Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Trust Sai-You Will Feel His Presence

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram Hetal Ji, I started reading your blog. I want to share my experiences, so that everybody can feel His presence and blessed. I believed in Sai Baba from my childhood. But I was thinking that believe means praying only and never thought that am not trusting in Him. Please forgive me Sai for my ignorance. I did faced lot of problems in my life but one thing I used to believe that He will take care of me and I never ran away from my karma. I got married to a family where they were misusing me, I was ignorant and just prayed Baba to give me the strength to go through this marriage as I know that after marriage if anything happens I have to bear and my parents should not suffer. When I put everything on Baba’s Feet, within 1 week of marriage everybody started saying how come you gave your daughter to that family and my parents couldn’t understand and with His grace He pulled me out of that family and I got divorced. He was impotent. Sai Baba saved me. Then after that many more struggles for 8 years. I didn’t give up, I just thought that Sai Baba gave me this life and I believe in Him that He is the only one you will give me a good life.

By Baba’s grace, I went to USA and faced many problems but always felt that He was giving me the strength to struggles. After sometime with His Grace, I started working. Then after 8 years I got married and had 2 kids with Sai Baba’s grace. I applied my Green card and in that process in one stage I know that my I-140 will get RFE query. Before that one of my friend’s told me about Sai Baba’s Nav Guruvar Vrat. I started that Vrat and I got RFE when I was doing my 9th week of Nav Guruvar Vrat. My husband started screaming at me. Still I didn’t listen to my husband’s words, but only thing I told my husband was, I believe in Sai Baba and not the one’s which is happening in front me. My Sai Baba is going to approve my Green card even though I have no documents to provide. I asked Him and He will take care of it. That’s it Sai Baba showed me the way to provide the documents and we did that and my case got approved. I got my approval email, but my husband got an email saying they need some documents, and he got nervous that he will not get green card. Immediately I told my husband that I asked my Baba to give the green card and I believe in Him and not the emails or if the officer tells also I will not trust him. After saying that within 15 minutes, my husband got email with green card approved. I was so happy and felt that Baba is listening to me (He listens to everybody, but we are fools who don’t trust on Him but trust on the Maya which is not truth) and He showed the miracles. Then I got more strong belief in Him.

We were planning to buy a house and I asked Baba to find us a good house within our budget. We found one by the grace of Sai Baba and we were about to close in one week, the lender told, us our loan didn’t get approved. I wanted to do Graha Parvesh on certain day only, after that the days are not good for 3 months. Then I left it on Baba’s Feet and was not worried about it. Again miracle, the lender came back and said he got approval from another mortgage company and you can close it on the same day. He said this is not possible, it’s really a Miracle. I thought it’s my Baba only who can do these miracles because He is the only truth. One more miracle happened. My husband passed the Pharmacy exam and then he has to pass TOFEL exam. He wrote the TOFEL exam four times and couldn’t clear the exam due to one mark. He got frustrated that he was missing with one mark score as for pharmacy TOFEL they will ask individual scores for reading, writing and speaking. Then he didn’t write the exam. But he got a letter from pharmacy board saying that his passed exam will be not valid if he don’t submit the TOFEL score within 6 months. My husband didn’t show any interest and said that, I cannot complete this and I cannot do the job I have to try in IT job. Then, I prayed to Sai Baba and asked Him to clear his TOFEL exam. My husband was scolding me every time saying he cannot pass the exam and he don’t want to write it, so much of arguments. But only one thing I said to Baba, that I will not believe what my husband says even though he is the one who has to write the exam. I will believe in You Baba that You will make my husband write the exam that’s all. I was telling to Baba whenever there were arguments, I just hold Baba’s Feet, I didn’t leave Him and somehow my husband took the exam, and with all Sai Baba’s grace, he passed the exam and my husband was surprised.

