Happy Ramnavami Dear Sai Readers!!!

Few more experiences are shared in today’s post.

Sai Baba Hears Us, Cures Us and Bless Us

Sai brother Krishna Kumar from India says: I have been a science student with this feeling that God never exist although my parents are spiritual and my father gives spiritual programs, and also it’s only a blind superstition. I was wrong, now that I believe in my God Sai Ram. I believe that I was totally wrong in my thinking. I happened to know Baba only since 7 years through a friend of my. And since 4 years I have been a wholehearted devotee of My God Sai Ram. I chant His Holy name every minute and I have surrendered my soul to Sai Ram. By sharing these experiences I only want a devotee to believe more that Yes, things are possible when you Surrender mind, body and soul to the Lord and believe in the two mantras “Shradha” and “Saburi”.

It’s my 9th Thursday of ‘Sai 9 Thursdays Vrat’. Thought I’ll share Miracles in My life through this blog, to increase more belief in a devotee and for those who think things are impossible. Before hand I’m extremely sorry for the long narration.

Experience 1. I lost a friend of mine in a car accident 2 years ago. She was my sister, a best friend and just the day before her accident I said her that she’s all I have and need no one else when I have her for being the best sister and a best friend. She was a gem among her family, friends and anyone who knew her. She wouldn’t hurt anyone and showed her love towards every person. She too was a sincerer Devotee of Sai Baba. Recently I happened to miss her too much. I was before Baba’s photo and was asking Baba why did he have to take her at such a young age, and was asking Baba how she was and where she was. (At that moment I was on Facebook. I wiped my tears and scrolled down, to my amazement there was this picture of a girl with Sai Baba holding her hand. There were no limits to my joy and happiness, as Baba answered my question with this beautiful picture saying she is with Him. (I’m sharing the picture with you all). “With true Devotion, any person asks for anything, Baba grants it. But He knows better than us when to grant us with boon, and it happens at the perfect time”.

Experience 2. (Udi miracle) I have been going to gym for almost 6 years (but in a year I work out only for 6 months taking breaks for every 3 months alternating). Recently I have started working out and I was supposed to start with less weights since it was my initial days. I did insufficient warm up for the shoulder exercise. I did 2 different workouts with heavy weights (previous workouts were heavy too) and when I came to the 3rd work out while exercising I cracked my left shoulder blade. I couldn’t lift any more weights I left home. It was completely perfect until evening, and I had such a severe pain, was not able to move my hand even an inch. I usually can bear great pain, but this was beyond my limits. It was as if a nail was being poked into my shoulder blade. As time passed by, my mother advised that we went to hospital. Mom started to put hot salt wrapped in a cloth on shoulder to ease the pain. It was of no use. But, whenever I had terrible pain I chanted Baba’s name and the pain would vanish for few seconds. I asked my Mom to get “Udi which I bought from Shirdi” I mixed it in water chanted Baba’s name and asked “Baba Please cure this pain I can’t bear it anymore”. To my surprise the pain was instantly less and till the time I couldn’t sleep but was asleep within no time after taking Udi. The next morning when I woke up my pain was totally gone and my parents were stunned. My Faith towards Baba increased. ”As said the best medicine that I (Sai Baba) left is Udi to cure any Pain”.

Experience 3. Passing a subject. Miracle changed the rules of University. I have always faced trouble from a subject in my 1st year engineering. Though I had chance to write 7 times before getting my final certificate. I flunk 6 times. I went to Shirdi before appearing for the final attempt praying that I need to clear my Engineering within 4 years. The rules of my University till my previous batch were so that 2 subjects can be exempted but the 1st year’s subjects were mandatory to clear. To my batch this rule of exempting 2 subjects was removed. I flunk even in my final 7th attempt to clear the subject with in 4 years (If I exceeded 4 years I’d get extra certificate other than 1 memo). To my utter surprise a new rule emerged in the University that any 2 subjects can be exempted ‘Including 1st year’s subjects’. There were no limits to the Joy that I’ve had seeing this new rule. I thanked Baba for such Bliss. “Do not worry for anything, for everything happens for a reason and the reason being best” I’m a student of Aeronautical Engineering and lost complete hope on my field of interest because of narrow opportunities in this field. By Baba’s grace I got admission into one of the prestigious institutions where I’m pursuing my Masters in Aviation Law. All thanks to Sai Ram. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Sai. May there be peace, love and happiness. Jai Sai Ram

