Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

My Experiences With Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Nishanthi from UAE says: I am really grateful for having Baba as part of my life. Thank you Hetal ji for this blog, the experiences from other devotees gives me happiness and strength when I am down.

Baba came into my life in 2013. Even before that I used to go to His temples but I never used to pray as I never believed. Following is my first experience. I was pursuing CA inter from my 2nd year of college and I couldn’t clear for almost 3 attempts and I joined the CA club in Coimbatore where I made a lot of friends and ended up preparing for my attempt with 2 guys who were 3 years younger than me. Since I have been to classes, I had better subject knowledge and everyday from morning 9 to evening 8 for almost 3 months, we 3 studied together. The exams were given and my dad got transferred to Chennai and we moved back there and on the day of result I had cleared only one group and both of them had cleared both the groups. I was really frustrated as I didn’t know what I did wrong. We all studied together same material and still I failed. I was never a devotee of any God. My concept was very simple – whatever we give to nature, we get the same back. So I had to take another attempt to clear the other group.

For the costing paper I was not feeling well and I wrote only 7-8 pages in total (I don’t remember the marks I attended but it was not more than 50) and after few days when the results were supposed to come in the morning which kept delaying it became almost 9 at night and I left the room and went to bed as I had no hope of clearing this time and started playing some game on the phone and I really don’t know how this thought came but I simply said in my mind that Baba if I clear, I will come to the temple and go 1000 rounds. Within 2-3 min, my dad came running into the room shouting You Cleared! I couldn’t believe and I kept asking my dad are you sure?. That’s when the connection happened. There is no way I would have cleared that paper. I didn’t complete even a single question. That was and still is a real miracle in my life. Thank You so much Baba!

My next experience was with my marriage alliance- My parents were looking for a match for me for almost 3 years and for some reason or the other I kept rejecting everyone. My parents never forced me and they waited for my consent. In this process, I had met few guys in person and with each guy there was a story but with the last guy I met, played a trick and hurt my parents. We both met at the temple with our parents and when we spoke alone he said he had a girlfriend and they recently broke up because their parents didn’t accept. I asked whether he still wanted to wait but he said no and he was ready to get married. So I told my parents that he said yes and I am also ok. But after few days my parents received a call from his dad saying that your daughter was in love with someone and he thinks that she was cheating and so many other things. My parents got really hurt and they started crying that’s when I consoled them saying something was wrong with their family and then I told them it was only him who was in a relationship and not me and explained his story. I was really upset and spoke to the guy saying this is not how you turn down a proposal by speaking ill of the girl. He could have easily said he was not interested or said another story.

Anyway I am glad that it didn’t work but I was fed up of this and went to the temple and said to Baba that please let the proposal proceed only if you think that he is the right person for me. And the very next guy whom my parents saw became my husband. I am really grateful to Baba to have shown him to me. It is one of the best thing that happened in my life. And my in-laws share so much love and I am extremely lucky to have them. I can’t thank Baba enough for showing His grace and being with me all the time. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba’s Blessing For My Child

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I have been a Sai devotee for almost 15 years now and my faith in Him keeps growing! Most of the events in my life have happened on a Thursday, for the non-believers, it is just a co-incidence but for me they are Baba’s miracles. He continues to strengthen my faith in Him! I have many incidents that I can narrate but would like to share one of my recent experiences which is nothing but a miracle which only my Sai could make it happen! One of the biggest challenges in a women’s life is giving birth to a child and in my case too when I was pregnant with my second, I was really anxious. I have a toddler son who is very active and didn’t have much support being away from family. I wanted a baby girl this time and was waiting for the fifth month scan. However, the baby refused to give any indications and the Sonographer told me that I will need to wait till the delivery. I was a bit disappointed but since I had already asked Baba for it, I had a strong feeling He would grant me my wish.

I had applied for my cousin’s visa to help me with delivery as my mother can’t travel and was really worried about her visa. She had lot of issues with her paperwork. I started reading Sai Satcharitra every Thursday and also Amritvani every month. By Baba’s grace, my cousin got her visa and reached a month before my delivery to help me out. We were anxiously waiting for the due date, I had started getting severe abdominal pains during the last few weeks and was very nervous about how my labour would go. I kept praying to Baba to make the journey easy for all of us. Finally on Thursday my water broke early morning, we rushed to the hospital and the medical staff told me that I had already dilated 5 cms and it’s a great sign because it takes a while to get to this stage. Preparations were made for normal delivery and the baby came out in two hours which was quickest delivery anybody could ask for! When the baby came out, I remember the nurses telling me ‘It’s A Girl’! My joy knew no bounds and thanked Baba for making my dream come true! I strongly believe that my baby is Sai’s blessing! Thank You Baba for restoring my faith in You! Bow to Sri Sai – Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Baba Helped On Time