One more thing, I asked Baba to give my husband the Pharmacy Intern job. Everybody said that the place where I live can’t find the pharmacy intern job, but only thing I told them that, even if I go to Andaman and Nicobar place and ask Him to give me the job He will give us if we trust in Him. And I have full believe that He is going to get the job in my place only. I didn’t not listen to anybody who were saying my husband will not get the job. Again another miracle, my husband got the job near to my place, its just 40 minutes drive. What I am trying to say is if you want anything please ask Sai Baba and then don’t lose your believe in Him, He will put lot of tests that things are against you don’t believe in them, tell Baba that you believe Him only. That’s only trust He is looking in us. He is trying to say that He is the only one truth and the rest is Maya and that Maya He is creating and testing us whether we believe in Him or the Maya. Once we say don’t believe the Maya and believe in Him, then He will change the things in your favour. Also, everyday remember what all He did for you and thank for that. Always chant His Name. Whenever someone is doing bad or if we feel bad, then chant His Name, He will give you lot of courage, because He is the only truth rest of them are Maya. I pray to Sai Baba that everybody should understand His presence and not the Maya. We need to utilize the Human birth as this is the only form where we can get satisfaction in our life with His Bhakti. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Is Always With Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Firstly thanks to the people who are maintaining this page. I am a recent devotee of Sai Baba but to Baba i think there are no bounds to show His love and care. I used to have negative thoughts even about God and i never believed in Sai earlier too. Even then Sai started showing His endless love towards me. Due to some instances, my mother always used to say Thursdays does not do much good to you and don’t go to Sai Temple (Many times my mother used to start the Satcharitra but every time before she completes it someone in the family used to die, so because of this she has come to such opinion). But my first experience totally gave me right answers. I will tell you that through my experiences.

When i was to go to my interview in January 2015, the interview was on Thursday as usually a bit of fear was in my mind, it was because of my mother who inculcated her thought in my mind too. The interview was all done well and i thought i will score good enough marks. The results came, by God’s grace i was selected. Here comes Sai and my lovable Goddess whom i believe, though i have thought my interview was good, they did not give me much marks, by only a border of 1 mark, i got the job. That 1 mark is all because of God’s grace. Then onwards i thought my mother’s thinking was totally wrong. Sai Satcharitra tells about how many devotees were saved from the pain by Baba. He cures but God is not the reason for anyone’s death. I used to have bad thoughts about God and sometimes, i used to think very much negatively about everything and finally get depressed so much. Then i came to know about Sai Satcharitra and this website. I started reading Satcharitra, even while reading it i used to get some doubts about Sai. But every time i get a doubt, that used to clarified in the next chapter which i read and ultimately it proves my thought was wrong. Once i was in a great confusion, i don’t know whether to ask my friends or just believe in God. Then i took Sai Satcharitra and prayed to Baba about my problem and opened a page randomly. To my surprise, “Chapter 41 of Sai Satcharitra” opened. The concept of the story goes like this “As Baba was ready to answer the questions, Baba did not like His devotees to ask others and make unnecessary queries, believe Baba”. Answer to my prayer was given by Baba like this.

Another instance, that day was a Thursday and i did not go to Temple in the morning. I was about to reach my home within 10 minutes in the evening, i was very tired too. I have no strength to walk to even my house, so i thought i should go at once to home and sleep but suddenly my mind wished to go to Baba Temple which was on the way. I went inside and prayed to Baba and then went to home. I was waiting from many days about a wish to happen, when i stepped into my house i got a call that the awaiting wish happened. May be to go to Temple at that time was Baba’s call to me. He was always there with me. Finally Baba, please remove all negative thinking and bad thoughts from my mind. Make me pure, Baba always be with me. My belief on You must be like that of great devotee kaka Mahajani. I was very much moved by the chapter 13 which describes Mahajani’s belief in Baba. Sai Satcharitra must be read by everyone and all of us should get the blessings of Sai Baba. Please show Your love and care on all the devotees. Everyone throughout the world must be happy and live in peace.