How Baba Cured My Pain

Anonymous devotee from Singapore says: This incident happened 2 weeks before. I was 5 months pregnant and unfortunately it ended as threatened Miscarriage. I was undergone severe headache and many discomforts during my entire 5 months period of pregnancy. Being first child for woman, I had so much love towards my baby. In fact I and my family decided the name of the baby. I decided to quit my job (because of severe headache / pregnancy sick) and stay at home throughout my pregnancy. But all of the sudden, Immediately after I quit my job, I started getting severe bleeding and part of placenta came out already in my home itself. I and my family rushed to hospital (In the great faith to save my baby). My doctor advised me to have bed rest and we expect everything will be fine. But in the next day, I started bleeding and my water bag ruptured. My doctor advised me to abort the baby and she said that she will abort by giving pills. It was a very painful experience for any woman. I had abortion and uterus cleaning. Though I lost my baby, my headache didn’t stop at all. We went to neurologist to take MRI brain and doctor said that headache will go off soon by prescribing some tablets. So we thought that my worries will disappear and I can be normal and plan for baby soon. But 2 weeks back, I started getting severe uterus pain and spotting. Altogether started getting head ache and neck pain. It turns very abnormal. I tried home medicines to get remedy but didn’t help. The pain was severe and last for 2-3 days. I am afraid to go gynecologist doctor again. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly and applied “udi” on my forehead and on my abdomen in the afternoon, surprising on the next day morning. I am perfect and no more pain. I should thank Baba for curing me. Baba bless everyone and I am sure he will guide me a good way.

Om Sai Ram

Anonymous devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetalji Thanks to you and your team for providing us such a great platform to share our experiences. The experiences on this site increase our faith. Hetalji please do not mention my name and email ID. You can edit wherever if required. I have one experience of UDI. My daughter was having fever, cold and coughs for 3-4 days, with allopathic and homeopathic medicine, got relief from fever but the cough was not stopping. Because of continuous cough, she was unable to sleep at night. She was crying, saying that I don’t want to cough. The medicine was not working on cough. I put some udi on her forehead and gave some to eat, prayed and chanted to baba. And in less than a hour, She got sound sleep, She was feeling better at morning. Baba’s Udi is the best medicine. Thank you all. Baba is taking care of us all. Why fear when Baba is there. Om Shri Sainathaya Namah

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388



    I am in tears reading all these experiences today, Very nice experiences.

    Babaji please bless all on Ramnavmi.

    Love to ALL, Peace to ALL


    The Picture SAI Baba with girl is very dear to me….it is like I am sitting at Babas feet.

    Love to All, Peace to ALL

    (Shri Sai Leela April 1986)
    I want to narrate this Sai Leela which took place recently in my case through which Baba reaffirmed the enternal truth of His saying "If you look to me, I look after you".

    I had received a letter of notice from Sai devotees of Vijayawada that they were organising a "Akanda Sai Nama Sapthaha" from last week of Dec. '85 to first week of Jan. '86. They had through this letter invited every Sai devotee to join the Sai Nama Sapthaha and also to contribute financial help to organise and conduct the Nama Sapthaha.

    My first impression when I read through this notice was that what a wonderful way it is to sing Sai Nam as the year passes out and to enter the New Year. I thought there cannot be anything better to do during the New Year eve than to join such a most auspicious endeavor of doing Sai Nama Sapthaha. This will be far better than the normal New Year eve revelries. I also knew that I could not join the Sai devotees of Vijayawada as I was stationed far away from there. Therefore I resolved that what I could do to join this auspicious endeavor was to send a Money Order and I should be contented that way in joining the Sai Nama Sapthaha.

