Few more experiences are shared.

Baba’s Miracle

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hello Hetal Ji, Thank you and god bless you for doing such a wonderful job. Please publish this wonderful miracle of Baba. Please do not publish my email id, name. Thanks.

Today I will share with all of you a miracle that happen with Baba’s blessings. We live in Virginia, USA. My daughter goes to a public school. As parent participation is appreciated by the school and teacher, I decided to share an Indian festival in class. We decided to do a performance on a Hindu festival named Holi. We wanted to share the colors and make it a fun aspect for the students. The children loved the festival and the colors. The children went home and shared the festival details with their parents.

One of the parents did not like the idea of having their child learn about Holi. Now the misunderstanding was that the parent thought the child was taught about Holy week. The holy week is a religious week that occurs after Easter. Since the pronunciation of Holi and Holy week sound similar, the parent was upset that the child received religious coaching.

The teacher got a flaring email from parent and was even threatened to be taken to court. The teacher was so upset and asked me for details that could be provided to parents. The parents planned to meet with teacher. They vented their anger at teacher and told her that they will let this incident go without even letting the principal know about it. But they wanted to make sure in future they were told about any extra information that was provided to children. They wanted the parents to decide if the child could attend to such a session or opt out. The miracle is that the teacher’s reputation was not at stake nor was she in any trouble. I thank Baba for giving Sadbuddhi (good thoughts) to parents to just drop the issue and not take it any further. Jai Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath maharaj ki jai.

Baba Helped Me Find My Lost Wedding Ring

Sai Sister Sheetal Ji from USA says: I am a Sai Devotee, who loves to read your website regularly. I am really thankful for your hard work and devotion in keeping this website running. Om Sai Ram! Hetal Ji, thank you so much for providing us this website. It’s become a very important part of my life as I look forward to reading the awe inspiring and faith firming experiences of our Sai devotees. You are truly a blessed soul and may Sai bestow His choicest blessings on you and your family.

I have been a Sai devotee since my college days. No one in my family was a Sai devotee. However there was a small Sai temple near my house that I started visiting on Thursdays, when I was in college. Then I got married and moved to USA. That is when I started reading more about our Sai and become closer to Him.

I have had many experiences of our Sai ma’s miracles. But today I wish to share the most recent miracle that I have had that totally convinced me that Sai is watching us and is always so kind. In Dec 2012, around Christmas time, my 2 year old daughter had a bad bout of cold and cough along with mild fever. She had become very cranky due to that and she was also not able to sleep at night. I used to be awake the whole night trying to comfort her. Then in the morning, due to exhaustion she would go to sleep. One day, after spending such a sleepless night, I was trying to make my daughter sleep in the morning. And without realizing, I too fell asleep. Then, in my sleep, I felt that something slipped off my fingers. When I awoke, I forgot about it .

Next day, my husband got the flu and was really sick. After giving him medicines, I sat on a chair next to his bed and started chatting with him so that he doesn’t feel bored. Then while we were chatting, suddenly my eyes fell on my fingers and I noticed that my wedding ring was missing. I was shocked as until that time I didn’t realize that it was missing. I had no clue when and how I lost it. I tried hard to recollect and then vaguely remembered about the experience I had while I was sleeping in the morning with my daughter. I thought that the feeling that something slipping off my finger must not be a dream and that I would have actually lost my ring at that time.

With that in mind, I started searching my bed and the area around it in the hope that the ring is still there although a couple of days have passed. My in laws, who were with us at that time, also helped me in my search. But we couldn’t find it. I was very upset as it was my wedding ring and also as per my mother in law, it’s inauspicious to lose gold. Two days passed and I there was no sign of my ring. Then feeling very helpless, I went to the Sai Baba question and answer website. There Baba told me that my work will be completed in two months. You will get success. I interpreted it as Baba telling me that I will find my wedding ring in two months. I relaxed after reading that.

Time went by. I was so used to my wedding ring that my fingers felt odd without it. At that time, I used to remind myself that as Baba has promised, I will surely get my ring back. A month passed and still no ring in sight. I was wondering how Baba will get back my ring as with the passage of time. It’s all the more difficult to get back such a tiny object. But I knew one thing that He will help me find it.

