Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba Tested My Faith Again and Again

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Suthan from Singapore says: I came across this website a few days ago when I was eagerly searching sites which posts Baba’s miracles. Sai has been there for me always; in good and bad, happy or sad times, easy and hard times, basically All The Time. I love Him more than any words could express. I’m a permanent resident in Singapore in my 20’s, serving National Service in the army for 2 years. The way I grew up, people call it religious. I would say myself as a person seeking spirituality. As much as I understand the science of spirituality, I also believe in elaborate prayers and rituals which allow me to express my devotion to God.

Though Baba has showered His grace with so much more huge miracles (I will publish them soon), this one is something I really want to share with all. This happened last week. It was March, and my house’ annual prayer/festival was coming. Though it was on a Saturday, I had a live firing shoot on the particular day, so my leave application was rejected. I was praying to Baba so that I could be there on the big day of my Devi Maa. I am the one who does puja for my Devi Maa. I knew Baba and Devi Maa would do some miracle so that I could be there on the day. Prior to that, I had sprained my ankle during training. I thought it was a normal sprain but then the MRI results showed a complete ligament tear which was causing much pain. I got an MC (Medical Certificate) for a week, and light duty over the next 6 weeks. I was so happy that I got an MC for a week, so that I could do preparations for the festival. However, my MC had expired before the day of the prayers; hence I was on light duty. (Light duty meant being at camp). I didn’t mention about this to my family because I knew they would be disheartened. But I had complete faith on my Sai Maa and Devi Maa. I told that I had to be there on that day. Following up for a check-up 3 days before the prayers, I thought of directly asking the doctor for an MC. In Singapore, the doctors are very strict and they don’t give you an MC that easily even for one day. But I still hoped the best.

Waiting outside the doctor’s office, I chanted Sai’s Gayatri Mantra non-stop. The doctor examined my ankle again and said he will continue with my light duty status. When I thought the doctor has finished his procedures, he asked me “Do you want to ask me for anything today?” I was dumbstruck. I was waiting all the while to ask him for an MC, not knowing how. I bluntly told him “I need an MC doctor. The pain on my ankle makes it very hard for me to walk.” He replied, “But you were on MC for the past one week. I think the light duty status should cover you enough.” I thought it would be rude to argue back, so I just chanted Sai Sai Sai again. Believe me or not, the doctor looked at me again and said “Okay, I will give you 3 days MC.” Gosh, I was thanking Baba so much in my heart instead of thanking the doctor. I happily exited the doctor’s office, but little did I know that Baba wanted to test my faith more. I saw the MC and was shocked to see that the doctor had stated that I requested the MC myself. This wasn’t a good thing because if my army officers saw that I requested for leave myself, I would be severely punished. I told Sai “Baba, You can test me all that You want. Let everything happen at Your will but all that I know is I need to be there for the prayers”. Saying this, I headed back to camp to submit my MC. My officer came looking at me and I passed him my MC. He is a guy who would do his duties diligently and normally examine everything stated on medical certificates. But when I passed my MC to him, he just flipped it and kept inside his file without even looking anything on it. My heart was pumping hard because I knew I had to leave the camp before he notices anything. He went to the office and camp back saying I was all clear to leave and would book in to camp on Sunday only. I was once again so happy when I heard that, but my Dear Baba still wanted to test me.

I was reaching my camp’s gate when my officer came running to me. He called me and said, “You have to book in on Friday night because even those who are on MC are needed to follow us for the live firing shoot”. I directly told him that I was on MC. Morever I’m having prayers at home and I really needed to be there. He told me “I don’t think prayers are considered as a valid excuse here. I will tell higher officials about this, but I’m pretty sure you have to come back on Friday. You can go now, I will text you the situation accordingly”. Exiting the camp, I smilingly told Baba, “Sai, if You can get me an MC from the doctor, make the officer to not check my MC, I’m sure you can get this last one done for me. Please Baba.” I went home leaving my burden on Baba. I continued with my preparations for Devi Maa’s prayers, yet occasionally checked my phone for any messages. It was Friday night and no messages were received. I stood before Baba’s altar saying “Thank You Baba for letting everything run smoothly till now. Tomorrow is the prayers. Please take care of everything”. And yes, just as a mother knows what a child needs, Sai Maa knew what I wanted. He ensured I was there performing all the rituals without any problem. Not only that I was at home, but my pain on the ankle was totally vanished. In the end, the whole prayers were carried out so beautifully like never before. Baba may test you over and over again, but it is the complete faith and patience thst you have which will make your prayers come true. Om Shree Shirdi Vaasaya Vidmahe, Satchidananthaya Dheemahi, Thanno Sai Prachodayath.