    Lo! our Samartha Sad Guru Sri Sai Nath cannot forget His devotees. On 1 Jan. '86 Sri Sai Nath gave His darshan to me in the form of His picture in a beautiful date calendar. One of my subordinate officer belongs to Gadkhal (Kasoli). He had recently gone there and also visited the Sai Mandir there. In a most surprising way he walked into my office on 1 Jan. '86 to convey the New Year greetings and wonder of wonders he gave me a Sai Natha's picture calender, My pen is feeble to describe my feeling when I received the Sai calender on the New Year day itself, I humbly thought "Baba how I longed to join in your prayers of Nama Sapthaha on the New Year eve and how you have recipro­cated by coming to me in the form of a picture calender of yours".

    As narrated in chapter III of Sai Satcharita, Baba one day after the noon Arti gave the following advice "Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose but remember this well that all what you do is known to me". I can only say this with humble pranams at the feet of Sai Nath that Baba heard my thought and reciprocated immediately. Shri Sai thus proved to me the eternal truth of His saying "If you look up to me, I look after you."

  4. Baba i know and also hv full faith on our baba's UDI which is best medicine. Baba please cure him . He is suffering from 18 days baba. Please cure his pain and health baba. Baba pleae do some miracle cure his health forever.

    Jai Sai Ram

  5. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

  6. This shows our beloved Baba's mercy on his children. Wonderful experiences (though felt sad for the incidents mention 1&2nd experience) Thanks for sharing.

  7. Om sai ram. Nice experiences..
    baba eat my prasad. During my nav vrat fast i use to first offer prasad to baba in pooja before taking in evening. Next morning we use to give same to cow. One day to my surprise kheer in prasad has eaten up. As room use to close in night it is not possible for any animal to come inside room and take prasad. It is none other than baba. We were very happy that our prasad is accepted by baba itself…jai sai ram..

  8. Happy ramnavmi to all lovely devotees of baba, may baba shower his blessings on us always protect&guide us. Dear baba ji on this auspicious day pls accept me and remove all my sins,i want to be at ur lotus feet….so pls keep ur hand on my head and save me from the hell.Om sai Ram.

  9. Happy Ram Navami Baba and to everyone. First devotee thanks for sharing wonderful experience and I loved the picture. Yes Baba always listen to our prayers. Second and third devotees thanks for your experiences.
    Jai jai sai

  10. Om Sai Ram…Baba is our best friend…wonderful experiences…baba help me To Ignore My Mind…We Love You Baba…Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram

  11. Happy Ram navami to everyone.happy birthday baba.koti koti pranam aapko.bless everyone.bless me a happy married life.Still M waiting for ur blessing in my Life.thank u baba.

  12. He sairam ,why not listen my prayer yet?Freinds I am a saidevotee always pray to saibaba for my present condition i.e. I am jobless and my husband also has a low salary job thats why it is very difficult for us to manage our life with this low salary where as we both are professional but yet not got a best job .Day to day it is very difficult to live with this problem and sometimes I want to die but not taken this step becoz in saisatcharita baba give a lesson about sucide thats why I am waiting for the success but now I am vey hopeless and helpless also ,I am in a big frostression.Please sai friends pray for us and if possible pls go to saibaba q & a site (www.yoursaibaba.com/)‎ and please give me answer.Freinds I am waiting. Jai sairam

    • I went to the website and after a prayer for you asked babaji about your problem. This was the reply:
      Baba says…
      "Blessings of Sri SaiBaba are with you. Donate. You will be free from debt."

      Hope both you and your husband find a good job and all your financial issues clear up. OM SAI RAM

    • perform nav guruvar vrat or divya pooja and feed poor or animals on each thursday..donate something daily atleast sugar to ants,keep a bowl of water on your terrace..may sai bless you

    • Sai sister, i am from Mauritius.
      I shall pray to Baba in my today evening prayer to give you and your husband a much better life.