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thanks to everyone who have posted their experiences on this site. Reading the experiences on this site really boosts our faith in Sai Baba. I had to attend a Pooja with my father in a temple late evening. There was a special Pooja hence there was a huge crowd in the temple. After the Pooja, my father and I started to leave the temple premises. I wanted to take the Prasad as any Pooja is considered as incomplete if we do not partake the Prasad, but since we were getting late and due to the crowd, my father asked me to skip the Prasad. When we went to the place where we had left the footwear, we just couldn’t find it. We spent almost 10 to 15 minutes looking for our footwear thoroughly, but just couldn’t find it. Then I mentally resolved to Sai Baba that in case we are able to find out footwear, then I will do Sai Naam Jap 108 times. Just after few minutes of my resolution, we were able to find out footwear. Also, a known aunty asked my father if we took the Prasad. Since some of the crowd had reduced in the temple, my father asked me to go and get the Prasad. It was Sai Baba’s miracle that He not only helped us find our footwear when we had completely given up, but He also helped us to partake the holy Prasad and also receive blessings from the priest. Thank You very much Sai Baba. You are aware that I’m currently facing lot of problems at my workplace. Please bless me with a better job soon. Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha.

Sai Live Darshan Working In i-Phone

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Deepa from India says: Hi Everyone, I am a small devotee of Baba from Bangalore. I am so thankful for this platform given by Hetal ji for Sai devotees to post their miracles and thanks. Many times during difficult time, this website gives me lot of confidence and reinforces my trust in Baba. Coming to my experience, this may sound insignificant but means the world to me. I have the habit of watching live Darshan of Baba from my phone. This is very important for me. For some reason, after a particular upgrade Darshan link stopped working in i-Phones. I was very upset and kept on checking often and searching for solutions online. It was couple of months and nothing worked. My phone was a gift from my best friend and I did not want to stop using it. Then today, I was so frustrated that I could not watch live Darshan in i-Phone and was thinking to buy an alternate android phone. As a last option, I searched once again as a last try and there were more new links today. I tried every link and nothing worked initially. Finally like a miracle one of the links on repeated refreshes started working. I am able to watch Baba Darshan on my phone again. This means a lot to me and I thank Baba from the bottom of my heart. Thank You my Sai Deva. Please keep blessing Your devotees in abundance. We are nothing with You Sai Maa. Love You loads.

Baba Answered My Prayers

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I was suffering from severe gastric problems and I was afraid if it could be anything big. For past few months I had been experiencing sourness in tongue and gastric problems. I had visited a local physician but no betterment, I then consulted a gastro doctor. After checking me he told to do an endoscopy to check for any issues, I was terribly afraid until I received the reports. I was praying the whole day that my reports should be normal. I also checked with the Sai Baba answers website, He gave me all positive answers still I was afraid. Finally my reports were normal with the help of Baba’s blessings. I drank Udi water before doing endoscopy. I have some stomach infection, doctor has given tablets. I hope my health will become fine. Please bless me and my family Baba, there is no other saviour than You for us in this Earth. I blindly follow You for anything and everything.

Father’s Endoscopy Report Came Normal

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram all Devotees. I wanted to share my experience here. My Father has diabetes, BP and due to this he was also complaining of stomach ache. Doctors asked to get admitted to hospital in emergency. Next day was Endoscopy. I prayed to Sai Maa that the reports should be normal and I would share this on the blog. With Baba’s grace the report was normal. Thank You Baba, tomorrow is another test even that should come normal and Baba please lower his sugar, BP and creatinine levels. Also he should respond to medication and dialysis should not be required. Please bless him with good health. Om Sai Ram.

Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Chapter 11 – Shri Sai Satcharitra In Hindi (Audio) – Free Download
बाबा का चमत्कार – सहेली ने पाई खोई हुई संतान
Chapter 8 – Kakasaheb Dixit Diary
Shirdi Sai Removed My Avarice And Showed Me The Right Path Through His Leelas
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Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
    Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
    Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂

  2. Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
    Sai pls bless my son to clear his exams.Sai guide him,guard him.Om Sai Ram

  3. Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tired and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram

  4. Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
    Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.

  5. Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tired and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram

  6. Aum Sri Sai Ram. Baba please keep us all under your shelter and he with us. U know my tension. Please Sai be with me.aum sri Sai ram.

  7. Omsairam… my father is sick…kindly cure him and make him fine give him good health
    I dont know baba with you everything will be alright i want to do his scan tomorrow and ecg it should be normal baba with your you

  8. OM Sri Sairam
    Baba, Tomorrow my husband is going to hospital to give measurements for prosthetic leg. Please be with him. It should fit him well without any problems and he should be able to walk and manage his Jobs. Please improve his health and restore his vision in right eye like earlier.

    OM Sri Sairam

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