Baba I don’t have job now please Baba give a job to me in my desired field. Job is very important for my family also. Sorry for this long post. Om Sairam Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa. Make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon ayyappa .Help my grandparents. Make us to study well saipa .Sairakshak. Saisaranam

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