    • dont worry dear baba will soon bless you…
      i got answer as
      "You will be relieved guilt free in court matters. Do not worry about sickness. You will perform religious function. Remember Sri SaiBaba"..
      om sai raam..

    • sai sister,
      You are very fortunate. While reading sai chalisa in your name and that of your husband, my little daughter of 10 years joined me and we together read the hindi and english translation. we came to a section in the chalisa where it said i quote " Swayam dukhi Baba ho jate, deen dukhijan ka lakh haal, Anthakaran Shri sai ka sagar jaisa raha vishal, meaning "Baba himself would feel miserable looking at the conditions of the poor and distressed, however the compassionate heart of sai was as limitless as the ocean.". End of quote.
      Sai sister i shall remember you everyday in my prayer, don't worry. As we all hindus are celebrating Ram Nawmi today worldwide, your request fell on a good day. Om sai ram to you and your husband.

    • If you want something from baba, you should ask him. Your comments only display lack of trust in baba and his methods. It doesn't matter. while baba was alive lot of people went to Shirdi just to test him. Baba didn't mind it then why should Sai devotee mind it? Sai bhala karega. Donation done with expectation in mind or doubts in mind bear no results. Similarly some people derive pleasure feeding animals and some derive happiness eating animals. Its relative. Sai gives different inspirations and people act accordingly. Its difficult to understand Sai Mahima and saint's blessings are beyond human understanding. Everything happens as per god's wish. Sai ki dhun mein rango, Jag mein bas saacho ek tero naam – Sairam. Om Sai Ram !!!

    • dear sister , if your thoughts are negative , just remember this :There are many people in this world who don't even have food and clothes for themselves, not even shelter to leave . We have to be happy that God has given a family and shelter to leave , don't worry everything will be alrite . I am a recent graduate and I an optimistic person but recently my mom expired so I have lost the jeal in my life and I am in total depression.I have lost interest in my life ….but Baba is wid me each and everysecond taking care of me . Got Job but no happiness . I am happy atleast that I have fulfilled my moms wish . Baba had always kept me busy so that I will forget my pain……..He is still holding my hand and he will always . He will never leave his children alone………..So don't worry…..love you baba…….love you mom

    • Thank you all of my friends to reply me ,after getting all your encouragement and good wishes I am felling really hopeful for the best. Jai sai nath

  13. very nice experiences thanku for sharing
    HAPPY SRI RAMA NAVAMI to all my lovely sai devotees…:-)

  14. Om Shri Sai Ram… Happy Ram Navami. I was very happy to see the picture of the girl at the feet of Baba as it is the same picture I have kept in my mobile wallpaper. It is very dear to me as I visualise its me and Baba 🙂

    Very nice experiences. Sai Baba bless us all..


  16. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    *****Acceptance of Service in Eight Different forms*****
    Sriguru’s fame spread in all directions. Devotees from all villages started coming
    to take Sriguru’s ‘Darshan’. By then Diwali festival came around the corner. One day,
    seven devotees belonging to seven different villages came to Ganagapur and with devotion requested Sriguru to visit their homes on Diwali day for refreshment. They
    started quarrelling among themselves with individual confidence, that each one was
    sure of taking Sriguru to only his house, for Diwali festival. Then Sriguru told them, “I
    am alone, and you are seven individuals. How can I go to seven different houses at the
    same time? You decide one house and I will certainly come there”. However, each one
    was insisting separately for his gracious presence. So they started quarrelling between
    Finally Sriguru asked them to sit a bit further away from him. Aware of their
    devotional feelings, Sriguru did not want to displease any one of them. Therefore, he
    called each person separately near him and said, “I will come to only your house. Now
    go home and start preparations. But do not inform anyone else about this”. The seven
    devotees became very happy and went home. However, the disciples of the Muth were
    displeased to know that on Diwali day Sriguru will leave them all and go to another
    village. They all prayed and insisted Sriguru to grace the Diwali day by his presence in
    the Muth. Sriguru told them “Okay, On Diwali day, I will remain here in the Muth along
    with you all”.
    On Diwali day, Sriguru took eight different forms, remained present in eight
    different places concurrently, and celebrated Diwali day. Everybody felt separately
    happy with the assumption that Sriguru graced the Diwali day with them due to their
    individual insistence. After a few days, on the Kartik Poornima Day all the disciples
    came to the Ganagapur Muth. All those seven devotees started saying “On Diwali day,
    Sriguru was present in our house only. He did not go to any other place”. Then Sriguru
    spoke “Whatever all these devotees say, is true. I was personally present at all these
    places simultaneously. For the happiness of all these devotees I had to take eight
    forms”. Noting this divine miraculous play of Sriguru, the devotion of the devotees
    towards Sriguru started increasing.