My Baba, My Life

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram First of all thank you so much Hetal Ji for creating this wonderful page. This is my third experience which I am posting today in this forum. I have always felt blessed by having Baba with me in each and every moment. So this experience is around 1 year ago when I got an interview call for an MNC and I had to go Chennai for that, that too by Baba’s Grace. By then I was staying in Bangalore and was working in another company. I had never visited Chennai before and was feeling really lonely. I kept on chanting Baba’s Name, boarded the bus safely and reached in Chennai safely also. While travelling by bus, I kept on asking Baba that please help me cracking this interview and be with me always. Cracking that interview was really important for me at that time and i was also requesting Baba to show Himself to me in any form so that I can get assured that yes my Baba is always with me. I knew it was too foolish as Baba stays with His devotees every time but human nature a bit irrestive I guess. By the mean time, I reached Chennai and travelled to another place which was near to my interview location and it was of more than 8 hours of travelling but still I could not able to see any of Baba’s Picture or Temple on the way or in any place. I kept chanting His Name, kept asking Baba that please come before my eyes in any form please so that I will get a positive vibe from my inner heart that You are with me always.

Then that auto driver took me to one lodge where I had to stay one night because I had my interview on the immediate next day early morning. By then I had become restless and was thinking continuously why Baba is not appearing. Have I done anything wrong and lo wonder happened! That auto driver stopped near one lodge and took my luggage to my room. The road was quite lonely and another auto was parked there. So right at the time of entering to my lodge, I just saw a sticker in front of that auto having my beloved Baba with His usual blessing form. I was amazed with joy and some drop of tears rolled down from my eyes that time. Then I read Sai Satcharitra that day and went happily for my interview next day. I cracked that interview and currently working in that MNC with some very good people around me. So all my beloved Sai devotees, this little incident may look very small but it was indeed great and it proves that how Baba cares about us each and every moment, fulfils our all little little desires at each and every time. Just have faith on Him, have some patience and love Him immensely. You will see no evil thing can touch you even for a second and all your life will be filled with joy and happiness. Peace be to all. May Baba bless you all and your families. Om Sai Ram. ||Om Sri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Blessed With Kids

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: First of all thank You Baba for all Your help in each and every step of my life. We are big devotees of Shiridi Sai Baba. We were married and working in India in IT companies. We, both me and my husband were very much interested to go Onsite (US) and work and earn enough money. At that time, my mother (Great devotee of Sai Baba) again told me about Sai Baba Divya Pooja. We did that Pooja and luckily by Baba’s grace, we both got Onsite opportunity from our companies. This is one of my first experiences with Baba’s Pooja. It is purely Baba’s Grace that we were here in US. My second experience is, I have a trouble in getting pregnancy. We have been trying several years but couldn’t conceive. So after coming to US, I did Baba’s Divya Pooja again. By Baba’s grace, I conceived immediately and I got a beautiful baby girl which I named her Sai. This is also completely Baba’s grace.

To my shocking, before I recovered from my delivery, I got to know that I’m pregnant again (First baby is 10 months old). I was very much tensed and in a dilemma whether to continue my pregnancy or terminate. But somehow I carried my pregnancy. Luckily by Baba’s grace, it is boy (We are happy for both, girl or a boy, but parents and in laws were asking for a boy). We were happy. That’s how with Baba’s grace, we are blessed with a girl and a boy. Again, after coming to US, I have every reason to not to take driving license until 4 years. I was very guilty for that but no time for me with small kids. I prayed Baba and gave written the test and took driving road test after 4 years if coming here. I passed the test and got my driving license. This is also purely Baba’s help and grace. We completely believe in Baba and hope Baba helps me in each and every step of our life. Thank You Baba for all Your help in each and every step Baba.