In the middle of February, we planned a weekend trip to Sea World Orlando. As we had decided to leave in the morning, I got up early and got ready. Then after dressing up my daughter and packing food for the trip, I went back to apply my liner. Strangely, I couldn’t find the eye liner in its usual place. Since we were leaving soon, I decided I will use another eye liner that I kept in my purse. I started digging through my office purse and started removing things out in search of the liner. After removing two handfuls of things, my eyes fell on something lying at the bottom of the purse. I froze. I saw a gold ring. I was thinking in my mind, which ring it could be. It was hard for me to imagine that it was my wedding ring as I never remove my ring and I didn’t recollect removing and putting it in my purse. Slowly, I reached out into my purse and picked up the ring. Lo and behold it was indeed my wedding ring. I was very happy. Then I immediately thought of Baba’s promise that my work will be completed in two months. I calculated, I lost my ring in December 2012 and found it in middle of February 2013, which is two months.

I had planned to send this experience in February 2013 itself, but I lost my write up before I could save it. Sorry Sai for the delay in sending it. May Baba always be with you and continue to bless all His devotees. OM Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Baba Attunement

Sai Brother Prasad Ji from India says: I am a retired ISO Auditor. I am a Reiki Master and Spiritualist. When I was in search of a specific Guru, with many Ascended Masters, who has touched my life stream, Shirdi Sai Baba came as a vision and asked Me “Prasad! Am I not your Guru”? Immediately I ACCEPTED HIM WITH TEARS in my eyes. The very next day, he acknowledged my acceptance, by sending His beautiful image, and His Sai Satcharitra, through my wife. My wife happened to meet her high school teacher after so many years, who had gifted Shirdi Sai Image and Sai Satcharitra to my wife. This reached me at the exact moment of my acceptance of Shirdi Sai as my Guru and as His acknowledgement.

From there on , He has been guiding me in many ways in my spiritual pursuits, and in my Reiki Healing for others, with my prayers to Shirdi Sai Baba to heal them. Countless Miracles Shirdi Sai has performed. Blessed am I to be used by Him as His channel. I am giving into the world, His blessing as His attunement for every human soul on earth. Shirdi Sai Baba is healing flame attunement.

This attunement was gifted to me during a meditation, during which my spiritual Guru Shirdi Sai Baba activated a Healing flame within my chakra system, clearing, healing, and balancing all of my chakras and opening up my energy to receive more light and divine guidance. Many of you have been feeling huge shifts in your life this year, which may have left you feeling confused or dealing with old patterns as they emerge to the surface to be healed and released. Shirdi Sai Baba advises me that this attunement will work on many levels, helping you to gain greater clarity in your life, by activating or bringing you back into balance with your true soul’s purpose, whilst clearing any energy that is no longer needed in your life.

This attunement will cleanse, heal and balance all of your chakras, awakening them to a greater light. Activate your true soul’s purpose or bring you back into balance with your soul purpose. Receive greater clarity in all areas of your life. Clear any old patterns, negativity and anything else that no longer serves you and your purpose. Develop a divine connection with your Angels, guides and higher self in accordance with your beliefs, or strengthen your existing connection. Improve your healing and intuitive abilities by receiving more guidance. Activate your light body and bring in fifth dimensional frequencies increasing feelings of universal love, unity, oneness, compassion and forgiveness. Bring in healing to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Raises your vibration to a higher frequency of light, so that manifestations improve, relationships and all areas of your life improve, whilst also forming a protective light of love around you that automatically deflects any negativity from other people or heals any negative thoughts and patterns from within yourself. Each person receiving this attunement will strengthen their own intuition and may receive different energies from their guides and Angels depending on what they need most at this time as well as all of the above. Trust what comes through for you.

To take part in the attunement simply take 10 minutes, when you will not be disturbed by any outside distractions, at the time best for you. Take a few deep breathes in and ask your guides, Angels or deities that you work with to join you, and as you breathe out release any tensions, worries or concerns from the day. When you are ready, call in the attunement by stating (in your mind) ‘I am now call in the Shirdi Sai Baba Healing Flame Activation with Shirdi Sai Baba, thank you’. Please invoke this attunement only on a Thursday.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Amazing experiences day by day. Dear Sai devotees, can any one of you tell me what is Sai naam jaap and how one should perform it? Thanks.
    Om Sai Ram


    Baba you are great, All the experiences are wonderful.

    Second expereince, I think babaJi is being very mischevious, I already shared my exp when babahelped me to find my LOST keys in the rush hours of morning, when Baba inspired me to put on New lipstick & then Instead of putting it back in the normal place, I am not sure why He guided me to put it near jewellry box, where i found my keys.

