He Is The Savior And Knows When, Who Needs What! – Sai Devotee Deepak

There is no doubt that Lord Sai Baba comes to rescue when a devotee calls for. Sometimes He appears in the form of a Human (which we comprehend later) and sometimes He arranges such circumstances that we become grateful to Him and our faith grows stronger. See what Lord Baba did in below experience.

Sai Brother Deepak Ji from Dubai says: This experience of mine is a result of incidents happening all last week. I live in Dubai along with my wife and 2 year old daughter. My parents were visiting us and arrived here in December on 4th, 2011. We all were very happy, and despite challenges in my professional growth, as a family, we were very happy to be living with them, and what our daughter was gaining from them – what we call as “Sanskar” in Hindi, which is learning and teachings that come from experience of our parents, and not in any book, and to me, it is very important for my child. Their return was 9th Feb, 2012 and this incident started to happen on 8th morning.

During last year (2011) March time frame, I had received severe pain in my lower back, and on going for Ultra sound, the doctor had detected kidney stone on both sides, although it was paining on just one. This was around 7.5 mm long, and the other one was smaller, around 4.5 mm. I consulted my elder sister, who is a homeopathic physician and by taking her medicine and drinking lots of water and doing yoga, I managed to flush the stone out in no more than 10-15 days. I felt that it came out a couple of times during these days, and that I managed to get both of them out. Naturally, I was very happy, and the life continued for almost one year, until one week before 8th Feb this year, I felt a similar pain and underwent Ultrasound again to find there was stone, but smaller on right hand side. This was around 3.5 mm, and I was confident I can push it out this time as well.

Now, on 8th early morning / 7th Feb late night, at around 2:30 AM I got severe pain, which did not subside even after taking a pain killer that was prescribed on such condition. At around 4:00 AM, I told my wife to get Baba’s UDI, since the pain was not subsiding, even after having given some time for the painkiller to show its effect. I drank UDI with water and within 20-30 seconds, I vomited out and the pain was relieved (Isn’t that a miracle?).

However, this was still a temporary solution that Sai Baba had arranged so that I can manage to take myself to the clinic. By this time, my parents were awake, and we all understood that I had to take shots and oral medicines were not working. I drove with lot of difficulty to the 24 hour clinic, and went there to receive shots. After all, it was supposed to make the pain vanish, but it didn’t. That time, we realized that it was something that needed attention of a hospital, and by 10:30 AM I was admitted in emergency in the hospital.

After going through initial examination and XUKB, two stones of 6mm each were detected in both ureters. The right one was sitting and blocking the opening to the bladder and causing back pressure on kidney, which had resulted in it to swell. The left one could indict similar situation anytime. I was covered with insurance, but the doctor suggested that we go for getting them removed by ureteroscopic stone removal. I had no idea what this would cost, but I was confident that the insurance would be able to cover it. However on the sidelines, doctors were trying to get pre approval before carrying out the surgery and it was causing lot of back and forth with them on background, such and similar experience before, need for surgery etc.

In the beginning, it was decided to carry out surgery the same day, that is 8th, but somehow, it got postponed to 9th, which was a Thursday (First Indication). I was praying all this while to Baba, and was confident (but not happy) that it will go smooth.

On 9th, when they took me to the OT, was 9AM, for making necessary preparations (Second Indication).

When I came back to my senses, I was told everything was OK and the stones were removed. I was back in my room, and was to be discharged on 10th, but with a stein (pipe) still to be kept for a week on left side. On the night of 9th, the doctor called me at 7:30 PM to inform me that I should also call up the Insurance Company and talk to them, even as he and his team are fighting out to answer all the details that the insurance company wanted. I called them up, and explained them everything, but the insurance guy said that he will inform his decision after some time. I prayed to Baba, that he should indicate something by 9PM, and at exactly 9PM, a lady comes into my room, who is an attendant, and says” Don’t worry. Doctors will take care of everything” (Third Indication). How come she knew that I was waiting for some answers?

Next day morning, I was still praying to Baba, and by that time, my doctor asked me that it is very surprising that insurance is taking so much time to send the written approval, although now, we are 24 hours after the surgery is over. Worst case, be prepared to either file litigation, or pay up, if not all, some part of it. He hinted the total bill, and it was staggering – around 40,000 AED or 10K USD.