  17. Thanks devotees for sharing urs experience.
    Today i was think how baba will bless me and see miracle today i got sai leelas magazine from shirdi, i was thinking to call to dadar office of sai sansthan but i forget to call, when i went for lunch it home my 3 year old daughter say see baba has come,she directly give me sai leelas magazine,
    Thanks baba for giving me urs darshan today.
    Thanks alot baba
    Only sai sai sai………
    Plz devotees read sai leelas magazine issued of january/feb 2014 issued by sai sansthan.

  18. Please everyone Pray for me SAI please make my parents give me permission for marrying the girl i want. they are having intercast problem. Please pray for me.. I want to marry with that girl. SAI gave me this beautifull relationship. SAI is in her.. I see sai in her…please SAI make my parents convince.. Please guys….pray for me..Jai sai ram

    • Om Sai Ram! It is good that you are able to see Sai in the woman you want to marry. But it is important to remember and remind yourself that Sai IS ALSO very much there in your parents and the woman THEY would choose for you. Sai is in EVERYONE.
      May Sai bless you with whoever is best as your marriage partner.

  19. Sai maa
    Yes udi is the best medicine indeed
    Sai maa pls relieve me of all physical n mental irritations and make me cheerful my baba
    Let me b happy n help others in whatever v way I can my maa
    Please be there for me maa
    Falling at your lotus feet

  20. Anyone please tell me if shibpur saibaba temple website is reak or fake.. because in shirdi sai sansthan live darshan annoumcer says some people create fake website in the name of saibaba and asks donation too. Beaware of such sites.
    Anyone knows then please tell.

    • baba is present everywhere. Believe in it and feel it! Its your viewpoint that matters not the endorsements.

    • Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experience. Thanks for the picture its one of my favourite. Dear devotee in comment section who wants to know about shibpur Sai Baba website, its real by the grace of Baba I visited this temple twice so far. This temple is full of positive vibrations n u can feel Baba's presence there.

  21. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  22. could anyone pl.tell me the colour of shawl worn by baba at around 7.30 pm on ram navami day.it looked like maroon or black on live telecast of shirdi saibaba .sorry for asking silly questions

  23. om sai raam..
    very nice all experiences..devotee 2 baba will soon bless you with a lovely child dont worry…
    baba today i expected to hear my marriage news baba but nothing happened..please baba you know i am in what situation please help me baba please..

  24. Baba pl. take my fears and worries away.From the past `1 year . I am worried something bad is going to happen or there is a threat to my husband's life.This worry which i started having after the dream is eating me up inside. Baba you always came to my rescue even when i didn't even ask you worse still even when i had no faith in you .You rescued me even when i was humiliating you. You were always kind and caring towards me and my family .You blessed us with a good career and a nice house .Listened to me and took care of me even when i did not respect you.
    There are couple of things that are really bothering me baba. Please bless my husband and my daughters .Fill my heart with joy. Baba pl. forgive me for my egoistic behaviour. Baba today is ram navami show me your presence….pl.baba

  25. baba pl. give me peace of mind.bless my family baba.I looked forward for this ramnavami from a long time .now ,not sure why ..its 11 am .I am sitting here…feeling restless. didnt get ready to do pooja .Baba i really need you to give me some assurance beyond any doubt that you are going to take care of my husband and my kids……..pl..baba….pl

  26. Mere ghar ke aage Sainath tera mandir ban jaaye. Jab khidki kholu toh tera darshan ho jaaye…
    Aate jaate Baba, tum ko mein pranaam karoon. Joh mere laayak ho, kuch aisa kaam karoon. Teri seva karne se meri kismet khool jaaye. Jab khidki kholu toh, tera darshan ho jaaye.