    Babaji Unique are your ways.

    Third devotee- thanks a lot for Information.

    Love to ALL.

  3. hello, all the experiences are amazing. My question is for Mr. Prasad, please guide me I am also Sai devotee and want to concentrate and meditate on him but don't know how, I am very serious on that as a working lady unable to take time out for Meditation, please guide me how I can achieve this which you mentioned in the last paragraph. Waiting for your response.


  4. Second experience has left me speechless…. u ve again reminded me of babas mantra sradha saburi…om sai ram

  5. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram


    I also want to practise this meditation.PLs share ur email id here.Pls teach us more clearly..Thank u..


    • dear sai sister ,
      jai sairam.
      i am not a reikhi master and spiritualist like mr prasad .but i wanted to help you in simple way i can .this is what i do everyday .and it makes me feel the presence of sai.just close your eyes imagine his form sitting in front of you and do his naama jaap in your heart .dont let your thoughts waver .fix your thoughts on his form .
      hope this helped you
      -SAI SLAVE.

  7. Thank you for sharing the experiences.


  8. wonderful experiences thanks for sharing it. Especially the third one, Sir can you please explain the steps in detail to do it..Also I have a query here. I get lots of negative feelings when i do it, I always feel some bad things happening or fear of ghost etc and so I stopped doing it. but infact nothing is there in real.. but im having that feel whenever I try to meditate. Plz let me know how to overcome it

  9. All three experiences are amazing
    BABA LOVE U……………i know its only by ur kripa that i got a cal from compny for job…i request u baba to pls bless me with the job as u know i need it very badly…..pls be with me at evry moment tomorow……..i request all sai devotees to pray for me for job as tomorow i hav an interview……
    baba pls cure my sister permanently…..bless my family and parents with good health, peace of mind and happiness

  10. jai Sai sadguru. baba bless all. thanku for everything.
    SHIRDI SAI BABA (AN EPIC) by Basvaraj Gunaki is a marvellous book providing a detailed insight into baba's blessed life and is a must read for every sai lover. Highly recommended.OmSaiRam.

  11. sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam siaram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam

  12. Baba How am I attracted to you? What made you to make as your devotee? How lucky Iam to be blessed with your kind affection.My dear Sai, When will you give my sweet gift my sweet son? I have been waiting from 3 years for this to happen. I have done mistakes I agree but that was due to ignorance, but haven't done any bad to others. I have done bad to myself…I want your form to be born as my son, I want to do seva in respect to all the kind caring you have taken through out my life. Though it is a small tribute to do seva I want to do it to you. I realised now, please forgive me. I am welcoming to you to my house. Baba I am your devotee forever till my last breath and I know my presence. Please bless me soon.

  13. om
    sai baba please help me , please take care of my child, baba i will eat
    my favourite food only after my wish is fulfilled baba u know na? baba
    please fulfill my wish ,

  14. Very nice experiences….prsadji great thoughts which you shared here about reiki attunment and shirdi saima…i am also reiki healer…but now a days am not doing reiki practice this days….after reading your post i am getting motivated to start reiki healing and practice again…hope will do that by the grace of our saima…may he bless everyone…thanks a lot for sharing your experiences….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)

  15. Sai maa plz bless me .. deva plz jo bhi confusn h door karna deva plz apni beti ki laaz rakhna.. deva thanks alot jo bhi apne diya..plz bless me sai maa. OM SAI RAM. saipriya.

  16. BABA your statue which is in east direction turned in to south direction today morning. My kids and maid said they didn't touch it. Today early morning I felt like some one was walking near my bedroom I thought it may be my kids and when I got up I felt like someone was going into storeroom. But when I saw my kids were sleeping. When I was about to do puja I saw your idol was is south direction. How did this happen. You said through chits that all this is my assumption. But when no one touched you how did you move? Now after hearing this my 10 year old son said that maybe BABA don't like you that's why he moved his face away from you. BABA is that true? I can't bear that BABA. Please don't hate me BABA. Please let me know what mistake I did. I will rectify it or will never do it again. Please BABA bless me and love me.

  17. OM SAI RAM


  18. Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  19. sai baba
    today i got a news that i ll be getting onsite.
    baba if it ur blessing i ll accept it . baba please bless my family. if this is right opportunity i ll accept it .
    baba please bless my friend
    om sri sai ram ki jai

  20. Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,

    First devotee- Very nice experience. Baba ji always takes care of all His children in big as well as in small matters. May Baba ji bless you and your family for ever.