On the 10th, my finance manager from my organization called up to inform me that my commissions for last year, which were long overdue, are getting paid. I was happy, but at the same time, I told Baba, that if you are sending this money for my bills, please don’t do that. I don’t want to waste this money with my bills. My wife was getting me ready to cough up all this, but I told her, that Baba would never do this, and this is not what I want.

At around 12, I received the final call from the Billing department of the hospital, and before taking that call, I took Baba’s name. The Bill was cleared from insurance and they were paying the full amount. I was so relieved and almost felt too grateful and speechless. All this while, Sai Baba photo was in my hand, and I just looked at it and sulked into its limitlessness.

Now, my follow up appointment is on 18th to remove the stein, and I am sure and confident, that all that will happen smoothly and I shall be back to normal (I have a habit of adding numbers, and 18th for me is again 9)

After all this, I understood a very important lesson in my life that He is ALWAYS THERE WITH US. He may not show Himself up for many days or months together, but it is just Him, who knows what is best for us, and He will come at the right time to save us. If I were to pay all that myself, I would have really not liked it, and all my financial investments and planning would have taken a hit, but look at Him, who knows everything that I have planned for, and He made sure that I didn’t have to pay a single penny.

We want to have so many things in life, but as they say “Man proposes one, God disposes another”. Let us be inspirational, but don’t let it affect out health and leave everything to Him. He will do, what is best for us.

As a last note, I have attached the photograph of Sai Baba, who was and is always there with me and all of us. I took it from my phone, because I promised Him, that if He gets me out of this, I will post my experience on the blog. As lot of people do, I also wanted to send this picture for everyone to take His DARSHAN.


© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Baba is a shadow that walks with his devotees day and night. We might not feel or see him sometimes but he will never ever forsake us. He will test our faith but like a mother always embrace us when in trouble.Baba bless all your children with your warmth and comfort. Anant koti brahmanad nayak,rajadhiraj,yogiraj parambrahman Sri satchidanand sadguru sainath maharaja ki jai!!!!!!!!!

  2. Deepak ji nice experience, Baba never lets his devotees down, when we have firm faith on him. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Sai Ram Geetha Ji, yes, I am always indebted to his blessings and innumerable instances of his support & guidance in our lives, when no one but only he comes to our rescue.

    Sai Ram Baba,

    Deepak Sachdeva

  4. Wonderful experience. Hope you recover soon completely Deepak Ji. Very true Baba is there always and his ways are totally different, he may not answer when we want but he is always there. Just trust Baba blindly and he is sure to bless you eventually. Om Sai Ram

  5. Sai is great.No words can suffice to thank him.
    BABA be always with your loving devotees.We are indebted to you baba forever.
    Very nice experience
    sai sai sai

  6. Om Sai Ram 🙂

    Baba please hold us in your holy arms at all times. Please be with us.


  7. very nice experience deepak ji.u r a blessed devotee of sai.sai baba has proved his presence by giving u clear indication.thank u very much for sharing ur exerience with us.om sai ram.

  8. very nice experience deepak ji….baba why are you giving this bad phase to me…dont ignore me baba…my mind is so Confused…i cant take this more baba please relieve me i am sorry if i have done anything wrong…JAI SAIRAAM

  9. wonderful experience Deepak-ji.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    May BABA keep showering His blessings on everyone.

    Om Sai Rama

  10. i love u baba..
    i know u r always with me…please come and hug me..muna is really weak.i dont need strngth i just need u …really wanna hug u..love u always

  11. Om Sai Ram everyone,

    Thank you for your response and wishes. It is overwhelming to see that all Sai Devotees are generally always wishing for each other and do understand the time of crisis better than anyone else in today's time. I guess this is what getting in Sai's fold does to all of us. We always will remain so indebted to Sai for his innumerable leelas and miracles and this constantly reminds us of the ultimate power – SAI. I am now completely recovered and doing good, and in fact have more experiences I have to post to this site, as my promise to SAI. Hetal Ji, as always, thank you for posting this. I hope we all can contribute in our own little ways to spread SAI's philosophy as much as possible…OM SAI RAM !



  12. What a wondertul experience! I am so happy, Baba relieved you of such pain, physical and it's financial aspects as well.

    Your full fledged faith in him did the job.
    Glory to Sri sai Baba

  13. Very nice experience! The photo you posted of Sai Baba is very nice. It is great that Baba made sure that you not only recovered very well from the surgery, but also that everything with the hospital and surgery bill worked out well. Your message was very nice that we should just have faith and patience and Baba will take care of all our problems. I wish you a quick recovery! Om Sai Ram!

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