  27. Om sai nath. Hpy ramnvmi 2 u baba ji bt we r nt hpy. Bless n wish us also hpy days. Bles us wid our krishna. Evryone is misin him badly. Plz listen 2 our prayers. My parents r crying badly. Waiting for your miracle 2 happen. Jai sai shree sai.

  28. Happy rama Navajo to all. Happy baba janmashtami. Baba please end testing me. My kids are also suffering. For their sake, give me job. Love you baba.

  29. Sai Nath Maharaj….
    I have no one in my life ….. Whoever i believed till now,everyone left my hand baba,my own parents dont support me,friends everyone….
    but i trust and beleive only on you baba.Be with my always… or take me away soon to your holy feet.

  30. Happy Ram Navami to all Sai Devotees. I want to share a good experience and surely felt BABA's blessings this way. I have an old laptop with Windows ME. It's display screen has gone so bad that I can not see on the screen but the faint shading colors to read with much difficulty. Though I was not using this laptop much as I do have another one but did not want to throw away this laptop before making sure I have copied every thing from it's harddrive. I was thinking of getting a regular monitor to hook up to this laptop and finish taking data backup.
    Today on Ram Navami day, like BABA inspired me to go to the salvation store where people leave their household things (when they move to another living place) as donation and these non-profit organization , salvation stores sell items at a reasonable price and that income is used to help needy. I had no idea why I went to that store today….and lo! I saw , a small flat screen LCD screen monitor,the only ONE, with a very reasonable price. But there was no power cord with it to check if the monitor is working or not. I checked with the cashier at the desk to get me the power cord or allow me to buy now , check it out at home and return it if it is not working. He said no, he does not have a power cord and he can not take back the unit if it's not working either.
    Usually customers do not put back the thing that they brought to the cashier for such a query and turns out in not buying …and again I think BABA guided me to take it back to the shelf from where I had picked up. One gentleman were also looking at other items at the display over there. I just mumbled how come this shop people do not help to get me the power cord (as at such stores once you buy, you can not return if you change your mind)…and how can I buy without testing this monitor.
    To my surprise this gentleman kept looking for the needed cable (I did not know that!!) and he came with not only the power cord but the VGA cable too that was most needed to hook up this monitor to my laptop.
    He even helped me plug the power cord on the back of the LCD monitor, made sure it does power up and the screen showed steady picture frame on display about no video signal meaning it is not connected to computer.
    I bought that monitor home. The LCD monitor works just fine. My wish to get a good small LCD monitor at my affordable range was fulfilled almost right away. And believe me when I went to that store I had no idea or intention to look for the LCD monitor! But BABA knew my thoughts and need and HE helped me this way.
    Jai Sai RAM.

  31. omsrisai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram

  32. Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,

    Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai

    Love You Baba ji
    Sabse ZYAADA ji

  33. Nice experiences! Although we sometimes go through difficult times in life, Baba is never far from our side and always helps us get through those difficult times we must face. Baba never abandons us, and even if we think He is not there, Baba is always there and will get us through the difficult times so that we may enjoy the happy times that will come ahead. Om Sai Ram!

  34. Nice experiences.

    O Deva, I surrender at Your feet my pride, ego, jealousy and anger and seek in return peace happiness, joy and love. Please bestow Your blessings on me O Sadguru like a Mother fulfils her child's wish.

    Thank You for a beautiful life full of Your blessings O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

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