    Sheetal ji- Your experience was beautiful. Bab ji's leelas are great. May He bless you and your family forever.

    Prasad ji- It was indeed a pleasure to read your experience. You are truly the blessed child of Our Great Baba ji. May Baba ji shower His blessings on you and your family forever.

    Love You Baba ji
    Sabse ZYAADA ji

    All experiences are wonderful especially the second one.
    Baba tomorow my son's 3rd year classes is starting Deva please bless him always and be with him.
    Baba koti koti pranam at your lotus feet.

  22. Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experiences thank you for sharing with us. Oh Deva I am taking the 2nd devotee experience as sign to me that I will definitely find back my ring very soon which is lost few days back. Saiji please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.

  23. Wonderful experiences. The 2nd experience brought a smile to my face 🙂

    O Deva, let our minds think only thoughts about You and Your way of life, please calm our restless minds. We are unenlightened and get so restless that we get angry and upset when things do no according to how we desire O Sadguru; If only at the moment we remember that You are there we wouldn't feel that way. So please let our Faith in You be steadfast O Sadguru and Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  24. while cumng 2 home aftr my journey …i have been thinking , is dat baba is wid me …..so d reason, i am safe , returning to my hom……n later after sumtim i startd thnkng ……. nothng lik dat, i jst came myself safely…..n i am reachng hom evn though he is nt wid me……den sudeenly baba want to me show me dat widput him der is no lif….as soon as a negative thought came into my mind…….d bik which i am travelling was about to hit d car…actually it is early morng..der vl b know traffic evn though , baba made me realise wid him der wud b no lif…jst wid in seconds we were out of accident….sorry baba for d wrong thoughts in my mind….i luv u but…still i keep thinking about u…….i knw i am foolish ,, stupid….plz change my attitude baba……mak me a gub human being….help me to hav shradda n saburi



  26. Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,

    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Ganpati Sai Dutta Sai Shiv Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Ram Sai Shyam Sai Vishnu Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Allah Sai Durga Sai Nanak Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai

    Love You Baba ji
    Sabse ZYAADA ji

  27. Very nice experiences! Sheetal Ji, your experience shows Baba never breaks promises to His devotees, sometimes we may have to wait a while for Baba's work to take place, but it does happen as Baba tells. 1st devotee, Baba showed that He can take control of some situation that could have become a big problem and calmed down the parent who was angry about Holi being taught in a public school, showing that Baba controls everything, even the way people think or react. Prasad Ji, very nice advice on how to control one's mind and control your emotions, meditating on Baba's words will help control one's mind and one's actions so we are not disturbed by the things going on in the world today. Om Sai Ram!

  28. Baba, i don't know how much strength do i still need to bring to myself…..because this wait and pain is beyond any comprehension and bear. I know You are always with me….i have seen so many instances in the last few months and mainly in the last few weeks. You have always shown Your presence but about Vijay…i am really not able to bear this pain and suffering. I really don't want my marriage to break….i will not be able to sustain it this time…..i managed to do so last two times but now things are different. I cannot live without Vijay and only You can bring him back, clear his illusions and bring him back. Please Baba, don't leave me like this…..i cannot sustain. Give me some signal and hope….Please Baba please…..

  29. Baba,

    You have been always with us in toughest times. Here again I am facing a tough situation. Please help us and guide us. Please increase our Patience and Faith towards you, this time also. I Believe you completely SAINATHA !!!


  30. Indeed, divine experiences. May Sai fill your life with all the beautiful colors.The miraculous finding of the ring left me awestruck. Thank you Mr Prasad for the information that you have provided to all of us, yes, we all want to hear more from you….Om Sai Ram

  31. prasad ji , it was grt reading your exprnc.. i too had a similiar exp with a slight differnc. i wish to seek more guidance from u.. cud u pl gv me ur email id .. hetal ji, cud u pl connect me to prasad ji.. i wud b extremely grtful to u.. my id is maaya@saimail.com
    om sai ram.

  32. hi everyone.
    I read sai satcharitra in 7 days.I am happy that sai baba helped me by giving the opportunity in reading sai satcharitra.But now I am on the verge of losing my job.I am aspiring for bank exams and while reading sai satcharitra,i had a dream of getting a interview call from a bank.Now I am having some exams within 3 months.So is it sai baba wants me to quit the current job(which i dont like at all) and wants me to prepare for my fav job.

    please help

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