Effect Of Baba’s Blessings And Efficacious Udi

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to Hetalji and Team and to all Sai devotees. I am a Sai daughter from India and have shared my experiences twice on this blog, out of which one has got published and other one I am hopeful will be published soon. Thank-you Hetalji and Team for your efforts in spreading our Baba’s teachings and all Sai devotees for sharing your experiences which helps every child of Baba to keep his/her faith firm at His Lotus Feet. I seek sincere Forgiveness at Baba’s feet for delay in sharing this experience and for mistakes if any I make while narrating this experience. Baba I pray at Your lotus feet to bestow Your Divine Blessings, Mercy, Love, Protection and Guidance on all Your children. Baba, I cannot Thank You enough for Your love and mercy. Hence, I express my heartfelt gratitude to You for everything You have given me in this Life and being with us always. Om Sai Ram!

This experience I am going to narrate is about miraculous effects of Baba’s Blessings and His sacred Udi. I had got some infection surrounding my big toe nail and there was considerable swelling around it. It was very painful and I used to get scared even to touch my big toe and other scary thoughts used to pop in my mind, what if that infection got worst then will my big toe be amputed etc.? Initially, I thought I will go to doctor for consultation but couldn’t dare to do so with the fear he might advise for minor surgery or something. I don’t remember exactly how but then I decided to pray to our Beloved Baba for His help and resorted to apply our Baba’s Udi on the affected area. I used to feel bad to put Baba’s Udi on my toe as it is sacred and holds lot of importance but I was helpless. Daily I used to pray for Baba’s aid and used to apply Udi on affected part surrounding my toe. Initially my faith was little wavering as I had never tried Udi as medicine for treatment. I apologize for the same. But Baba helped me and day by day my pain started subsiding and within a week there was no trace of pain and gradually even the swelling went away. All credit goes to My beloved Baba for showering on me His unconditional Love and Blessings and helping me confirm my faith in Him.

Similarly again after few days, I had got boil inside my right eye due to improper sleep. I was finding it very difficult to keep my eye open. Earlier also I used to get this problem whenever I had less sleep. But the boil used to go only after taking injection. I was not aware of any good doctor in my area and it was already late in the evening. Again I decided to pray to Baba to cure my eye with His Udi and applied sacred Udi on my affected eye by seeking His aid. Morning time when I woke up at 5.30 a.m still there was irritation and some pain in my eye. But I had faith in my Baba that He would cure me. I drank water and again I went to sleep. Afterwards when I woke up by 7 a.m, my eye was perfectly alright without any trace of pain and irritation. I was happy and satisfied with Baba’s miracle and timely help. I cannot Thank Baba enough for both these miracles of His Udi in my life gifted by Him. These miracles helped me to strengthen my Faith in our beloved Sai and also in His sacred Udi. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj ParaBrahma Shri Sachianand Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Baba’s Miracles Has No End

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Before I start anything I would like to thank this blog’s creator who was indirectly giving me immense strength daily. May lord Baba’s blessings shower upon you forever. This is my fifth post here in this page. I am a small devotee of Baba residing in US. Like everyone I daily plead Baba to answer my prayers. Sometimes I get angry with Him though not for a long time. I still fight with Him, get angry with Him and the very next moment I apologise Him for doing so. Daily my day starts with reading experiences on this website. Baba answers me through this page only. I get more and more strength and hope by reading these experiences.

One day I was not at all in a good mood and was fed up with my life situations. I asked Baba to take away my life instead of these problems. Then I opened this page and found a post exactly of my current situation and how Baba helped her later. Just tears rolled down my cheeks reading that post. Baba never leaves our hand.

Coming to my experiences: As we are residing here in US, my hubby got some visa issues. He was so tensed that he might lose his job. I prayed to Baba that I will donate some amount for Annadanam and post my experience here and later I got busy with my daily routine. After few days on a Thursday morning my husband called me from office and said like visa got extended. I was so happy to see my hubby got relieved. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly for saving us from a drastic situation.

Next experience is that I was getting involved in unnecessary fights with my friends purely coming out of misunderstandings. Though I was not doing anything intentionally I was being involved in certain things by which I was lacking peace of mind. I was broken internally with this kind of stuff. Last week on my birthday I prayed Baba to show His presence so that I can feel I am having His blessings. I didn’t get anything on that day and I was completely upset. Even my bestie here didn’t call me on that day to wish me. I thought she might be having some problems with me and I cried in front of Baba for all this. But I left everything at His holy feet. After 4 days I got a message from my bestie saying sorry for forgetting my birthday. I could not believe my eyes. I felt so relieved. It was purely Baba’s miracle. Various thoughts came in my mind but everything got subsided after this incident. Baba, please solve my other problems too in the same way. Please don’t get involved me in unnecessary fights and misunderstandings. Please clear everything Baba. I just want to lead a peaceful life. I am leaving everything at Your holy feet. Please take care of us. If we do any mistake unknowingly please forgive us. You know my problems. Please solve everything Baba. Take care of everyone who are in need of Your blessings. Thank You. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Just Have Faith In Baba Then See His Miracles

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. This is my recent experience. Baba has blessed me with. This is the thing I have been praying and asking Baba from a long time. Baba has made me realize that just have faith in me and be patient I will do the rest and show you miracles.