Power Of Udi

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: I am a housewife with 2 kids staying in US. This is my 2nd post in this site. Thanks a lot to Hetal ji as this platform is like reading Satcharitra which gives immense faith and develops a strong bond between Baba and devotees. Reading experiences in this site has become my daily routine thanks to all the devotees who write their experiences and thanks to hetal ji for maintaining this site. I had severe sciatica pain from last few months on my left leg. I took many medications, went to doctor and did X-rays but nothing worked, may be because of my past karmas. Finally, i decided when Baba is there why to try other medication. I started applying Udi on my leg and drinking some with water. I told Baba, You are only one doctor who will cure me. So i will just take your medicine. It’s been 2 weeks i am applying Udi and pain is slowly reducing. I am sure the pain will go away completely in few days. This is all due to Baba blessings and my unbounded faith in my loving Saimaa. May Saimaa bless you to have unbounded faith in Him and to stand always strong in any situation. Jai Sai Ram. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Brahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Got Job In US With Help Of Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram. This is my second experience in this platform. Thanks to Hetal ji who is doing great service to Baba. In my previous experience, I had narrated on how Baba approved my husband visa in miraculous way. We reached US by Grace of Baba. I had to take leave from my work and accompany him along. I was eligible to work here after 3 months time. In meanwhile I was searching for projects from my Indian company only. It’s very rare to get project in same location as husband’s. I prayed Baba whole heartedly to get me project in same location. By Baba’s grace, I got in same location. Thank You Baba. Please shower Your blessings on us and hold our fingers to make us walk on right path.

Prayer for Today: Sai Baba Idol Got Broken

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. om sai ram…Hi all, my son suddenly started vomitting last night during dinner and he continued to do so till 4am..i tried all the home remedies and nothing helped..I prayed to Baba to stop his vomitting by morning and promised him to share his blessings here…Today he is feeling much better.Thanks a lot Deva…Kindly always bless my family with good health and happiness.Sainath Maharaj ki jai…Om sai ram

  2. OM SAI RAM,

    Dear first devotee, thank you for RAY of hope- I will try my best not to trust MAYA.

    LOVE & PEACE:)

    • Nothing to worry… I will always have a idol with small broken leg in my pocket.
      one day I got hurt on my leg but Baba got his leg broken. Always there is positive sign from Baba

  3. In the last few years the only thing I have realized is my parents are the only ones who care about me, and I want to be near them and serve them. Please make that happen sir without any cause for regret.

  4. Baba, I prayed to you with whole heartedly and praying you whole heartedly with all my faith. Baba i am observing 9 guruvar vrat and today is my 8th. Baba if we pray with faith you will definetly help us. By the end of nav guruvar vrat, each and every devotee has experienced some or other miracle. But what wrong I have done baba. I was waiting for my parents to accept my marriage with the person I like. But now what is this shock to me baba. Now the person who I like broke up with me today saying he cant wait anymore and will marry someone else. I understand his situation that he has been waiting since many years and his time is also ticking. But baba i didnot stop myself. I did gave all tries to make my parents to accept. I did not loose faith or stopped praying you. Baba i am reading sai satcharitra everyday. What is happening in my life baba? Baba im devastated. I am tired with my life baba. Baba my situation is like my parents are not talking anything about the topic (once they have accepted and later they denied), i cant marry other person and cant spoil to their life, the person I like left me now. What is their in my life now baba? Baba you know what I am going through. I am just tired with life and everybody..Baba I pray that no other girl should get this situation.

    • Hi dear,
      Being a girl I understand your situation very well . trust in Baba he could never go wrong in his decision.. May Be He has better plan for you. Things will be better give some time to urself
      . OM SAI RAM .

    • Thanks for the reply dear devotee. Yesterday I tried to convince my guy that I couldnot stay without him.He also in the same position, but his time is ticking so he had to take a decision. However, he has got convinced to wait for some more time so that we can convince my parents. I believe baba has brought him to me back by convincing him. I really praying baba very badly to show me way to convince my parents and get married to the guy I like. Om sai ram

    • OM SAI RAM. Praying for you.. You get what all you want. AND BABA will surely give you in His perfect timing.

  5. Om sai ram
    Deva it's been 5.5 years now but I am still in pain deva plz take me out of it plz pull me from my past.
    Plz give me mental peace and good health.
    Plz bless me with wonderful life partner.
    Today I am goin to durga maa's temple. (My grandmother asked me to offer chunari n all stuff to devi maa as today is ashtami)
    Sai maa plz u r only hope in my life. Ap hi koi chamatkar kar sakte hai.
    Plz deva mujhe meri khushiya lota do. Mere sar par hath rakh do.
    Deva plz.
    Om sai ram
    Gurudev datta ☺

  6. Om Sai Ram.. Dear first devotee, I do not have words to thank you for sharing your experience. I must thank Baba for having spoken through you. Its my nav guruvar vrat today and Vishu too. Yet i was feeling very sad and felt am losing hope. But after reading your experience, its like as if Baba has spoken! Thank you again, may God bless you and your family.

    Om Sai Ram

  7. OMSAIRAM Please give me more orders for stitching.Kindly help my brother's business to go so well please answer all my prayers baba.

  8. Happy Baba's Day to all Devotees.

    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  9. Hello friends.yesterday my AC was not was too hot I prayed baba and applied udi on AC.miraculously the AC started. Thank you baba for your sairam.

  10. Dear Baba

    aapme pura trust hai . aaj mera nav guruvar vrat ka pehla vrat on ashtmi after fasting for 6 days of navratri. God thank you for thsi wonderful opportunity . This series is for my daughter. i love her and cannot see her in anguish. She is your biggest devotee in our home. Uska Kaam aap karvao ge hi . AApki maya dekhni hai ki kaise hota hai aur phir sabse share karna hai . My Baba is so great

  11. BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be wit me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM

  12. 1st devotee i wish i would have that faith and patience what you have. I want to be in contact with you to boost my faith. My faith will not shake if im connected with you.
    Please mail me on

  13. Om sai ram thank you dear devotees all your experiences gave me strength few hours before i was crying like anything because of some problems at home after reading your experiences brought me back to babas fold thank you

  14. 1st devotee thank you so much for sharing ur experience..i cannot put to words how much positivity it has infused it me..i was so low and depressed that now nothing can happen but u made me believe again. Baba, i am starting my nv vrat today and i know beyond a shadow of doubt that every single thing that i have dreamed of will happen within these 9 weeks. Baba please give us the opportunity to sing ur praises so loud ki bas!! Saima ek aap ho aur ek meri Ma hai..we all are begging u and looking to u, please answer our prayers Baba. I will always love u Baba, u are my greatest strength. Om Sai Ram.

    • Dear devotee, even if the wish is not fulfilled in those 9 weeks / thurs, please DONT GIVE UP. Baba tests us. So hang on and have complete faith in HIM just like the first devotee mentioned. HE fulfills our wishes when time is right. In the meantime, He sees to it, that all obstacles / negativity etc is removed. He loves us beyond imagination…

      Om Sai Ram

  15. Devotee 4, can u plz clarify my doubt with sai divya pooja.. What has to be done with the coin tied cloth on the last thrusday of the pooja.

  16. SAI RAM, To-day was my 6th wk of Thursday vrat,i was having negative thoughts,with BABAS grace I got the answer from the 1st devotee. Thanks BABA & devotee for giving me strength to carry on with my trust in SAIMA,GOD BLESS YOU, you don't realise how much your EXPERIANCE has helped me.

  17. I get goosebumps after reading the experience of devotee 1..

    I read her experience again and again. she is a real Hero…she
    has lots of patience in her..I would have commit suicide after going all thru this…

  18. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂

  19. Dear Hetalji, Om Sai Ram. I had requested for Udi through the services link on this site. I was given reply that it takes 3-4 weeks, sometimes more. I thought i might not get it even then. All i wanted was to get Baba's Udi before my exams and I am thankful to Him for having sent the prasad and a beautiful picture of HIS, within 3 weeks. I got it 3-4 days back but i dont know where to sent acknowledgement email, hence writing it here. Thank you.

  20. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

  21. Om namaha shivaya, jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, dattatreya namaha, jai murugan jai durga, baba ki palkhi ki jai

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