The miracle is: Myself and my husband were trying for a baby. So we were planning for it. There was a problem with my ovulation. So I was scared and prayed to Baba to do something and make the way clear for baby. I started having Udi in water daily and was praying to Baba. I did not want to go to doctor because I believed there was no best medicine than Udi and no best doctor than Baba. So I left it to Baba to do the treatment. 3 to 4 months passed but nothing positive. I didn’t lose hope and faith on Baba and kept on doing the same. This month Baba answered my prayers and the test was positive and there was no problem with ovulation. I thanked Baba for this miracle and I was really happy. Baba I will always have full faith and affection on You. Thanks a lot Baba.

For conceiving a baby Baba is preparing me now. Baba proved to me about the doubt I had for a baby through a wonderful dream. Now I don’t have any kind of doubt but just have full faith and affection for my Baba. I wanted to share the wonderful dream with good news. I pray to Baba for the same. I have faith that Baba will fulfil my wish. Om Sairam.

One more miracle is: There was a sudden problem with my i-Phone yesterday and there was no display at all. I was scared and did many things to recover it but all in vain. I prayed to Baba that the phone should be repaired soon since it’s a costlier one and I like it a lot too. I prayed to Baba and left it. Today Baba repaired it through a friend without going to a service centre. There was a minor issue only and Baba repaired it without even spending a rupee but a small prayer and faith on Him is enough. That’s our lovable Baba. Thanks a lot Baba and love You Baba. Have faith and be patient devotees. Baba is hearing all our prayers. He will fulfil it for sure. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Have Patience And Faith In Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Devotee Bhavya from India says: Hello I’m Bhavya from India. First of all thanks to Hetalji for creating this blog. I am a Sai devotee from childhood but experienced Baba Leelas from 2012 onwards.

My 1st experience” one day while I was brushing my teeth, suddenly I got stomach pain. I couldn’t sit and walk. I prayed Baba if You reduce my stomach pain, I would post this experience. After chanting Baba’s name, my pain had vanished. I felt very happy.

My second experience is that me and my dad went to pay the mobile bill and also to take 4g SIM. That day it was very cloudy, I got scared that it will rain but I chanted Baba’s name during journey. After reaching the destination only, the rain started. While returning also there was no rain but after reaching my home rain started.

My next experience is that one day I got severe headache. I couldn’t sleep at that time. I prayed to Baba, within seconds my pain had gone and I slept peacefully.

My next experience is a very recent one. I wanted to have a normal delivery but Baba had another plans for me. I wanted to have my delivery on Thursday but it was done on Friday morning. While entering into the hospital I prayed to Baba to stay with me. Within next minute Baba’s vehicle was passing in that route. I felt very happy and while in operation theatre also I was chanting Baba’s name to bless me with a baby girl. After finishing the operation doctor has said that I was blessed with baby girl. I promised Baba that I would name my baby with Sai. Thank You Baba for being with me and sorry for posting this experience very late. I request all devotees that be patient and trust Baba, He will help in correct time. Om Sai Ram. Akilandakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Healing By Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. Thank you so much Hetalji for giving everyone a platform to share our experience. I am sharing my 2nd experience on the website but don’t know whether my previous experience was published or not, to provide with the link.

This experience is about my Masiji (Maternal Aunt). She was suffering from chest pain since very long and was taking medicines too but the problem was still the same. After so many medicines and consultants from the doctors we decided to go for her full check-up. After many tests, x-rays and other blood tests we came to know that she was having cyst above her chest which could be a cancer. Then doctor suggested few more tests to clear the doubt of whether it was cancerous or not. I was very afraid as I had lost my maternal uncle from the same disease and could not sleep for nights. I prayed to Saiji saying please Saiji if the test report will come normal then I will share my experience on the website and by Sai Babaji’s grace, few days later when the reports came. The doctor told us that the cyst was not active now and they will have to do a surgery to remove it from the body. Last week my masiji got operated and is under recovering mode now. I am expressing my big, big gratitude to Saiji for listening to our prayers. Bolo Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Bhagwan ki Jai. Om Sai Ram. Babaji bless all.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Thank you very much Sainath
    On the first Thursday of 9 Thursday vrat I do pooja and in the evening call came from the academy for the admission which an waiting for many days really Sainath you ate very miraculous good deva am really very happy Sainath deva thanks a lot Sainath deva
    Please be with us deva please bless me Sainath remaining 8 Thursdays also pooja do well without any obstacles please Sainath deva bless me


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